Lin Shilang Gu

Chapter 166:

"It's not a big deal, I slept with a woman." Qu Xuesong added calmly, "Twice."

Lin Yuewei put a hand on the door frame.

The first impression is: really collect stamps? Have I been deceived by Mr. Qu again? She said before that she doesn't collect stamps, how did she fall asleep now? Men and women are second.

Qu Xuesong: "Saffu, why don't you speak?"

In front of Lin Yuewei, she still maintained the image of her predecessor and big sister.

"I-I don't know what to answer?" Lin Yuewei actually had a lot of questions in her heart, who was sleeping, does she know? How did you sleep? Are you attacking or receiving? Wait, wait, etc., but she was not sure whether Qu Xuesong wanted her to ask or not, so she restrained her curiosity first.

Qu Xuesong pinpointed her cleverness and said generously, "Ask if you have any questions."

Lin Yuewei asked all at once.

Qu Xuesong didn't say who was sleeping. She had her own considerations. As for her relationship with Cheng Guiyuan, she would never rashly tell anyone Cheng Guiyuan's name, so as not to affect the other party. I said how I slept, and Gong Shoushun also said it.

Lin Yuewei was stunned for a few seconds, digested the fact, and said, "You are too magical. My friend's daughter? How old is she?"

"Three years older than you."

"Twenty-six is ​​not too young."

"It's really not... small." Qu Xuesong said heartily, wanting a chest with a **** and a butt.

"You're tempted?" Lin Yuewei heard her tone as if in a trance.

"Whatever is tempted or not, I just treat her as a niece."

"Mr. Qu, are you free later? Can you wait for me? I'll have dinner first, and we'll continue talking after we finish eating."

"Yes, you eat, I'll take a bath."

"Take a shower so early?"

"It's rare to take a day off, I'll take a break."

"Okay, go ahead, I'll call you later."

Qu Xuesong tilted her head back and turned her neck to relieve her sudden fatigue—she just ran an announcement in the afternoon. It stands to reason that she is used to this kind of life long ago, and she still works after work, but after two nights of indulgence, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Today, the assistant was still looking at her hand and hesitated. Her assistant was afraid of her, so she didn't speak much unless it was necessary, but Qu Xuesong could see her doubts. Cheng Guiyuan was too entangled in bed, Qu Xuesong spent a lot of physical strength just to satisfy her, so that during the day her fingers were a little inflexible, and occasionally twitched twice unconsciously, as if she was still in Cheng Guiyuan's body. Yes, so that she can't even look directly.

Qu Xuesong thought of a doubt, if Cheng Guiyuan was the first time she said it, how could she be so open? Back then, she and Jihan were very familiar with each other, and they were not like her. She was so thirsty that she wanted to eat her.

Maybe the young people today are different from their era? Or maybe she is in the night scene, often having foronenight? Just like the rumors that she collects stamps, she is actually a person who reads countless women?

Qu Xuesong is still willing to think of her old friend's daughter as kind, young people just let it go.

After she had a showdown with Lao Cheng today, Lao Cheng still hasn't replied to her with a letter, and he doesn't know what to do. Qu Xuesong put in it himself. If she were Cheng Guiyuan's father, she would probably have a good heart-to-heart with her daughter, so she wouldn't be in a hurry to ask him.

Qu Xuesong just walked into the shower, thinking that one night is rare, he simply turned back and turned on the faucet of the bathtub to let out water to prepare for a luxurious bath.

She let her mind empty, thinking about nothing, and watched the water slowly flow out and come up from the bottom.

Sometimes when she is too tired, she will choose this method to relieve her tense nerves.

I didn't relax for a while today when the phone on the bed rang. Qu Xuesong looked out and frowned slightly. Did Lin Yuewei finish his meal so soon?

Caller ID is a string of numbers.

When Qu Xuesong saw his brain, he immediately felt pain, and he didn't know whether to take it or not.

Cheng Guiyuan asked her father to stay still and pretend to be dead for a while. She hid in her room after eating and called Qu Xuesong secretly, but she didn't answer for a long time. Cheng Guiyuan became anxious, and Qu Xuesong would not ignore her right? Or did she know something, and she was exposed earlier than she thought?

