
Chapter 1061: Kill without hesitation

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The beautiful woman screamed in shock and threw herself beside the young man, her tears falling down.

She doesn't just play around casually, she really likes this young man.

The other person's family is good, he looks handsome, the person is very warm, and he is actively pursuing her daughter who is not a noble family.

Even if she really just regarded her as an outside room, she was willing!

This is a very realistic idea. A duke family, just those resource universes, is enough to make her feel soft!

Not to mention that this young man was indeed very good to her. She greeted her warmly, took good care of her, and spoiled her.

The bones of the young man were shattered and painful, but there was a hint of comfort when watching the girl she liked so much about herself.

He sent a message to the girl: "Don't care about me ... Don't care about me! Promise them, or you will die!"

He knew clearly in his heart that this girl, surely could not escape!

The other party is so arrogant and dare to shoot here a child of his duke's family. Where can a female nun with no identity background escape?

After all, no one dared to take care of this small building in the entire Wangcheng!

But what I did n’t expect was that this beautiful female nun was extremely strong, a pair of beautiful eyes stared at him, and he smiled sadly: "Maybe in your heart, I am not the only one, but for me, you are my only one! I ’m sorry, I ca n’t do it! "

The glamorous woman stared at the young man with broken bones: "I think I really fell in love with you."

During the talk, she shivered slightly, and then the whole body was stiff, and she killed herself!

The young man was stunned for a while. After a while, he was unable to speak, and his whole brain was blank.

Even the unbearable severe pain all over his body felt no feeling at this moment.

For a while, the young man let out an earth-shattering roar, and blood spewed out of his mouth: "Yu Xiaolou, I don't share with you!

"Lying trough!"

Yu Xiaolou was also a little stunned. He had never seen such a fierce female practitioner.

How can there be so many concepts of chastity among practitioners?

Over the long years, how many people can stick to a Taoist companion?

He has seen countless women of water-based Yanghua, but this kind of best, but really only seen in life.

I saw this woman's trimmed clothes before and thought she was also a slutty woman.

So I didn't expect that such a woman would actually die?

This is too fun!

Yu Xiaolou stared at the woman and fell on the young man.

He was furious.



A trash, also deserve to have such a woman?

Also, are you different from me?

Do you fit it?

"Give me all his limbs off! The kind that can't be recovered!" Yu Xiaolou's cold eyes fell on the young man, said coldly.

Then he said again: "No, cut me off his chicken too!"

"Laozi wants this **** to become a monster that is neither male nor female!"

"Let him never grow!"

"Yes, don't accidentally kill him, prepare to give him some medicine."

The young man who fell to the ground was splitting his eyes and spitting blood again.

The guard next to Yu Xiaolou smiled and was about to start, but suddenly he froze and looked towards the end of the corridor.

The other three guards instantly looked alert and looked in that direction.

Not at the level of Xiaolou, afterwards, he frowned and looked in that direction.

At the end of the corridor, stood a tall, handsome young man with a very handsome appearance. That look was hundreds of times handsomer than him!

Yu Xiaolou was so furious that somebody dared to be handsomer than me?

And dare to appear in front of me?

What's so special is that I don't know what to do!

It just doesn't make sense!

"Bring him to death! Ruin his face!" Yu Xiaolou ordered angrily.

But he didn't want to. The four bodyguards beside him all looked like an enemy.

what's the situation?

This person is very powerful?

Yu Xiaolou was not stupid enough to see no problems at all.

"This royal city ... Does anyone dare to take care of Yuyu's business in Wanyu County?" Yu Xiaolou said coldly.

At this time, you must highlight your background.

To succeed in such a thing depends on the time and place and who the other party is.

At least, in the heart of Xiaolou, the five characters of Wanyu County and Yujia, in this world of Tiangong, is a signboard with uncomfortable gold characters.

No matter when, it is definitely useful!

and so……

In Xiao Lou's eyes, he also had a disdainful smile.

At the next moment, the handsome young man came towards him.

Yu Qiangxi and Yu Shun quietly took two steps backwards.

The two of them are not so stupid.

Don't go to the front stupidly at this time.

They are there when the dog legs are conscious, but when they are interested in the dead, they are not.

Those four Wanyu County Yujia's broken guards at the top of the virtual realm shone with intense fear.


They can't help but be full of momentum.

Suddenly there was a mess in this place.

Even if a circle was activated instantly, a large number of houses collapsed.

Many people were hit.

These people were too late to scold and jumped towards the distance.

