Ling tripod

Text Chapter 118: The giant cocoon breaks, and the blood demon emerges!

In the blood curtain, the game of sucking and sucking back continues.

"Brother, before, I was too blind to see the mountains. You sucked back all the blood and essence that I sucked. So just treat me like a fart."

Feeling the rapid loss of blood, the Ice Soul Xuan Frog no longer had the airs of a saint, and begged in a low voice.

"Your grandma is your grandpa. I am old enough to be your ancestor. You call me big brother? To punish you, I suck, I suck..."

"Ancestor, yes, you are the ancestor, please let me go!"

After hearing that old voice, Bingpo Xuanwa lowered his breath again.

"Your grandma and grandpa, I am not an ugly toad. Who is your ancestor? In order to punish you, I will suck you..."

The old voice sounded again.


"Am I that old?"


"I told you I'm not a toad!"


"Who the hell wants a toad as a friend? His eyes are lame!"

Feeling that almost one-third of his blood had been absorbed, the extremely angry Bingso Xuanwa couldn't bear it anymore.

He roared angrily: "You old man, let me tell you, I think you are worthy enough to call me "Senior", and if I really push you, I will blow myself up and burn with you!"

But I heard the old voice jokingly said:

"Hey... the little toad has a very explosive temper. He plays with self-destruction. I like to watch the toad disintegrate the most. The visual impact of the flying flesh and blood is simply exciting. It seems that you are going to feast your eyes today. Are you anxious? , you explode, I’m waiting to see!”


The Ice Soul Xuan Frog was so angry that he was about to vomit blood and explode himself? That's just talk. The Ice Soul Xuan Frog has only lived for more than a thousand years. Among the tribe, it is equivalent to a young human in his twenties. He doesn't want to die so early, but the situation in front of him is extremely critical. What to do?

Just when Bing Po Xuan Frog was entangled:

"Bang bang..."

The ice cubes suddenly shattered and ice shards flew out.

"Oh oh oh..."

A high-pitched cry came out from the big black chicken.

Finally out of trouble, as soon as the big black chicken came out and saw the Ice Soul Frog, he pounced on it.

"don't want…"

"Fat crow, don't steal my food!"

Amidst the roars of the Ice Soul Frog and the mysterious old demon, the sharp beak of the big black chicken pierced directly into the Ice Soul Frog's body, causing blood to splash everywhere.

The core of Blood Curtain.

"The blood cocoon is about to burst, use all your strength!"

After listening to Hua Tengming's words, everyone who was already dripping with sweat launched their most powerful attack.

More than eighty magic weapons were blasted towards the huge blood cocoon!


The moment everyone's magic weapon came into contact with the blood cocoon, countless rays of light flashed above the blood cocoon and the entire blood cocoon exploded.

More than eighty magical instruments were directly blown away by this huge shaking force.


Their minds were damaged, and everyone spurted out blood.

"Is it finally out?"

Hua Tengming was full of fighting spirit, his eyes fixed on the large mass of blood mist where the giant cocoon had been.

The blood mist dissipated, and a two-meter-tall humanoid monster appeared, covered in blood and flesh. It had three long horns on its head, a bloody mouth standing vertically on its face, two fangs sticking out, hands and feet. There are sharp nails three inches long on them.

The most special thing is that there is a hexagonal hole-like thing on its chest!

"Hiss... so much fresh flesh and blood, and a body of top-quality flesh and blood from the foundation-building stage, it's really a great supplement!"

The humanoid monster uttered human words, its scarlet eyes were full of greed, and drool was already dripping from the corners of its mouth.

"I thought you would be hiding in there forever!"

Hua Tengming sneered, but his eyes were full of vigilance, because he felt that the blood demon's aura was not beneath him.

"Hiss... why are you so anxious? Don't you think you have a long life? Let me see which one to start with?"

The blood demon's ugly and ferocious face flashed with a sinister smile, and its eyes were like air, scanning the crowd in search of its 'food'.

"Hmph, do you think it's awesome to look scary? Ugly thing!"

A young disciple standing at the front of the crowd said indifferently.

"Hiss, it's you!"

The blood demon suddenly focused his gaze on the disciple and said in a sinister voice.


Hua Tengming roared loudly, however.

A bloody light beam as thick as a finger was suddenly ejected from the blood demon's mouth.


Blood and water splashed everywhere, and the head of the disciple just now was instantly pierced, and the cold body was sucked in by an extremely violent suction force before it fell to the ground.

Everything happened in an instant, and Hua Tengming had no time to stop it.


The disciple's corpse was sucked into the mouth by the blood-colored monster, and it was swallowed after a few bites.

"It doesn't taste good!"

The blood demon smiled sinisterly, with the remaining flesh and blood hanging from the corners of his mouth...

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