
Chapter 856: Fairy House

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"Brothers, there really are you! Powerful!" Jiang Yuanzhi was far away and greeted the group of people with a smile on his face.

Dong Lanjiang laughed and said: "Small things, if not that guy aroused everyone's anger, in fact, any shot can kill him! But this kind of group fight feels more pleasant and happy!"

Tian Laojiu and others also laughed: "Yeah, happy! Really happy!"

"Brother Jiang didn't go at that time, but it's a pity that the guy didn't even put a fart before he died, hahaha, it's extremely useless!" Someone laughed.

Jiang Yuanzhi said: "You didn't use memory spar to record that picture? Now in Mulun City, there are many outsiders who say you are bragging."

"Huh, what record do you want to kill a small character? Say we bragging? Ha ha, ridiculous! Whoever doesn't agree, let them come over and have a theory." Someone sneered.

Chu Yu watched this group of people performing and found it particularly interesting.

More joyful than seeing the clown.

Jiang Yuanzhi also laughed loudly: "Those people only dare to hide in the corner, and they are happy to talk, really let them stand up, and borrowing their courage, they are not afraid!"

A group of people laughed and entered the Fairy House.

Inside the fairy house is a small world.

And the design is very exquisite!

After entering, it was in the sky, on a high platform, high down, and you could almost see the whole world.

The high platform is connected to a huge palace.

The palace is the main hall for gatherings.

Below, is the endless blue sea.

Standing on this high platform and looking at it at a glance is refreshing.

On the sea, there are countless large and small islands scattered all over the island. On each island, there are palaces of different sizes.

In this fairy house, a woman with a high status can occupy an island alone.

The island with the highest status occupies the largest area!

Here, even the "fairy" with a slightly lower status, at most, a small island with a few people, and the palace ... certainly has its own separate palace.

"Today we choose a girl, we choose the level of one person and one island! Have you heard? I said today that I invite, that is, I invite, no one is welcome to me!" Dong Lanjiang stood on the high platform and spoke loudly. There is a feeling of scolding Fang Yao for pointing Jiangshan.

Jiang Yuanzhi smiled and said, "Who would be polite to you, the rich?"

"Brother Jiang, don't hurt me. I'm just happy today! Compared to Brother Jiang, what's the point of the younger brother's property?" Dong Lanjiang smiled and spoke very politely.

Du Guqian stood beside Jiang Yuanzhi and felt very happy!

In the past few days, wherever you go with Jiang Yuanzhi, you can always feel the feeling of being high.

This feels really cool!

Everyone saw Jiang Yuanzhi and said hello politely.

And those people are not like Gu Jian and Li Feng, who have no demeanor. After saying hello to Jiang Yuanzhi, they will smile at her to show friendship.

Why is the gap between people so big?

At this time, Tian Laojiu suddenly smiled and said: "Brother Dong, if someone likes to play with many girls at the same time? For example, Dude, hey, Dude, do you say it?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Chu Yu in an instant.

Chu Yu has a MMP ...

A lot of information about this matter has indeed been read from Dude's memory. Almost one-third of Dude's memory!

The other two thirds are mostly related to spiritual practice.

It also shows that this Dude, in fact, never used all the ingenuity and wisdom in cultivation.

It is indeed a genius!

However, this one-third memory of women is extremely unbearable.

The biggest hobby is to be with a group of women at the same time ...

"Haha, Dude is still a little bit shy?"

"Yeah, isn't this your favorite hobby? Why are you still shy?"

"Usually you are not such a person."

Everyone around me ridiculed.

Dude's status is undoubtedly the lowest among this group of people!

Although the Dude family was once brilliant, it was wiped out overnight. From that moment, it also fell.

If it were n’t for being a genius, it ’s worth soliciting. I am afraid that none of these people would be willing to take care of him.

So on weekdays, the biggest hobby of this group of people is that everything is okay.

Chu Yu coughed twice, and then said with a straight face: "I'm about to enter the land of evolution. Recently, I'm going to clear my heart, and prepare for life."

"I'm going to be so serious? Is it necessary brother?"

Someone suddenly asked, "Dude, would you want to avenge the family?"

At this time, on the high platform, it was quiet for a moment.

It was not ordinary power to destroy the Dude family in the past. In this dark camp, it also belongs to the kind standing at the top of the pyramid.

So much so that today, I dare not easily mention this matter.

Of these people present, naturally there were no participants of the year. But this matter is too sensitive.

Dong Lanjiang and Jiang Yuanzhi and others glared at the person who spoke.

The person who spoke also knew that he was speechless. Hey, he laughed twice and apologized: "I was speechless for a while."

Chu Yu shook his head expressionlessly and said, "It's all a thing of the past. Everyone is from the same camp. What a revenge, ha ha."

Anyone who knows Dude knows that Dude is not a broad-minded person.

