
Chapter 936: So good origin

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After a long time, Little Loli said: "Sure enough, my father said, this world ... there are too many weird."

"What is the altar?" Chu Yu asked, looking at Little Lori.

"The entrance to the world of countless planes." Little Loli looked at Chu Yu and said: "Under normal circumstances, only the world of planes like Tiangong will have an altar. But this world actually has it!"

With that, her eyes gradually lightened up, and then said: "There must have been a true **** in this world!"

"Great, as long as we go to that altar, we can go home!" Little Loli's face showed excitement.

"Wait, wait a minute ..." Chu Yu looked at Little Loli and asked seriously: "You just said that if you leaked these news, you will be found, and then someone will catch you?"

"Yeah, let's get ready to run!" Little Loli's face became serious, and then she looked at Chu Yu: "Unfortunately you are not ready ... But, it should be okay in a short time, those people It ’s not that easy to appear here through the altar. "

"Who are those people?" Chu Yu asked.

"Those who caught us!" Little Lori looked at Chu Yu for granted.

"..." Chu Yu covered his face with black lines.

Can't help but finally knocked on Little Loli's head.

Little Loli suddenly looked at Chu Yu with a grievance: "If you say yes, don't hit me!"

"You just become like this, you are not a child!" Chu Yu said angrily.

"You fierce me!" Little Lori's eyes were red.

Chu Yu: "..." he wanted to die.

"It's just a kid!" Little Loli looked wronged.

"Okay, okay, you're still a baby." Chu Yu took a deep breath and looked at Little Loli: "Now, can you, please, talk to me and make it clear? Huh? After all, we, maybe, want to meet Yes, very difficult thing. "

Chu Yu was almost a word, gritted his teeth, said to Little Loli.

"You're still fierce to me ..." Little Loli looked at Chu Yu very unhappy and wronged.

"I didn't mean you." Chu Yu squeezed a smile.

"You have, you have!" Little Lori was even more wronged.

"Ahhhhhh!" Chu Yu collapsed: "Let's go to Heaven and Thunder to kill me!"


There was an endless sky above the head, and suddenly a thunder came down, slashing towards Chu Yu.

Chu Yu: "..."

Little Loli immediately swayed the red diamond, slammed toward the sky thunder, then scolded: "Go!"


Tianlei was broken up directly.

Little Loli said angrily: "Don't you know that you just say something?"

Chu Yu wanted to cry without tears, and looked up at the sky.

"Okay, don't be angry." Little Loli shook Chu Yu's arm: "I said, can I say it's not enough?"

Chu Yu was speechless.

Little Lori said: "This world is multi-dimensional, and there is some mysterious connection between each dimension. There are some incredible creatures in the universe. They are called true gods, and they have beyond imagination. . They have built altars in many dimensional spaces to allow creatures to shuttle through these dimensional spaces. "

"The true **** built the altar in order to resist the realm. At the critical moment, he can instantly cross the plane and fight with the realm."

"However, in general, there can be no altar in a low-dimensional world."

"Every time the altar is opened, it requires unimaginable energy. These energies can even evacuate everything in the entire low-dimensional world in an instant!"

"The world we are in now, with Tiangong, and some places, is the chaotic domain."

"Poetry and I are both members of the top family in the chaotic domain, and you ... you are in the chaotic domain ... the predecessor ... the young master ..."

predecessor? Young Domain Master?

Ha ha!

What a big deal!

I really want to cross the fork for a while.

Chu Yu didn't know what kind of mentality he should face now. Anyway, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

"It's just now, you're not." Little Loli's eyes flashed a bit of sorrow, said: "The former domain master fell in battle with the realm, and then, you should have inherited the domain master. , But was taken away. "

"There was a marriage contract between us, so my father took you to my house and wanted to train you. As a result ... I was in trouble."

"Now the domain master has always wanted to kill you ..."

"So at that time, I kicked you off the altar. My father wouldn't let me find you, saying, that's God's will ... Leaving the Temple of Heaven is not necessarily a bad thing for you."

Little Loli's eyes were red and she looked at Chu Yu with a choked voice: "I don't know, what I did is right or wrong, but I miss you so much!"

"Also, the altar is used to resist the demon, and it does not allow the creatures in the universe to shuttle freely, so there is a group of people who are responsible for guarding the altar and ... arresting those who use the altar."

Little Loli looked at Chu Yu and said pitifully: "I, I said it all, can you forgive me?"

Chu Yu looked at the little Loli in front of him without saying a word, "This is not a question of forgiveness and unforgiveness. The things you said, for me, did not have any emotional fluctuations, just like listening to others. The story is the same, can you understand? "

Little Loli thought for a while and nodded: "I, I can understand, I can try to understand ..."

