
Chapter 984: Veteran never die

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Chen Xiao summoned a group of generals around him to propose this possibility.

A noble general from the Sima family smiled faintly: "General, you are too worthy of this group of weak people? Even if they are united together, what can they do? It's convenient for us to wipe them out!"

The generals who are qualified to follow Chen Xiao, even if they have noble status, mostly have two brushes. The kind of spicy chicken who is purely talking on paper is not eligible to join Chen Xiao.

The other general also smiled and said, "General, we all understand your thoughts and destroy this world. Let's go out and eat some meat and soup with those great kings. But don't be too anxious, this It will take some time for the world to completely wipe out and cut off all vitality here. "

"Yeah, General, you can rest assured that our interests are tied together, and we will never put you behind. We must be very active in this kind of salvation."

A group of people laughed, unscrupulous.

Chen Xiao thought about it, and felt that it was the same reason. He really didn't need to worry too much.

He looked at a general and asked, "By the way, has there been any news coming from the exit side recently?"

The general nodded: "Yes, some little guys over there are a little bit ridiculous, plundering beautiful women's property everywhere, but it's just a little bit of trouble, as long as the group of people don't add chaos to us, let them go . "

Chen Xiao nodded: "That's good. By the way, what do you think of the recent increase in the number of scouts?"

Another general stood up and said, "We grabbed a few, and after torture, we didn't get any useful news. Roughly, some cities have received the news, but the city owner and a group of high-level leaders did not get the news in the first place. Let them go, they are afraid of causing panic and more serious changes. "

"It's time to die, and I want to maintain order." Someone said next to him.

"They may still dream about the return of the Cangjun army." Some people said with a smile.

Chen Xiao asked: "Is it possible for them to unite secretly and ambush us?"

"General, isn't that what we hoped for?" The general from the Sima family smiled and said, "If that's the case, it would be great. To be honest, this battle was very boring!"

"It's really meaningless. I haven't encountered any decent resistance. It's like bullying a child."

"Before coming out this time, the house owner also told me to train well, hey, now it seems that training is not good. If the group of people can really unite, it would be better, you can train!"

Chen Xiao finally felt that there was no danger.

The goal of their trip is Moon City.

Speaking of which, the great cities of Daze World rarely have names.

Moon City is said to have been established by a strong female general of the Cangming Army. The name of the female general was Moon.

If the moon is there, perhaps, it will really cause them a little trouble.

But Chen Xiao did not say such words.

He has an idea.

In addition to the 100,000 elite soldiers, the coalition of this group of nobles is as many as half a million, and it is the favorite of this group of noble private soldiers to fight well.

Fight for a top two!

Although General Moon is unlikely to be in Moon City, and nine or nine times have left with Cangming Army, what if she is still there?

Therefore, Chen Xiao decided to send the half a million noble private soldiers to attack Moon City.

As for the merits of war, he is not particularly concerned about being a coach.

Because in the end, his coach must be the one with the biggest head.

That's it!

After the decision, more than 600,000 troops were marching towards the Moon City.

As soon as he arrived at his destination, Chen Xiao ordered to go down, so that 400,000 of the 500,000 noble private troops would be divided into four roads and attacked from four directions.

One hundred thousand troops every way.

No one doubted Chen Xiao ’s intentions, and even those noble generals were very moved by Chen Xiao ’s “high wind and bright festival”.

This is tantamount to giving them the merits of war directly!





The generals of the four armies roared, taking the lead and rushed to the moon city.

All the way to the moon city, no abnormalities occurred.

In the Moon City, it was scary and quiet.

"General, just give the people the credit for this battle?" A general around Chen Xiao was dissatisfied.

Every time before, it was everyone who cobbled up.

Looking back at calculating the achievements, everyone is equally divided.

Like this time, this battle they can hardly make any achievements.

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes, looked at the quiet Moon City, and murmured: "Something is wrong ..."

It's really not right.

In the past, which city they killed, even if the other party didn't get any news before, but under the sudden attack, the whole city would be in chaos instantly.

But Moon City is so quiet here.

Quietly weird.

Just then, suddenly numerous magic circles were activated instantly.

Four soldiers were killed inside.

"Sure enough, there was an ambush!" Chen Xiao let out a breath, with two sharp lights in his eyes, his face showing confidence, sneering: "Is it just so good? Cang Junjun ... It's really thorough, even No hands left after clicking. "

As it is saying, a large number of monks suddenly killed from Moon City!

