
Chapter 890: fishing

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This old man in black robe is extremely powerful, and even the spirit of the Mulan clan's ancestors dare to kill it neatly.

He looked in the direction of the disappearance of Mulan Yingning's chariot, snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he chased down.

Almost at the same time, Yu Shengjie's group and Tu Guangming were also intercepted separately.

This group of young Tianjiao's hands is not without a hole.

But in the face of true top-level Xianzun avatars, they simply have no ability to escape.

He was directly caught and brought to one place after another.

There, they saw representatives of various races in the dark camp.

It turned out that it was not that no one came to greet, but that these greeted people had long been caught and restricted their freedom.

who is it?

So bold?

Tu Guangming's heart is full of shock.

He didn't believe this was done by the main factions in the dark camp.

Because the representatives of the main battle family are also here, sealed.

"Please come here, you young juniors, there is one thing to ask you, as long as you answer truthfully, you will naturally let you go. So you don't have to be afraid." An old voice suddenly sounded.

Subsequently, a rickety white-haired old man slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Tu Guangming and others looked at each other without knowing the identity of the old man.

"Senior, are you?" Tu Guangming stood up and asked respectfully.

The opponent can break their hole cards and suppress them, indicating that the true strength may exceed their imagination.

Maybe it already has the strength of the top gangster in the dark camp.

This existence, no matter which camp it is, will receive the highest courtesy.

The rickety white-haired old man said lightly: "No need to ask, the old man just wants to know, what happened in the land of evolution?"

With that, he looked at Tu Guangming: "You talk?"

The representatives of the various races in the dark camp are all looking at Tu Guangming at the moment.

Many people didn't see their children, and when they were relieved, they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

Even Tu Guangming was caught here, how could his children escape?

But they didn't show up, wouldn't it be an accident?

Tu Guangming said: "In the land of evolution, the juniors and others have not seen other major events happening, except for gaining some opportunities and fortune."

Speaking of taking out a memory spar directly, he said: "This is all the experience that the younger generation has experienced in the land of evolution for a hundred years. The seniors will know at a glance."

This memory crystal is the original Yang Feng gave to Chu Yu.

It is passive!

It's like a video that has been edited.

But this hand and foot are extremely clever, even if it is Xianzun, it is difficult to find out what is wrong with this.

The rickety white-haired old man took the memory spar, and after a while, returned it to Tu Guangming, pondering for a moment, and said, "You haven't lied, but the people are not yet together, and there are two little girls from the Mulan family And some others did not come. "

"Wait until those people are all together. If the truth is as you said, then you will be let go."

At this time, someone from Tu Guangming couldn't help but ask: "Who is the senior?"

The rickety white-haired old man said lightly: "Even if you say that, you may not know that this world is so big that you cannot always be dominated by people from your dark camp."

They turned out not to be in the dark camp!

Tu Guangming and others were extremely shocked.

At this time, the family representative who had no children here could not help but asked towards Tu Guangming and others: "Tu Gongzi, have you ever seen my family Duan Tianya?"

"Gu Gongzi, did you see Dong Lanjiang?"

"Mr. Tu, I am from the Lu Huamao family ..."

Tu Guangming and Gu Jian shook their heads one after another, saying that they did not see it, and told them that they did not come out with themselves.

Tu Guangming said: "Maybe they will come out later."

Those people questioned the letter, and looked at Tu Guangming and others became suspicious.

But Tu Guangming and Gu Jian did not care.

It's just very strange in my heart, why is the dark camp boss sitting here missing?

If there are gangsters in the dark camp, it is impossible to watch them captured.

In fact, all the people who were caught felt strange because there was no sign of fighting.

Under normal circumstances, the dark camp leader who is responsible for sitting here can't just disappear.

There is another possibility that the people sitting here are led away!

Or, he left.

As for the reason for leaving, it is difficult to say.

At this time, the rickety white-haired old man looked at everyone and said lightly: "Don't guess, the man who was originally sitting here has met an old friend who hasn't seen for a long time, and drinks tea to go old. You are brought here He knows it. "

what? know?

Everyone at the scene was a little dazed. What did this say?

The white-haired old man didn't explain too much, waiting there with peace of mind.

In his view, the little girls in the two Mulan families are not so difficult to deal with.

It doesn't matter if they have the ancestors of the Mulan clan ancestor.



Mulan Yingning is doing her best to steer this ancient chariot through the high sky.

The speed of this ancient chariot was almost pushed to the extreme.

