
Chapter 924: Blue horse

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According to legend, the establishment of the dark camp was led by a mysterious strongman, and he went to find some top-level cultivation powers at that time, and finally established this organization.

For example, the ancestors of the Tu clan and the ancestors of the Mulan clan are the true elders of the dark camp.

However, regarding the mysterious leader, no one has known his true identity since ancient times.

I only know that he retreats in the most mysterious forbidden area on the eternal earth, Obuchi.

Dayuan, as the name suggests, is a huge abyss.

In the depths of the lonely universe.

The cliffs are sharp and unpredictable.

It is full of powerful fields and various turbulence.

Even gangster-level creatures, be careful when you get there. And if you are not careful, you may be trapped, and you may not be able to get out of it for tens of billions of years.

There are still some places in the big abyss, even if the big creatures enter, they will fall!

The way there is too grand!

And it cannot be understood.

Many people have speculated that Dayuan is from heaven.

The mysterious leader, who lives in that place, is shocking in itself.

And it is unpredictable that the mysterious power disappeared after the formation of the dark camp.

Except for a few particularly important incidents, they will suddenly appear, and the rest of the time, no one can be found.

So many people at that time often guessed whether he was dead.

But whenever there is a major change in the dark camp, and there is a major event on the eternal earth, he will appear again.

So later, the people in the dark camp gradually got used to his haunting.

In private, someone vaguely speculated that this big brother would be the Divine Emperor!

But more people think this is nonsense.

Does the Divine Emperor who surpasses all living beings need to turn around such a round?

It is not necessary to look at it.

Therefore, since ancient times, there have been various speculations about the identity of the Dark Overlord, but no one has ever been able to come up with more evidence to completely confirm the identity of that person.

But one thing is recognized.

That is the power of the dark overlord!

This came from the mouth of the big guys who had seen the dark overlord in the dark camp.

It is said that the realm of the man should not be separated from the Xianzun Avenue.

But that person is too powerful!

In the same realm, it should be the strongest in the world.

Therefore, whether the dark camp is divided internally, or whether the outsiders are furiously resisting, how should everyone fight and how to fight, but no one has ever thought about going to Dayuan to find the stubborn dark hero.

So Xiao Kuang Talent said to Chu Yu, if you have the Dark Overlord, no one will dare to trouble you easily.

More than easy?

If Chu Yu really wants to reach the level of the dark overlord, he doesn't have to look for other people's troubles, they have to burn incense.

On the way, Chu Yu didn't go fast, he recuperated for a year. Although the time is not long, it is not enough for a battle between the two legions. But the changes in the outside world during this year are not small.

He wanted to learn more by himself.

At the same time, I also want to restore my realm more.

A small town ahead.

From a distance, you can feel the desolation of the town.

The house is dilapidated and the atmosphere is depressed. There are almost no silhouettes.

Chu Yu did not fly in the sky, but walked into this town.

When the town was intact, there were only a few thousand households, and now one-tenth of it is still missing.

It can be judged by some broken walls that there have been small-scale battles here.

If a large army is crossing the border, such a small town may have long disappeared.

Some children looked at Chu Yu's eyes, full of vigilance and fear. Observe in secret in the corner of the wall.

Chu Yu sighed in his heart, saying that if Xiao Madman saw the land of the Xiao dynasty with his own eyes, it would become like this, would he blame the people of the Hell Legion to devour the soldiers of the dark camp?

Xiao Xiaoren is certainly a good person, with a very good character and a kind heart. But after all, he was too tall for too long.

Although he wouldn't say the word "why not eat meat emulsion", but the human suffering is too far away for him.

The top gangsters have always flown over nine days, hundreds of millions of miles away, and can be reached in a blink of an eye.

These dotted villages and towns on the earth have never been among their concerns.

At this time, a sound of soul hoof came from a distance.

A 17- to 18-year-old boy, dressed in a white coat, rode on a horse and walked across the broken town from the opposite side with a curious look.

Linma, a figure larger than a horse, covered with thick scales all over.

Linma has seven colors, red orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, among which purple Linma has the highest grade.

Linma doesn't have much attack power, but the speed is the best in the world!

A purple Linma runs at full speed, even today's Chu Yu, it is difficult to catch up.

This thing is very rare, like Mulun City, occasionally seen.

However, it is also mostly red, orange and yellow.

Green horses are already scarce.

The Linma, which appeared in front of Chu Yu, was blue.

Beautiful figure, looks very beautiful!

The young man's eyes also fell on Chu Yu at this time, a smile appeared on his face: "Daoyou, dare to ask this is Fulong Town?"

