
Chapter 815: Happy cooperation

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"It can run." One of the three generals stared at Chu Yu coldly, and the corner of his mouth slightly tilted up, showing a very disdainful sneer, and said: "But when you meet us, you can stop completely. Now. "

"How can there be so much nonsense? Kill!"

Another big general snorted, and with a long sword in his hand, cut directly to Chu Yu.

The sword skyrocketed in an instant, and it was full!

The sword made a loud rumble like a thunder.

There are also countless thunder and lightning rays, wrapped around the sword.

The sword was cut, and even the surrounding void was slightly twisted.

This is his stunt!

Never press the bottom of the box!

There are stunts, why not use them?

Since you can kill with a sword, why do you fight for a while?

Show it to others?

This general has always been like this.

Come up is lore!

Even if the consumption is huge, he does not care.

Because under his sword, there was never an enemy who could stand up to the second sword.

The other two rushed directly towards Xu Xiaoxian, Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian.

Although their personality is not as fierce as that of the general who played against Chu Yu, but on the battlefield, the degree of cruelty is not too much.

Although they all saw the three females fascinating, but in their eyes, they couldn't find a little pity for Xiangxixiyu.

The task assigned to them by the coach was to kill the four. Then you must kill these four people, and one less will not work!

Facing this sword, Chu Yu looked calm, but deep inside he ignited a raging flame.

That's a strong fighting spirit!

Because, this opponent is a bit interesting.

Killing the sky in his hand, lifted up instantly.


A knife light, dazzling.

Long stretches!

Like a starlight!

Above this high sky, it stretches straight to the deep starry sky.


Swords intersect.

As if two stars collided.

The energy of terror surged in all directions.

Like a huge wave rolled up by a tsunami!

After a long time, there was a terrible voice.

The great general holding the great sword stood in the air, with an endless light erupting on him.

The coercion of that true fairy was terrifying.

The sarcasm in his eyes was gone, and his eyes became extremely deep.

Looking at Chu Yu, he murmured, "A quick knife ..."

The next moment, his head and limbs fell from his body.

Even if there is supernatural protection, it can't stop all this.

What his sword attacked was Tao, what was cut by Chu Yu's sword, why not?

At that moment, it seems that he only cut this sword.

But in fact, this sword embodies nearly all the general's understanding of martial arts.

This is his pinnacle!

But Chu Yu, at that moment, seemed to have only one sword to block this sword.

But in fact, he cut out ten thousand knives!

Just after the sword was blocked by a sword, numerous swords were cut.

Severely broke the general's way, cut off his defense, and then cut off his head and limbs.

In this battle, neither side has any tricks.

Chu Yu showed a crushing attitude towards this general.

A true fairy warrior fell.

Eternal God Realm is indeed an immortal world, but it does not represent, immortal.

The spirit of this true fairy warrior was also smashed by Chu Yu.

Even, together with a reincarnation Fu Zhuan tattooed on his shoulder, it was cut in half by Chu Yu.

It should have been possible to reincarnate in this eternal God Realm, this time, there is no hope at all.

The lower realm is the reincarnation of lowly creatures?

Chu Yu glanced coldly at the great general who had been cut to pieces by him, and said lightly: "Go and feel the world of flowers."

After finishing speaking, he turned and looked at the void behind him, and the three women fought against two other generals.

Xu Xiaoxian condenses the guqin with energy, revealing three heads and six arms.

Two hands are playing the piano, four hands ... in formation!

This is the first time Xu Xiaoxian has manifested the magical power of three heads and six arms.

Under normal circumstances, she only needs to play the piano with her mind, and use her mind to set up the void.

But this opponent is a bit unusual, so it takes a lot of thought.


The strings tremble slightly and the sound is melodious.

But the sky and the sky are full of endless killing opportunities!

This killing is directly formed into substance.

I don't know if it was Xu Xiaoxian's recent epiphany or deliberate mischief.

These murders that turned into substantive attacks on the other side were all modern automatic weapons on the earth.

Suddenly ...

Numerous firearms, almost bursting into flames.

At this moment, the magic circle she laid was directly activated.

This place instantly became a terrible battlefield.

Battles are raging!

The roars continued.

The general who targeted her did not expect it anyway. Every woman was really a fairy, and her combat ability was so terrible.

And, in this way, there are many tricks.

If anger is useful, it will be anger that day.

Anger naturally does not work with fists. Of course, fists are not as powerful as swords, and swords are certainly not as good as magic.

Of course, as a strong general, he certainly understands.

But now, he can't throw his fist, his sword can't move, his magical powers ... can't show it!

The magic circle under Xu Xiaoxian's cloth looked like a huge mud.

