Limitless Sword God

Chapter 759: Break the mental array

The air sword rushed into the sky and occupied the sky. With the command of Su Yun, Wan Jian slammed into the crowd and began to blast.

The dense air sword is like a swaying wasp, flying in the crowd.

The people who are too one are not weak, and they have sacrificed their sacredness. Many of them are unstoppable. This is extremely horrible, and there are some people who are so temperamental and profound. Sword gas is inhaled all over the body for your own use! !

Simple Xuanqi attack, Su Yun is not afraid, too many people are not afraid, the reason why no one is too strong, is called the strongest mysterious, can make Taiyi door stand in the heavens and the world without falling, nature There is a reason for it. Ordinary Xuanqi touches the supreme and mysterious, and it will be swallowed up by it. It is one of the reasons why many people are afraid of one person.

The gas sword was swallowed and the stones on the ground were all cracked.

However, Su Yun is not going to use this sword to annihilate the other. His purpose is simply to force all these people to be all-in-one and to contain them.

Taiyimen’s people stationed in the same place to use the Supreme Harmony to deal with the Qijian, they gave Su Yun the opportunity.


Su Yun’s eyes shot a horrible killing mang.

"Quickly spread!"

The girl in the distance perceives Su Yun’s intention and immediately shouts.

But it is too late.

Su Yun, who has been fascinated by the Fengshen swordsmanship, has reached an imperceptible level in speed. The figure of the person is still here, but the entity has already entered the crowd of Taiyimen.

In an instant, the crowd of people Xuanli suddenly took time!

There was a vacuum in the crowd without any ignorance, and then a lot of swords and scrolls, the blood of the blooms was like a rose, especially dazzling.

Seeing this scene, the girl's Liu Mei was tightly screwed together.

Su Yun holds the fetish, and facing so many people can be said to be invisible, and there is no way to get in and out.

Now the deputy lord of the true Mozong has suffered a wound, and the real demon is in chaos. At this time, it is inevitable that the real demon will be the best time to continue to work with this person.

Thinking of this, the girl's white and delicate palms were gently turned over, and a jade-like wish appeared in her palm.

This wishful crystal clear, beautiful, the surface is wrapped in gray and white, like a fairy.

She reached out her fingers and clicked on it, then she threw it at Su Yun.

If you like a living thing, fly to the Su Yun in the crowd, and tremble at high speed.

Seeing this wishfulness, Su Yun immediately activated the divine power of the holy imperial robes, avoiding being overcast by the girl.

Ruyi trembled with violent tremors, but it was unexpectedly broken. It split into countless tiny pieces, flying into the air, like a star, floating above the sky, and the next scene, let Su Yun Unusually surprised.

These wishful pieces began to spin and overflowed with radiance. However, it did not make it difficult for Su Yun, but instead it was the first disciples who started too much.

Every piece of wishful piece of debris has stunned the power of horror. These too many people are almost in the air, and they are sucked up by the pieces. In an instant, a large number of people lost their consciousness and fell directly from the air. Only a few outsiders were spared.

For this scene, Su Yun did not realize the accident. In the eyes of Taiyimen, the life of the same person is the least valuable.

However, this kind of grievance is also the most cruel.

"People!" The girl stared at Su Yun, waving her hands quickly, and controlling the pieces of wishfulness: "You refused the sacred way, you will regret for today's choice, and you will get the punishment you deserve, but we Coming today, the purpose is not to sanction you, but to sanction the sinful true demon, so you are sleeping here!!!"

After all, the girl will wave her hand.

Those wishful movements like the stars moved in an instant, they rotated, turned into a big circle, and they came to Su Yun and surrounded him.

When Su Yun just wants to move, he sees a whirlwind, the world changes, and soon, people fall into the endless darkness and are hard to extricate themselves.

It is a mental attack!

And more intense than before! !

Su Yun clenched his teeth and quickly pulled out the lotus star sword, urging the gas to break. However, this time the mental attack was far from being as good as it was before. The Lotus Star Sword spurred several swords, but it could not Shake.

Looking outside, I saw Su Yun floating in the wishful array, surrounded by a large array of towns.

Several people who were too one to see the situation, intend to kill Su Yun, but to be stopped by the girl.

"He has a magic weapon. You can't hurt him. Don't take care of this person first. We will quickly go to the true demon, first sanction the eight teeth and others!! When I arrive at the holy army, I will be filthy. People are all removed!!"

