
Chapter 1006: Women's Wear

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There are also many people hiding and aiming inside.

The maidens in the royal palace are very beautiful, and they are selected from thousands of choices. When the maidens reach a certain time, they will be replaced. In exchange for these, after all, it is necessary to marry someone.

Being a maid in the palace, there are many kinds of rewards. Although it is not worth mentioning for big people, it is a huge amount of wealth for small people.

These maidens were almost always sent to the palace for various trainings since they were young. Otherwise, the nobles in the palace came to have fun, and there weren't even any people beside them. How boring?

And these palace ladies are so good!

Gentle and graceful, know cold and warm, understand fun, have vision and insight.

Not to mention coming out of the palace, he also carries a noble spirit from the center. Even the average little nobility will never easily provoke these people.

God knows that there are nobles behind these palace ladies?

The palace has strict rules, and the domain master is not a lecherous person, so the maiden who left the palace can't say everything, but at least most of them are white.

If you can marry such a woman, it would be a happy event for ordinary people.

Even the average little nobleman hopes that his children can marry a woman who came out of a palace to be his wife.

How can a wolf have less meat?

How many ladies are there in the palace?

How many people are in Tiangong World?

If you have the ability, you should contact them in advance. Once you left the palace on this side, you lifted the big sedan and married back.

What can I do if I can't?

Can only squat.


Like those young men hiding here, leaning against big trees, squatting by the wall, sitting on stones.

Beauty is always prepared for shameless people.

Want to marry a beautiful woman, but also want to estimate the face, unless you have a good father.

Otherwise, you really have to rely on yourself.

There are not many chances for the ladies to leave the palace, but there are occasionally.

For example, an aristocrat needs to buy something, and it is not convenient for someone else to pass it through. Then, he will send his personal maid and leave the palace through the west side door.

But don't think that the maidens can talk freely when they leave the palace.

First of all, these maidens are not weak women. They entered the palace from an early age, and the training and training they received were not only those skills in life, but also cultivation.

The long ugly, unspeakable, and rash talk, may be slapped by others.

The gentleness and virtue of those girls are not for the outsiders.

Secondly, there are mixed mermaids and dragons waiting outside. Such as Chu Yu, who is pregnant with ghosts.

In case of encountering this kind, people will not hesitate to greet people to come over and catch.

Once thrown to the law enforcement team as a spy, it is naturally unnecessary to say much in the end.

Therefore, almost all those waiting here are handsome and handsome, well-built, bold and caring.

The maiden who has been accosted must first confirm her eyes.

You have to ensure that others are interested in you before you can have the next contact.

Not to mention, there have been countless beautiful ladies who have been snatched away from Ximen for countless years.

After all, the masters are in the folk, and no matter how powerful the court ladies are, they have always lived in the deep palace and can't stand shamelessly.

Speaking of course, this is what you want, who doesn't expect a good love?

Chu Yu was waiting here, but it wasn't for the girl, he wanted to enter the palace.

"Hey, brother, what about your face?" A handsome young man dressed in a white Confucian costume leaned over to Chu Yu, his eyes rolling round and a folding fan in his hand. It seems to be pretty suave.

Chu Yu glanced at him: "I just arrived."

"What's the situation? Is there a goal?" The young scholar looked familiar.

"No." Chu Yu responded lightly, then looked at him: "Have you?"

"Of course!" The young student looked like a bright light, and said softly: "I have been squatting here for a long time, and I have confirmed my eyes with that one."

"Confirmed your eyes?" Chu Yu frowned slightly. "What do you mean?"

"I said, brother, don't you even understand this?" The young student looked at Chu Yu with a surprised expression. His voice was a little louder, which attracted the attention of the people around him.

He lowered his voice and reminded in good faith: "If you want to be a girl here, not only must you be bold and thin-skinned, you must also be cautious, and you must first meet your opponents. Just go up and talk, the failure rate is almost 100%. Say it may also cause trouble. "

"Such ..." Chu Yu nodded and smiled at him: "Thank you brother."

The young man who looked like a scholar just wanted to say something. Afterglowing the corners of his eyes, his eyes lit up, and he waved his hand hurriedly at Chu Yu, and then trot all the way to appear next to a girl wearing a water-blue dress.

The girl smiled slightly at him, didn't speak, and walked away.

The scholar-looking young man took the time to squeeze his eyebrows at Chu Yu, revealing a proud look.

Many people around him looked enviously at the young man who looked like a scholar, with unabashed jealousy in his eyes.

When he walked away from the court lady, someone couldn't help but whispered: "Really, what kind of cow is it? But relying on it earlier than I waited, hum, the literary talent below beats him, and will definitely find a better one in the future Ok!"

"Yes, what's so proud? People may just want to play with him."

"Give him a smiley face and put it on like a dog. Wagging his tail and begging for pity, it's really disgusting."

