Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2328: Giant Arms and Evil Spirit!

The figure transformed by evil energy, with the explosive power from the depths of the abyss, condensed into a giant fist!

This fist contains a strange aura. This aura makes people feel shocked and unable to move at all.

In addition, the giant arm also exudes a similar aura, but the charm is the opposite.

At this moment, in this water.

Lao Bai, Demon Bingxuan, Tiger Jiao, old man, woman!

Including Chu Yan, the person who pulled out the immortal pillar, no one could move at all, as if his body no longer belonged to him.

At this moment, in the entire water area, only the giant arm in the fairy pillar and the giant fist transformed by evil energy rushed out from under the abyss.


The giant arm and the giant fist collided together.

This time, there was no shock at all. The giant arm began to collapse from the palm of his hand, and at the same time, the giant fist transformed by evil energy also began to collapse.

However, when the evil energy completely collapsed, the giant arm had not completely collapsed and was still suppressing it downwards.

"How can I succeed if I am a sinner!"

At this moment, the sound of vicissitudes of life came from the fairy pillar.

"Damn, no, no... no..."

There was an extremely angry sound coming from the evil spirit, but it still couldn't resist the giant arm that had half collapsed.

The half of the giant arm transformed again, and it transformed into a giant palm, pressing the evil energy towards the bottom of the abyss!


Out of sight of Chu Yan and others, the light palm of the giant arm suppressed the evil energy and turned it into a seal.

At this moment, the giant arm dissipated...

"What kind of power is this..."

Chu Yan's face was pale at this moment, and his eyes showed an unprecedented look of fear.

"If I can't get out, I will kill you, the person who approves..."

From the bottom of the abyss, an unprecedented roar erupted again.

At the same time, at the bottom of the abyss, the explosive power burst out crazily, and the evil energy was vented crazily again, but the soul inside it did not break out after being suppressed!

"Chu Yan, let's go!"

Lao Bai yelled!

Chu Yan no longer hesitated at this moment, hugged the immortal pillar with both arms, and rushed upward at high speed.

Lao Bai, Tiger Dragon, and Demon Ice Spin followed quickly.

At extreme speed, he rushed out of the water and river!

However, the evil spirit at the bottom of the abyss completely erupted, the entire water at the bottom of the abyss completely turned into gray and black, and the water level of the river rose rapidly!

For a moment, Chu Yan and others rushed upward crazily, while below, the river water that had turned into gray-black color turned into a ferocious giant mouth, biting upward.

Chu Yan and others had no time to watch as they rushed upward at extremely high speed.

"He's a foreigner!"

"Kill them!"


At this moment, all the wild beasts in the entire abyss were shaken, and for a while, the entire space was filled with wild beasts!


Chu Yan shouted loudly, the demon flag flew out, and countless thunder tribulation souls turned into a huge barrier to protect the left and right.

"Sword Intent!"

At the same time, Duan Cang emerged from his right hand, and the Demon of Destruction erupted, slashing upwards!

In this slash, he used the sword intention that Chu Yan had learned in the cave before!

The demonic energy of destruction merged with the sword intention, and turned into a demonic sword of destruction, completely clearing the place in front of him, and all the wild beasts in the way died instantly.

The ferocious giant mouth transformed from the evil river below pursues closely with the intention of biting!

Chu Yan didn't stop for even a moment, and rushed upward at a very fast speed. The wine gourd also appeared, and the Thousand-Handed Demon Buddha of Joy and Wrath appeared in an illusion, with giant palms slapping continuously.

Tiger Dragon, Demonic Ice Spinner, and Lao Bai kept taking action.

In this abyss, except for the old man and the others, the strongest desolate beasts were only in the late stage of Thunder Tribulation, and could not stop Chu Yan and the others at all.

One hundred thousand feet deep is not too long for Chu Yan and others.

After more than ten breaths, everyone finally rushed out!

At the same time that Chu Yan and others rushed out of the abyss, the ferocious mouth transformed by the evil river also rushed out!

Chu Yan and others continued to rush towards the sky.

Until it flew thousands of feet into the sky!

The ferocious giant mouth transformed by the evil river seemed to be restricted and unable to attack at a high speed. After an angry roar, it fell down and began to spread instantly.

The evil river rushed out of the abyss, filling the abyss. At this moment, it spread extremely quickly, and finally turned into a huge lake!

This lake is a thousand feet in diameter, filled with evil spirits, and is gradually expanding.

At the same time, pieces of white bones floated out of the lake.

"This evil energy can destroy the soul!"

When Chu Yan saw the situation, he couldn't help but gasped. These bones were obviously wild beasts in the abyss that had no time to escape!

At this moment, not only Chu Yan and others escaped, but the old man, the woman, and many wild beasts also escaped.

There were thousands of wild beasts that escaped, and their strength was at least in the late stage of the Thunder Tribulation.


When the old man saw the situation, he roared angrily.

This time, because of Chu Yan and others, their losses were too great, and the anger in his heart had reached a height that could not be raised.