Qu Xuesong listened to the ringing of the mobile phone until he hung up, and sighed faintly.

Cheng Guiyuan reluctantly dialed the second one over.

Qu Xuesong turned the phone to silent, but he couldn't calm down. This little child is pressing step by step, giving her no room to think at all, making her very uncomfortable.

Qu Xuesong used the tablet to send a message to Lin Yuewei, asking her not to call her phone for a while, but to make a voice call on WeChat. Lin Yuewei asked aloud if her phone was busy. Qu Xuesong said yes, and Lin Yuewei sent a message. String ha ha ha come here.

Qu Xuesong glanced at the mobile phone next to her. The screen had returned to the main interface. She stared at it for three seconds, and then jumped out of the familiar number. She tucked the mobile phone under the pillow, out of sight.

Cheng Guiyuan dialed ten times, but each time she waited until the prompt "Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unanswered, please call later" sounded, threw the phone back on the bed, opened the door, and raised her voice downstairs. shouted, "Dad!"

Dad Cheng raised his head and said, "What are you doing?"

Cheng Guiyuan: "Lend my phone to use it."

Dad Cheng: "On the coffee table, come down and get it yourself."

Cheng Guiyuan dialed Qu Xuesong's number with Cheng's father's mobile phone, and received the same reply, which made her feel relieved a little. Qu Xuesong might be busy and did not deliberately not answer her call.

Cheng Guiyuan put her dad's phone back and was about to go upstairs.

"Xiaoyuan." Dad Cheng stopped her while Mommy Cheng was away.

Cheng Guiyuan turned back and wondered, "What are you doing, Dad?"

Dad Cheng said, "How far have you two progressed? Is she interested in you?" Dad Cheng is also a good friend of Qu Xuesong. His daughter was so desperate to fight, the other party called him this morning, alas.

"I don't know." Cheng Guiyuan said, "It should be a little bit mean, I don't have a very obvious feeling."

Dad Cheng hesitated.

Cheng Guiyuan: "What do you want to say?"

Dad Cheng whispered: "Xue Song has been hurt by love before, I don't want her to be hurt again with you."

Cheng Guiyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and said, "Dad, don't worry, I won't let her get hurt, I promise this time I won't go to Qin Muchu this time, and I will stay with her in a steadfast manner. "

"That was not what I meant."

"Then you are..."

"Is her mood not normal this morning?"

Cheng Guiyuan's reddish eyes appeared in front of her eyes, she nodded, and asked, "How do you know?"

"I listened to that call and felt that she was not in a good mood." Dad Cheng sighed, "I now doubt whether it is right or wrong for me to approve of you chasing her. Is it better for you not to provoke her in the first place? ."

Cheng Guiyuan vaguely understood something from the previous sentence, raised her eyebrows at the latter sentence, and said, "Dad, don't worry about it, I'm measured."

Dad Cheng pouted and muttered, "It's good to be measured."

Cheng Guiyuan acted like a spoiled child: "Dad~"

Dad Cheng couldn't stand this and said, "It's alright, alright, anyway, I just advise you not to play tricks all the time. When you two are sure, hurry up and confess. I don't know who it is.

Cheng Guiyuan laughed and went back to her room.

When she entered the room, the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

She seems to be riding a tiger.

Just as Gu Yanqiu told her, a lie needs more lies to be fulfilled. It is like a snowball that keeps getting bigger and bigger. Sooner or later, it will crush everything like an avalanche. Why don't you confess now? So is Qu Xuesong still willing to give her a chance? If you don't confess, you don't take the initiative to contact her. If you confess and know that you are a lover of Game Flowers, I'm afraid that you will die of old age and never get along with each other?

Does she like herself a little bit?

Cheng Guiyuan buried her face in the pillow and let out a long sigh.


"Then what are you going to do now?" Lin Yuewei returned to his room after dinner and made a voice call to Qu Xuesong.

"I didn't think about it, what do you think?" Qu Xuesong lay in the bathtub with the tablet open and put it aside to chat with Lin Yuewei.

