
Chapter 988: Slash

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Chu Yu and Lin Shi went all the way through the ruins. There are also a large number of corpses and broken arms.

Almost a living person cannot see it.

This scene, like **** on earth, made both Chu Yu feel very depressed.

Even if they have experienced too many similar things for so many years, the scene before them is still unbearable.

The two met a lot of small units and directly shot without any hesitation.

Chu Yu even used avatars to disperse the avatars, but whenever he encountered an enemy, he would kill him without saying anything.

There have been at least thousands of enemies killed by Chu Yu and Lin Shi in recent days.

But for the entire Daze world, it still seems a bit insignificant.

But the two did not give up, as long as they met the enemy, kill them directly!

Because the further south, you can still find many survivors.

For these survivors, it is necessary to kill more enemies.

Chu Yu has no sense of belonging to this world. But people always have empathy. Watching so many descendants of the Cangjun were killed inhumanely, no matter whether Chu Yu is their prince or not, there is no way to be indifferent.

"It's just a group of demons! It's really hard to imagine that the former King Kai would become like this." Lin Shi's pure eyes were full of anger.

Awakening all her memories, she felt more empathy for the scene in front of her.

No matter how calm people see this scene of human tragedy, it is impossible for them to remain calm.

"So, whether I want to be the master of this domain, whether I am their prince, Zhou Han ... **** it." Chu Yu's voice sounded calm, but the words spoken in his mouth were undoubtedly followed by Zhou Han stood completely on the opposite side.

Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi: "I want to kill all the enemies here."

"I am with you." Lin Shi said.

Even if you practice the Bodhisattva Sutra and possess the supreme compassion, in face of this situation, you must also become a wrathful King Kong, and you must demolish the demon.

The two originally wanted to find Chu Die and Jiang Zilian first, but after seeing the disastrous scene in the entire Daze world, they decided to clean up this demonic team first.

After the two made this decision, the efficiency was some times higher than before!

A large area and a large area of ​​horizontal push, swept all the way!

In this way, the group of crazy, the small-cap team that has already killed the red eye is considered to be evil.

Cangtian has eyes, not to not report, but the time is not up.

In order to pursue efficiency, Chu Yu and Lin Shi killed one person in ten steps, and did not stay any longer after the killing.

In the despair, countless descendants of the Cangjun Army who are suffering, saw two figures like gods, and quickly killed those demons that were raging. They did not wait for them to thank them and disappeared quickly.

If it were n’t for the demons ’bodies, many people even felt like they had a dream, and they felt particularly unreal.



Chen Xiao, who had escaped from Moon City as far as the dog of the bereavement, was extremely depressed.

Of course, even now, he still refuses to admit that there is a problem with his command. It was not that he was incompetent, but that the enemy was too cunning and fell into the trap of the enemy.

But the group of senior generals from all the nobles around him certainly don't think so.

It's just that it's inconvenient to attack at this time. Once they return to the Tiangong World, they will definitely report everything that happened here.

By then, it will definitely make Chen Xiao, an incompetent person, unable to walk around.

Therefore, Chen Xiao actually wanted to kill them.

But this group of high-ranking generals from the nobility and nobility could not fight, but the other experience was not bad at all.

So one by one is very vigilant, and does not give Chen Xiao any chance to pit them.

Although still in a team, this group of senior generals from the nobility are all slipping away. Once there is any action on Chen Xiao's side, they will definitely escape in the first time.

Already centrifuged.

Chen Xiao knew all this, but he was helpless.

He was unable to kill this group of people.

In front of him now, there is actually only one way left.

Can only find a way to beat Moon City!

Other than that, there are no shortcuts.

If this is the case withdrawing from the world of Daze, even if Zhou Han no longer cares about his old feelings, he will never be able to continue to shelter him under the complaint of a bunch of nobles and nobles.

"Hey!" Chen Xiao sat by a river, staring blankly at the Taotao River in front of her. Sigh heavily.

The previous ambivalence has long been transformed into endless bewilderment.

Is it true that I can only be a personal soldier next to a big brother? Am I becoming a general ... but still not?

However, he soon didn't have to worry about this problem.

A man and a woman, two figures, hurried from the distant sky.

Although Chen Xiao can't lead the soldiers to fight, the state is not bad!

Otherwise, it is impossible to sit in the position of the general.

So he found these two figures in the first time. And it can be seen that the other party is coming to them.

Although he didn't feel how strong the killing was in the two of them, Chen Xiao instinctively felt the cold hair blow up.