Chu Yu glanced at him and shook his head: "Sorry, I don't know very well."

"Oh, where is that friend?" The young boy's big eyes were very clean, black and white, and he looked at Chu Yu with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Gives a very kind feeling.

"Wander around," Chu Yu said.

"That's not as good as our company?" The teenager looked at Chu Yu with a hint of excitement in his eyes: "I first came here, and I was not familiar with it at all."

"I'm not very familiar with it." Chu Yu showed an obvious refusal.

What a joke, a teenager riding a blue horse is not ordinary at first sight. Walking alone on this war-torn ground, I don't think it looks normal at all.

Besides, Chu Yu still has something to do. He is going to find Xu Xiaoxian and them.

Although he is a little bit scalp, he has to meet sooner or later. Besides, he and the two sisters of the Mulan family are really nothing.

The two spoke wrong, and the two went wrong.

The teenager said lightly: "Are you looking down on me?"

Between the words, a small sword suddenly flew from him, slashing severely towards Chu Yu.

This sword, shattered by the earth, bursts into a supreme killing way.


Chu Yu boxed on the sword, hitting this little sword directly into the sky.

At the same time, people also flew high above the sky.

If he does not shoot this sword into the sky, this town will be destroyed under this sword in an instant.

The blue Linma was incredibly fast, catching up with Chu Yu almost instantly.

The young man on the horse's back controls the little sword and continues to attack Chu Yu: "You even look down on me?"


The murderous path blooming on the small sword interweaves in this void, forming a large net, which is shrouded towards Chu Yu.

Chu Yu did not talk nonsense, his eyes were cold.

He has always been guarded against this young man.

From the moment he saw, he had been very cautious.

Chu Yu didn't use his weapon, squeezed his fist, and punched the murderous way he sent out to Xiaojian.

The people in the town below fled frantically.

The teenager chuckled and said, "I can't think of you as a kind person."

With that said, he deliberately let the killing path on the small sword leak out a few times, slamming below, just chopping on those who fled the town residents.

Those eternal levels of creatures are so vulnerable in front of this kind of killing that they are directly cut into pieces by the fierce killing.

They don't even have reincarnation fuzhuan.

Dead is dead!

With a little real spirit left, go to the lower realm.

In Chu Yu's eyes, the cold light flashed.

Sacrifice the Tianbao gourd directly and step on it. The terrible flame spewed out of the Tianbao gourd and burned towards the other party.

At the same time, the ancient clock of Tianbao hangs above Chu Yu's head.

In Chu Yu's hand, he was holding the sky, his left hand was condensed with a fist print, and his right hand was wielding a knife.


With a loud bang, the teenager rode a blue horse and stepped back a long distance.

Then he laughed and said: "It really is you! Chu Yu, you can't escape!"

With that, a great breath burst out from this young man.

The avenue on the boy seemed to cover the whole world at once.

Unbelievably powerful!

Gangster level!

This turned out to be a gangster-level creature.

Xiao Madman is right. Nowadays, the world's most powerful creatures are looking for Chu Yu.

Their goal is also very simple, it is directed at something on Chu Yu.

The main thing is that small metal ball.

That is a treasure from heaven.

There is also a killing day, which also makes gangster-level creatures salivate.

For them, this war on the eternal earth is optional.

They don't care much.

If you can get the treasures on Chu Yu, then it does not matter if you lose this war!


Chu Yu ’s killing of the sky and the young boy ’s sword slammed against each other on the high sky, emitting a rolling energy wave.

That blue horse is too fast.

Chu Yu felt for the first time that he felt suppressed in speed.

At the same time, the realm of the teenager was also extremely high.

Chu Yu's understanding of the battle was not inferior.

If the Tao that Chu Yu comprehended was the best in the world, he could suppress the teenager a little, I am afraid he would have to suffer a big loss now.

"It's not bad, but I can still hold on for a while." The young man's thoughts fluctuated, following his attack.

Faced with such a strong enemy, Chu Yu has no nonsense, and does his best to blast every blow.

Fight if you want to fight!

What can I say?

Your picture is nothing more than a treasure on me, I want to **** it. Then all I have to do is try to kill you while protecting myself!

As for the origin of the other party, what kind of background identity he had, Chu Yu didn't even care.

Who loves who.


With a loud bang, Chu Yu punched with the teenager with a blow.

Chu Yu's figure shook, and the teenager sitting on the blue Linma also shook a little.

Chu Yu's short board is in energy reserves. It is indeed not as good as the old guys who have practiced forever.

But in a short time, even a gangster-level creature, don't think about him.

The smile on the teenager's face gradually disappeared.

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