Ling tripod

Text Chapter 1,739: A brilliant debut!

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Under this situation, Liu Qingtian still managed to resist and was slightly at a disadvantage!

He knew that if he continued to fight like this, he would definitely lose. Now that two seals had been opened, the spiritual power consumption was already very huge. He could not consume too much spiritual power here. Under this situation, he had to attack one of the eight monsters with all his strength first. If he killed a few of them first, the pressure would be less.

"Peak Drill!"

After thinking about it, Liu Qingtian roared, and saw a mountain phantom immediately rotated, and the spike directly blasted towards the three-headed giant bird in the sky!

The eight beasts did not expect Liu Qingtian to suddenly have such a method, and the three-headed bird in the sky was even more shocked. In his opinion, the monsters on the ground must be the main targets of attack, but he did not expect that this human would suddenly attack him!


The three heads of the three-headed bird all spewed out hot flames, directly blasting towards the rotating mountain phantom!


Liu Qingtian roared, his eyes were filled with a bit of ferocity.


The shadow of the mountain collapsed directly. The power of this attack was originally very terrifying. This explosion directly tore the surrounding void apart!

The three big birds didn't even have time to wail, and were torn apart on the spot!

There are still seven of the eight beasts left!

At this time, Liu Qingtian's momentum also dropped sharply.

"Good opportunity, kill together!"

The giant mantis roared, and the remaining seven monsters had no time to care about the death of the three big birds, and killed together.

"The third seal, open!"

Liu Qingtian saw the situation and roared. The third seal on his chest had been opened, and a terrifying aura immediately spread out!

At this time, he had actually entered the middle stage of the refining void!

Although it was a new entry, it was also very terrifying!


Liu Qingtian was completely furious, and he completely disappeared with his elegant aura and directly killed the surrounding monsters!

The battle was cruel!

Everyone on the square was shocked. They had never seen Liu Qingtian in such a state.

The man who fought like a madman was far from his usual elegant temperament, but he was even more admirable in this state. Who else could face eight peak middle-stage refining monsters alone except him!

"Qingtian, you can do it!"

Elder Liu looked at the scene in the light curtain and said with a hint of approval in his eyes.

When Liu Qingtian killed the third monster, the effect of the third seal was almost lost. The seal can increase its strength, but it is short-term. If it continues to increase its strength, then this seal can basically be against the sky.

Eight monsters, five left!

Liu Qingtian opened the fourth seal without hesitation.

After the fourth seal was opened, Liu Qingtian's strength directly reached the peak of the late stage of refining!

However, although he had reached the peak of the late stage of the Void Refining Realm, this part of his cultivation was not Liu Qingtian's own after all. It was not as easy for him to control it as it was for his own cultivation. Moreover, forcing his strength to increase was also very destructive to his body.

When the power of the fourth seal was exhausted, Liu Qingtian killed two more monsters!

There were only three monsters left out of the eight monsters.

A mantis monster, a giant bee monster, and a huge golden-haired buffalo monster!

Of the eight peak monsters in the middle stage of the Void Refining Realm, he had killed five of them alone. Such strength was amazing.

"Little ghost, if you kill five of us, you can die too!"

The golden-haired buffalo had murderous intent in his eyes!


Then, the mantis monster and the giant bee monster also came over together.

The three monsters surrounded Liu Qingtian again.

"Fifth seal, open!"

Liu Qingtian roared, and the five circles of patterns on his chest finally lit up completely. At this moment, his cultivation level soared again. Although his strength had not reached the great perfection of refining emptiness, he had reached the extreme of the late stage of refining emptiness!


At the same time, Liu Qingtian spurted out another mouthful of blood, and cracks appeared on his body. It was obvious that this level of cultivation had exceeded his body's endurance!

The fight started again!

On the inner alliance square, everyone who saw this scene in the light curtain was silent. In their hearts, they only admired, and only admired. Liu Qingtian could fight to such an extent, which was enough for everyone to look up to!

Elder Liu nodded secretly. Although Liu Qingtian was not cautious enough, his fighting spirit made him satisfied!

The battle continued, but this time the three monsters learned to be smart. They found that the human cultivator's rapid increase in cultivation was time-limited and would disappear in a while, so the three monsters no longer rushed forward directly, but kept trembling around, hitting and running, and did not fight Liu Qingtian in close combat!