These two people, the comers are not good!

Chen Xiao reacted instantaneously and had to say that the instinctive response was strong after he had fought against the north and killed the powerful players of the realm.

Chen Xiao immediately warned and issued a long roar.

But it was just a long scream.

Because Chu Yu and Lin Shi, who had been killed, did not have any stay or hesitation, and shot directly at him!

First, there is a knife.

Bai Liangbailiang, looking at the sky, slashed towards Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao's pupils contracted suddenly, and only a knife of light remained in his eyes!

So gorgeous!

Everyone who responded after Chen Xiao's warning was shocked by this dazzling light.

It's incredible!

Chen Xiao gave a roar, and suddenly there were countless crystal-like defenses around his body!

This defense is extremely powerful, even if it is the claw of the realm, it is difficult to tear his defense in a short time.

But as the knife light arrived, the time here seemed to be frozen.

Chu Yu's knife is too ruthless!

The contained Dao is too advanced, so that Chen Xiao can clearly see that the strongest defense he laid out instantly-that countless crystals, exploded a little bit during the solidification time.

Chen Xiao felt that the entire time and space were completely sealed, only his defensive crystals were constantly exploding and dissipating.

This is his strongest way, but he can't stop the knife.

Who is this?

Chen Xiao's last thought was not easy to relieve, nor did he review his life experience, but with this huge doubt, he was killed by Chu Yu.

The coach was hacked to death by a knife, and this army of more than 90,000 people instantly collapsed.

Some shouted to avenge the coach, some were at a loss and had not responded, and the whole person's emotions completely collapsed.

Qunlong headless!

Lin Shi's Buddha's light instantly shot past.


Fo Guang explodes!

The terrible attack instantly killed a large crowd.

The noble senior generals who have kept a distance from this army have no hesitation at this moment, they turn around and run!

These are two horrifying gods of death, who dares to stop them?

Who can stop?

At this time, they are asked to stand up like a passionate youth, shouting who is going to die with me ... that is impossible.

They came for the sake of war. In essence, these senior generals who were proud of the aristocracy were no different from the children of the garbage aristocracy who knew that they would grab women and property.

Seeing that there were two horrible gods of death, who is still here?

After Chu Yu's knife, the whole person became a little weak.

But in the face of this army that has collapsed, he has no hesitation and is going to kill!

Promote the killing of the mind, kill all enemies.

In fact, more than 90,000 people, if there is no collapse, working together can really pose a huge threat to Chu Yu and Lin Shi.

It is even possible to leave the two here.

But when Chu Yu and Lin Shi came, the more than 90,000 people had their morale to the extreme. Now they are watching the coach get chopped by others.

That kind of blow completely collapsed the confidence of these people.

It was like two eagles flying in suddenly in the flock of birds, and countless people fled.

Compared with the killings they caused, this scene is really common. Only this time, it was their turn.

Too many people!

And the realm of these collapsed warriors is really not low.

The worst is at the level of Xianzun.

Chu Yu and Lin Shi joined hands, and it was difficult to completely kill this group of people.

The sky was stained with blood and a bright red.

At this time, the distant black suppressed, killed a group of people.

These people split into dozens of shares in an instant, and then killed those who fled.

People in Moon City!

Although the army was not chasing before, Chu Die still sent a large number of scouts to follow Chen Xiao's team.

In the entire Daze World, there is only one enemy army that can fight. As long as they are eliminated, the current crisis in Daze World will be lifted.

So there was a riot just here, and the scout there sent the message back as quickly as possible.

Chu Die took the opportunity to make a decisive decision, exhausting the last point of these cities, and making a few large teleportation arrays.

All of them were killed in an instant.

Seemingly adventurous, but Chu Die's sensitivity to the battle situation has made the fat city masters already admire the five bodies.

Chu Die and Jiang Zilian were also in the crowd. When they were far away, they saw both Chu Yu and Lin Shi, who were madly killing.

When Chu Die saw Chu Yu's figure, her tight face melted like ice and snow, showing a bright smile. She turned her head and said to the fat city master beside her, "Hey, your prince, he came Now. "

The Fat City Lord waited for a group of veteran veterans and was instantly excited. Many people turned their eyes on the spot.


When the world is in danger, it is His Royal Highness who finally rescues them from the fire and water!

"Kill!" The Fat City Lord roared, and a golden war halberd appeared in his palm.

The crown prince came down, who cares about his identity as a city master?

I haven't stepped on the battlefield for many years, and the blood that has calmed down in my bones instantly boils!

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