The girl is a light road.


Everyone is sincere and shouts.

Then, under the leadership of the girl, the remaining Taiyi people marched toward the true demon.

Su Yun, who was trapped by Ruyi, was still in the dark and could not be separated.

This mental strength is too strong. This is entirely the wishfulness of the girl who built on her strong spiritual strength. Su Yunxiu is not as good as her. To force a breakthrough, it is a fantasy.




Su Yun took the Lotus Star Sword and applied the Lian Xing Sword Method over and over again.

There was a tremor in the darkness, a crack appeared, and a sudden white light came in and illumined the darkness. However, this was futile. Su Yun’s mysterious power did not allow him to use the lotus star sword infinitely. If this continues, I am afraid that this is not broken, and I will fall down first.


Su Yun stopped the lotus star sword, and called out in the sword.

However, she did not get a reply from Ling Qingyu. It seems that she seems to be practicing.

In this case, you can only rely on yourself.

Su Yun took a deep breath and looked around the black paint with the faint light that the crack infiltrated.

It seems to be a closed chamber, but it is very large, with a distance of nearly 10,000 meters from top to bottom, and its current location is the central area.

The cracks are shattered by the void, which means that everything around them is false and non-existent. However, although they are false, they can act on Su Yun.

It can be seen that this is a spiritual law. As for the phalanx, there must be an eye for it. If you can find a glimpse of the eye, the big squad will not break.

The spiritual law matrix is ​​generally based on the three souls and seven souls of the life, and uses the power of the essence of the sun and the moon as a guide to construct a huge spiritual world. And this world is not big, but it is especially strong, and it is easy to break under the ease.

Su Yun turned around here, but did not find any strange, completely consistent in all directions, no special place.

It seems that the method of cracking this array can only be solved according to the methods recorded in the book, with the most primitive pictures of the soul and the working figure of the source.

The source of power is the most primitive force from the three souls and seven souls of human beings. It is the most powerful force in the deepest part of human beings. The strength of a person is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and the mental state is not good. Good, full of energy, and the strength of the play is also unexpected, which is related to the strength of the source.

However, the soul and the original strength are different from the original strength. Compared with the original source, the soul power is only a relatively low-level mystery. Just like the mysterious body, the soul also has some mysterious power. However, there are very few people who practice the soul. Because no matter who, how the three souls and seven scorpions practice, can only contain such a mysterious power, the body is destroyed, the soul is still very fragile, therefore, in addition to those who specialize in spiritual practice or spiritual mystery, others It is not going to cultivate this soul.

There is no doubt that the girl has cultivated the soul. And her soul is many times stronger than the average person.

Su Yun glanced around and closed his eyes.

Here, the square and the square, there is no way to start, and the shape of the human body is not square, how to find a position?


Su Yun thought of something, suddenly raised his arm and sacrificed a giant bone.

The giant bones appeared, and he immediately spurred the giant to lie in the square space.

The location of this space is just right. After the demon giant is lying down, the head and the foot just reach the ends.

Close your eyes.

According to the operation diagram of the source of the source, the central part should be the abdomen to the left. This place is where all the forces gather, and it is also the place where the source of power is diverted.

In addition, it is the center of the soul.

Su Yun drives the giant bones, lying down, and then carefully looking for the position.

When the giant is used as a model, according to the source of the power map and the soul force map to find the center point, Su Yun will put the giant bones away, confirm the orientation.

After the position estimation was almost the same, Su Yun took out the Lotus Star Sword again and slammed against the estimated position.

The purposeless bombardment, the use of the entire spiritual array, and now attacking the place that may be the eye, it will be much easier.

The real eye can never bear more than three hits, and three hits without breaking, it means that Su Yun’s calculation is wrong.

Although the holy robes can hide people and die, but the power is limited, Su Yun does not know what is going on outside, but one thing to know is that the situation outside is absolutely not optimistic.

Must go out faster.



A lotus print flew out of the white sword and squatted in the dark void.

With a bang, the whole space trembled.



Su Yun successively displayed two strokes of Lianxing swordsmanship. When these two moves were made, his whole person once again showed a state of dizziness, but what made people particularly excited was that there was a strange appearance in the void.

Just as the darkness was shattered, a huge, white button appeared in Su Yun’s line of sight. When this sound appeared, there were countless cracks in the dark space, cracks spread like spider webs, and soon spread. The entire space.


Broken dark space

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