Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2632: Law Enforcer! (Double, monthly ticket requested!)

"This avatar transformed by the artistic conception of wine is not bad!"

Chu Yan looked at the returning phantom and spoke calmly.

Now that Chu Yan has reached the peak of Mingyi, his control over the magical power of artistic conception is getting stronger and stronger. This avatar of artistic conception of wine is a magical power that Chu Yan has realized. The reason why he was able to realize this magical power was mainly because Chu Yan had the experience of infinite clones because the Emperor Demon Yuanshen was in his body.

"Ancient cultivation, everyone cultivates artistic conception..."

Now that his cultivation has reached this level, Chu Yan's understanding of artistic conception has become even deeper.

In Chu Yan's view, this artistic conception clearly corresponds to the characteristics of each realm after ascension. The artistic conception used when peeking into the mind is equivalent to the natal fairy spirit in the ascension stage. The artistic conception used in the clear meaning is equivalent to the vision of heaven and earth in the Wanxiang period. As for the artistic conception of refining the meaning, Chu Yan saw the regular figure in the Wen Dao period.

Even Chu Yan could imagine that the legendary transformation of meaning was basically comparable to the supreme power of the Tongxuan stage.

During the ancient cultivation, everyone understood the artistic conception. I don’t know why it became the current division of realms. But at this moment, Chu Yan’s analysis has linked the current realm with the artistic conception of the ancient cultivation.

"However, by extrapolation, a clear intention cultivator who only cultivates the artistic conception without cultivating anything else can kill at most the ascended Dzogchen cultivators. However, it is absolutely impossible to deal with the cultivators of the Wanxiang stage. A person who only understands the artistic conception, It is impossible to compete with the cultivators of the Vientiane Stage who have the power of the physical body, the power of the origin, and the visions of heaven and earth. This is the gap! "

At this moment, Chu Yan was calculating again.

"With my original cultivation, I can already fight with the peak cultivators in the middle stage of Wanxiang. Now that I have achieved a breakthrough in my artistic conception cultivation, even in the late stage of Wanxiang, I can still fight and even win against a cultivator like Hu Sen in the outside world. However, I am still invincible to the cultivators of the Great Perfection of All Things, unless I can achieve the purpose of refining. If I can achieve the intention of refining, it is equivalent to using the power of the rules of the stage of hearing the Tao. In this way, even if the Great Perfection of All Things is achieved, I am sure to win! "

Finally, Chu Yan analyzed and thought in his heart.

Without thinking any more, Chu Yan looked at the two corpses in front of him.

Now that he has become the city lord, Chu Yan naturally does not allow any negative things to happen in the city, and the decree has been promulgated, and those who violate it will only die. Chu Yan is a demon cultivator and does not have much compassion. Now, he is like this The Three Cities Rule.

"By being buried like this, they have no chance to atone for their sins. How about they serve as a contribution to the three cities from now on!"

Thinking about it, Chu Yan waved his hand, and the artistic conception of two pieces of wine was integrated into the bodies of the ugly big man and the thin man respectively.

The bodies of the two men shook, and there was confusion in their eyes. They had no souls and were already dead bodies. Chu Yan left the only order in their subconscious with the artistic conception of wine, to kill all those who violated the law!

Immediately, Chu Yan thought about it again. With the appearance of these people, it is impossible to continue like this. Then he said: "Deputy Lord of the Three Cities, from now on, I will build black armor according to my standards..."

The three main cities not only have city lords, but also deputy city lords. He is said to be the deputy city lord, but his status is completely different from that of the city lord. It can be said that the so-called deputy city lord is the foundation of the city lord. As a deputy, all things that the city lord does not like to do personally are left to the deputy city lord.

Because of the death of the city lords of the three main cities, the three deputy city lords were uneasy. They didn't know how the new co-lords of the three cities would treat them. They always wanted to find an opportunity to express themselves to please the city lords, but there was no chance. After hearing this order, Immediately there was excitement in his eyes, and he immediately followed Chu Yan's instructions and started to build the black armor.

The light in Chu Yan's eyes changed: "In this hundred years, there may be different changes!"

In the dungeon, in a remote tavern.

At this moment, the tavern is closed.

Inside, several people were lying on the roof, foaming at the mouth.

Few outsiders know that this is a dark shop.

"Madam, we are prosperous this time!"

The fat boss walked out of the back hall with joy in his eyes.

On the side, an ugly woman said: "Husband, the city lord has just issued a decree. If our business continues like this, will it..."

"What are you afraid of? What we do is so subtle that no one will know about it. Besides, how can the high-ranking city lord have the time to pay attention to such trivial things as us!"

The fat boss said with a nonchalant expression.

The ugly woman's face relaxed a little after hearing this, and at this moment:

"You two, damn it!"

The next moment, the two of them saw an illusory shadow appear in front of them. Before they could speak, they felt a sense of intoxication and they passed away forever!

In the human city, in a jungle, three or five masked men suddenly rushed out and pounced on a caravan.

