
Chapter 1029: Who is whose food

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More than ten thousand realm demons are all excited!

The first cry of excitement!

Tweet ... Tweet ...

The corner of Chu Yu's mouth in the clouds shook, lying on the trough, the sound was so unpleasant!

Sure enough, it's a group of things that I don't know what it is!

Even if it turns into a human form, it is a group of evil animals after all!

"Children, the food is in front of you, and you can eat it! Go eat it! You are hungry, you can eat it open, you can eat it all at once! All the food in the city is yours!"

The leader of the realm of the realm suddenly exhaled a strong wave of thoughts.

Then it moved!

Faced with millions of creatures rushing out of the city, it has no fear in its eyes, instead, it is full of excitement.

Choo Choo Choo!

Under the excitement of the realm leader, he even made such an unpleasant voice.

Chirp your paralysis!

Chu Yu stretched a leg directly along the clouds.

Really, big long legs!

It is tens of thousands of meters long!

It's extremely fast!


Chu Yu's foot kicked heavily on the realm demon leader, as if it were a **** mountain, directly hit it.

The leader of the realm demon who was tweeting with excitement was instantly stunned. He was kicked by Chu Yu from the sky to the ground, and he directly kicked a dog to chew and was seriously injured.

The chirping sound of the sky and the sky calmed down instantly.

The millions of practitioners who were killed from the city were all stunned at this moment.

Looking at the super long legs that were retracted, the corners of his mouth twitched.

At the next moment, someone shouted, "Someone has come to save us!"

"The leader of the realm is dead!"



The blood that broke out in extreme fear and despair, at this moment, finally climbed to the extreme.

It's a pity that the leader of the realm can't laugh anymore.

He was lying in the depths of the big pit on the ground blankly, wanting to move a bit, but his body was painful. It knew at once that all the bones on his body were broken!

Was kicked from the sky to the earth in a humiliating way, kicking all the bones in it!

Choo Choo Choo!

It couldn't help making a cry of extreme anger.

A magic weapon lance shot from the depths of the clouds above the sky.


Directly penetrate the body of the realm's leader and nail it firmly there.


A mouthful of blood spewed out of the mouth of the realm leader, and he passed out.

With strong aid, the group of monks killed in the city all broke out with the strongest fighting power.

In the face of this terrifying world demons, there was no such intense fear.

Millions, right 10,000.

In terms of quantity, the chaotic domain definitely occupies a huge advantage.

However, it is crowded and can only work most of the time.

If it weren't for Chu Yu's appearance, these millions of chaotic domain practitioners are just millions of sheep in the eyes of the realm.

No matter how many, it doesn't make any sense!

Because this group of demons, each one is a ferocious wolf!

With the advent of Chu Yu, the original millions of sheep directly added a tiger as the leader.

Although they still can't exert the wolf's fighting power, they have completely surpassed the weakness and fear of the sheep.

Fight, start in an instant.

Because the realm lost its leader here, although it did not cause much confusion, its impact on the military's heart was also unmatched.

Especially Chu Yu's combat strength is really too strong!

At the moment of Chu Yu's coming, there were at least hundreds of realms around him!

As soon as Chu Yu raised his hand, Hetian cut a thin light directly.

The state is almost, you can't even see the presence of this light!

Chi Tian's sharpness is terrifying!

Those realm rushing to the front are directly cut in half.

Some heads were cut off directly, some heads were cut off in general, and some were cut off by the waist.

Between Xu Yu, **** sky!

At this moment, Chu Yu felt deep in his soul, as if there was a throbbing, as if some kind of memory was being awakened!

This is the first time he has faced the legendary realm, but in his soul, he seems to have a very familiar feeling.

It seems to him that these realms are sheep!


The old housekeeper of the big noble in the city was hiding behind countless people, yelling hard, and the sound was shocking!

"Kill all the demons!"

The old housekeeper suddenly became less afraid now, stood firm and his voice clear.

I have to say that the strength gap between the two sides is still too big!

Even if this group of demons lost the leader, even if Chu Yu showed a terrible combat power, but the practitioners who rushed out of the city still quickly suffered a lot of casualties.

If it were not for Chu Yu to kill the Quartet there, I am afraid that this side can no longer support it.

Rao is so, still some people can't help but want to retreat.

They are not regular soldiers and have never received any discipline training.

The reason for killing is because both sides are dead.

The blood in the bone broke out in despair.

Seeing that there is a chance to survive at this moment, many people's minds can't help but live up.

At this time, Chu Yu's cold voice spread throughout the audience.