"You don't have feelings for her?" Lin Yuewei asked.


"You really don't feel it?"

Qu Xuesong hesitated for a second, and said, "Does it count as a feeling in bed? I still..." Qu Xuesong really wanted to ask for help, he cleared his throat with shyness, and said in a low voice, "I like her very much. "

The little train that was caught off guard sprayed Lin Yuewei with exhaust gas.

I didn't expect Teacher Qu to be such a Teacher Qu.

Lin Yue coughed slightly, and said, "This is a feeling." Although she was in love with a primary school student, she had never eaten pork and had seen a pig run away. Beside her, there was a best friend Jiang Congbi who was swaying in the sky, "You If you hate each other, you can't have **** with them, right? And you've been single for so many years, and no one has flirted with you? Why did you fall in love with her? "

Qu Xuesong told the other party's previous situation that night.

Lin Yuewei was so shocked that she didn't say a word for a long time, what kind of wonderful lady is this, she can even use this kind of trick, but it also shows a fact from the side, Lin Yue smiled and said: "I think she should I like you very much, otherwise I wouldn't take the initiative to dedicate myself."

"I didn't deny it." Qu Xuesong said.

Lin Yuewei pondered and said: "Actually, I think I can give it a try. She likes you very much, and you are still her first love. If you don't hate her, if you don't hate her, it may not be possible for you to like it in the future. You have been alone for so many years. A chance, and a chance for others.”

"She's the daughter of an old friend of mine."

"Then what's the matter? Isn't it six years old? It's like sixteen years old." The more Lin Yuewei listened, the more strange it became, "Mr. Qu, don't you want to fall in love at all?"

Silence over there.

"Can't you forget the last one?" Lin Yuewei temporarily swallowed a bear's heart and a leopard's gall and asked carefully.

Qu Xuesong thought that he would be shocked when he heard this sentence, but he was unexpectedly calm, but the lake in his heart was a little turbulent, but this time it was because of the people next to him.

- Do you miss Jihan?

- Do you want to get rid of her completely?

——I have a way. After the dinner is over, you come here to find me.

- Then how do you usually solve it? I heard people say thirty is like a wolf...

——Others and newcomers are turning upside down, for whom are you guarding your body like jade?

- Qu Xuesong, come to me.

- You want me to be comfortable.

The whispers in the lover's bed were in his ears, and Qu Xuesong closed his eyes.

What a monster.

"Mr. Qu? Why don't you speak? Teacher Qu?"

"It's nothing." Qu Xuesong let out a sigh of relief, throwing all those absurd words behind him, "It's not all for this reason, maybe it's because I'm too tired to fall in love. I'm probably the kind of person who can bear in love. Very bad person, in case of breaking up in the future, it will be difficult for me to come out, and I don't want to experience it again."

"Oh." Lin Yuewei probably understood, "But if you do this, won't you be able to start the next relationship forever?"

"Maybe I can meet someone..." What kind of person is that? Qu Xuesong was stunned and could not continue. She closed herself up and longed for someone to knock on her heart. Wait, wait, everyone who knocked on the door came one by one, but she was turned away.


"It's nothing." Qu Xuesong said, "I'll think about it again."

If it really doesn't work, she just drags the words, as long as she can.

Lin Yuewei left her a few paragraphs at the end: "Mr. Qu, I think if you really want to come out, you still have to start from yourself, don't pin your hopes on an illusory person in the future. You are very good, really It's very good, as long as you want to enjoy love, you can do it anytime, don't let the past get in your way, don't take this step, you never know how wonderful things are waiting for you in front of you.

"Also, you always think you can't bear it, and you put yourself in a too passive position. Love is a matter of two people, it's about each other, you are no longer that seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl. , don't underestimate yourself, maybe you are braver than you think.

"I've survived being single for so many years, are you still afraid of falling in love? I'm going to chat with my partner. When I meet someone who is suitable, I will develop and develop. When I am in love, I will talk about the future. If you are not careful, you will grow old together, and when you talk about it, you will earn it."

Qu Xuesong laughed.

