
Chapter 977: What are you doing

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It was a young man who pierced the disabled veteran, wearing a silver-white war suit and a handsome face under the helmet. There was a trace of evil charm in his eyes, and a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

"go to hell!"

He kicked on the disabled veteran, and the huge force suddenly kicked the disabled veteran's body out.

A thump fell into the distance.

Chu Die's original cold eyes flashed a fire instantly.

To be honest, Chu Die is not familiar with this group of people.

In the long and endless years, she witnessed too much life and death. Plus she is not that kind of embarrassing person with a lot of compassion.

To be honest, she is rarely touched.

Chu Die can hardly do this kind of thing for the death of a group of strangers.

The reason why he came back to save this group of people was basically influenced by Chu Yu, because she knew that if Chu Yu was here, she would never die.

Although Chu Yu is not a kind of sympathetic person, but he is definitely not a kind of egoist.

The most important thing is that she and Jiang Zilian both found that they have the ability to fight this group of people!

They have been in retreat for many years and also need to hone their combat experience through this kind of battle.

But at this moment, Chu Die's self-considered heart was still strongly touched.

Why did this once veteran army veteran not remind his juniors and other town residents to escape?

Because they are relatives and descendants of the Cangjun army!

The Cangming Army has always only died in battle, not escaped!

But in his mind, these two girls are different, they are the women around the prince.

They cannot die!

Especially the two of them could have escaped, but chose to come back to rescue them.

This kindness is too great!

As a veteran of the army, the kind of loyalty in his bones told him that he must remind Chu Die and Jiang Zilian to leave here quickly.

Watching the vitality of this veteran gradually disperse, Chu Die suddenly felt a particularly sad feeling.

He did not die under the claws of the realm, but died under his own butcher's knife.

What is the difference between this group of people who came to the massacre for no reason, and the group of dark camp gangsters in Eternal Realm?

They all **** it!

Chu Die gritted her teeth, and suddenly her body was entwined with white light. At the next moment, all the white light shot at the monk who killed the disabled veteran.

The monk's body suddenly lit up with runes.

That's a rune formation!

And it is a powerful rune formation.

That person's identity is not simple!

Chu Die's ability to judge is super strong, her mind far exceeds her combat power.

Almost instantly, Chu Die made a decision, and she tried her best to attack the man wildly.

Sure enough, the other monks who were slaughtering the residents of the town all came here at once.


A white light directly cut the man's arm.

The young monk who killed the disabled veteran suddenly uttered a scream.

In the next moment, countless white lights have completely suppressed this person.

Chu Die didn't kill him in the first time, but said coldly: "Stop your people!"

"Stop, all stop!" The young man shouted with a scream.

It seemed to be a completely different person from the one who had just brutally killed the disabled veteran.

Countless white lights exuding endless danger are entwining this handsome young man, who may break his body at any time!

So he was afraid and felt a deadly threat.

The coldness in his eyes was gone, and the evil smile on his face had long since disappeared.

Instead, there was a strong fear.

The town suffered heavy casualties.

For a while, at least hundreds of people have sacrificed their lives.

But this team of more than 30 people and less than 40 people only lost a dozen.

The remaining ones are coming around here.

Surround Chu Die and Jiang Zilian.

One of them said coldly: "Let him go, we will let you two go."

"Bah! The old lady came back on her own!" Jiang Zilian sneered with a sneer, and then looked at Chu Die: "Okay, caught a big fish?"

"It's not like a big fish, it is estimated that it is a little bigger among the small fish." Chu Die said lightly.

"You ..." Even though the young man was restrained and frightened, he still instinctively expressed a strong anger when he heard this.

But at the next moment, he seemed to calm down suddenly and said, "Yeah, yeah, I am a small fish. I am wrong with the two sisters. Let me go."

"Shut up for me!" Chu Die raised her hand with a slap and pumped **** the young man's face, making a crunch. The young man's fair face also swelled in an instant.

"He said that it looked unbalanced like this." Chu Die muttered, raised her hand, and slapped hard at the young man's swollen side.


Suddenly, the young man's face was swollen like a pig's head.

The severe pain and strong sense of humiliation made him almost go crazy on the spot.

Moreover, aren't you talking about imbalance? Why do you have to fight?

Chu Die pursed her lips: "But I just like this imbalance."

Everyone was speechless.

The white light that suppresses the young man is very powerful. When Chu Die slaps his palm, his arm passes through the white light, which is not affected at all. But if this young man wants to move and dodge, these white lights will immediately cut his body.

Chu Die looked at the wailing young man coldly and said: "If you call again, I will kill you directly!"

