
Chapter 1065: Slapped

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If Wanyu County Yujia still has a future, then they will seriously sum up the defeat of this war.

Without a theoretical school after practice, it will never work.

The sense of superiority bullied by bullying is always so fragile. Once a powerful presence is encountered, the sense of superiority will be instantly savaged!

Just like in the current Yu family.

Chu Yu stood quietly on the square in front of the huge palace of Yu's house.

He was surrounded by ... bodies.


Chu Yu was killed in force all the way!

He had been found outside the palace group of the Yu family.

Of course, he didn't mean to hide himself.

In this way, she flew upright and went straight to the family of her family.

For the guards on the side of the house, where are the little things that do not know what to do? Is your brain broken? How dare you break into your home?

This is no need to ask, just kill it.

Although few people have dared to break into their homes since these endless years, they are not without them.

In any era, there will be a few stunned people with broken brains or no brains at all.

For these people, there is nothing to say, just kill them neatly.

Not even the deacon level needs notification.

For this little thing, an ordinary manager can make the decision.

As a result, the person who stepped forward to stop Chu Yu was killed by Chu Yu with an idea.

Simply weak burst!

Faced with such an existence of Chu Yu, apart from the powerful ancestor of Yu's family, who is not weak?

But Yu does not know!

At first, they even got excited.

Oops, an interesting opponent came.

It seems that this must be the master sent by the doll domain master?

Enough confidence!

How dare one break into the core of home like this?

Courage is commendable!

As a result, a large number of Yujia guards rushed out and activated the defensive circle.

Want to suppress Chu Yu first, then kill it completely.

As a result, how many die.

Chu Yu went all the way to Yujia Zhengdian Square, not to kill one person in ten steps, but to kill one hundred people in one step!

No one can get in front of Chu Yu at all!

No matter what magic powers or spells, Chu Yu couldn't get close to him.

Even some magical instruments haven't had time to release powerful attacks, and they have already collapsed on their own.

Chu Yu walked directly inside, just like walking in his garden.

Then all kinds of magic weapons in the sky burst and the weapons shattered. Those people, like dumplings, fell from the sky to the ground and died.

This is not a master, this is a big devil!

Is this person the deity of the doll domain master?

Chu Yu is also a bit bad. The face he used at the moment was the one he used when he killed the few people in Xiaolou.

His way, how could someone else see through his true colors?

All the way, he broke into the square at the entrance of the hall, and the upper level of the Yu family was really shocked.

Chu Yu looked up and looked at the towering hall in front of him.

It was really majestic, with a breath of majestic breath.

It is even more impressive than the palace in the royal city!

This is not visible on the Tiangong World network.

Because the core of Yu's home is heavy, outsiders simply can't get in.

Even the messenger who came to read the will at home could not reach this place at all.

Can only hit in.

This palace is really good!

Carved beam painting, flying beasts, lifelike.

And the wood used is the top **** wood in this universe!

Look at the stone used in the square at the foot, and all exude a breath of avenue.

Each slate has a full square foot, all of which are top-grade stones.

This stone can even be used for refining top-level instruments or making top-level puppets.

But in Yuyu, Wanyu County, it can only be used for paving.

Really luxurious to a certain extent.

Really rich!

The void around them, like a teleport.

Appeared there instantly.




Dozens of enlightened figures appeared in a row!

They surrounded Chu Yu directly below.

At this time, a bridge formed by colorful lights appeared at the top of the square in an instant, and the other end connected to a very distant place.

A figure, from far and near, almost in the blink of an eye!

Stepping on the bridge formed by this colorful light, he appeared above Chu Yu's head.

Chu Yu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the man.

He thought it would be the great ancestor of Yu's family. As a result, he was disappointed after a glance.

Here comes a half step.

Half-step power ... Beyond the enlightenment, there is still a certain gap away from power.

Such practitioners are already terrible.

Looking at the entire chaotic domain, it definitely belongs to the topmost power.

Under normal circumstances, no one dared to despise this existence.

"Who are you?"

The man who stepped on the bridge formed by the colorful light landed from high sky and appeared in front of Chu Yu.

Facing the body of a square, he turned a blind eye. A pair of eyes looked directly at Chu Yu, and there were a lot of Avenue Runes circulating in his eyes.

As if there were countless worlds, born and died in the rune of that avenue.

