
Chapter 979: How would you choose

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In the large conference room of the city's main palace, a group of people sat grimly at a round table, and the room was smoky. Many people are smoking.

The lord is a big fat man, looks at least three hundred pounds, and even the chair under the buttocks is specially made. Big bald head, a big cigar in his mouth, frowning. Looking at the light curtain in front of me.

The scene on the light curtain is exactly a large army that suddenly entered the world of Daze, divided into several torrents, and killed all directions in the world of Daze.

"We have been exposed here, city lord, don't hesitate to publish the news and let the people disperse. How much can you survive?" At the other end of the round table, a young man in his thirties The man said.


The obese city lord took a sip of cigar, then spit out a big round and thick smoke ring, glanced at the young man, and said, "Where can we escape, even if we escape, the remnants of our heavenly world? Entrance and exit There is only one that has been blocked. Now letting the news out, I am afraid that the next moment will cause a huge panic. Under the panic, what will people do, you and I ca n’t say anything to you. ”

A 40-year-old, middle-aged man next to the main body of the Obese City said: "Cang Mingjun ... too irresponsible!"

"What are you talking about?" An old man sitting opposite the middle-aged man with a pair of falcon-like eyes instantly fell on this middle-aged man's face: "Why do you say it again? Something about the ancestors!"

Some middle-aged people couldn't hold their faces, and some were angrily angrily said: "I know you are the army, but am I wrong? Our group of people has never had any choice from birth to the present! It's all the remnants of the Tiangong World! We are restricted to such a big fart place, and we can't go anywhere! Nowadays, people come to the door and hit them in. Do we have any other way to go besides dying and waiting for death? "

He said, staring at the veteran veteran without showing any weakness.

The veteran soldier opposite said coldly: "Choose, what do you want to choose? Turn to Zhou Han and become his running dog? Even if you really have this idea, but also need to **** and take a look like yourself, you even walk him None of the dogs are qualified! "

"You ... don't rely on your identity as a veteran of the Cangjun Army, that's too much!" The middle-aged man couldn't help standing up, staring angrily at the veteran of the Cangjun Army across the round table.

Cangming veteran sneered: "How? If you want to be a traitor, can you still think of superiority?"

"What is a traitor? This is called Shi Shi Duo!" The middle-aged man said angrily.

"No matter how nonsense, Laozi slapped you with a slap." Cangming army veterans didn't bother to talk to this kind of people, and said directly: "All scum with your thoughts can be slapped to death!"

The fat city owner had a cigar in his mouth, and his thick fingers tapped twice on the table: "Okay, don't be noisy, you're all dead."

He said, looking at the Cangming Army veteran: "Mr. Nian, you are right, the traitor ... is absolutely impossible."

That veteran veteran's complexion was slightly better.

Then, the obese city owner looked at the middle-aged man again and said, "Little Guo ... sit down."

The middle-aged man Tie Qing sat on the chair with a buttocks, lit a cigarette, and smoked without a word.

The city master said lightly: "You, a person born later, don't know what happened back then, so I don't know who is not strange. But there is one thing, you are one of the few people in our city who went out and saw Tiangong World, I should also know what the outside world looks like under Zhou Han ’s pseudo-domain master ... "

The middle-aged man smoked a cigarette, glanced at the city owner, and whispered: "The residents have little freedom, but their lives are very stable."

"There is no freedom, and stability has a fart!" The veteran surnamed opposite sneered.

The middle-aged man said without hesitation: "Do we have it?"

"Can that be the same?" Cangming veterans were really angry, and looked at the middle-aged people with cold eyes: "You have never said such things for so many years before. Why? Now the trouble is coming, you have to bury for your betrayal. Foreshadowing? "

The obese city owner, holding the cigar in his hand, looked at the middle-aged man with a smile and said, "Our world is not without freedom. Speaking of this, has anyone restricted your freedom here in Daze World? We ca n’t appear in the Tiangong world, there is no other reason. As long as Zhou Han, the pseudo-domain master, dies, who can stop us from going out? ”

The middle-aged man known as Xiao Guo could n’t help but sneer: “Master Lord, you are also a veteran soldier of that year. It ’s not that I talked and attacked people. I just talked about things. I just want to ask you a question. Was it overthrown? "

"Oh, Zhou Han ... The first king under the domain master was indeed very powerful. Not easy to overthrow." The big fat face of the city master, with a faint smile.

"That's not ..." The middle-aged man looked smug.

"But ..." The city master interrupted him, and said indifferently: "We will really overthrow him sooner or later! There are too many people in this world who disobey him. Why did the Cangjun suddenly Leave? Why did that army suddenly come in? It must have happened outside! "

He said lightly: "It's a big deal!"