It was said that people like dogs rushed towards a woman who came out of the side door in the next moment, and the face was flattering than the one who had just been. Quite speechless.

Chu Yu looked at it for a while, then quietly left.

Like him, it can't attract any attention at all. At most, two people have been ridiculed to be so impatient. There are more impatient people like him.

Chu Yu walked away, and after a while, he caught up with the few maidens who had just left from the inside, and followed him from afar.

After a while, it was found that most of these maidens were heading towards a place.

Chu Yu looked up, it was a very luxurious rouge gouache shop.

Even if you live forever, you have to dress up. You can't rely on good skin and stay young forever, right?

The spacious plaza at the entrance of this rouge gouache shop is full of luxury transportation.

There are ancient vicissitudes but extraordinary tanks, luxury carts pulled by powerful beasts, aircrafts full of future technological civilization, and some seemingly simple but terrifying high-level weapon ships and ancient boats.

Those who can come here to consume are not ordinary people.

Even the drivers who drove were all built to be advanced.

Chu Yu, like those maidens, walked into this shop.

The store is an independent space, extremely spacious, all the counters are made of top-grade transparent crystal, and there is no magic circle support on it.

Those who can open stores in such places are certainly not afraid of robbing.

Some beautiful maids with decent manners, with smiles on their faces, stood not far away.

Only guests need to greet them, they will come forward to introduce.

If no one summoned them, they would always stand and wait with a smile.

There are a lot of male guests entering here, and there are quite a few people like Chu Yu alone.

There are always some men who want to avoid others, and buy some rouge gouache for some women alone as a gift. Anyway, the pretty maids in the house had been strange and unconcerned.

Chu Yu raised his ears and listened to the conversation among the ladies.

They are a very special group of people in this shop.

Although they all came on foot, no one dared to run to provoke them.

Although these maidens are not arrogant and proud, they will eventually have some sense of superiority in the palace, so they will not worry too much about speaking.

"I will buy a kite later, the bigger one, hee hee, Qinger and Xueer just put a very weird big kite, but they accidentally disconnected the line, they cried for a while, one They will be given a new one. "A beautiful maiden tweeted there.

A young man who was waiting outside before she smiled and said, "Your relationship is good?"

"Yes, we are like sisters on weekdays, the key is that there are no nobles behind those girls, and there is no dispute with the world, naturally pleasing." Gong Nu said with a smile.

The young man said: "This involves the deep palace, but can't talk nonsense."

"Well, I know you are kind to me." The beautiful little lady said sweetly.

Soon someone sent the packaged rouge gouache, and the pretty little maid and the youth who accompanied her left with a smile.

Chu Yu turned around, selected a few, paid for the package happily, and then carried away the rouge gouache.

In the next few days, Chu Yu changes every day and travels here.

Lin Shi, Chu Die and Jiang Zilian and others did not know what the mysterious Chu Yu was doing.

Chu Die took Jiang Zilian out every day to inquire about the news. This kind of thing was not a problem for Chu Die. In a few days, he almost touched the situation of Wangcheng.

Lin Shi stayed in the room every day and planned the escape route through the network of Tiangong World.

One night a few days later, Chu Yu called several people together and said directly: "I plan to mix into the palace and secretly bring out Xian'er. As for Xu Mo's true spirit, I will have a chance to talk about it in the future. Let's discuss it for a long time."

"I think so too. Xian'er warned us that it was obviously something happened in the palace that we didn't know. She was inconvenienced to pass the news." Chu Die nodded.

But then he looked at Chu Yu and said, "How are you going to get in?"

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian also looked at Chu Yu curiously. Except that they received the rouge gouache from Chu Yu on the first day, they didn't know what Chu Yu was doing these days.

"Shanren has his own plan." Chu Yu smiled.

"Virtue!" Jiang Zilian rolled her eyes.

Chu Die looked at Chu Yu: "When is it all, and still sell Guanzi."

Chu Yu shook his head and didn't say it because he was killed because he was really embarrassed to say it. He only prepared a few people, and once he returned with Xian'er, he immediately left Wangcheng.

Chu Yu has always felt terrified these past few days.

It seems to be stared at.

Early the next morning, Chu Yu went directly to an unremarkable house and quietly sneaked in.

On the bed of the master bedroom, a man and a woman fell asleep, both of them were entangled in a deep sleep, and there was a strange breath in the room. Under the bed, a pile of clothes was thrown.

It can be seen that the fighting was fierce last night.

The little maid was brave enough and dared to get together with her beloved man before she left the palace.

If such a thing is discovered, there is only one way to go.

Chu Yu stood at the door and set the enchantment directly. Then he coughed and woke up the pair of mandarin ducks.

Before the two shivering, what they said, Chu Yu smiled lightly: "Want to die or want to live?"

It didn't take long for a beautiful little maid, sneaky, to walk out of the house and walk towards the side entrance to the west of the palace.

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