This general is like a trapped beast that is getting deeper and deeper in the mud.

Not to mention resistance, it is difficult to move!

This is too sad.

These generals, following Xue Ye, fought against the North in the South.

After countless battles.

Which one is not experienced in battle?

They really rushed a little bit by virtue of military merit!

For them, this task was originally a leisure trip.

After killing for too long, my heart is a little tired, and I want to come out and relax.

So they fought for battle to kill these four people.

Who ever thought, but stepped into the endless abyss.

This is not four fish belly, this is four Tyrannosaurus rex!

And they, by comparison, are not even velociraptors, at best, just some big plesiosaurs ...

In the past, it was possible to bully and bully other herbivorous animals.

If you really meet a fierce carnivorous animal, you will have to be attentive.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The murderous sound condensed by Xu Xiaoxian's piano sound turned into a giant cannon.

Horrible energy burst out one after another.

Bombard on the general who was trapped by her.

The scene was so bleak, it was terrible.

An iron-blooded warrior killed on the battlefield was just killed by Xu Xiaoxian.

Soul flying!

A reincarnation symbol wrapped around the miserable and miserable true spirit of the general, wanted to escape, but Xu Xiaoxian touched the piano with both hands, and a flying sword was shattered directly!

What happened to Fu Zhuan, who was able to refine?

The characters written by the calligraphy master are good, but isn't the paper shattered as soon as it is torn?

Not written on the steel plate.

Xu Xiaoxian pouted: "It's unbearable."

Lin Shi and Jiang Zilian over there at the same time against another general.

While Xu Xiaoxian was bombarding indiscriminately, Lin Shi was baptizing each other with the light of the Bodhisattva.

"You kill too much, your body is **** and exhausted, and you are too angry. I'll baptize you."

"Let down the butcher knife!"

"Born as a person, please be kind."

"You should be kind."

"You must be kind!"

Perhaps Lin Shi also realized a new supernatural power, and there was a lot of nonsense.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The general looked at his two robes, one was brutally separated by Chu Yu, the other, but fell into the quagmire and was bombarded wildly.

Lin Shi's voice like the chanting came again in her ears, and what she said, what is it?

The whole general is about to collapse.


He growled and tried to rush to Lin Shi to make this beautiful-looking woman but gave birth to a black-hearted woman.

Brush brush!

Jiang Zilian's speed is incredible!

Stepping into the real fairyland, everyone has acquired abilities that were not there before.

Or a new ability, or a strengthening of the past ability.

Jiang Zilian's speed, even to the true fairy creatures in the same realm, is like a ghost!

too fast.

So fast that the general could not keep up with her.


Looking at this immortal eternal **** realm, this principle also works.

Almost in the blink of an eye, countless wounds appeared on the general.


Lin Shi ’s Bodhisattva light over there was like a brutal torture.

Just like a mortal, he was rubbed hard with an iron brush over and over again.

That kind of taste is painful.

Afterwards, he watched the robe as if stuck in the mud, and was killed by the beautiful demon girl.

Even the reincarnation ... is broken!


He roared: "In my life, I fought against the North and went to the North. After countless battles and countless killings, even the Immortal Venerable, I have escaped from him. Can I still die here today?"


A white firework ignited on his body.

Originally looking at the lively Chu Yu, his complexion changed slightly and he frowned immediately.

The look became dignified, so I had to come to help.

Because he could feel that this man was driven crazy, and actually burned his own avenue, causing the cultivation to skyrocket in a short time!

To a certain extent, already has the fighting power of Xianzun!

Lin Shi said softly: "We can."

Jiang Zilian also said at the same time: "No need to help."

So confident!

Although Chu Yu was still a bit worried, he stopped.

Concentrate on watching.

Behind Xu Xiaoxian, a huge light and shadow suddenly appeared!

The light and shadow are humanoid, exuding infinite compassion.

Even Chu Yu, at this moment, has a feeling that he wants to give up everything ...


Although it returned to normal in the blink of an eye, this level of battle, life and death, is often completed in the blink of an eye.

Even Chu Yu was affected by a trace, how could the general who bears the brunt be indifferent?

With tears in his eyes, the whole person was sober, but he couldn't control his behavior.

Mumbled: "Wait, fight for justice, is it wrong?"

Puff puff puff puff!

His body was constantly pierced by sharp blades.

Also pierced at the same time, and a reincarnation on him!

Jiang Zilian is like a cold-blooded assassin, facing the opponent without any tenderness.

By the time she was far away from the enemy general, the other party was out of breath.


Lin Shi took a breath and stared at Jiang Zilian.

Jiang Zilian smiled: "Happy cooperation!"

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