Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2383: The End!

c_t;The following is provided for you - "Spirit Cauldron Chapter 2383: Ending!" - Please enjoy!

Xueyu's eyes were filled with a complex light. (Marshmallow

In fact, he had already made up his mind that even if Xiao Jin regretted it at this time, he would use Xiao Jin's life to save his daughter.

"I came to save Xiao Xue with the intention of dying, but now I can still keep half of my life. In the days to come, I can see him every day. What else can I ask for? I am willing!"

Xiao Jin said with a smile on his face.

Xueyu said: "Okay, this technique is called 'Life Source Co-birth Technique'. Once it is performed, half of your life span will be given to Xiao Xue. If Xiao Xue is injured and her life span is lost in the future, your life span will be immediately replenished to her. No matter when, the life spans of both of you are the same. If one day, Xiao Xue dies, then you will die with her. But if you die, Xiao Xue will not be implicated. Now, I will perform this technique..."

" Okay, Uncle Xue, perform this technique! "

Xiao Jin spoke immediately.

Xue Yu hesitated and said, "I will tell Xiao Xue about this, she will definitely be moved, and maybe she will choose you, so..."

"No, Uncle Xue, you and I both know Xiao Xue's character. Even if she knows that I did this, she will not choose me, and it will only cause trouble. So it's better not to tell her about this. As long as she is happy, no matter how much I pay, what does it matter?"

Xiao Jin spoke again with a smile on his face.


Xue Yu was silent, and then said, "Are you really willing to watch a woman who shares your life with another man every day in the future? This..."

Xiao Jin said with sadness in his eyes, "Uncle Xue, don't say it, I know, but if I watch Xiao Xue die, I will be more heartbroken, let's start..."

Continue Xue Yu cast this spell...

Xiao Xue's life was saved, and from today on, the Lion King's life was shared with her.

Next, Xue Yu went to find Xiang Zhiyuan. Why did Xue Yu treat Xiang Zhiyuan so badly? It was not only because of himself, but also because of Xiao Jin.

This was the hatred of the two men.

After that, Xiao Xue woke up and lived happily with Xiang Zhiyuan.

Xue Yu died a few years later.

Xiao Xue broke up with Xiao Jin, and Xiao Jin was speechless at the time.

In the days that followed, until now, the person Xiao Jin had always wanted to protect in his heart was still Xiao Xue.

But Xiao Xue didn't know anything about this, even if she died. (Advertisement)

The picture stopped.

At this moment, Chu Yan and Xiang Zhiyuan were silent.

Xiang Zhiyuan felt mixed emotions at the moment. A woman that he despised and hated so much actually had... People are willing to give everything for her, which makes him confused.

"Why do you want to do this? You can tell me all this..."

Chu Yan couldn't help but speak.

The Lion King said: "If I tell it, it won't change the result. It will only make Xiaoxue unhappy. And I don't want her to be unhappy at all. I want her to be happy..."

Chu Yan's heart was deeply shaken again!

"What else do you want? If it is within my ability, Chu can help you!"

Finally, Chu Yan couldn't help but sigh in his heart. For the first time, he didn't take the initiative to promise under the interests.

"Brother Chu, if you and I were not in a hostile state, if I were not going to die today, I really want to be brothers with you for life..."

The Lion King couldn't help but sigh. He deeply admired Chu Yan's intelligence, Chu Yan's strength, and Chu Yan's character!


Chu Yan spoke with a sigh.

The Lion King spoke again, with a pleading look in his eyes: "I have only one request, I hope Brother Chu can bury me with Xiaoxue. I can't be with her in life, and I want to accompany her forever in death. Brother Chu, I beg you, don't reject my request..."

"I promise you..."

Chu Yan nodded immediately.

"Okay, I have no regrets in this life. It's useless for me to keep this thing, so I'll give it to Brother Chu!"

The Lion King spoke, and his body shook immediately, and a spine phantom with three joints lit up in his body emerged.

It was the Lion King's immortal root, and it was a three-veined immortal root.

The preciousness of the immortal root is beyond words.

Today, if Zuo Huang and the Lion King did not hand over their immortal roots, they would have no problem living for another ten years, but handing over their immortal roots would mean cutting off their own lives.

That's the fact. Which ordinary cultivator doesn't want to live a little longer, even for one day.

Although the life span of an immortal is eternal, once injured, there is a limit to their life span.

Therefore, almost no one would offer their immortal roots.

Today, Chu Yan got these two immortal roots, the value is beyond words.

Chu Yan did not hesitate, a drop of blood flew out, and swallowed the immortal root of the lion king into his stomach.

Finally, the lion king looked at Xiang Zhiyuan and said: "A woman has dedicated her whole life to you, but you don't know how to cherish it. How many people dream of getting this, even a little bit of beauty..."

