Ling tripod

Text Chapter 164: Giant Bones Palm


Chu Yan looked at the back in front of him and shouted in surprise.

"Young man, it's not bad. Your skills have increased greatly recently! Haha..."

The mysterious gray figure in front of Chu Yan turned around and smiled at Chu Yan. He had put away the sharp gaze in his eyes and turned into a lazy look again.

"Senior, you..."

"Stop talking nonsense. If you die, who will grill fish for me in the future?"

Seeing Chu Yan hesitate to speak, the old beggar laughed loudly.


"Who is this?"

"Why is this old beggar so fierce?"

"What is that mysterious giant bone claw? It can actually resist magic weapons!"

When everyone looked at the old man in front of Chu Yan, who looked like a beggar in tattered clothes and had chicken coop-shaped hair, it was really difficult to connect him with the senior master, but the fact was right in front of them.

The smoke cleared...

A huge palm print with a depth of five meters appeared on the ground, and the earth and rocks around it were completely cracked.

"Brother, your little flying sword isn't very powerful!"

The old beggar said lightly, raised his right arm, and lifted the giant white bone claws from the ground, which also held a flying sword that had become dilapidated.

"Oh My God…"

"That's a magic weapon..."

"Those white bone giant claws are too terrifying!"

Everyone looked at the 'little flying sword' that the old beggar said with astonishment on their faces!

"My magic weapon...ah..."

There was blood on the corner of Qi Tianlie's mouth, and he roared. It is not easy to refine a magic weapon. This red rainbow golden sword has been warmed and maintained for many years. Once it was damaged, Qi Tianlie was heartbroken. In anger, Qi Tianlie used his burning spiritual power regardless of the loss. The rainbow gold sword shines brightly,

"Hey, you little flying sword still wants to struggle! Shock!"


The old beggar said a faint word, and everyone heard what sounded like a thunderous tiger roar. The white bones on the giant white bone claw grew rapidly, covering it layer by layer with white bones, and it instantly turned into a giant white bone palm, which turned into a claw. As the palm, which exuded a more terrifying aura, the giant white bone palm suddenly closed.

"Click, click..."


Several cracking sounds were heard from the giant palm of white bones. Qi Tianlie spurted out a mouthful of blood in the distance, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

"As for your little flying sword, there's nothing wrong with it except that it's not very strong. I'll give it to you to refining it and refining it!"

The old beggar gave a faint smile and threw it away, and the three broken flying swords fell at Qi Tianlie's feet.

"I will kill you today!"

The magic weapon was destroyed. Qi Tianlie was furious to the extreme. He shouted loudly and opened his mouth. A small bronze hammer flew out from his mouth. The small hammer swelled in the wind and instantly turned into the size of a house. The golden patterns on it flashed and moved towards The old beggar hit him head on.

Low-grade magic weapon: Gang Bronze Golden Hammer

"Hey, there's a lot of scrap metal!"

The old beggar gave a faint smile, and slapped several palms in the air with his giant white palm at high speed. In an instant, the shadows of nine white palms blocked him like a wall.

"Who is this person?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shui Tianyu's heart was filled with turmoil. There was no spiritual fluctuation in this man's body. He suppressed Qi Tianlie so easily. Chu Yan's mysterious moves seemed to have been learned from this mysterious man. Could that bone-white palm be...

"Boom boom..."

As he spoke, the nine skeletal palm shadows collided with the bronze giant hammer. When the nine palm shadows dissipated, the light of the bronze giant hammer also dimmed a lot...

"Let me see how strong your broken hammer is, break it for me!"

The old beggar gave a sharp shout and slammed down his huge white-bone palm.

"Golden-horned Clouded Leopard, come out!"

Qi Tianlie shouted coldly, and saw a flash of light from the spirit beast bag on his waist, and a golden light suddenly came out and blocked Qi Tianlie's figure.

This is a leopard with a single black horn and golden hair all over its body. Its eyes are like copper bells, and two sharp teeth protrude from its mouth. Its body is five meters long and two meters high. It has a terrifying aura. It is only one level lower than Qi Tianlie.

"Seventh level monster..."

Seeing the scene in front of them, everyone gasped at the same time.

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