"I am Crown Prince Chu Yu!"

"Think of your loved ones, weeping behind you!"

"On my own, it is impossible to kill all the realms."

"If you don't want me to turn around and give up on you, don't retreat."

Chu Yu said, while madly killing the realm demon rushing up.

His words surprised many people!

"Prince? He is His Royal Highness!"

"Your Highness Prince came to rescue us!"

"Great! We are saved!"

"Damn, who dares to back away and escape, I will never spare him!"

"Who dares to run away, even if I die, I will kill him first!"

"Friends who want to escape, as long as someone sees you escape, your family will not want to live peacefully!"

There are still many **** people.

Not everyone is a coward. As Chu Yu shows his identity, more and more people choose to fight with him.

This is His Royal Highness!

It is the son of the legendary magical domain master!

The casualties continued, but the fighting did not stop for a moment.

Although some people couldn't help but want to escape, more people chose to fight side by side!

There was no cooperation between them, but with blood and blood, and the bloodiness that broke out after despair, gradually, they stabilized their positions.

On the realm side, casualties finally began to appear.

Just like Chu Yu facing a large number of realms, he will be attacked and injured.

This group of demons, besieged by countless people, will also be injured and also feel powerless.

Chu Yu held the killing, and opened the killing ring.

There are few real world demons who can persist for too long in front of him.

His body was already full of blood, most of it came from the realm, and there was a small part of him, himself.

This is also a matter of no way. He has only one person, and there are at least hundreds of realm demons who want to kill him!

Hundreds of creatures breaking through the virtual realm, attacking him without fear of death, it is almost impossible to hurt a little.

But in this kind of battle, the throbbing deep inside Chu Yu's heart grew stronger.

As if it might come out at any time!

The small metal ball at the center of the eyebrow also began to radiate a hot temperature.

Something is brewing.

Some kind of change that Chu Yu could not have imagined.

Choo Choo Choo!

A realm roared and tried to rush to Chu Yu to detonate himself.

Self-explosive ... will always be the last move of practitioners.

Extremely brutal, but extremely effective!

Once entangled by souls, almost no one is safe and sound.

Seeing a realm detonate itself, the other realms that will surely be affected not only did not escape, but instead gave out sharp roars one after another.

Then ... one by one mobilized the energy source in the body.

Damn it!

Chu Yu's scalp was numb in shock.

This group of animals is crazy!

Under the circumstance of knowing that it will be affected by self-detonation and possibly dying, instead of taking a half step, it wants to follow it.

Once they let their self-detonation link together to form an energy storm, even Chu Yu was not sure whether he could survive.

Moreover, a group of demons explode, and even if the rules of the Tiangong World are perfected, the big city with tens of millions of people not far away will also be razed to the ground.

It is estimated that few can survive.


He flew straight up.

Rushing towards the sky.

The void was torn apart in an instant, and it looked like he was going to run away. In fact, it is creating a third-party battlefield!

The group of demons that have mobilized the energy source, tweeted ... snarled and followed.

Chu Yu has just created a small world as a third-party battlefield carrier, and there are at least more than 30 world demons tweeting into it.

"You are here to play for yourself!"

Chu Yu directly "closed the door" and walked away!

It is an old fox who has lived for endless years, how can he eat such an obvious loss?


Chu Yu had just left, and the third-party battlefield small world that had just been established completely collapsed!

The dozens of realm demons that chose to explode in a blink of an eye!

The void there suddenly collapsed to form a singularity, which contained unimaginable terrible power.

There may even be a new universe!

Chu Yu was running a gluttonous supernatural power and sucked in his mouth.

The singularity was swallowed into the stomach in one bite.



This bite seems a bit overwhelming!

The eyebrow metal ball directly drinks like a whale, absorbing a lot of energy.

Otherwise, Chu Yu may really be burst.

Even if he has gluttonous supernatural powers, it won't work!

This energy is really magnificent.

Dozens of realms that break the virtual realm, the energy left after they explode, are replaced by those of the same realm, if they dare to swallow it directly, they will be killed at once.

Countless realms are stunned!

Dozens of self-explosion at the same time, the target was unscathed?

It seems ... and swallowed the energy left by their companions after they exploded?

How could this so-called prince ... be so scary?

In the legend ... the former Chu domain master seemed to be such a big devil!

The demon who almost didn't know what the fear was, at this moment, finally realized an unprecedented ... tension.

Chu Yu patted his stomach and said coldly to the realm of the distant world: "Who is whose food?"

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