But Mulan Yingning still didn't feel fast enough. She knew that the ancestral ancestor's mind-bodhisattva could not last long.

Since the other party has already started, it will definitely not give up easily.

Both sides have offended people, who will take care of so many?

Therefore, if their group of people does not enter the territory of the Mulan, they may be in danger at any time.

Chu Yu didn't say much. In the face of this situation, he was actually very calm.

He even just deduced in his heart what would happen if he faced the old guy in black robe?

Sky-killing, metal ball, stone tower, Tianbao gourd, Tianbao ancient clock ...

Can these things add up to surprise each other and then hit them hard?

After some deductions, Chu Yu felt that there was still a chance!

If the opponent is not a doppelganger, but a deity, there is little chance.

No matter how unexpected, in the face of that level of existence, there is no way to make waves.

The magic weapon may bring harm to the opponent, but the opponent will not give him any chance to use the weapon!

This is the strength of the real top Xianzun!

As for the metal ball that can kill the statue of Evil Lord ... Well, the appearance fee of the ball is too high.

Chu Yu didn't even know when it would shoot.

Anyway, there is no way for the metal ball to slash the purple light at will.

Judging from so many years of experience, the purple light that Ye Ye cut out is not so easy. Maybe how long it took to accumulate such an attack.

So, fortunately, what he needs to face now is just a doppelganger.

Chu Yu looked at Mulan Yingning, and then said, "You don't have to panic."

"Why don't you panic?" Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu and said: "Are you still able to deal with a Xianzun's doppelganger?"

With that, her fabulous face suddenly showed a suspicious look.

Because she remembered the horror energy fluctuation that had overflowed from that secret realm before.

At the time, Chu Yu was in that secret realm!

Could it be that he still has a hole card that I don't know?

Mulan Yingning looked at Chu Yu and said: "If you can kill that guy, I believe that our ancestors of Mulan's family will love you."

"Don't you think I'm troubled?" Chu Yuyou asked.

"How is it possible? You are my kind of ancestor who is the kind of cautious person?" Mulan Yingning finally relaxed a little later.

Chu Yu laughed and said that it was not good.

After all, a ray of mind-reading body of Mulan Patriarch had been defeated. If Chu Yu really had that skill, what had he done?

People with a broad mind will certainly not take this seriously, but they may be afraid of encountering a small heart.

The chariot ran across the sky, skipping at high speed.

At this moment, suddenly a horrible imprisoned power shrouded in an instant.

At the same time, the voice of the old man in black robe also sounded in the chariot.

"Will the little girl of Mulan's family continue?"

Mulan Yingning ignored it and continued to urge the tank forward.

Huo Di, the power of the imprisonment increased to the extreme.

The ancient chariot made a creaking sound and was stopped there.

Many of the people in the chariot fell.

Someone was even injured.

It is also due to the fact that there are a group of top true fairy monks in this chariot. This should be replaced with a normal true fairy. I am afraid that it will be hit hard.

Chu Yu glanced at Mulan Yingning.

Mulan Yingning's eyes flashed a determined color.

You don't need to speak, and you all understand the other person's meaning.


The old man in black robe must never be taken away.

"Your ancestor's dharma body has collapsed, so why do you work hard to support it here?"

Subsequently, this ancient chariot was directly captured by a huge force.

Chu Yu and Mulan Yingning saw through the water mirror technique that the old man in black robe extended a big hand and grabbed the chariot.

It's now!

Mulan Yingning rushed out first.

She knew that Chu Yu's hand must have a tough hole card, but after all, it was a real fairyland.

If the front is stiff, it is impossible to be the opponent of the level of the black robe elder.

Born from the Mulan clan, she knows more about the gap between the ordinary immortal venerable **** and this kind of extreme celestial being.

So she came as a bait!

Chu Yu is responsible for fishing!


After Mulan Yingning rushed out, an unreserved attack directly popped out.

Innumerable Avenue Runes resemble Tianhe Rivers, descending from the sky, turning into a torrent and blasting towards the old black robe.

The Mulan clan's heir is out, even if the state is not as good as the other party, no one can bully.

The old man in black robe sighed and waved his hand lightly, like a casual flick.

There are also countless Avenue Runes blasting towards Mulan Yingning's attack.



The waves are not alarming.

Then Mulan Yingning's all-out blow was resolved.

"Little girl, don't think you come from Mulan's house, and the old man has something to ask you, you can do whatever you want." The old man in black robe said with a cold face.

"Really?" Mulan Yingning rushed up again.

At this time, a black figure rushed out of the chariot.

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