The young man closed his mouth suddenly, but the deep fearful eyes were full of resentment.

"Let everyone here." Chu Die looked coldly at the man who had just spoken.

There are still many survivors in the town, but if Chu Die and Jiang Zilian are not killed, I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire town is completely slaughtered.

Even if there are a few veterans of the army here, it will not help.

The man sneered, "Go? Where do you go? Everyone here is going to die!"

"Is it?" Chu Die asked blankly.


The young man over there screamed a scream.

There was a white light that cut off one of his arms directly.

Bloody, the scene was extremely bloody.

The broken arm seemed to be spiritual, struggling, hoping to jump towards the young man's shoulder. Seems to want to pick it up by myself.

But as soon as he moved twice, he was cut into countless sections by several white lights.

Those white lights are truly spiritual, intertwined, like a clew, but terrifying.

This is the biggest harvest of Chu Die this time!

Just like Jiang Zilian's flame.

These are the latest and greatest magical powers realized by the level of Daxianzun.

"Stop it!" The person who spoke showed a deep sense of fear in his eyes, and at the same time he hated in his heart, **** noble dude, is it okay to be good at home as your dude?

Why do you have to follow the battlefield together? They must be distracted to protect him.

Fortunately, before this, under the protection of the army, the young man quickly accumulated a lot of military exploits.

But he was not satisfied. The successive massacres swelled the young noble child, thinking that he was strong enough to wreak havoc in this world.

So he secretly took a team of people, more than thirty people, and ran directly to this small city, preparing to slaughter all the creatures in the city, and then looking for some beautiful girls. When the time comes, is it not beautiful for your left-handed warfare and right-handed beauty?

I did not expect that this small city was even more terrible than those big cities. A group of practitioners with both blood and strength brought great resistance to their slaughter.

Although they killed a large number of residents in small cities, their casualties actually reached as much as a quarter.

Even more terrifying is that these two stunning women have the same realm as theirs, but their fighting power is many times stronger than them.

"We let them go, but you must let him go!" The man thought, looking at Chu Die coldly.

He didn't emphasize the identity of the young man. Deep down, he couldn't wait for Chu Die to let the young man be a fart.

Once this terrible woman knows the true identity of the young man, the consequences are definitely not something he and the people around him can bear.

The sum of their lives is not worth the young man.

Fortunately, although this young man is a dumb kid, he hasn't lost his mind yet, and hasn't emphasized his identity.

Chu Die glanced at Jiang Zilian, and Jiang Zilian looked at the people around her: "Hurry up and leave at the exit, everyone fled!"

At this time, a veteran of the Cangjun army stood up and said, "You can't go through the exit."

He looked at Jiang Zilian and Chu Die and said, "The exit has been blocked by their people! There are heavy troops guarding there."

Damn it!

Jiang Zilian gritted his teeth bitterly.

In other words, if she and Lin Shi had just escaped from the small town residents, they could not escape from this place.

Maybe it will fall into a crisis with the big.

Think about it too. The sole purpose of this army coming from the sky is to kill everyone in this world.

So, why not send troops at the exit?

damn it!

Chu Die was also very depressed.

She nodded at the veteran army veteran: "Thank you, uncle."

The veteran smiled bitterly: "We should thank you two, and without you, we may not be able to survive."

"You are welcome." Chu Die said softly: "Do you have any good suggestions now?"

The veteran smiled bitterly: "If you can't get out of the exit, can you have any good suggestions? That is, everyone is scattered around, don't focus on getting together, you can hide and count one."

This sounds very sad, but it is the case.

Don't look at this group of people as young men, but the other soldiers are still very powerful.

What suspense can a huge legion attack a world full of old, weak and sick?

Chu Die also understood the truth in her heart, but the matter is up to now, it seems that this can only be the case.

These people in the small town began to flee in all directions.

Many people practice earth escape, hoping to hide their breath through the earth.

But in fact, these are almost in vain.

In front of powerful practitioners, these concealment and concealment have no meaning at all.

Soon, the town was empty.

Even the former veteran of the Cangjun army fled under the persuasion of Chu Die.

How far they can escape and how long they can escape is something that will happen in the future. At least, for the moment, they are considered to have passed.

In the small town, more than thirty people looked at the two stunning women surrounded by them coldly, and at the same time, they looked at the young man sealed by Chu Die's white light.

"Now, should you let go? You are leaving, we can't keep you." Said the man.

Chu Die took out a luxurious single sofa, which was exquisite, and the dark brown leather still exuded strong coercion. Chu Die sat there, bowing her fingernails: "What are you busy with?"

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