Lin Yuewei is also a child in her heart, but she likes to chat with children, which will make her feel energetic. She frowned when she thought of Cheng Guiyuan, the little boy didn't make her feel energetic, but only felt irritated.


Qu Xuesong's thoughts were flying, and he couldn't take the bath anymore. After wiping himself, he went back to the bedroom and turned on his mobile phone. There were more than 20 missed calls, one of which was from Mr. Cheng.

Qu Xuesong pursed his lips and dialed back.

Cheng's father saw the caller ID and immediately called someone. Cheng Guiyuanfei also seemed to go downstairs, took her father's mobile phone, and pretended to be calm: "Hello, hello."

When Qu Xuesong heard this familiar but frivolous voice, he took off his phone and looked at the caller display: "Why are you?"

Cheng Guiyuan continued in a calm tone: "My dad is busy, I'll pick it up for him. If you have anything to say, I'll tell me, or you can call me later."

Since it was such a coincidence, Qu Xuesong sighed and asked, "Did your father treat you well?"

Cheng Guiyuan said indifferently: "No, I'm his own daughter, what can he do to me? Just say I have no shame, and punish me for a few days at home and not allowed to go out."


Cheng Guiyuan laughed at herself: "That's it?" This self-mockery contained sincerity. Did Qu Xuesong really care about her at all?

Qu Xuesong knew she shouldn't be like this, but she didn't know what to do. The only remedy he could think of was to be with Cheng Guiyuan, but Qu Xuesong couldn't make up his mind.


Cheng Guiyuan suddenly became a little disheartened: "I'm hanging up, good night, Teacher Qu."

"……Good night."

The busy tone in the receiver came without the slightest hesitation.

Cheng Guiyuan stared blankly at the phone that was hung up, frowning, is she going too far?

Cheng Guiyuan returned the phone to her father: "Thank you."

Father Cheng held his chin in his hand, looked at her, and thoughtfully: "Did you just play hard-to-get? Or a trick." His daughter's rank seemed a little high.

"What are you trying to do, I'm showing my true feelings, I'm not a wood, I took the initiative to sleep with her for two nights and she didn't respond at all, I can't be sad yet?" Cheng Guiyuan was not angry, "I went upstairs, Dad. "

"I asked my aunt to make you a bowl of soup? Repair your broken heart."

"It's too late to drink soup, I'm going to bed."

Cheng Guiyuan took her own door after she went upstairs.

Lying on the bed, I was a little angry with Qu Xuesong, is this woman hard-hearted? Didn't I tell her this morning, "Forget it this time", I'm not ready for the next time, what to say this time, a woman's mouth, a liar.

She pulled the quilt and covered her head, intending to sleep and think about other things when she woke up tomorrow.

The mobile phone placed on the bedside table "dipped", which was the system sound of mobile phone text messages. The text messages sent these days were basically advertisements. He stretched out a hand, touched the phone, squinted and opened his eyes to read the spam text messages, habitually swiping his finger to the left to delete it, nearly stopping.

She sat up suddenly.

-From: [Girlfriend]

-Content: [You are not shameless, it is me who is shameless]

Cheng Guiyuan read the text message for a long time, and the corners of her mouth turned up.

But she put the phone back, didn't reply, just fell asleep. In the dream, I dreamed that Qu Xuesong agreed to her pursuit. The two were clouding and raining on Wushan. Cheng Guiyuan forced her to say some really shameless words. Qu Xuesong said while crying, and woke up the next morning with a smile.

With a long way to go, she decided to change her strategy.


martial arts.

The old-fashioned radio played Kunqu Opera melodiously.

"Thinking about the first time you met, sweet heart and sweet heart, thinking about the moment before you left, before the mountains and rivers..."

Lin Yuewei held the gun in both hands, pulled a gun flower, and sent the gun head forward, bringing out the whirring sound.

Master Du, who moved a chair and listened to Kunqu Opera, threw a piece of chalk over and smashed it on Lin Yuewei's arm, leaving a white mark: "The left shoulder is too heavy, do it again." With a purple clay pot behind him, he followed The radio babbled, "I'm only worried about you being alone, and I'm worried about you being cold and cold..." Even when she sang emotionally, her eyes were still wet.

