Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2602: Sadness!

Looking at Qiu Ba's eyes, Chu Yan already knew what he was going to say. He looked at Qiu Ba and whispered: "I said that I will protect the village for a hundred years, and I will definitely do it!"


Qiu Ba passed away without saying the second word of thanks.

Qiu Ruo was devastated. At the age of sixty, she looked as if she were seventy or eighty years old because of the loss of her husband. Now that her father has died, her whole heart has died.

And the one who left Qiuruo first was Black Tiger.

The moment Qiu Ba died, Black Tiger lay on Qiu Ba's body, in agony.

The relationship between the two is more than just a master-servant relationship. The long-standing tacit understanding has long been like a family member. Black Tiger left the body of Guo Qiuba this year and hit his head on a pillar, leaving with his master.

Thunder Turtle was still lying on Chu Yan's shoulder. Despite his long life, he still looked like a child here, but when he saw Black Tiger like this, his body trembled.

Chu Yan sighed with emotion, this is the change of time.

If Chu Yan had not already comprehended the artistic conception of time, he would not have been able to comprehend it here on Fallen Immortal Island. Otherwise, at this moment, Chu Yan would have achieved the artistic conception of time.

Qiu Ruo passed away one month after Qiu Ba's death.

The heart is dead, this is not a disease, and Chu Yan cannot cure it.

Huzi's family was devastated.

The entire Dahe Village fell into sadness.

However, the news of Qiu Ba's death was blocked by everyone, because everyone knew that once the news came out, Dahe Village would no longer be peaceful.

Another ten years have passed.

Unknowingly, Chu Yan spent sixty years in Dahe Village.

Today, he is an eighty-year-old man with completely gray hair.

The entire Dahe Village, and even the surrounding villages, all know that the master of the past is now old.

Chu Yan had many disciples under his medical skills, and he rarely saw a doctor in person a few times a year.

As for wine, it is no longer possible to ask for it, because Chu Yan is now old and the wine he makes is only enough for himself.

I can’t tell stories anymore.

Only some children came, and occasionally Chu Yan told stories in an old voice.

Over the past sixty years, news of the artistic conception came out one after another.

Whether it is Hu Sen and others, or Chu Yan and others, more than half of them have reached the state of voyeurism.

As for Chu Yan, the news that there was still no breakthrough had spread a long time ago. Many people from Chu Yan came to visit many times, and they all expressed regret in their words.

Because now, Chu Yan only has more than ten years left.

On this day, Chu Yan was still sitting in front of the house drinking, when a somewhat angry shout came:

"Where is Qiu Ba? Tell me where Qiu Ba is?"

A figure rushed in directly, and it was Bai Shuimiao.

His appearance has not changed much from that of the past. He is still a young man with a pale face. The difference is that when he rushes in, he is surrounded by the shadow of the huge water waves.

The realm of clear meaning!

Chu Yan's turbid appearance changed slightly, and a rare different color appeared on his old face with accumulated wrinkles.

Baishui Miao has strong qualifications and through unremitting efforts, she finally broke through the voyeuristic consciousness and reached the state of clear consciousness.

The news of Qiu Ba's death was kept secret for ten years.

Because Qiu Ba should have lived for sixteen years if he had not been injured, so under the news blockade, no one outside the world doubted this matter.

Bai Shuimiao rushed towards him with great momentum. This time he finally broke through in cultivation, in order to kill Qiu Ba and completely understand the grudges of the past century.

However, he did not discover where Qiu Ba was. As a person who understood the artistic conception, he did not bother to embarrass ordinary people. He knew that although Gui Ling did not understand the artistic conception, he was somewhat extraordinary and had an irreversible relationship with Qiu Ba. Just find it.

“Does it matter where a person is?”

Chu Yan sat at the table, dragging a bowl of wine with his old palm.

"The purpose of my practice now is to kill him. Now that he is about to die in four years, I can't let him die naturally. I want to kill him. Only by killing him with my own hands can I get rid of this hatred! Tell me, where is he, where is he?"

Bai Shuimiao roared with red eyes.

"He's dead!"

Chu Yan sighed and whispered.


Bai Shuimiao's body shook violently, and there was a roar in his head.

That feeling is like something that you have been holding on to, and suddenly it disappears.

That feeling, because I have lost something I hold on to, I have no direction in my heart.

Bai Shuimiao spent his whole life practicing to kill Qiu Ba, but when he heard that Qiu Ba was dead, he was completely confused. He didn't know what he was still looking for...