But even so, Liu Qingtian still broke a wing of the giant bee monster and a horn of the golden buffalo. The two monsters were seriously injured!

This is because Liu Qingtian could not fully control this power, and his physical body could not keep up, otherwise the three monsters in front of him would definitely die!

As time went by, Liu Qingtian's speed slowed down. He knew that the power of his fifth seal would soon be lost. At that time, he could only activate the identity token to transmit out, otherwise, there would be only one way to die.

Unwilling, I am not willing!

Liu Qingtian was unwilling in his heart, but there was no way. At this time, he could only fight with all his strength to the best of his ability!

And the three monsters also saw that Liu Qingtian was about to give up.

They all attacked with increasing force!

On the inner alliance square, all the cultivators were deeply shocked, but they also sighed in their hearts at the same time. Liu Qingtian, a generation of genius, finally couldn't resist, but he really tried his best.

"Little ghost, this time, no one can save you, kill!"

The mantis monster has seen that Liu Qingtian is on the verge of collapse, and immediately roared, and then killed him with the other two monsters!

"Do you really want to activate the identity token?"

Liu Qingtian knew that he could not resist in this state. Looking at the monsters getting closer and closer, his eyes showed unwillingness!

And at this moment;


I saw the ground suddenly burst open, and a figure suddenly jumped out!

This scene made the three monsters rushing towards Liu Qingtian stunned!

The next moment, a huge black iron rod whistled out!


The three monsters were still a little stunned, and they didn't react at all, and were directly blown away by this stick!

A tall and strong figure blocked Liu Qingtian, holding a dark iron stick that was five or six meters long in his hand.

He turned his head, and a face with a hideous scar appeared in front of Liu Qingtian.

"Are you okay?"

Chu Yan said lightly.

At this moment, all the cultivators watching this scene on the Inner Alliance Square were completely stunned, and countless cultivators widened their eyes with incredible expressions!

Brother Scar, it turned out to be Brother Scar, it was Brother Scar who had disappeared for three months!

He appeared again, and he was so domineering!

Everyone was amazed, Brother Scar, he was really everywhere, this time, he finally met Liu Qingtian, the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings!

It can be said that Brother Scar came to help in times of need.

However, it seems that this guy...will he treat Hong Ruoling the same way as before?

No matter what, everyone's heart was shaken again, and they were even more excited than when they saw Liu Qingtian open the five seals before!

Scar Brother's personality charm was fully revealed!

Wherever he was, there would definitely be excitement!

The tragic look in everyone's eyes when they saw Liu Qingtian before turned into a hot look when they saw Scar Brother.

"This kid, he won't attack Qingtian!"

Elder Liu narrowed his eyes, but he was thinking about it in his heart.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the light curtain.

"Thank you for your help, I'm just slightly injured, it's okay!"

Liu Qingtian immediately clasped his fists and thanked him.

In fact, he was also thinking in his heart, this kid in front of him came out from underground, did he just come? Who would believe it, it is estimated that he didn't know how long he had been hiding underground.

In this way, he did not take action when he saw that he was surrounded by the eight beasts, but took action now when he had exhausted all his means and was almost collapsed. In this way, he must thank him. After all, he was a timely help. But why did he do this? To eliminate this threat?

Liu Qingtian's mind began to flow.

"Nothing, bullshit, you look pale and bleeding at the corner of your mouth, you are still okay?"

Chu Yan was a little speechless. These geniuses are really good at pretending to be fat. They are beaten like this, but they are still okay!

Just as Liu Qingtian guessed, the sound Chu Yan heard after coming out of the Bingling space was Liu Qingtian being surrounded and killed, but Chu Yan did not act rashly.

Are you kidding? Those are eight peak mid-stage refining monsters. I have no friendship with them, so why should I help them? In Chu Yan's opinion, Liu Qingtian must have a lot of tricks, and he will definitely not be eliminated. Why not see how far he can fight, and then help him in the end? Why not!

When Chu Yan thought of this, he felt a little shameless, but he had just entered the spirit world and his future was unknown. If Chu Yan was not shameless, how could he survive!

Until he saw Liu Qingtian killed five monsters and seriously injured two, and was almost at the end of his strength, Chu Yan knew that it was time for him to make a shining debut!

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