
Chapter 809: Do you have that ability?

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The old man glared at Chu Yu fiercely, then took out the black streamer with a painful face, and looked at Jiang Zilian said: "Tuer, this black streamer ..."

"Disciple thank you, Master, for giving the streamers!" Before he finished, Jiang Zilian paid a courtesy visit, and then stepped forward to take over the black streamer, and his eyes lit up.

No, did you always do this when you were in the Nether?

In that world, aren't you the supreme being?

The status is extremely respected?

Why are all the same as the reincarnation of the starving ghosts?

When you see a bargain, you swarm up and you might be left behind?

How can it be like the eternal level and the Da Luo level of Eternal God Realm, when fighting, it is like a little bastard, it is a dry ... there is no master style at all?

How can you do this?

What about civilization?

What about quality?

How proud?

With the benefits, has Master become a master?

"Cough ... Tu'er, this streamer, although the teacher gave it to you, there are five ways to use it ..."

The old man was saying that Jiang Zilian was holding a pole with both hands, shaking it as if holding a flag.


A black smoke burst out of the black streamer instantly, turned into a beast, and swooped to the corner of the cave house.

The old man's eyelids jumped straight, and with a wave of his hand, a defense appeared instantly in that place.

With a loud bang, it exploded in the cave house.

That defense was almost exploded.

The rank of this black streamer is really too high!

Even this defense played by Xiao Madman was almost shattered.

"The first!"

Jiang Zilian shouted.

Then, she contemplates in silence, the black streamer moves automatically without wind, like a flag, grinning.

"Stop! Stop now!"

The old man was almost crazy and stopped loudly.

Without stopping, his cave house must be demolished by his newly-acquired baby apprentice.

Jiang Zilian's expression was still unexplained, and then looked at the old man: "Master, how do you look at the talent of Tu'er?"

"Cough, huh, huh, huh, huh, high, too high, really high!" The old man looked irresistible and praised perfunctoryly.

But in my heart, I was really a little scared.

This apprentice, though it seems a little ... thick-skinned, but this talent is really nothing to say!

At first glance, it was not long before I entered the realm of Daluo, but I can use this streamer, but I have no knowledge of it.

For the general eternal spiritual realm practitioners, not to mention Da Luo, even if it is an immortal, it may not be so easy to find a way to use the black streamer.

Thinking in his heart, the old man gave Chu Yu a hard look again.

Chu Yu's face was wronged, and he said that something was given to your apprentice, but not to me. What did he stare at me for?

A proud person in my bones, would you want something from you?

Really ...

"Well, you are all good." The old man blinked a pair of small eyes, trying hard to make a calm look.

But his image will never make people feel awe.

An immortal venerable, this game is really a realm.

Afterwards, the old man carefully passed on several methods of manipulating the black streamers to his apprentices.

The pain of the flesh is back to the pain of the flesh, but given, that is, given, it is impossible to ask back.

As a master, there is still something to do.

When the old man taught the Fa to his disciples, he left Chu Yu and the three people aside, as if he was deliberately arrogant.

The three Chu Yu did not care about this kind of thing.

Wandering around in this cave house.

This cave house is very big, and it looks like a small world.

But it was very quiet. The three of them had been shopping for a long time. Apart from seeing some flowers and trees, they did not see any creatures.

Lin Shi said with emotion: "I used to feel that this world has lost a bit of vitality. Today, this feeling is getting stronger. It seems that a world has only high-level life, but no low-level life to set off, which is really meaningless. . "

Xu Xiaoxian smiled and said: "The eternal level is already at its peak in our world. But here it is at the lowest level. Without it, there is no dignity naturally. No matter how beautiful the safflower is, it needs green leaves to set it off. "

Lin Shi nodded: "So, the eternal, Dalu level practitioners in this world do not have the slightest consciousness. They are just like the people on the bottom of the earth that had never opened the seal, except that they will not die. Others are no different. "

"But why is this? They all said that Eternal God Realm wasn't like this." Xu Xiaoxian sighed softly: "Is it true that only the elite is left?"

Lin Shi said: "Leave only the elite, then, one day sooner or later, those elites will become not elites."

"This makes sense." I don't know when, Xiao Madman appeared here and spoke with praise.

Lin Shi glanced at Xiao Madman, gently bowed his knees to give a gift, and said, "Senior Xiao, can you tell us what is going on in this world?"

