
Chapter 1045: The power is gone

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It is not a case of Wuliangshan's dojo being attacked!

In the whole Tiangong world, there are many places like Wuliangshan, which are attacked by powerful demons at almost the same time!

The Penglai dojo was attacked by dozens of magic generals. At the cost of more than 20 lives, the demon would break the Penglai dojo. All the disciples inside were slaughtered.

It was just after the incident that someone just passed by and saw the broken mountain gate and the messy dojo before exploding the incident.

The Nine Nether Dojo was attacked by dozens of demon generals, and the demon generals were wiped out, but the Nine Nendo Dojo also collapsed. It is said that the news came from a lotus in the Nine Nether Dojos.

There is no attack power, and the state is not high. From the beginning to the end, there is no attack. Finally survived.

Bixiao Dojo, Primitive Dojo, Tongtian Dojo, Xuanyuan Dojo ... Each one is very strange to the creatures of the Tiangong World, almost only exists in the legendary dojo, and has been attacked one after another.

They all suffered heavy losses!

Although the realm has paid a great price, the attack they launched almost turned the top power of the entire Tiangong world!

Did not find a top-level shot!

Above the main battlefield, the top-ranking handsome coach Du Gu, after receiving all the feedback, couldn't help smiling slightly.

"Tiangong World, empty!"

"Power ... is gone!"

"We, we can launch the general attack!"

Du Gu's judgment is very accurate, and these results are almost all his expectations.

Before that, he had already done a good job in the palace world.

Now it seems that it is unnecessary.

Tiangong World, there is no more power!

Zhou Han and their group, the war is indeed fierce, and this has to be served.

Although Du Gu is extremely confident in himself, he is not arrogant enough to think that he can easily destroy the group of Zhou Han.

But this time Du Gu was too well prepared!

After so many epochs, he led the army of realms to make a comeback. How could there be no hole cards?

As long as the Tiangong World is no longer powerful, he is not afraid of anything!

That kind of powerful man with terrifying power is really the only one who feels dreaded from the bottom of his heart.

Later, Du Gu directly ordered to go down and push Zhou Han's army. Put on a posture of a decisive battle.

Wuliangshan Daochang has restored its former tranquility.

The buildings that were destroyed before have been restored.

The dead mountain disciples were also buried.

In the words of the elder brothers, the fate of this world is exhausted, only to wait for their return.

It's just that no one knows exactly when that day is.

Chu Yu has been quietly recuperating, and he was badly injured this time. But the gains are great.

First of all, after killing and refining the spear and the mace, Chi Tian had a significant improvement.

Chu Yu, who communicates with Chi Tian's heart, feels particularly obvious.

Just in terms of sharpness, there are at least about 20% upgrades.

For the godlike soldiers of this kind, this improvement is simply incredible!

Chu Yu himself has also made great achievements.

Although his Dao and Dharma did not go further in this battle, his combat experience has enriched too much!

This is like a surgeon, the more times he communicates with his teacher, the better his medical skills will be. There are few exchanges, so many things can only stay in theory.

For Chu Yu, there will be more demons killed, and the experience will naturally become more abundant.

I believe that he will not suffer such a serious injury in the previous scene.

This is the case.

On this day, Chu Yu ’s exercise was over, and when he wanted to log in to Tiangong World ’s network for a glance, Xu Xiaoxian ran in and looked at him and said, “There was something wrong with Zhou Han!”

"Huh?" Chu Yu stunned slightly.

Xu Xiaoxian's thoughts moved, and a projection appeared in the air between the two. Above that was the Tiangong World News that just happened.

The huge title reads: Realm launched a general attack, a terrifying and powerful presence, our side suffered heavy losses, domain master Zhou Han, Tuo Tian Wang He Shoucheng seriously injured, Lin Xuesong, Xu Zhen also suffered serious injuries, the situation is in jeopardy!

"How could this be?" Chu Yu was a little surprised.

Xu Xiaoxian said: "I found out that the commander in charge of the realm of the realm is called Du Gu. It is said that among the realm of the realm of the realm, it is also a very young existence, but the method is very old-fashioned. I used to bring rhythm on the Internet to provoke the relationship between you and Zhou Han The person is his person. "

Xu Xiaoxian looked at Chu Yu: "Speaking of it, I think this guy is more like a cunning man than a traditional realm."

"They were very well prepared this time. I couldn't figure out why he sent people to attack the hidden dojos everywhere. Combining what is happening now, I have a little guess."

Chu Yu looked at Xu Xiaoxian, thinking for a moment, and said, "You mean, the commander of the realm is Du Gu ... is he testing?"