This place is like a paradise.

Lin Yuewei was not annoyed when Master Du lost the chalk head, but instead laughed twice, adjusted his posture and continued to practice guns.

She has been here for almost a week. She originally planned to stay for only a week and then leave. Master Du said that she could not learn anything in such a short time. If she was asked to stay for two more days, she would stay for a few more days, which happened to make up ten days. When the role can be determined, she will come over and continue to practice.

Gu Yanqiu had no problem with her staying here for an extra day or two because of a temporary business trip, and even made an appointment with her to go home at the same time.

Lin Yuewei has been here for ten days, going to bed early and getting up early. She deliberately compared her body with a video she took when she came here. There is a noticeable difference. In layman's terms, she is a lot more unrestrained. After she goes back, she has to adjust. Come up with the physique that best suits that role.

She said goodbye to Master Du and set foot on the road back to Yanning.

Gu Yanqiu's plane arrived later than her, so she didn't go home and went directly to the airport to pick him up. She didn't tell Gu Yanqiu about this, she planned to surprise him.

She knew the flight and the arrival gate, and was there an hour early.

Hearing the airport broadcast, Lin Yuewei stood up and pressed the brim of his hat, not to cover himself, but to hide himself. She stared intently at the arrival gate.

Ten minutes passed, twenty minutes passed, thirty minutes passed.

It doesn't take that long to carry luggage.

Lin Yuewei called Gu Yanqiu.

"Mr. Gu, have you gotten off the plane?"

"Come on, on the way home, are you home yet?"

"No, I'm at the airport."


"I'm coming to pick you up."

"I didn't see you."

"I didn't see you either." Lin Yuewei held his breath and said, "Come back to pick me up soon."

Gu Yanqiu asked the driver to drive the car back and connected Lin Yuewei, unable to stop laughing in the back seat.

Lin Yuewei glanced at her coldly with her eyes: "Is it so funny?"

Gu Yanqiu coughed lightly and said, "No, it's not funny."

Lin Yuewei was a little hurt, and said in a low voice: "The kind of people who see you among thousands of people in the novel is a lie, right? How many people have reached the eloquence, I can't even find you."

Gu Yanqiu found her to go down the steps: "I didn't see you either."

"You didn't mean it, I didn't see it on purpose." Lin Yuewei stopped Gu Yanqiu from talking, clicked his tongue, and said, "I think the relationship between the two of us is too bland, not vigorous. "

Gu Yanqiu guessed that she might have come up with Qiong Yao's strength, or she was stimulated and convulsed, and followed her words and asked, "How vigorous do you want to be?"

"do not know."

Gu Yanqiu felt that she was too idle. She had nothing to do recently, so she had time to feel sad and think about these issues.

As soon as Lin Yuewei entered the door, Gu Yanqiu pushed him against the door.

Lin Yuewei knew what she was going to do and smiled.

Gu Yanqiu picked her up and let her sit on the shoe cabinet with her feet in the air, tilted her head, and asked her playfully, "Is it vigorous?"

Lin Yue gritted his teeth slightly, his lips trembled slightly, and said, "No."

Gu Yanqiu put her on the sofa, made her kneel with her back to her, and asked her, "Is it so vigorous?"

Lin Yuewei's legs trembled, and he said stubbornly, "No."

At last the water in the bathtub rose and fell, and she couldn't say a word.

Lin Yuewei no longer dared to say that there was no more vigour between the two of them.

The dynamism between the two is easy to say, and other dynamism will also catch up. Chen Xuan has determined the audition location and time, and Lin Yuewei once again went to the "Huaibi" crew for a second round of audition.

There were a lot fewer people in the second round than in the first round. There were only six people in total. Chen Xuan said that they were all here to try out the role of a female general. Lin Yuewei took a cursory glance, and their appearances were all screened, and none of them looked weak at first glance. There were two Lin Yuewei who knew each other, both of whom were her seniors.

Wang Yuanyuan bit her ear: "Wei Wei, I think you look the best here."

