
Chapter 237: Three exercises

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Chu Yu was taken aback, the sage's technique ... Can you analyze the immortal skills?

Or is it just that each era has a different name?

In fact, the sages in this era are not worse than those in the past?

Although it is slow, these three exercises are still slowly being resolved by the master plan, and a little bit has been transformed into something that belongs to Chu Yu alone.

Chu Yu is practicing here.


Between the ancient immortal spirit mark and the star fox, they are communicating with spiritual fluctuations.

"Old guy, such a superb flesh appears in front of you, don't you mind?"

"Not at all."

"Why? By the way, when Grandpa came here, you even wanted to take over the body of the grandpa. Now that you have a fellow race, why don't you tell Grandpa that you can't bear to start. You still don't want to come to this kind of deception. Fucked with the Lord. "

The Star Fox is there, motionless, but the mental fluctuation is very strong.

"He can't move." The ancient immortal's spiritual mark said.

"Why? A weak chicken!" Xinghu was very disdainful: "Yeah can kill him if he wants!"

"You can try it." The spiritual imprint of the ancient **** conveyed encouragement.

"Don't think of pitting me, old guy, he can enter here, he must have a special magic weapon on him, do you think the pit master is right?" Xinghu is not fooled.

"Hehe." The ancient imprint of the spirit smiled faintly.

At this time, Chu Yu suddenly felt that when the master program was analyzing these three exercises, each of them encountered some problems!

These exercises ... don't seem perfect!

No, it's not imperfect, but ... there are pits in it!

Chu Yu was somewhat surprised, then he quietly opened his eyebrows and raised his eyes, carefully looked at the figure condensed out of the ancient immortal spirit.

I do not know whether it is because of his state of ascension now, or because he is looking at a spiritual imprint. Anyway, his eyes did not cause the other party to notice.

But at this glance, Chu Yu was surprised to find that what he saw was actually ... a stone!

His eyebrows were raised, and he had the ability to see through falsehood, and he could see the origin of everything.

But Chu Yu never thought that what he saw turned out to be a stone.



Chu Yu was bold and looked closely with his eyebrows, and this stone seemed to be alive!

There are slight fluctuations on its surface!

When I wanted to look inside the stone again, the figure on the opposite side suddenly shivered.

Then, Chu Yu felt a slight tingling in his eyebrows.

He quickly closed his eyebrows and opened his eyes, wondering if the other party noticed.

Fortunately, there was no other move in that figure, but Chu Yu was already uneasy.

The master program is still engulfing and analyzing the three exercises just now.

Chu Yu has never seen a class of merit!

It can also be judged from experience that all of these exercises come from true top-level heritage.

For general exercises, the general outline can be resolved almost instantly.

But these three exercises have been for a long time, and the master plan is still advancing a little bit.

Like a tough bone.

The communication between the Star Fox and the Ancient God Spirit Seal continues.

"It seems that someone just looked at the old man."

"Is it this little guy?" Xinghu asked.

"No, he just has a very strong bloodline and is terrifying, but how can he have the strength to spy on the old man?" The ancient immortal's spiritual imprint is confident, and he does not believe that Chu Yu has that ability.

"Are you really going to accomplish him this way?"

Star Fox does not believe it, it has been here for many years, and it is too clear what virtue this old guy is.

Knowing that he is not a spiritual imprint of an ancient **** at all, but the spirit of that stone statue!

The stone statue is an ancient **** stone statue, once worshipped by endless creatures.

Therefore, spiritual wisdom gradually emerged, and this spirit was born of the ancient god, so it is not bad to say that he is part of the ancient god.

But fundamentally, he is not the same thing as the ancient god.

"Complete him? Well, of course!" Said the ancient god's spiritual imprint very seriously.

"Want to lie to you? Are you afraid of telling you?"

"Then you never want to go out!" Said the ancient immortal spirit imprint.

"You shameless old thing! Old liar!" Star Fox said angrily.

"Actually, even if you tell him now, it's too late. I planted the three exercises in his spiritual world, even if he didn't want to learn ... it won't work!"

The spiritual imprint of the ancient **** said: "Once the three exercises are in operation, he will be controlled by me. And I can also escape this **** place!"

This place is the spiritual world of the spirit of the stone statue.

The vast expanse of cosmic starry sky is the place where the ancient **** had been to, and was engraved here.

In the past, Star Fox once climbed to the top of the stone statue and was pulled in. No matter how hard it was, it could not escape.

Because Star Fox is born with a spiritual body, it is different from Chu Yu. Chu Yu came in actually a spiritual body, but Star Fox ... but the whole body came in.

Therefore, if the spirit of the stone figure really wants to capture Chu Yu, he must completely control his spiritual will, and then let Chu Yu's spiritual body take him away from here.