After the words fell, the lion king died.

Xiang Zhiyuan was silent again, the complex color in his eyes became stronger, and finally his eyes fell on the ugly body of Zuo Huang, but there was a little more reluctance in his eyes.

Chu Yan waved his hand and personally built a tomb for the lion king and Zuo Huang.

And, he used green jade as a coffin and buried the two together.

On the side, Chu Yan also built a tombstone, this tombstone belongs to the snow region!

After setting up the tombstone, Chu Yan's sigh in his heart became stronger.

"I, Chu Yan, keep my word!"

After the words fell, Chu Yan turned around.

On the other hand, Zhiyuan remained silent, and the confusion in his eyes became more and more intense. At this moment, he felt as if he had lost something, which he couldn't explain clearly...

Love can be false, but you will be confused when you regret it!

Such as the source of direction!

Love can be vigorous and vigorous, and can leave everything behind!

Like light snow!

Love can transcend life and death, and can give everything!

Like a snowy land!

Love can be given silently and humbly interpreted with one's own life!

Such as Xiaojin!

Who can explain all this clearly?

"Fellow Taoist Xiang, it's time for us to go!"

Chu Yan spoke.

Now there are still three months left for the trial to end. In these last three months, Chu Yan will definitely explore the place of collapse and the void teleportation array mentioned by Xiang Zhiyuan.

"I am who I am, and I will not regret what I have done!"

Xiang Zhiyuan gritted his teeth and stood up.

He looked at Chu Yan and said: "Fellow Daoist Chu, now that you have gained a lot, why are you still threatening me with a trace of my soul blood? Is it because you don't believe in Xiang?"

Xiang Zhiyuan didn't mince words and spoke directly.

"I don't believe it!"

Chu Yan said directly.


Xiang Zhiyuan was angry.

He originally thought that no matter how deep Chu Yan's mind was, he was still young in cultivation and could not compare with himself, but he did not expect that it was so difficult. The feeling Chu Yan gave Xiang Zhiyuan reminded him of the snowy land back then.

Chu Yan said coldly: "I can't believe what you are doing at all. Besides, with your strength now, it's easy to kill me. What's the difference between me handing over my soul blood and seeking my own death?"

"Hmph, do you think you can blackmail me? My Taoist oath was made to Xiaoxue. Now that she is dead, my Xiangjia Formation can completely cut off that trace of soul blood. Even if you destroy it, I will not How can you threaten me if you die?"

Xiang Zhiyuan immediately said angrily.

Chu Yan sneered: "Haha, if you don't care about this trace of soul blood, why do you say such words? From my guess, either you are lying, or even if you don't die if this trace of soul blood is destroyed, you will have to pay a huge price." The price, this price, you simply can’t bear, I said, right?”

Xiang Zhiyuan was shocked. He didn't expect Chu Yan's mind to be so evil. Indeed, even if his soul blood was destroyed, even if he could save his life, his cultivation level would also fall, and he would even fall to the Ascension stage. Without the Ascension stage, With his cultivation level, even if he reaches the sect, he will have no status at all.

After a moment of silence, Xiang Zhiyuan said: "How do you want to return my soul blood?"

Chu Yan said: "It's very simple. Take me to the place where the void is teleported. As long as I get there safely, my soul blood will naturally be returned!"

"How do I know if you will regret it?"

Xiang Zhiyuan frowned.

Chu Yan asked back: "If I regret it, you can kill me to death. What good will this do to me?"

Xiang Zhiyuan was silent for another moment and then said, "Okay, I hope you won't do anything bad to both of you and me!"

"Of course! Fellow Taoist, lead the way!"

Chu Yan said lightly.

Xiang Zhiyuan stopped talking and began to lead the way.

In the Hall of Stars.

At this moment, the eyes of all the Lords of the Galaxy were dull.

Even Long Yuxuan was like this. He had already overestimated Chu Yan before, but now his heart was still shaken.

Everyone was shocked.

The source of everything is that after Chu Yan’s name it is clearly written:

The half-step ascended wild beast: Ninety-nine!

Ascension Stage Desolate Beast: Two!

A person has obtained ninety-nine half-step demon pills that can ascend to wild beasts. How can this be achieved?

Of course, with many saints out of the game, Chu Yan must have obtained the demon pill from them.

But after many Saint Sons were eliminated, Chu Yan actually killed two more Ascension Stages.

Three periods of ascension.

Chu Yan killed two of them by himself?

What kind of cultivation is this, basically no one can imagine it!

They had always thought that no matter how strong Chu Yan was, he could only be treated as a junior, but now.

One person can kill two people in the ascension stage, even though most of these galaxy lords are only in the early stage of ascension. Facing such a monster Chu Yan, can they win? r1154(I love my academy)


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