
Chapter 826: I need demons

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Wujiang!

This dress, combined with this traitor, made countless **** creatures who saw this person almost riot.

I have seen 13 who can pretend, but I have never seen such a pretend!

Where do you think this is?

This feeling is just like a mortal in the world, approaching the war zone in war with a calm face.

Everyone will not only think that this person is looking for death, but also feel very uncomfortable in his heart.

I think it must be that my brain is sick.

And the emotions of these **** creatures at this moment are far stronger than those ten million times!

The barefooted man in white with long hair and a shawl had not yet descended, and **** creatures could not help but shoot him!

"go to hell!"

A crimson ray of light, like a cosmic ray, is many times faster than the ray of light, and hits the white-footed barefoot man directly.

The bare-footed man in white appeared to be standing still, but the crimson-red light, like the rays of cosmic rays, did not hit him, but spread out in front of him, forming a huge red bubble!

This light is not used to attack, but to trap the enemy!

At the same time, this powerful **** creature also took off.

He is going to eat this guy!

His meat must be delicious!

This time, it seemed to ignite the explosive bag.

Countless **** creatures are flying in the sky.

Rushed towards the man in white.

At the same time, this group of **** creatures are also guarding against and counting the people around them.

He rushed out of the **** creature first, and he was about to fly to the white man. There were at least hundreds of attacks, and he shot at it.

It roared back, a sonic wave, at least smashed seven or eighty attacks.

This is a very strong creature in hell, otherwise he would never dare to make it easily.

But there are too many **** creatures attacking it.

Most of the attacks were roared in one throat, and there were still dozens of attacks on it.

Instantly flesh and flesh, and blood flowed out.

The pain in the wound made it more angry.

Slammed fiercely to a **** creature who secretly attacked it.


With a crunch, the **** creature who secretly approached it was like a piece of broken porcelain, suddenly torn apart.

The **** creature who shot was not happy at all, because it was a puppet.

It roared, threatening gaze at the **** creatures around.

"He, mine!"

"Who robs, die!"

In this generation, this **** creature is also a top-notch existence.

On weekdays, no one dares to pretend to be in front of it.

But now, almost all **** creatures here are violent.

They look down on the bare-footed man in white, especially the compassion and calm of the man who is out of tune with this place. It's so terrible.

Hell creatures, once the riots start, no one can suppress them at all.

Not even the most powerful existence here!

They are not confused or mentally ill.

They are actually a group of lunatics with high IQ and high ability!

A group driven by **** ... top-level existence!

This creature is terrible.

No one knows what they will do.

After this powerful **** creature threatened, there were dozens of **** creatures with strange and strange smiles on their faces.

"Whoever grabs it, who counts it!" Hell creature said coldly.

The powerful **** creature looked at it with his eyes, and his eyes shot out two divine lights.

The divine light directly formed a terrible attack, slamming into the speaking **** creature.


The sky here suddenly burst into a terrible roar.

The **** creature who said who robbed him was directly blown away by the divine light from the eyes of the powerful **** creature.

However, the next moment, it gave birth to another head.

But in his eyes, there was a bit of fear.

"I won't argue."

Puff puff……!

In an instant, there were at least dozens of attacks, sharp as a knife, piercing its body.

Take advantage of your illness.

This is also a major feature in hell.

Tell the rules? Reasonable? Moral?


This **** creature was split into corpses in an instant, and flesh and blood were scattered.

Those **** creatures who took part in the attack were laughing wildly and sharing the flesh and blood of this **** creature.

Satisfied colors appeared on each face.

In this process, there are also **** creatures, who secretly shot the people around them.

Although they all look like human images, in fact, in such places, they are no longer human.

Has become a kind of evil spirits.

This is hell!

The man with long hair in a shawl and barefoot in white looked at the scene calmly.

There was neither the first time to escape, nor the attempt to prevent it.

Just suspended in the air, watching quietly.

Then he said lightly: "Everyone is suffering."

When he spoke, he was still trapped in the big red bubble.

The powerful **** creature who trapped him sneered: "Come here to learn from the bald group? Let me die!"

Between the words, there was a blood-red spear in the hands of this **** creature.

The whole body is like flowing blood, exuding extremely powerful killing opportunities.

His speed is incredible.