Chu Yu: "..."

Little Loli said: "Like, I found my own avatar. If I can't unlock the seal of her true spirit, I believe she will feel the same way?"

"Yeah, so what are you going to do?" Chu Yu looked at Little Loli.

Little Loli thought about it and shook her head: "I don't know what I should do."

She sighed: "Father told me to forget all this, not let me find you. He said that someone might follow me and find you along with me. This will hurt you, but I can't help it."

Chu Yu glanced at her and asked, "In the beginning, you kicked me off the altar? Did I even resist?"

"No! You didn't seem to have any precautions at that time ... Hey?" Little Loli said, suddenly frowning, revealing the color of thought, and gradually, anger appeared on her face. Clenched his teeth and said: "Someone counts me!"

Chu Yu smiled a little helplessly. The girl didn't know if she was big-hearted or a little foolish, and she didn't react for so many years.

If what she said is true, then this matter is not complicated, at least on the surface, it is not that complicated.

The boy who lived in Tiangong that year, that is, Chu Yu's previous life in Xiao Loli's mouth, was a top-notch second-generation son of Chaos Domain Master. A real prince.

Then, the dad fell in a battle with the realm, but the crown prince who should have succeeded to the throne failed, was usurped, and then chased the world. Hidden to the fiancee's house, still failed to escape. He also let his fiancee bear a black pot for many years, so he lost his soul.

So, in this matter, what is the role played by this girl's father?

Although the young girl did not say what her father did, how could a family that got married to the domain owner be too bad? If the outsiders really have the ability to enter into his house without knowing it, then his family ... how can it be safe today?

This kind of suspicion, as long as it is an individual, will be born?

Girl ink ... It should be Loli Mo now. After thinking there for a long time, she looked up at Chu Yu and said, "Not my father! It can never be him!"

Chu Yu didn't speak. Speaking of which, he really didn't feel anything about it. There can be no hatred of those people.

Even if it was calculated that year, the person kicked out of Tiangong was really his previous life, and now he is already a brand new soul. With that person, there are only causal relationships.

Mo looked at him and asked, "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking, if it's like what you said, am I dangerous now?" Chu Yu smiled.

"Sorry." Mo whispered: "I really didn't expect that much."

"Well, let's talk about things in this world first!" Chu Yu shook his head and glanced at Mo, a little helpless.

Afterwards, the two drove all the way in the direction of Dapingchuan. Later things will be said later, now they have to face how to change the situation on this eternal earth.

Although Mo is powerful, she is not a panacea. According to her statement, once the movements she caused were too large, it would most likely attract the attention of those who maintain order. If it was really targeted by those people, it would be troublesome.

Therefore, she can't make unscrupulous shots here. But at a critical moment, her existence can indeed change the situation.

Chu Yu walked around before, did not go to Dapingchuan, just didn't want to bring so many gangster-level dark creatures there, now it doesn't matter anymore.

Mexico is like a nuclear weapon, as long as it is there, it is enough.



Dapingchuan, both sides gathered a large number of people.

There is a tacit understanding that there will be a decisive battle here!

The people in the dark camp are somewhat complicated, and the reason is very simple. Jiang Hanhan left here at a critical moment, led the army, withdrew from the Xiao Dynasty, and withdrew from this war.

This gives a lot of despair to the lives of the dark camp. They knew in their hearts that it was not difficult for the dark camp to win the battle against the Xiao Dynasty. So many gangster-level dark creatures are cruising on the land of the Xiao dynasty. It does not need all of them. As long as half of them come over, it is enough to change the battle situation.

But the question is, what will they do after the battle?

The entire dark camp has completely fallen apart. So even if they win this battle, they will only win part of the battle but lose the overall situation. So, where will the future go?

Although Gu Jian did not show up, it is clear that Jiang Hanhan was persuaded by him, and the Jiang family must have fallen to that faction.

Dark soldiers in the dark camp have always regarded death as a glory. At this moment, the heart is full of daze.

A split from the inside out caused too much influence, and the belief that supported the countless dark warriors collapsed completely.

Therefore, the entire dark camp, from the generals above to the soldiers below, even if they knew they were about to face a big victory, but the morale was extremely low.

In contrast, the Xiao Dynasty, although knowing that there are a large number of gangster-level creatures on the land of the Xiao Dynasty, their emotions have not been greatly affected. On the contrary, morale is rising.

So, at this moment, if this protracted war is not participated by the gangster-level dark creatures, then the result is obvious.

The Xiao Dynasty will surely win the final victory.

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