
Chapter 1014: The guests

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Chu Yu's escape speed is incredible, and without any direction and purpose, he constantly teleports in the void.

The rules of Tiangong World are too perfect to fold space, but Chu Yu ’s escape speed is not slow at all.

In a blink of an eye, I ran away somehow.

But the man behind him was not completely thrown away by him.

Has been chasing him.

The man with a long knife was also angry with Qiqiao.

Someone took advantage of the fire? Isn't this the reason why snipe clams compete for fishermen's gain?

He never dreamed that there was someone hidden in this place.

Know early that he will never kill first.

He regretted it at the moment, thinking that if he didn't come out first, the guy who picked up the cheap one would definitely jump out.

Never let him run away!

With the same idea, there is also the leader of the eight men in law enforcement team clothes.

The leader had vomited blood just now, but at the moment there was still a feeling of wanting to vomit blood.

Too careless!

Under the control of Zhou Han, Chaos Domain has had no decent opponents for many years.

Although a group of rebellious old guys have appeared recently, those people are not at all afraid.

The domain master's Kai Tianjun has not moved yet!

Once the Kai Tianjun went out, they would easily crush those people.

What is the army? It's all past tense!

All of them are too confident.

If you think that you have greeted the demon in the Liantian Mountains, no accident can happen.

In this Tiangong world, who dares to punch Zhou Hanhushou?

The reality gave him a slap.

Someone really dares!

And there is more than one person.

The leader of the eight was struggling to follow the news as he passed the news.

He chased more and more.

Because he suddenly discovered that whether it was the guy who was the last fisherman Deli or the guy who rushed out to meet him before, it seemed that he was stronger than him!

Everyone is in the same realm. But the gap between them is huge.

When Tiangong World was overwhelmed by the law enforcement team, when did so many strong players emerge?

Could it be said that those two people are the fakes of the old guys of countless eras in the hidden world?

Chu Yu escaped frantically.

The value of nine-leaf clover is too great.

Even the person with status like Zhou Han will be jealous.

The number of qi is uncertain, and no one dares to say how to get qi.

It can be repaired for this thing.

Who would think that one's own cultivation is higher in the spiritual world?

Once the Jiutian Pill is refined, it means that there can be more powerful people who break the virtual realm.

Even if it is taken by the practitioners who break the virtual world, the gains obtained are unimaginable.

Although Chu Yu hasn't really eaten Jiutian Jindan, he has been in the Tiangong world for so many years. How could he not know the role of this thing?

So this time, no matter what, he will take away the nine-leaf clover.

The nine-leaf clover is naturally raised, it is impossible to cultivate it by hand. So to say that this thing belongs to someone is completely unrealistic.

It is likely that after knowing this nine-leaf clover, Zhou Han had given the Liantian Mountain Demon a benefit and asked for nine mature leaves.

To grab Zhou Han's things, Chu Yu had no psychological burden at all.

The one who chased him behind was a bit annoying.

It's really fast!

And the man's strength is particularly strong.

At least Chu Yu is not sure that he can get rid of the chasing guy.

The Liantian Mountain Range is particularly huge. Chu Yu ran for many days and was still in this mountain.

He tried many ways, flying, escape ... all tried.

But there is no way to get rid of the tail behind him.

But the leader of those eight people was dumped by Chu Yu and the man.

Can't even eat ash!

Can only report to Zhou Han uneasy.

After Zhou Han learned this, he didn't seem to blame. Instead, he calmed down, let him join other people, and continued to look for the whereabouts of the two.

Especially the man with a long knife.

Must find him!

Because the guy with the long sword is probably the crown prince Chu Yu!

The leader of the eight men hated and thirsty and couldn't help but look up to the sky.

The nine-leaf clover is what the domain master called for, and that waste Prince Chu Yu ... is also the domain owner's heart disease!

He never dreamed of connecting the two.

But after knowing this, his thoughts came to life.

As long as he can catch the former waste prince carrying a long knife, and then grab the little thief that came out at the end, he has definitely done a great job this time!

Even if the generals on the front line wiped out the rebels, the credit may not be greater than him!

Soon, the leader of the eight saw his seven embarrassed men.

The five ancient beasts almost tortured them to death.

Followed all the way, followed a long distance before finally leaving.

Soon, there was a large group of people, also wearing the clothes of the law enforcement team, sitting on the huge **** bird, and came here.

The leader of the eight was just about to meet him, ready to explain the situation to the other party.

The results of this group of people suddenly shot!

The terror attack fell on these eight people in an instant, and the eight people were seriously injured as they were caught off guard.

Suddenly lost combat power.

