
Chapter 191: green

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Sun Changshan, who was almost beaten by Chu Yu, was controlled by the people at Ziyun Academy. Because of the severe pain in his body, he was in a state of semi-coma, and his mind was not awake. Moaning painfully.

Ordinarily, the monks in the Venerable Realm are not so bad even if they are hit hard. But the location of his injury was so special that even the soul was affected.

Sun Changshan was driven by someone, like a noodle, soft and slumped, and no strength at all.

Just now Chu Yu used his knees fiercely, breaking his eggs constantly, and also causing his Dantian to be hit hard!

Only this injury, no care for a few months, absolutely no better.

"Clarify him!" The corner of the dean's mouth twitched slightly, and his eyes glanced slightly at Chu Yu's side. Heart said that this guy is really black!

But his combat strength is really powerful!

It's amazing!

A monk in the realm of kings can actually hit the peak of the venerable monk.

It seems that just Sun Changshan's blow didn't hurt him at all!

Song Hong, a guy with a top-level defensive weapon, is no wonder that the house owner values ​​him so much.

It seems that the secret in this person is not as simple as alchemy.

The person who erected Sun Changshan shot to awaken Sun Changshan.

As a result, Sun Changshan woke up and cried directly: "It hurts me ... it hurts ... it hurts me!"

"Let him shut up!" The dean frowned, feeling ashamed.

At the time, he was made deputy dean. On the one hand, Sun Changshan's performance at that time was indeed very good, and he was definitely a young man. On the other hand, Sun Changshan's family power is also very large. Although it can't be ranked in the entire mirror world, in the Song Dynasty, the Sun family's power is only slightly inferior to Ziyun House.

Comprehensive consideration, let him become the vice president of Ziyun College.

Unexpectedly, this man wolf ambition, no means to achieve their goals.

If this kind of person really makes him the dean, I am afraid that it will not be long before Ziyun College has to be renamed Sun Family College!

This is something that the Dean will never tolerate.

It is intolerable by Ziyun House.

The person who erected Sun Changshan shot directly and blocked Sun Changshan's acupoint so that he could not make a sound.

Sun Changshan would be a little sober now, looking at Chu Yu's eyes, full of resentment and fear.

Of course, fear looks more.

At this time, the dean turned his eyes to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu nodded and glanced at the entrance on the side of the grandstand. Immediately, there was a faint smile on his face.

There stood a fat young man, who was looking at this with a smile.

His smile looked a little bit frivolous. When Chu Yu looked over, he raised his eyebrows and walked quickly.

It is Fan Jian!

Fan Jian after Yi Rong.

A few days ago, Chu Yu saw a news from the online social media in the mirror world.

A tomb was stolen, and the family to which the tomb belonged was furious.

After spending some time, Chu Yu finally found the fat man's account on social media and secretly contacted him.

Fortunately, the two were not far away, and the fat man had sneaked in early.

Chu Yu had already suspected Sun Changshan when he got the news that Piaoxiang College was coming.

This matter was either made by people from the Lu family, or ... it was made by people from Ziyun Academy.

Therefore, on the one hand, Chu Yu asked Bi Yueyue to send a letter back to his family and stared at the landing side;

For fat people, this kind of thing is simply too good!

He even mixed into Sun Changshan's mansion without much effort, and became a big and small manager.

Of course, all this, Sun Changshan is unaware.

In the face of an enemy who was struggling to kill himself, Chu Yu could not have any affection.

After the fat man determined some things, Chu Yu felt confident.

Just now, the fat man finally heard the news that he had obtained all the evidence of Sun Changshan. And he told Chu Yu so trivially that there was a lot of evidence in the evidence that was even more powerful than the national film.

"Do not humiliate the mission." The fat man came over and gave Chu Yu a cloth bag, which was full of memory crystals and no fewer than a hundred pieces!

After seeing the cloth bag, Sun Changshan, who was just awake there, turned his eyes and fainted again.

Even if he is not dizzy, he must be dizzy!

Because of the things inside, once exposed, he will definitely die!

At the moment when Chu Yu was ready to pick up the bag, an arrow ... Huo Di appeared in front of Chu Yu!

too fast!

No one could see where the arrow was shot from, and it was completely silent!

No one thought that at this time, this place, there are actually people who dare to make a sneak attack.

Seeing this arrow, it would shoot at Chu Yu's brow.

Chu Yu's eyebrows suddenly emit a dazzling light.

At this moment, the fat man standing beside Chu Yu shouted and pushed away Chu Yu.

This arrow, directly nailed to the fat man's head, shoots the fat man's head through, with no energy left, and disappears directly into the void.

The fat man's body softened and fell to the ground.

Chu Yu made a thunderous roar, and his body disappeared instantly!

The next moment, he appeared on the stand, picked up a figure directly, and then returned to the stand instantly.

Throw this figure **** the ground, lift your feet, and step on the thigh bone of this man.