Not like a normal eternal-level practitioner at all.

The strength he shows is far beyond the eternal level!

This spear has no way on it, no rules, only a terrifying killer!

Even this void seems to be pierced by it.

In a short while, he came to the bare-footed man in white.

The huge red bubble did not stop the powerful **** creature. He rushed in without hindrance. This **** spear pierced the eyebrows of the bare-footed man in white.

At the same time, a large number of **** creatures rushed here.

But almost all of them are blocked by this red bubble.

It turns out that this bubble is not only to trap the enemy, but also to prevent being robbed!

Only a few powerful **** creatures squeezed in from the red bubbles.

They did not shoot, but watched.

Prepare a slice of soup!

So delicious, how can one enjoy it alone?

They watched and waited with glaring eyes!

Ready to watch the barefooted man in white in thirteen being shot with a shot, and then ... waiting to eat his flesh.

There is no taste of the blood of crazy creatures.

There is only one word to describe it.



A soft sound.

The bare-footed man in white stretched out a finger against the sharp point of the sharp **** lance.

The powerful **** creature roared wildly and exhausted all his strength.

But in any case, the gun in hand is no way to go forward even if it is 0.01 millimeters!

It was like, I encountered a wall that was indestructible.

It froze.

There was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

In fact, it is no longer a practitioner of eternal realm.

Its real strength, if it is in a place such as Eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm, should be eternal, but even a big Luo ... is not his opponent at all!

Even if it encounters a real strong man like Shangxian, he will retreat in the face of its brutal existence.

Don't dare to blame him.

"Your hearts are full of hatred, but this hatred is nowhere to be vented."

The bare-footed man in white was still calm, and said lightly: "If so, I have a way to take you out of here. Will you be my Lord?"

"Fuck you motherfucker!"

How could **** creatures with **** spears believe this kind of gossip?

Run to **** to recruit younger brother?

In this evil world, which is not the former big brother?

Which is not the top arrogance that was once amazing?

Will you let it go?

Not to mention that since the ages ago, there were only coming in creatures, how could there be going out from here?

Oh, wrong ... there is one!

There seems to be only one!

Let all **** creatures envy the jealously crazy woman!

Not long after she came in, she was taken away before she changed into it!

This legend is almost unknown in the entire hell.

But that kind of thing is the only one ever since ancient times.

Moreover, even if the power of the woman is taken away, can only one be saved?

Otherwise, why not save all?

Don't look at this group of **** creatures like crazy monsters, but if someone can really take them away, one of them counts, absolutely, absolutely ... will recognize that person as the master!

It used to be that there were no such creatures, but in the end, they ended badly.

Because they are all under the banner of salvation, they actually want to be the hegemon of this hell.

The result was torn to pieces by countless angry **** creatures!

Soul flying!

Speaking of that, it's the story of the ancient world, and the short time when there was hell.

Nowadays, where else does anyone believe this kind of nonsense?

After screaming, this powerful **** creature withdrew his **** spear backwards, and then began a crazy attack.

In addition, the few powerful **** creatures squeezed in also shot at this time.

They aren't who they want to help, they're just simple. I feel that this guy with thirteen outfits is a little bit tricky!

It seems that you want to be the boss?

Such a guy, do not kill, what do you keep?

So, they all shot.

Ding, Ding ... Ding Ding ...

Almost instantly, there were countless crisp sounds like wind chimes.

No one even saw how much the man in white was doing.

All attacks are stopped!

The magical spell, in front of the white man, is useless.

If the mud cow enters the sea, there is no effect at all.

No close attack was able to hit him.

"My time is limited, I want to conquer the whole hell!"

"I am going to take you into the eternal **** realm, into the immortal world ... revenge."

"Go to the hands behind the scenes and settle accounts."

"Moreover, after entering Eternal God Realm and Immortal Realm, it will take some time to help you ascend and ... make you more disciplined. It will take time."

"So, although I am very patient, I don't want to waste too long on you."

The man in white spoke lightly while blocking the attack from the group of **** creatures.

"I said that all beings are bitter, but I don't want to save you."

"You don't need to be saved."

"It's best to keep your anger."

"All I need is a group of demons!"

"A group, full of resentment, murderous ... from the **** created by the black hands behind the scenes ... demons!"

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