Therefore, he said that there is no heart for revenge, it is pure nonsense! No one will believe this.

Dong Lanjiang said: "Once you have done it, don't stop pestering here, hurry in! Don't choose if you don't want to choose a girl, take a drunk and take a break! Just be happy!"

"Hahaha, yeah, just be happy!"

"To be a man is to be happy!"

"Don't think too much, there is wine and drunk now."

A group of people smiled and passed the topic just now.

After entering the main hall, Dong Lanjiang quietly came to Chu Yu, glanced around, and then said: "Du De, do you really not want revenge?"

Chu Yu looked at him and said as usual: "What do you want, what do you don't want? With me alone, even if I step into the realm of Immortal Venerable, it is impossible to complete revenge alone."

"What I said is true, but I heard that there has been a huge disagreement among the upper class gangsters recently. It seems that ... there are signs of division." Dong Lanjiang still values ​​Du De very seriously, otherwise he cannot leave it to himself. Around.

Who wants to get a young Tianjiao who has the opportunity to step into the field of Xianzun?

If it weren't for him to start early enough and good enough for Dude, he would have no chance.

He looked at Chu Yu with a straight face and said, "So you have to take revenge, but you have no chance, but ... this kind of thing is not something that you and I can easily participate in. But you must also be careful, because whether you want it or not Revenge, the other party ... may not be willing to let you go. "

Chu Yu nodded, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes: "Master, rest assured, I understand."

Dong Lanjiang nodded and patted Chu Yu's shoulder with a smile: "But you don't have to worry too much. After entering the land of evolution, we will be together! I think who dares to move you!"

He said again, "When I killed Na Chuyu today, I had a touch of insight and gained a lot! So happy, please don't be polite afterwards. Everyone is your own, there is no need to hide anything. We It ’s the most distinguished guests here, just do whatever you want! "

Chu Yu nodded: "I see."

Dong Lanjiang carried a wine glass, went to other places, and greeted the others.

Jiang Yuanzhi suddenly came over with a wine glass and looked at Chu Yu with a smile: "Brother Dude, have something to do?"

Chu Yu smiled slightly: "Master Jiang is good, it's okay."

Jiang Yuanzhi nodded and said, "There are some things. In the past, it has passed. Over the years, the brothers are also helping you to find your family. They will be able to return one day sooner or later. When people live, they always have to look forward. ,Is not it?"

Chu Yu was somewhat speechless. He saw that Jiang Yuanzhi was a bit of a lobbyist.

Thinking about the memory, Chu Yu understood how Dude felt about Jiang Yuanzhi.

Du De feels that the Jiang family behind Jiang Yuanzhi is related to the destruction of the Du De family in the past!

However, this is Du De's business, it's your dark camp's own dog biting a dog, rest assured, I'm sure I don't care!

"Haha, what Master Jiang said is that I have a good future ahead of me. How can I care too much about those things in the past? I still want to look forward to Master Jiang in the future." Chu Yu said with a smile.

Jiang Yuanzhi smiled and nodded: "Say, talk, talk!"

A banquet lasted until late at night.

Chu Yu drank some wine according to the habit of Dude, and chatted with some people and laughed, and finally, because of his invincible power, he did not choose the fairy here.

He is not afraid to reveal his identity, because these people have a little misunderstanding!

I feel that he is entering the place of evolution soon, and some changes in his mentality have taken place.

Because of who you are, there will always be some unbalanced mentality in the face of a major transition in life. What's more, Du De, who is carrying a **** enmity?

Chu Yu also had to admire Gu Jian's group of guys. The identity he chose for himself was really exquisite!

If he were to choose Jiang Yuanzhi, Dong Lanjiang or even Tian Laojiu, even if they had all their memories, I am afraid that they would be very flawless.

A group of people stayed here for a few days in the fairy house before finally leaving.

Dude also has his own residence in Mulun City.

Chu Yu said goodbye to the group of people, and as soon as he returned to his residence, he immediately became alert.

Standing at the door, hesitated before pushing the door in.

In the room, a black masked man sat.

This man seemed to be completely integrated into the environment here, without breath.

"Who are you?" Chu Yu asked.

At first, he thought that this man was sent by the ancient sword, or a group of terrible Tu family members.

But at the moment of seeing this person, Chu Yu already knew, absolutely not!

Could it be that Dude's former enemy?

"Very alert." The man in black opened his voice, his voice was hoarse. He looked up and looked at Chu Yu with some playfulness. We already know. "


Chu Yu frowned slightly and looked at him without speaking.

In the exposed eyes of the man in black, there was a cold light shining: "You'd better tell the truth. Speaking, we really don't mind, completely wipe out your home! Cut the grass and roots, and never end trouble!"

"My family will come back sooner or later." Chu Yu said lightly.

It's just that the family in his mouth is not the home of the dark camp, but the Chu family!

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