There was a crack of bones.


The man uttered an inhuman cry.

Chu Yu did not stop his hand, raised his foot, another foot, crushed the other thigh bone of this man!

"Aoao Aoao!"

The man screamed like crazy, and then, with two eyes, he fainted.

This is happening too quickly. If it were not for the man who was still holding a big crossbow in his hands, people would definitely think that Chu Yu was killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Thunder, the dean of Ziyun College, snarled and said, "Who is this person?"

Chu Yu had crushed two thigh bones and passed out to this man. He had an ordinary public face, which belonged to the type of people walking in the crowd that no one would recognize.

Everyone shook their heads, and no one knew such a person.

Chu Yu's face was somber to the extreme, he crouched in front of the fat man to check his injury.

The fat man looks ... dead!

There was no movement, there was no breath.

A scary hole was shot on the head by the arrow, and blood was constantly flowing out.

Chu Yu immediately did not hesitate to take out the fatal Gu directly on the chest of the fat man.

Destiny Gu was posted there immediately, the fat man's body shook slightly, and then, a magical scene happened!

At the wound on his head, the blood that had been flowing continuously stopped quickly, and then the expression on his face began to calm down.

All this is a long story. In fact, when the fat man was attacked, Chu Yu grabbed the murderer, stepped on his two legs, and put the desperate Gu on the fat man. It took less than thirty seconds to add up all the time. !

Therefore, the vital signs of the fat man, including the three souls and seven souls, were not dispersed, and were sealed directly by the deadly gu.

Now, there is only one thing left to find a way to cure the fat man.

As for the fatal Gu, for Chu Yu, who has mastered the heritage of He Sheng, he can be removed from the fat man at any time.

Chu Yu looked like a fat man sleeping in the past, and said softly: "Brother, rest assured, I will definitely cure you!"

With that said, Chu Yu asked his twelve students, Zhao Kai and others to come over to guard the fat man, and then his eyes fell on the man who had trampled his legs. He took another look at Sun Changshan, who was still in a coma, thinking about the possible connection between the two parties.

In Chu Yu's opinion, it must be related.

He coldly looked at the man who seemed to faint, and then raised his foot and stepped **** the man's hand.

"Do not!"

This man is acting dizzy and wants to escape the physical pain.

But he did not expect that Chu Yu, who was irritated, would be so ruthless.


This man's hand is also the hand holding the big slap crossbow ... It was rotten by Chu Yu's foot!

The little crossbow was placed there intact, and Chu Yu didn't even look at it.

A magic weapon belonging to the same level as the Panic Crossbow, even if the fat man just did not stand in front of him, he would be fine.

But the problem is that fat people don't know!

Without hesitation, Chu Yu was pushed away, and things happened too hastily, making it too late to do other reactions.

Chu Yu's heart was extremely angry and uncomfortable, and the fat man just suffered for him.

This man was trampled on Chu Yu's two legs and one hand was rotten, even if he was a monk in the King Realm, he was also hit hard.

It takes at least a year or two to fully recover.

But Chu Yu did not intend to let him go.

Raise his foot and break the Dantian Qihai with one foot, completely abolish him!

But now is not the time to torture him.

Chu Yu glanced at the dean. The dean nodded, his face also gloomy.

He only had luck in his heart now. If someone killed Mr. Song in front of him, he would not have to do it as his dean.

As for the fat man, he did n’t really care much, but he was also very grateful that he could help Mr. Song with an assassination.

The dean made the killer, who was abolished by Chu Yu, drag him down and shut him up first.

Later, Sun Changshan woke up and saw that the abandoned man was dragged down by him, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes.

Then I saw Chu Yu standing there endlessly, and there was a touch of hatred and regret in the depths of Sun Changshan's eyes.

After all ... Still not able to kill this person!

Chu Yu looked at Sun Changshan, then took out a memory crystal from the cloth bag, activated it with mana, and projected it onto the huge light curtain.

What has just happened has shocked everyone.

As if in a short day, everything has deviated greatly from their cognition.

The alchemy branch they have always looked down upon is so powerful and terrifying, even those advanced colleges may not be comparable.

They have always felt that the young and promising deputy dean Sun, the result looks ... eh? What the **** is that on the light curtain?

Under the common gaze of tens of thousands of eyes, a huge picture appeared very clearly on the huge light curtain.

The protagonist is a man and a woman, the background is a room with warm colors.

The man is the deputy dean Sun Changshan, the woman ... The students present rarely know, but the senior executives of Ziyun College, their eyes widened in an instant, and the expressions on their faces were all very strange.

Then looked sympathetically at a dean beside the dean.

Because the young and beautiful woman is just a concubine of the vice president ...

The deputy dean appeared to be in his forties, pure and clean, but at this moment, looking at the scene on the huge light curtain, his eyes instantly turned red and his face was green.

The miserable green ...

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