"Haha, boss, I'm so prosperous this time!"

A masked man yelled.

"Quick fight, kill them all!"

Another masked man yelled.

"You, how dare you violate the city lord's laws and do such things!"

An old man looked pale and shouted.

"City Lord? City Lord is planning..."

The masked man had just opened his mouth, but before he could finish speaking, the next moment, his whole body shook violently and he fell to the ground.

Then, an illusory shadow appeared in the sky.

"Wait, damn it!"

During the words, a drunken atmosphere filled the air, and all the masked men fell to the ground. The next moment, the illusory shadow flew into the sky with many masked men.

"It's the Lord of the City..."

"It's really the Lord of the City!"

In the Celestial City, an official is in his own courtyard.

Several police officers surrounded a young man in sackcloth. The man was tied up with five strips of hair, covered with scars, and was pressed to his knees on the ground.

At this moment, a young man with extraordinary clothes and an arrogant face said to the kneeling young man: "I will give you one last chance to divorce your wife, so that she can marry me willingly, so that you can live!" "

"Zhao Cheng, as the son of the head of the Hall of Justice, you actually did such a thing. My wife is virtuous and virtuous. I would rather die than divorce her!"

The young man in Mai vomited a mouthful of blood and yelled.

"Would you rather die? If you don't obey, not only will you die, but your wife may also die as well. You'd better divorce her obediently, so that you can both live!"

Zhao Cheng immediately said with a ferocious smile.

"You you..."

The young man in linen looked pale and finally said: "The city lord has issued a decree, aren't you afraid?"

"Lord City Lord? Humph, Lord City Lord, you are also a member of my own family. My father is Zhao Gang, the Lord of the Hall of Justice. How could the Lord City Lord punish me..."

Zhao Cheng sneered, but before he could speak, a cold voice came from the sky:

"You said, I dare not sanction you?"

At this moment, an illusory shadow appeared in the sky, and a feeling of drunkenness immediately filled the air.

The artistic conception of wine!

City Lord!

Immediately, Zhao Cheng and others were so frightened that they knelt down on the ground and immediately begged for mercy: "Lord City Lord, I know my mistake. I know my mistake. My father is Zhao Gang. My father..."

"I don't care who your father is, anyone who violates the law will die!"

Chu Yan sneered, and at this moment, a loud shout came from outside the courtyard:

"Lord City Lord, Lord City Lord, please show mercy!"

The figure of the person who spoke this word flashed and arrived at great speed. Around this person, countless green grass emerged.

Artistic conception, the person who came was actually an artistic conception cultivator.

This was an old man. He looked at Chu Yan with respect: "Sir, I am Zhao Gang, the head of the Judiciary Hall. For the sake of my subordinates' dedicated efforts for Tiancheng for many years, please spare Quan Zi's life." !”

"Dad, save me, save me!"

Zhao Cheng yelled immediately.

"Knowing the law and breaking the law is useless!"

As he spoke, Chu Yan was about to take action.

"grown ups……"

Zhao Gang roared, and the artistic conception of grass exploded, blocking Chu Yan.

Chu Yan said coldly: "You can't save him!"

"Lord City Lord, I am willing to give my life in exchange for my child's life!"

Zhao Gang immediately fell to his knees and yelled.

"It's too late. You raised him without educating him. Your father's love has turned into doting. You gave birth to him and destroyed him!"

As Chu Yan spoke, he waved his hand, the artistic conception exploded, and Zhao Chengshen died on the spot.

Zhao Gang was in tears, and the color in his eyes was completely gray.

"It's his fault, it's your fault. Now that your heart is dead, you will no longer have any nostalgia. In the next life, be a good father!"

Chu Yan waved his hand, the artistic conception exploded, and Zhao Gang died on the spot.

Such things continue to appear in the three cities of heaven, earth and man. Under Chu Yan's huge mirror sphere transformed by the artistic conception of wine, no one can escape.

No matter who he is, no matter what his status is, no matter whether he is a pitiful person or not, no matter whether he has an unspeakable secret or not, no matter whether he is forced by fate or not...


Here in Chu Yan, rules are everything. Once everyone makes a mistake, they have to bear it.

The murderer has no intention of killing, but the person is already dead!

Those who deceive others will deceive others when they are forced to do so, but their mistakes will lead to success!

Perhaps, it would be a pity for some of them to die, but only in this way will there be peace in the future and the dark side will be completely eradicated!

Even the master of Tiancheng Judicial Hall, a practitioner of artistic conception, must bear responsibility if he makes a mistake.

In the three cities, the people cheered for a while, but those who had made mistakes in the past were now frightened, and there were not many who dared to do evil again.

At the same time, those who died were infused with a bit of artistic conception by Chu Yan, put on black armor, became the black armor army, and became the most selfless law enforcers!

ps: In the last five hours, if you still have monthly tickets, keep smashing, it will explode tomorrow, it’s up to you!

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