Outside, he can really occupy Chu Yu's body.

From beginning to end, this is actually a scam.

The spirit of the stone figure feels that he is holding the winning ticket, but in fact, he does not know who is the last person who laughs.

"Forget it, Grandpa is too lazy to manage. Anyway, you go out and take Grandpa with you, it's no big deal. Grandpa has been with you for ten thousand years."

"Billions of years?"

"a thousand years!"

"Ha ha."

"Hehe a fart, an old liar, an old bastard, an old bastard! You are a stone man and a stone heart!"

Chu Yu was still sitting there quietly, letting the Master Gang continuously supplement the deficiencies in the three exercises.

The time flickered over the past half month.

The master program finally completely devoured and analyzed these three exercises.

It became Chu Yu's own thing.

At this moment, Chu Yu can clearly perceive his fist and kung fu has reached a very high level!

Yin and Yang make fist, one fist is extremely cold, one fist is flaming!

As soon as the double fists come out, the void will tremble.

The main punch is to kill.

Fortune is master.

Yinyang Yanghua Boxing is printed, you can control life and death!

Although it hasn't been tried, Chu Yu's horrible energy operation method shocked Chu Yu and was very much looking forward to it.

Eight Diagrams refining soul palms, each shot, the void will form a shadow of Eight Diagrams.

This is more than just looking cool, it is also powerful enough to be added!

Chu Yu even now can't wait to try the power of his palm.

Yinyang Yanghua Fist and Eight Diagrams Soul Refining Palm are both combat skills and supernatural powers.

But the five elements of magic are pure supernatural powers.

The Five Elements Divine Art seems to be simple, but in fact it is all-encompassing, including all kinds of mutualisms of the Five Elements, and there are millions of combinations.

Incomparably mysterious and profound.

This kind of divine art, even a talented person, needs time to understand.

After half a month of continuous comprehension, Chu Yu's realm has not improved much, but his combat power has once again improved a lot.

Chu Yu was very excited about this progress.

These three top-level exercises are worthless. He has suffered so much and endured so long.

"How is it? Little fellow, how about these exercises?" The ancient immortal spirit imprint asked Chu Yu the first time Chu Yu stopped running the master plan.

"Great! Thank you for giving me the exercises." Although Chu Yu noticed that there were pits in these three exercises, there was no direct evidence after all.

He seriously thanked the figure.

"You don't have to say more if you are grateful, because everyone will be your own in the future." The ancient imprint of the spirit said very happy.

"My own? Is it that seniors want to go out with me?" Chu Yu asked.

"Of course, you take me out now, now." In the old voice, with joy.

Chu Yu shook his head: "Senior still stay here."



At the same time, two voices came.

One of them is the old voice, which is also the spiritual imprint of the ancient gods, to be precise, it should be the spirit of the stone statue.

His voice was full of shock and surprise.

He just commanded it at random, because he felt it was already a winning ticket!

As long as the young man accepts his three exercises, he will surely be under his control.

Not to mention, he still felt it for so long with his heart, and he was clearly practicing.

But the fact surprised him, because the other party was not affected at all.

Another surprised voice is Star Fox.

It actually started directly from the ground, with a pair of dark ink eyes, staring at Chu Yu, his eyes glowing with excitement.

This little guy ... hahahaha, it was not controlled!

"Do you want to be ungrateful?" The old voice of the stone statue's spirit was still steady, but with a trace of anger.

Chu Yu said, "What is this senior? What do you want to go out, you can just go out and want to come back, but it is just a matter of thought. Why do you have to let me take the senior out?"

"Hahahaha, smirking dead, that's because he thought he controlled you, hahahaha!"

Xinghu burst into laughter suddenly, because it was already certain that this young human being was really not controlled by the spirit of the stone statue.

"What do you mean?" Chu Yu asked with a frown.

The spirit of the stone statue said coldly: "Star Fox, do you want to die?"

"Bah, old liar, your biggest reliance is that the ancient gods have absorbed enough power of faith in the past. You can let you splurge to today. But your current ability is just to trap the Lord, kill the Lord, you Do you have this skill? Hahaha, you can't even handle a child now! "

Xinghu's laughter was full of pride, and said to Chu Yu: "Little brother, take me away, I voluntarily followed you for ten thousand years!"

"Really?" Chu Yu's eyes lit up.

Although he does not know how great this star fox really is, but the creatures who can enter this place obviously cannot be mortals.

"Really, I swear!" Star Fox looked serious.

Then he swears loudly.

Chu Yu felt something when he spoke out, knowing that it was serious.

"Then let's go." Chu Yu said.

Xinghu smiled bitterly: "You have to take me, otherwise I can't go!"

"None of you want to go!" The spirit of the stone statue was angry.

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