Ling tripod

Text Chapter 1,289: Heavy Earth Body!

"Teacher, please stop hitting me, it's not my fault!"

Lu Rui stood up and said.

"Teacher, Xiaopang really tried his best, don't hit him again!"

Han Xiaoshi stood up and said.

"Teacher, you can't do this. Xiaopang feels very sad too!"

Xiao Ling stood up and said.

"Teacher, I am the monitor and I have the greatest responsibility. Please hit me!"

Duan Xiaoyao stood up and said.

Many students also offered advice.

"Do you want to rebel? Don't recognize me as your teacher?"

Chu Yan's voice has never been more serious!

Under the words, several people did not dare to speak anymore.

"Teacher, it's my fault. It's all my fault. It has nothing to do with anyone else. This so-called genius of mine has already become a laughing stock. It's me who has brought everyone down, haha..."

Zhang Zhuangzhuang laughed at himself, tears already covering his face.

The students were all sighing in their hearts at this time. Zhang Zhuangzhuang is indeed a genius. In his generation, he was the only one who was admitted to the outer college with the perfect strength of the Golden Core stage.

At that time, he was only thirty years old and was the youngest student to enter the academy. The other students were at least fifty years old.

Generally speaking, the threshold for entering the outer courtyard is to reach Ying Jie's strength, but Zhang Zhuangzhuang did it.

What does it mean to be a cultivator who can reach the perfection of the golden elixir at the age of thirty? Definitely a genius level existence!

However, after entering the outer courtyard, thirty years have passed, and the students in Class 7 have even changed several batches. Although Zhang Zhuangzhuang is still relatively young in the class, he is undoubtedly a veteran student.

In thirty years, he had not made any progress in his cultivation, and he had become the laughing stock of the entire outer academy. Even the higher-ups of the academy had given up on him.

In this way, Zhang Zhuangzhuang became more and more inferior to himself, hiding his grievances and guilt in his heart. Today, he was directly inspired by Chu Yan!

Zhang Zhuangzhuang has been scolded as a waste by many teachers in the past, but he was never like this. But for some reason, he was slapped a few times by Teacher Zi, whom he met for the first time today, and he looked like this!

He didn't even know it. This was because he regarded Chu Yan as his real teacher!


At this time, Chu Yan slapped Zhang Zhuangzhuang with another slap. Blood spurted out from the beating, and his body directly hit the last wall of the class.

Chu Yan shouted with an extremely cold voice: "I will do it for you one last time. Does it hurt?"

The students were extremely anxious, but they also saw Teacher Zi's temperament, and no one said anything.

Seeing Teacher Zi's gaze, Zhang Zhuangzhuang gritted his teeth and subconsciously said: "It hurts!"

"Very good. Knowing that it hurts means that you are not a walking zombie and can still be taught!"

Chu Yan had an angry look on his face and said lightly.

"Teacher, I know you do your best for me, but don't comfort me. I've been a waste for thirty years!"

Xiaopang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said.

At this time, most of the swelling on Little Fatty's face that had been beaten by Chu Yan had disappeared, which was very strange!

This is not surprising to everyone. Zhang Zhuangzhuang has no other advantages. It can be said that his only advantage is his thick skin and strong recovery ability. No matter how he is beaten, he can recover in a few days.

"You are not a loser, you are stupid. How can a genius call himself a fool?"

Chu Yan was speechless immediately.


Everyone was stunned. Thirty years ago, when he was first admitted to the hospital, some people called Xiaopang a genius. But after so many years, he has become synonymous with the best trash. The teacher actually called him a genius. What kind of joke was he making on the world of immortality? .

"Teacher, please stop making fun of me. How am I a genius? Haha!"

Xiaopang smiled bitterly.

"You prodigal boy, teacher, I am not that busy. You are not a genius even though you have a heavy body, so what kind of cultivator does it take to be considered a genius?"

Chu Yan smiled slightly and said.

"A body made of heavy earth?"

Not only Xiaopang was stunned, but also other students in the class.

The earth-heavy body is one of the five spiritual bodies with major attributes. Zhang Xiaopang, who has always been extremely slow in cultivation, is actually a earth-heavy body?

"Teacher, are you kidding me?"

Xiaopang was also a little dumbfounded. Although it was true that he was an earth spirit root, the difference between him and the spiritual horse was too big! The spirit body is synonymous with peerless genius. Even Duan Xiaoyao, the number one person in the entire outer courtyard, is not a spirit body!

"You boy, you are so stupid. How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it? How do you think you can do it when you see someone who has been beaten until his face is as swollen as a pig's head and can recover so quickly? He is not a heavy earth body with the strongest defense and recovery ability." Thick!”

Chu Yan laughed and cursed.

He really didn't expect that there were not only geniuses in this class, but there were so many, and now a spirit appeared!

"Teacher, am I really a spiritual body? But why am I so slow in my cultivation? Why can't I break through to the Infant Tribulation Stage?"