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. His deadline is four years away. How could he die now? You lied to me, you lied to me..."

Bai Shuimiao yelled at Chu Yan.

"Over the years, every time you challenged him, he deliberately slapped you, nine times in a row. Each time, he accumulated injuries on his body, but refused to treat them. Until ten years ago, he finally couldn't support it and passed away. He, Until the moment he left, there was no smile on his face because he still felt guilty and owed you..."

Chu Yan drank another bowl of wine, looked at Bai Shuimiao and said.

"Dead, died ten years ago, how could this happen, how could this happen..."

Bai Shuimiao froze there, holding his head in his hands, and said at a loss for words.

"He didn't choose to be killed by you directly, not just for Dahe Village, but more importantly, he wanted to endure this pain, he wanted to atone for his sins. At the same time, he wanted to use himself as motivation to inspire you, let you keep moving forward, let you grow, these, don't you really understand?"

Chu Yan looked at Bai Shuimiao, and his voice, which was already extremely old, was a bit sharp.


At this moment, Bai Shuimiao's mind was buzzing. How could he not know all this? He just didn't want to think about it, because Qiu Ba was his enemy.

"Why, why do you want to die, why do you leave me like this, you killed my parents and let them leave me, you grew up with me, and now you leave me too, you are too cruel, you are too selfish, I hate you, I hate you..."

Bai Shuimiao roared to the sky, and the whole person knelt directly on the ground, crying hoarsely.

Two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.

Seeing Bai Shuimiao's appearance, Chu Yan was shocked. He could already imagine the complexity of Bai Shuimiao's heart over the years.

That night, Chu Yan took out all his treasured wine.

"I hate him. I hated him to the bone at first. I wanted to kill him immediately because he took my parents' lives!"

"He knew that I saw his evil deeds, but he helped me practice. I didn't say anything at the time, but I didn't thank him. I think he must have some conspiracy!"


"He is stupid. He is a very stupid man. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have killed my parents by mistake. If it weren't for this, he wouldn't have been so good to me, a child who was destined to become a mortal enemy, for decades. Why, why is he so good to me!"

When Bai Shuimiao said this, tears rushed down and he drank again.

"How many times has he secretly cleared obstacles for me, how many times has he helped me move forward, he is good to me, the more complicated my heart is, I have never experienced fatherly love, but I know that this kind of love is probably fatherly love. But, he is my enemy, my enemy, when I feel that I can't lose him more and more, I tell myself thousands of times that he is my enemy, I must kill him, kill him!" "He knows, he knows everything, he knows I want to kill him, but he is still so good to me, so good. Why, why did he accidentally kill my parents back then, why are he and I destined to be enemies, all this, why?" "That year, I broke through the peeping, I gritted my teeth and made up my mind, telling myself that he was my enemy, I attacked him by surprise, and he didn't fight back for the first time. He spit out blood and told me "Go!" "Go!" He said these three words with a smile, a relieved smile. He had expected all this. He did not hate me for killing him. On the contrary, he felt a kind of joy from an elder because I became a person who comprehended artistic conception..." "That day, I left with tears in my eyes. I told myself again that he was my enemy! Over the years, he did not kill me in every challenge, and was hurt for me on purpose. Every time he did it, my heart was like a knife! That kind of pain is the pain of hurting your own relatives!" "The closer his death is, the more painful my heart is. I am afraid, I am afraid that I will lose him. I am really afraid! But I want to kill him. I am in extreme contradiction and pain..." Bai Shuimiao's tears seemed to never stop flowing. Tears fell into his mouth along with the wine, which was spicy and bitter. Chu Yan sighed, this is a bad fate! That night, both of them were drunk. But in the end, Bai Shuimiao finally opened his heart knot under Chu Yan's words. The hatred in his heart had completely disappeared.

Bai Shuimiao came to Qiu Ba's grave and kowtowed three times.

Finally, with tears in his eyes, he held back and said: "One hundred and sixty-three years ago, you made me lose my father. Now, you made me lose another father, but I can no longer hate you. I wish I could really call you father in front of you..."

The biological father was connected by blood and accompanied Bai Shuimiao for eight years when he was ignorant, and Qiu Ba accompanied Bai Shuimiao for more than a hundred years. It was a kind of reckless and unrewarded dedication...

ps: After writing this chapter, my mood was very sad. The plot of Dahe Village is over, and the progress will be faster next...

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