Chu Yu looked at the man in front of him, about thirty years old, wearing a bright yellow shirt.

Sword eyebrow star eyes, wearing a bun, dressed in a dazzling hairpin.

That hairpin made Chu Yu glance twice, and it seemed to be a top-level weapon.

This dress is not bad, it is a combat suit made of top-level materials.

It was Chu Yu who was a bit of a cleansing habit. He didn't like this kind of thing that others passed through.

However, there are still many people who do not want to come around.

He didn't look down on the things in the group of people he had killed before, so he killed them, and he was too lazy to take a look.

But this one is different.

Half-step power is also a remarkable existence, there must be a lot of good things in him.

With their family heritage, there may be many things, even if he is, they will be tempted.

Yu Dongwu was angry!

As the third ancestor of Yujia in Wanyu County, his status is incredible!

Speaking of that, even the seven left and right seven of the chaotic domain, and even the Chu domain master ... in his eyes, it is just a group of younger generations!

But Ill!

On weekdays, if there were no major things, he would never leave the closed place and appear here.

As a result, he suddenly discovered that this little thing that had killed a large number of his children at home even looked at him with a look at the fat sheep!

Yu Dongwu immediately felt hairy and was furious.

"Little beast, you are dead!"

Who gives you courage to treat half-step power as a fat sheep? Where is self-confidence?

Yu Dongwu reached out and grabbed Chu Yu's head.

His palms are as sharp as eagle claws, extremely sharp!

Moreover, his way is indeed unfathomable.

A seemingly ordinary hand reached, but this attack contained an incredible avenue.

Just like the mustard seed Nasumi, there is another universe in the ordinary palm!

It feels like a huge universe, can't fill a line in his palm!

This is a real avenue attack.


As long as Chu Yu's realm is not as good as him, no matter how terrible the fighting power is, he can't escape this palm.

For a time, the square where Chu Yu was in has undergone huge changes in time and space.

Although from the outside, it was only Yu Dongwu who grabbed his hand towards Chu Yu.

But for Chu Yu in the square, the other party's palm contains extremely high laws and Tao.

In all directions, a group of Taoist practitioners at home, all with their eyes widened and excited.

Like Yu Dongwu, a half-step master, those who die below do not care much at all.

Life and death is nothing to them in this realm.

Instead, they saw Sanzu shot with their own eyes, making them excited.

"Look carefully, Sanzu's palm, this is an absolute crush!"

"Oh, the three ancestors shot, this little animal has no way to escape."

"After years of absence, the state of the three ancestors has risen again. It seems that entering the state of mighty power, even the state of freedom, is within reach!"

"Hahaha, I really couldn't control myself. I ran here to make trouble and didn't know what to do."

There was a lot of talk among the group of enlightened people in the sky, their minds and waves were intertwined, and everyone was very excited.

In fact, everything happened so fast that it was unimaginable!

What a glance at a glance, what moment forever, is actually not as good as Dongwu's.

But from the perspective of Chu Yu, his catch was too slow!

It was so slow that he could slowly analyze the Tao and laws contained in Dongwu's grasp.

Parsing and cracking.

This is the most important link in the battle of powerful practitioners.

First of all, you have to figure out what kind of law is contained in the other party's supernatural powers, what kind of avenue is contained.

The process of figuring out this is parsing.

Then, counterattack the method and the shortcomings and loopholes of Dadao.

This is called crack!

If it can only be parsed, but cannot be cracked in time, then you can only use the combat power to find supplements and fight hard.

Of course, there are times when creatures with similar realms have no time to analyze, so they can only force it.

At that time, it was fighting experience and skills.

Chu Yu's realm is far higher than the half-step power of Dongwu in front of him, so in the other party's eyes, this ambition is a must. In Chu Yu's view, it is simply a small snail trying to climb the vine.

Although it has been hard enough, in the eyes of the yellowbird, it is ridiculously slow!

In fact, the story is not so inspirational, and the poor snail may not eventually reach the end.

Because the Oriole will eat it after the joke is over.

With a sharp beak, peck at the shell of the snail, and then eat the soft and tender meat inside.

Well, a big meal!

Seeing Yu Dongwu's hand, he was about to catch Chu Yu's face.

Chu Yu smiled and shook his head, and then raised his arm, rounded it up, and shook it in the face of Dongwu.


There was a crunch.

Really, the slap was loud.

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