There was a bit of excitement on Xiaopang's face, but then he declined again.

"You idiot, you are a spiritual body, but you still need to break through the Infant Tribulation? You originally entered the level of Nascent Soul directly from the Golden Elixir Dzogchen, and then you have to go through the Infant Tribulation, aren't you mentally retarded?"

Chu Yan laughed and cursed again.

This little fat man is somewhat similar to Chu Yan back then. Chu Yan is a five-element spirit body, so he took the route of the golden elixir directly entering the Nascent Soul. However, the spiritual body in this little fat body is relatively secretive and has not been fully stimulated. Ordinary people It’s hard to find that he is ignored by many college leaders!

If it weren't for the fact that Chu Yan himself is a five-element spirit that can sense other spirits, he wouldn't have noticed it!

"The golden elixir directly breaks through the Nascent Soul?"

Little Fatty was stupid, everyone was stupid, a loser turned into a genius in an instant, the silk thread counterattacked, everyone was a little overwhelmed!

"Of course, as a spirit body, you don't need to enter the Infant Tribulation Stage. You have to dig in, and of course you won't succeed. You go back and prepare for a day, and I will help you break through the Nascent Soul Stage tomorrow!"

Chu Yan said with a smile again.

"Thank you teacher, thank you teacher!"

Zhang Xiaopang excitedly knelt down to Chu Yan and kowtowed three times.

"You kid, take this opportunity to become my teacher!"

Chu Yan smiled slightly and said.


Xiaopang was in a daze. He was just grateful to the teacher!

"You are stupid, the teacher is going to accept you!"

Duan Xiaoyao reminded him with a speechless expression.

"Master, please bow to me as a disciple!"

When Xiaopang heard this, he was immediately excited. If he could become Teacher Zi's closed disciple again, that would be the happiest thing in his opinion.

"If your strength is comparable to Duan Xiaoyao, I will accept you!"

Chu Yan smiled lightly and said.

"Teacher, this... squad leader is the number one person in the outer courtyard! I..."

Xiaopang was a little hesitant!

"You are a spirit body. I finally discovered you. Why don't you give me some credit?"

Chu Yan's expression changed and he said.

"Teacher, I won't let you down!"

Xiaopang's eyes flashed with excitement and he said to Duan Xiaoyao: "Squad leader, I will challenge you once a week from now on, no, once every three days, no, no, once a day!"

"Haha, okay, let me see how your spirit body is doing!"

Duan Xiaoyao laughed, and was aroused with a bit of fighting spirit.

Since Chu Yan entered the class, a series of things have been perfectly solved, and now the atmosphere of the entire class is very good.

"Okay, now I'm going to start naming names!"

Chu Yan returned to the podium and said.

Chu Yan asked: "Duan Xiaoyao, how many people are there in the class and how many people have arrived?"

"A total of one hundred and eight people, actually one hundred and seven!"

Duan Xiaoyao said honestly.

"Oh? Other classes have 200 people, why are there so few in our class?"

Chu Yan was slightly stunned and said.

"Because our class has the lowest grades, there are only five people in the Nascent Soul stage, and there is also Xiaopang, who has not yet reached the Infant Tribulation stage. However, many students in our class have found ways to be transferred to other classes, and this time we just recruited None of the students wanted to join our class! Moreover, our class didn’t even have a full-time tutor!”

Duan Xiaoyao said helplessly.

Under such words, everyone's faces became a little ugly.

"Who is the missing person?"

Chu Yan didn't say much and asked again.

"It's Jiang Han. His strength is only lower than mine. He is also one of the five Nascent Soul stages in our class! He hasn't come to class for a long time. He has been practicing alone in the killing forest of the academy!"

Duan Xiaoyao said again.

Chu Yan smiled slightly and said: "Okay, I understand, now I will give you the first assignment!"

Looking at everyone's questioning eyes, Chu Yan said: "There are still three months until the inner court examination. My homework is that within three months, all of you must reach the Nascent Soul stage. You must all give me the test." Enter the inner courtyard!”


Everyone almost collapsed. It was only three months before they entered the Nascent Soul stage and entered the inner courtyard. It was so difficult!

Chu Yan said again: "Ah what? After this time, I will enter the inner courtyard as a teacher. If you still want the teacher to continue teaching you, give me some credit!"

"Teacher, I will work hard!"

"Teacher, I can do it too!"

"And me!"

As soon as everyone heard this, it was immediately clear that they could continue to study with Teacher Zi.

Chu Yan said again: "Mere slogans are useless, and with your current state, it is impossible for you to break through the Nascent Soul stage and enter the inner courtyard within three months!"

Everyone was instantly deflated, thinking to themselves, Teacher, are you just kidding us?

"But, teacher, I have a way to help you achieve the Nascent Soul stage within three months! I just don't know if you are willing!"

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