Lin Yuewei nodded and whispered to her, "I think so too."

Wang Yuanyuan laughed sullenly.

Lin Yuewei also smiled, she was not narcissistic, she was indeed the best looking.

After relaxing the tension for a while, someone came out over there and called Lin Yuewei in.

Today's audition venue is much larger. After Lin Yuewei went in, he found that it was similar to the film set. There was a weapon rack next to it, and there were 18 kinds of weapons. Among the people sitting on the jury's seat was Zhang Sheng's face, which was Qiu Yuanan, the son of director Qiu Zhongkai.

Lin Yuewei's eyes didn't stay on him too much, he bowed and said, "Hello, teachers."

Qiu Yuanan also pretended not to know her.

The judges remembered her and smiled warmly: "Lin Yuewei, right?"

"Yes, teacher."

"Your profile says you have practiced taekwondo and fighting?"

"Yes, Taekwondo was learned before, and fighting and grappling were learned from the crew directed by Yang Xiao."

"Yang Xiao?" The judge laughed, "I'm still good friends with him, and we have a good relationship. Can you show your skills? There are many action scenes in your role, and most of them have to come in person."

Lin Yuewei put his eyes on the weapon rack: "Can I have a gun?"


Lin Yuewei walked to the weapon rack, grabbed the barrel of the gun with one hand, and pulled it out with a bang. Get rid of the uncomfortable feeling like playing a monkey in front of everyone. This is the case with auditions. Performances without real objects look more embarrassing to ordinary people, but actors must get used to it.

Lin Yuewei closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Time seemed to stand still around her, and there was a sound of killing beside her ears.

"Spear Manual" has a cloud: The spear is seven to eight feet long, with a golden edge and a wooden handle. When dancing, the cold stars are a little bit, and the silver light is shrivelled. Water cannot enter, it is used to face the enemy, and arrows and stones cannot rush. The beginning also.

She opened her eyes suddenly, her eyes slammed, and a cold light burst out, and the long spear in her hand pulled a beautiful spear flower in the air, and stabbed out like a cloud of water. Thorn, pick, pierce, attack, wrap, circle, wrap, flutter, point, dial, alternate between virtual and real, advance sharply and retreat quickly.

She didn't take it as a drill at all, as if she was already on the battlefield, with Dada's hooves in her ears, the call to fight the enemy bravely, to make this gun dance faster, more dangerous, and more invulnerable !

Several judges' eyes lit up, looked at each other, and whispered.

"This figure..."

"I think……"

"It's rare..."

"And she looks very suitable..."

Before the audition, do the preparatory work and practice for a while. Lin Yuewei wants to get it, and everyone else wants to get it. In fact, the people who came in before have also practiced, but no one has such clean and neat movements as Lin Yuewei's. There is a shortage of talented people in the circle, that is, actresses with very beautiful figures in the drama, who may not be able to make a bright eye for a long time. This is not something that can be achieved purely through acquired efforts.

Qiu Yuanan sat upright and tickled the paper in front of him.

Lin Yuewei put the spear back and bowed slightly.

The judge's smile was different from that just now: "You play the script I gave you before, Yuan An."

Qiu Yuanan stood up.

Lin Yuewei knew why Qiu Yuanan came, it turned out to be for the show. Qiu Yuanan nodded at her, and Lin Yuewei naturally returned with a friendly look.

"Okay, you go back and wait for our call, okay?"

"Thank you, teachers." Lin Yue bowed slightly and stepped out.

Taking advantage of the gap before the next person came in, several judges discussed with a brisk tone.

"I even said hello to let her in. I thought how bad it was. Seeing that she performed well, this role was prepared for her."

"The sense of play is not bad, just opened my eyes and entered the play."

"It's a pleasure to watch her dance the gun."

"Yuanan? Why don't you speak?"

Qiu Yuanan hummed and said, "It's good."

"Where's your dad, he's a talker, and you're a gourd." A judge laughed and teased him. Qiu Zhongkai laughed loudly and raised his hand to signal to the staff at the door: "Next one."

That night, Lin Yuewei was notified that the audition had passed.

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