Xu Xiaoxian also gave a gift to Xiao Madman: "Yes, Senior, we have heard various versions of stories from a large number of people in these years, but I want to come, those people don't understand as much as Senior."

Reach out without making faces.

Besides, Xiao Madman hates only the boy who counts him.

The two charming little girls asked each other, but he was embarrassed to refuse.

After glancing at Chu Yu, he said: "These two girls should be popularized."

"You all sit down, apprentice, and you come too." The old man called Jiang Zilian.

After everyone was seated, Xiao Madman said with a serious face: "Today you are called, in fact, in order to popularize this knowledge for you. Lest you do n’t know anything, do n’t understand anything. One day it will hit the iron plate. "

Subsequently, Xiao Madman began to tell a few people.

The information he said from his mouth is actually richer than Xiao Ling'er, the Princess of the Xiao Dynasty ...

After all, there are too many things, Xiao Ling'er also heard, but the immortal power of this game is in front of him, but it is ... a personal experience!

In this lecture, five or six hours passed.

During this period, everyone was listening, and no one intervened indiscriminately.

Don't look at the unruly appearance of this old man's game, these things that can be told from his mouth are enough to subvert the perception of countless people!

Definitely the secret story of the earth-shattering level!

There are too many things, not even the true-level creatures in the eternal **** realm.

For example, the true identity of the black hands behind the scenes.

For example, the legendary whereabouts of the Divine Emperor.

God Emperor created the world, not only created a splendid and splendid eternal world, but later because most of the creatures in the eternal world did not understand and cherish and attacked each other, they reincarnate in the eternal world after death. Life!

As a result, who would fear death?

Who cares about death?

Living forever and everlasting, and immortal life, brings only endless boredom and boring.

So, why not fight?

Always have some fun!

As a result, complex ethical issues are becoming more and more serious in this world!

At the same time, there is also a large group of top-level existence, especially dissatisfied with this phenomenon.

The existence of this top group is itself split into two camps.

"A camp does not ask about the world, and cultivates into immortals. The sky collapsed has nothing to do with Lao Tzu! Among them, there are actually many different factions. For example, some people in the camp who cultivate into immortals do not ask about the world, nor To provoke anyone, just go your own way. "

"But there are some things that are extremely useful! No matter what means, killing others and seizing treasures, and devouring others' inner dan, as long as they can help practice, they will do it! As for right and wrong, good and evil, they do n’t care."

"Similarly, in another big camp, merit is a **** ... the same is true!"

"It is also divided into many factions. Some people also do whatever they want to accumulate merit."

The old beggar sneered: "You think, in an eternal world, why are there so many bandits and bandits?"

Xu Xiaoxian said hesitantly on the side: "Bringing the gangster on his own weight?"

The old man glanced at him and sighed: "It's almost like, raising a large group of bandit robbers, slaughtering civilians, and when the public complains, then appear as the savior and kill a group of bandit bandits. Yes ... with merit. "


All of Chu Yu's faces showed wonderful expressions.

Is this okay?

Can merit be so accumulated?

"Do those ordinary people know nothing about it?" Lin Shi couldn't help asking.

The old man smiled and said: "What can civilians know? The most common among them, thrown to the lower realm, are the top-level existence, but in this world, they are the weakest group of creatures. They are here, but there is no You are so majestic. "

Everyone felt a fire in their hearts.

But they didn't know what to say.

The old man said: "The group of people known as behind-the-scenes hands are all the pinnacles of the endless years of life. They let this kind of thing develop, and even secretly help. The purpose is very simple. . "

"So, with the help of the reincarnation world created by the Divine Emperor in order to change this smoky world, they created the dark age, cleaned all the creatures below the eternal level, and joined forces to change the rules of this world."

The old man said, glancing at Chu Yu and a few people: "These of you who have soared from the lower realm are the ones that were washed out in the past! Oh, not all of them."

The old man gave Chu Yu a strange look: "For example, you are not."

"Huh?" Chu Yu froze slightly, frowning.

"You are the kind of spirit that gathers the heaven and the earth and grows up!"

The old man said lightly: "However, when you were in the lower realm, you should have heard a lot of specious legends about this world and the fairy world, so the most important purpose of your soaring is to find out the truth."

"Then, you want to change all this, don't you?"

Chu Yu and others were all silent.

The old man sighed, like an old man next door looking for a harvest but a natural disaster, with a strong depression on his body.

"Now, you know it and you see it. How? Do you still think you have the ability to change all this?"

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