At this moment, thousands of thunder tribulation stage desolate beasts rushed towards Chu Yan.


Chu Yan held the immortal pillar in his hands with both arms and suddenly made a round towards the cultivators.

But this time, no giant arm appeared, and the light of the fairy pillar was much dimmer than before.

But in this round, the momentum was still strong. Many desolate beasts in the Thunder Tribulation stage were seriously injured, and some were directly blasted into pieces.


Chu Yan knew that these desolate beasts must be able to communicate with each other, and it would be irrational to waste them anymore at this moment.

After speaking, Chu Yan and others fled as fast as possible.

"You can't escape! In that case, let's start a war!"

The old man's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and a token flew into the sky in his hand.

On top of this token, a dazzling light bloomed.

At this moment, roaring sounds came from countless cracks on the entire Desolate Abyss Star, and immediately, countless desolate beasts rushed out from them!

There were even six cracks in which a breath comparable to a half-step ascension came out, but it did not break out!

Chu Yan and others moved as fast as possible!

Chu Yan's expression suddenly changed: "No, if this continues, it will be easy to lead these desolate beasts to our Seventh Mysterious Galaxy. Although our Seventh Mysterious Galaxy's defense is strong, if all the desolate beasts on the Desolate Abyss Star attack together, I'm afraid I can’t resist it either.”

"What if we fight them?"

At this moment, Mo Bingxuan said angrily.

She was the daughter of the Demon King. She had been holding back her anger for hundreds of thousands of years, and now that she was being hunted, she was naturally extremely angry.

"Confused, there are tens of thousands of desolate beasts on the entire Desolate Abyss Star. If there is really an ascension period among them, how can we stop it!"

Lao Bai said coldly.

"Damn it, it's a pity that my cultivation has fallen, and now I'm only halfway up!"

Mo Bingxuan himself was also angry.

Her strength originally reached the Vientiane Realm, but the strength of the trapped people was knocked down to the Dacheng Stage. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, she finally returned to the Flying Stage.

In the end, the immortal pillar seal was connected to a brand in his body. The immortal pillar was pulled out, and the brand in his body was destroyed. He actually fell again with his strength, and now he only ascended half a step.

"Except for the Seventh Xuan Galaxy, no one knows what we look like! And I came out in disguise this time, so the desolate beast doesn't know where we come from!"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with light.

Only Lao Bai was exposed when he disguised himself, and not many people in the Seventh Xuan Galaxy knew about Lao Bai.

Chu Yan's soul moved; "The real demon space..."

However, it was discovered that the True Demon Space could not be opened on the Desolate Abyss Star.

Lao Bai saw Chu Yan's intention and immediately said: "It's okay, Chu Yan, we can hide in the Lingding space!"

"Lingding, has it been restored?"

Chu Yan said with some surprise.

Lao Bai said, "The Nirvana Remodeling of the Ling Cauldron is like me. Although it has not been completely reshaped, the space can be opened. If you want to prevent the Ling Cauldron from opening, I am afraid there are not many people in this world who can do it!"


Chu Yan nodded.

Immediately, Hu Jiao, Mo Bingxuan and Lao Bai all entered the spirit cauldron space.

"This thing's target is too big!"

Chu Yan couldn't help but see the fairy pillar in his hand.

Lao Bai said with a somewhat excited voice at this moment: "Chu Yan, this immortal pillar is an ownerless thing. If we don't let it recognize its owner, how long will it take?"


Chu Yan's eyes lit up. Although this immortal pillar was strange, there was no doubt about its power.

Nowadays, Chu Yan has taken a dim view of life and death, so he doesn't care about the weirdness of this thing. Then he bites the tip of his finger and points it towards the fairy pillar.

At this point, the Immortal Pillar suddenly shook.

I saw that drop of Chu Yan's blood began to spread on the immortal pillar, and then turned into countless blood lines spreading out, as if it were the veins of the human body.

However, Chu Yan did not feel any resonance from the fairy pillar.

This fairy pillar is still dim, as if it has lost its spirituality.

Now this Immortal Pillar is tens of thousands of feet long, and the target is too big. Chu Yan sacrificed it just to make it easier to change its size and put it in his bag. However, seeing the appearance of its spirituality completely lost at this moment, Chu Yan couldn't help but frown.

Chu Yan couldn't help but say: "Unfortunately, this thing has no spirituality, how can I make it smaller!"

And just between these words, the immortal pillar actually began to shrink.

"Little little little..."

When Chu Yan saw the situation, he couldn't help but speak.

Immediately, the immortal pillar shrank rapidly, and finally turned into the length of a toothpick. Chu Yan was so happy when he saw this, he swallowed it in one gulp and stored it in his soul.

Feeling the countless chasing auras behind him, Chu Yan sneered: "Since you want to chase me, I'll let you chase me to the fullest!"

At this moment, the Emperor Demon God Armor transformed into the Emperor Demon Soul, and then infinite clones appeared!

Each one has the same appearance as Chu Yan under his disguise, flying in all directions! r1154


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