The leader of the eight roared with grief and anger: "Why?"

A cold voice came across: "Waste, you can't do such a thing well."

Then waved his hand: "Kill!"

A large group of people shot directly and killed the eight seriously injured.

Subsequently, the leader of this group of people took out an ancient and broken magic weapon, carefully.

This instrument is a bit like a compass.

But it's too broken, and it seems to break off with carelessness.

The leader cast a cautious spell, and finally, the pointer on the compass pointed in one direction.




Chu Yu escaped from the Liantian Mountains, passed a desert, entered a wasteland, and entered a huge mountain again.

The Tiangong World is huge, with vast territory.

As soon as Chu Yu entered this mountain range, he had a wonderful feeling.

The brow metal ball actually came throbbing.

This surprised Chu Yu, because the throbbing of the metal ball did not seem to point to any treasure in this place. It is another meaning.

Chu Yu fled, and suddenly saw a huge mountain gate in front of him!

The mountain gate appeared very abruptly, as if appearing in front of him at once.

If such a huge mountain gate had stood here long ago, he should be able to see it before entering the mountain.

But Chu Yu could swear that he had never seen a huge mountain gate standing almost here before.

The mountain gate is too big, surrounded by immortal air. Can't get around.

Chu Yu hesitated to stop in front of the mountain gate, wondering where this was. He has an idea to get around.

But at this time, the eyebrow metal ball was reminding him to enter the mountain gate.

What do you mean?

Go in?

Chu Yu communicated with the metal ball and got a positive answer.

At this time, the guy with a long sword behind him finally caught up, standing far above Gao Tian, ​​and looked at Chu Yu with cold eyes: "Run? Why didn't you run away?"

Chu Yu turned around and looked at the man up and down.

I didn't pay attention before, but now I suddenly feel that this person is familiar.

Seems to have been seen somewhere.

Then, Chu Yu suddenly thought of a person.

Sima Junyu who was killed by him!

It seems very similar to this person!

Especially between the eyebrows and the mouth, they are all very special.

The Sima family ... is not a newcomer in the Tiangong world, but a real old aristocrat.

Is a real giant.

After coming to the Tiangong World, Chu Yu already knew the family through the Internet.

Very extraordinary.

This family had already existed in the chaotic domain before the Chu domain master was born.

No matter it was the era of Chu Yu, or the era of Zhou Han in power, this family is very stable standing on the ground of the Tiangong World.

But the Sima family is very low-key and not particularly pretentious.

High above, but in seclusion. Most people don't even know where the Sima family is.

I only know that this family has had a lot of surprises before it is absolutely gorgeous.

Whether it is above Chaotang or pure spiritual practice, there are figures of Sima's children.

In front of him, could it be the Sima family?

While Chu Yu was looking at each other, this person was also looking at Chu Yu.

Chu Yu's appearance now is after the 72 changes.

There are no flaws at all.

Looking at ordinary people, you can't talk about being handsome or ugly.

It belongs to the kind of people who can't find it in the blink of an eye.

Sima Junxiong looked at Chu Yu with cold eyes, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart: You have no way to go to heaven, no way to hell. Actually came to my teacher's door, little thief, see where are you going?

"What to escape?" Chu Yu looked at Sima Junxiong, frowning slightly: "You are chasing me all the way, what do you want to do?"

"Less to be confused, hand over the nine-leaf clover, and spare you." Sima Junxiong said in a deep voice.

At this time, someone came out of that mountain gate.

He glanced at Chu Yu, then at Sima Junxiong, and said, "The ancestor knew that there was a guest at the door. Please come in and speak."

Sima Junxiong froze on the spot, looking at the man who came out of the mountain gate, with a surprised expression on his nose: "Guest?"

The man glanced at Sima Junxiong and smiled slightly: "Brother Sima, the guests refer to him."

Sima Junxiong was completely incomprehensible. He looked at Chu Yu blankly and said, "How could a thief be treated as a guest by Daozu?"

It is not clear to others that this is his teacher's door. How could he not know what his identity is?

Why did Sima Jun bravely shoot the people around Zhou Han without hesitation?

What he relied on was not the power of his Sima family, but the one in this mountain gate!

Even if Zhou Han meets, he has to honestly practice the rituals and call him an ancestor!

"Isn't it wrong?" Sima Junxiong looked at Chu Yu in surprise, and then looked at the young man coming out of the mountain gate.

The young man glanced at him: "Why? Brother Sima thinks the ancestor would make a mistake?"

"This ... don't dare." Sima Junxiong suddenly had a feeling that the green plant was dripping with nine brightly-blooded nine-leaf clover leaves, and it seemed ... to be away from himself.

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