"Yes, that's what I think! He should be tempting!" Xu Xiaoxian said: "He wants to know whether there is power in our Tiangong world. Once there is power, then he's such a crazy attack The behavior of Da Neng Dojo will inevitably be blocked by Da Neng. Then his next plan will definitely change. "

Chu Yu nodded and murmured: "In this world, there should still be power. It's impossible that all the power can all be on the battlefield ahead? Someone has to look after it!"

Xu Xiaoxian smiled bitterly: "Even if there is, we can't find it!"

Chu Yu was a little depressed. It was indeed the case. The trail of mighty power was too difficult to find.

Don't look at the desolates who are going to attack the mighty dojo everywhere, but if there is really power, it is impossible for them to find their own dojo.

If you don't want to show up, no one in this world can find them except those who are in the same realm as those who are powerful.

"Go and invite Master, I will ask him for advice." Chu Yu looked at Xu Xiaoxian and said.

Xu Xiaoxian nodded and turned away.

After a while, the disciples of Wuliangshan came here and gave Li Yu seriously: "I have seen His Royal Highness."

"Pingfeng ..."

The disciple of Wuliang Mountain is named Ping Feng, and he is currently recovering from injuries.

"What advice does your Highness have?" Ping Feng's face was gentle, and he wanted to be respectful of Chu Yu's attitude.

"I want to ask, Tiangong World ... Well, the whole Chaos Realm, is there still power?" Chu Yu asked.

Ping Feng groaned slightly and shook his head with a wry smile: "As far as I know, it should be gone."

He has been paying attention to the war between human race and realm in Tiangong World these days, and understands the reason why Chu Yu asked him so.

So he smiled and raised his head, Shen Sheng said: "If there is, I will have people go looking for. Those powerful people, almost immediately after the accident of the Chu domain master, left the chaotic domain for the first time. Zun said that they will go to the real front and fight the realm. "

"That doesn't mean that everyone has gone?" Xu Xiaoxian asked aside.

"The princess didn't know that, Master once told me that the war between the human race and the realm is related to the survival of the race. Under this kind of war, no creature can escape. So, the entire chaotic domain ... … "

Speaking of this, Ping Feng suddenly paused a little, then frowned, and muttered: "No, no ... It seems that there is still one person who hasn't gone!"

"Huh?" Chu Yu's eyes lit up, and Xu Xiaoxian beside him also showed hope.

Ping Feng looked at Chu Yu and said: "There is an old monkey, it should still be there! It's just ... that place, we are afraid that there is no way to go."

"Old monkey?" Chu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and somehow thought of his monkey master subconsciously.

The legendary Monkey King ... Sun Wukong!

Of course, the so-called Monkey King Monkey King is just a character formed in myths and legends.

A monkey is a monkey, powerful and unmatched, and invincible, but it is not the legendary Wukong who was entrapped with a curse.

"Yes, a monkey that is said to have not been born from Yuantianchi. His existence is too old to be a creature of our time." Ping Feng said: "Random just did not think of it at all."

"The specific era of it has already been somewhat untestable. Listening to Master said that when he was very young, he knew the existence of the old monkey. It was suppressed under the spirit mountain of the Buddha, but it was not done by the Buddha. Yes. The Buddhism does not yet have the strength to suppress this class of creatures. "

"Master Zun once saw the old monkey once, saying that its strength is unfathomable. It may be stronger than the strongest in this era."

"Master Zun even said that the old monkey should have entered the unrestrained state!"

Chu Yu looked at Ping Feng in disbelief: "Xiaoyaojing? The creatures who enter the Xiaoyaojing will be suppressed?"

Ping Feng smiled and shook his head bitterly: "I don't know about this. My understanding of this old monkey is entirely derived from Master's previous story."

"It was suppressed in Lingshan? Where is Lingshan?" Chu Yu asked.

Ping Feng looked at Chu Yu and persuaded: "His Royal Highness, I do not recommend you to go to Lingshan."

"Why?" Chu Yu asked.

"Buddhists are not very good at speaking." Ping Feng said.

"Not easy to speak? Isn't the Buddhism all about compassion and common life?" Xu Xiaoxian interjected.

"Compassionate? Pudu sentient beings?" Ping Feng glanced at Xu Xiaoxian a bit strangely, and then said: "There is indeed such a power in the Buddhism, but this power should now be on the front line. Not so good-tempered. "

"I went to see the old monkey. What does it have to do with the Buddha?" Chu Yu said.

"That's not what I said." Ping Feng said: "If His Royal Highness wants to release the old monkey, the Buddha must be the first to refuse!"

Before Chu Yu asked, Ping Feng took the initiative to say: "As soon as the old monkey is born, Lingshan must collapse! No one will allow the Shenshan of his own dojo to collapse."

"It turns out this way ..." Chu Yu thought for a while and then said, "Isn't the Buddhism really authentic? Establish a dojo on a mountain that suppresses others."

Ping Feng said: "This matter also has a reason."

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