Every room and courtyard here in the Qinglou are all closed with a separate legal circle.

Like this room where the young man was, there is also a magic circle, but this magic circle is mainly used for sound insulation ...

The movement here finally aroused the attention of more people in the blue building.

But everyone, hiding far away.

That **** bastard in Yuyu, Wanyu County!

Who dares to provoke?

Anyway, they must not dare.

As for who is that handsome young man?

No one knew him.

Although Chu Yu's image was remembered by countless people, he came here and turned into another look.

So no one would have thought that the new low-key to the extreme new domain master would appear here.

Yu Xiaolou naturally couldn't think of it at all.

Chu Yu did not succumb, and walked towards this side.

The promenade is very long, but no matter how long it is, there are always times when it comes to an end.

Chu Yu is very close to the four guards at Yujia in Wanyu County, only three to five meters away.

The four bodyguards were trembling slightly, and one of them said in a deep voice: "Who is your Excellency? We are the people of Wanyu County at home!"

"Yes, we are the people of Yujia in Wanyu County." Yu Xiaolou looked at Chu Yu inside, "You have to think about it, do you want to offend me? If you turn around and leave now, I will do it as if it did not happen Ever! "

Chu Yu quietly looked at Yu Xiaolou: "Really? But I can't think it didn't happen."

"My Wanyu County is home ..." Yu Xiaolou wanted to say something.

But Chu Yu has already shot!

The four home guards in Wanyu County have shot fast enough.

When they foresee that this young man seems to really want to shoot at Xiaolou, they will shoot first!

But how could they be faster than Chu Yu?

A ray of light flashed over, and Yu Xiaolou had a pair of bosses with glaring eyes. His eyes were dull, and a small blood stain appeared on the center of his eyebrows.

With a clatter, he fell straight back to the ground.

I couldn't believe it until death. In this royal city, some people really dared to ignore them and kill him.

The four guards roared and attacked Chu Yu.

Practitioners of this state, when they are so close, are all shocked.


All four guards flew out.

I don't know how many rooms were damaged.

Later, they never got up again.

The remaining two branch children of Yujia in Wanyu County, Yu Qiangxi and Yushun, two battles, almost standing unstable.

"You, don't kill us, we didn't do anything!"

"We were also forced by him, Yu Xiaolou was a bad guy, he forced us to do those things."

Chu Yu looked at the two of them quietly, without speaking, with two rays of light, and flew to the two of them.

Subsequently, the two fell to the ground.

The seven men sent by the Yujia of Wanyu County to provoke the royal city were wiped out by the whole army.

Many people are watching this scene in all directions.

Big bosses behind the scenes, including the Qinglou House, all looked at this scene in dumbfounded.

In their hearts, at this moment, they are already overturned.

A huge wave was set off!

Who is this young man?

A few people who could not even be managed by Princess Long, he killed without hesitation!

The point is, this person is very powerful!

Who does n’t know that the four guards beside Yu Xiaolou are all masters of the masters, and the strongest of the strong?

Break the pinnacle of the virtual realm!

Although they are not enlightened, speaking of their strength, they are considered to be truly powerful in the entire chaotic domain.

But in the blink of an eye, the young man was all suppressed.

Nothing works!

That is to say, the four powerful practitioners who break the virtual peak are not the enemies of this youth!

The younger generation of Chaos Domain, in addition to the legendary low-key domain master, who else ... has this strength?

However, the image of the domain master, they have already remembered in their minds, this person in front of them, certainly not the domain master.

Various speculations in the hearts of everyone, Chu Yu ignored this group of people, turned directly to leave.

Qinglou ’s boss and others, deliberately asked about his identity, but in the end, he dared not open the mouth.

A group of people in the Yu family of Wanyu County died in the Qinglou. No matter whether this matter was related to the Qinglou, they could not escape this relationship.

Because of the hard work of these people, Xiaoyu certainly won't easily let go of the Qinglou over there.

But what about the Qinglou side?

"This matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to worry."

A faint thought passed from the direction of leaving the young man.

The big boss behind Qinglou, a child of the top family in Chaos Domain, couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Can you avoid trouble by saying nothing?

Fortunately, although Wanyu County is strong, the family behind him is not that kind of resistance.

Besides, people were not killed by them. Even if the family blamed them, they would lose most of their property. Because of this, they could not directly fight against the family behind him?

There was no such thing as a war, but this group of Yu's family died in Wangcheng. When the news reached Wanyu County, the whole Wanyu County went up and down from home and was completely exploded!

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