All the others present nodded their heads, and they all agreed with the view of the city owner.

The middle-aged man said: "But nothing can happen outside. What does it have to do with us? The army is so powerful, and the land where it passes must be bloodshed! They are directly in the slaughter city! ,We are here……"

"What do you mean?" The obese city owner smoked a cigar and squinted at him.

The middle-aged man stood up and said passionately: "In my opinion, we should immediately send someone to talk to them! The subordinates are not talented, willing to be this messenger!"

"Well, what are you talking about?" The lord narrowed his eyes and narrowed his thick lips.

The middle-aged man hesitated and said directly, "Surrender!"

"My **** you!" The old veteran on the opposite side was angry on the spot, and he was about to start.

"Old!" The obese city master coughed heavily.

Cangming veterans of the elderly sat down bitterly, but in both eyes, it was already full of murderous opportunities.

The city owner looked at the middle-aged man and said, "Xiao Guo, you are a person who went out to the Tiangong world and met, then naturally you should also know how many people we slaughtered after Zhou Han became the domain master."

"I know." The middle-aged man nodded and said calmly: "The high-ranking person, if he wants to become a big event, no matter how small, since he has become a hostile, then **** it is all right! Still have to raise it for offering? "

"It's a shit!" The veteran veteran across from him was angry.

Most of the other people on the round table looked pretty.

The people here in Daze World are almost all descendants of the Cangjun Army, but the Cangjun Army itself has a family! It was not only the army of Cangming that was under the command of the master of the Chu domain. Therefore, those who were slaughtered outside were either the relatives and friends of the family of the Cangming army, or the former robe.

The hatred of the Cangming army and Zhou Han's camp has become a deep hatred that can never be reconciled since the day Zhou Han took the upper position.

The lord nodded: "You have something to say ..."

"City Lord!" The old man from Cangming veteran looked at the Town Lord in shock.

The lord of the city waved his hand, and a smile appeared on the fat face, beckoning him to be restless, and then looked at the middle-aged man, saying: "The **** decides the head, the position determines the way of doing things, that's right, but, it's just standing in their position That ’s right. For us, it ’s **** enmity. "

"Hate and death, which one is more important? My lord of the city!" The middle-aged man sighed and said with a deep voice: "If we don't surrender, it will be immense, but there are tens of millions of people in the whole city. They will all die. Has the city master thought about their wishes? "

"I never thought about it." The lord shook his head.

"Then ..." The middle-aged man thought he finally persuaded the lord of the city, his face showing a happy look.

"You don't need to think about this problem." The city owner ignored him and smoked a cigar, and then said: "The blood sea vendetta is there, it is impossible to surrender, and it is impossible to surrender in this life."

The middle-aged man thought he had persuaded the city lord, but did not expect the city lord to be so stubborn. Suddenly there.

"Otherwise, you can surrender yourself." The city owner glanced at him, and there was a kind smile on his face, but in that smile, but with a touch of sarcasm: "You, I went out to see, but people were Brainwashed. You try to see if the group of people will treat you with courtesy, or will they cut your head with a knife? "

The middle-aged man's face is pale, and the innermost one has no idea what to say.

The old veteran of the Cangming veteran said coldly: "If you don't get away, is it shameful to stay here?"

The middle-aged man stood pale and looked at the others on the round table, but he didn't get any glorified eyes.

He walked out in vain.

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian, who were waiting outside, saw a middle-aged man walking out of his soul and staring at each other.

The middle-aged man saw two ordinary-looking young women sitting outside, his eyes lit up, and suddenly came towards Chu Die and Jiang Zilian.

Both women were slightly startled.

The middle-aged man came to the two women, stood there, and stood down and asked, "If, at this time, the army on the other side of the Tiangong World will come in, the blood will flow into the river where you pass, and those who disobey will all kill. ... Will you choose to surrender and survive? Or will you choose to resist? "

what's going on?

Both women were puzzled.

"Answer me!" The middle-aged man scolded.

The two women frowned slightly, watching the middle-aged man Xiuwei barely reaching the level of Immortal Venerable.

Jiang Zilian asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'm asking you! I'm a senior official in this city! Now, answer me! How would you choose?" The middle-aged man asked.

"What's the choice? There is blood in the place where you go, and those who do not obey will kill them all. Do you obey them and won't kill you?" Jiang Zilian looked at this middle-aged man like an idiot.

Then he said to Chu Die: "The descendants of Cangming Army have fallen to this degree?"

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