That number is at least hundreds of thousands of people!

The general around Chen Xiao stunned slightly, exclaimed: "How could there be so many people? Are they really united?"

Chen Xiao narrowed his eyes and sneered: "Not only did they unite, but they also used the teleportation array. I said why there are so many scouts, it seems that the next battle will have to be a little bit more spirited and play a strategy with them."

"What kind of spirit? Just hit the net this time! We still have more than 200,000 people." The general was licking his lips, like a brown bear who saw sweet honey, his eyes were shining out.

"Look first." Chen Xiao was not in a hurry to send the elite army around him and the remaining hundreds of thousands of noble troops.

He wanted to explore the enemy.


Outside the Moon City, a horrible roar broke out one after another.

A wave of spatial power also spread out.

That was the aftermath of being pulled into the small world.

Once this battle erupts, it poses a great threat to Moon City. The terrible energy shock will destroy the entire city in an instant.

It was only at this time that signs of confusion appeared in Moon City.

A large number of people flew up and seemed to want to escape.

But with a few scolds, those people gradually calmed down.

Chen Xiao laughed coldly: "I thought how clever people were hiding behind the command, it turned out to be just a patchwork ..."

As he was saying, the hundreds of thousands of people who had been killed from the Moon City turned all in one direction.

That direction is west of the moon city.

"This is to ... break each one?" The general around Chen Xiao frowned.

Another general said with doubts: "How much combat power can a group of old, weak, sick and disabled forces have?"

The army of monks rushed out of Moon City was divided into dozens of shares, each with about 30,000 people. From top to bottom, every level was commanded by veteran soldiers.

Most of them have already lost the peak fighting power of the year. But their vision, ability and courage are still there.

The legions under their command, although the cooperation between them is still a bit strange, but the combat power is not comparable to those noble coalition forces that can only fight the wind.

The two sides contacted at first glance and sentenced!

Even the rhythm of being pulled into the small world is completely controlled by Moon City.

In terms of cultivation, the Moon City is indeed not as good as those of the noble coalition forces, and the gap is not small.

After all, the resources of the two sides are not equal, and the practice environment and conditions are also not equal.

But the fighting power demonstrated by both sides is not as huge as many people think!

These hundreds of thousands of people are almost all the forces that the Cangming army camp can gather at this moment. At this moment, the former glory of the Cangming army has finally erupted.

Even if it is not so bright, not so bright, but it is still moving.

"Kill! The people of the Third Army listen to my orders ..."

"The people of the Fifth Legion listen to my orders ..."

"The Eighth Army ..."

"Tenth Army!"

In the west of Moon City, more than 100,000 noble coalition forces trapped by the magic circle were dumped with dumplings in no time.

The filling is so thin that it's delicious, but it's delicious.

This group of people in the world of Daze is already angry, even if they are just a group of veterans, they are only descendants of the Changjun Army, but the glory of the Changjun Army is still in everyone's heart.

Being bullied to this point, I do n’t know how many descendants of the Cangjun army have been killed, even Chudie and Jiang Zilian, such as “outsiders”, have long been outraged, let alone these parties.

Now with this opportunity, no one will let go!

In an instant, the private noble army of more than 100,000 people in the west of Moon City suffered heavy casualties.

The noble generals around Chen Xiao were also stunned. Even many people were a little scared!

This is terrible!

Does n’t it mean that there is a group of old, weak and sick here in Daze World?

This group of old, weak and sick is clearly a group of weak chickens!

They pushed all the way, even a little decent resistance!

How could it be like this? How can it be like this?

This is completely different from the battle they imagined!

A group of old and weak sick chickens can have such terrible combat power, so how terrible will the real main force of the army be horrible?

It's ridiculous that just now, they also wanted to hurry up to end the fighting here, and wanted to go outside to gain more and greater military achievements.

To be like this, also get a hair!

"General, what should I do? My family's private army is about to be scrapped, hurry up and find a way!" A general's eyeballs were all anxious and shouted at Chen Xiao.


Chen Xiao was expressionless, raising his hand was a sword.

A flash of light flashed, and this noble general was split in half by Chen Xiao.

The other noble generals who were about to make noise were suddenly chilling.

"Really treat yourself as a person?"

Chen Xiao said coldly, without looking at the aristocratic general who was chopped to death with his sword, raised his head, and continued to look at Moon City.

His eyes fell on the tallest building in Moon City.

Mumbled: "General Moon ... Could it still be here?"

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