Ling tripod

Text 2658. Chapter 2658: Nine Dragon Bloodline!

c_t;The hill had almost reached the critical point of collapse under the bombardment of Long Xiaoyou and Bing Xiaorou. Chu Yan's punch contained the power of the four-veins dragon, which directly smashed it. (Marshmallow-79-

After the hill was smashed, a stone platform appeared in front of Chu Yan and the other two.

At this moment, Long Xiaoyou and Bing Xiaorou also returned to their normal form and looked at the stone platform together.

On the stone platform, ancient patterns were engraved, which were pictures of real dragons flying in the sky.

There was no formation on it, but there was a palm print.

To be precise, this was a claw print, a dragon claw print. It can be imagined that this print should have been made by a dragon cultivator in the past.

"Brother Ghost, I can feel that this treasure is under this stone platform!"

Long Xiaoyou's face was getting more and more excited, and he said.

Chu Yan said: "There is no formation on this stone platform. To open it, I am afraid we need to find another way!"

"Could it be a hand?"

Long Xiaoyou's eyes lit up, and he said with his right hand It turned into a dragon claw and placed it on the dragon claw seal, but the stone platform did not respond at all.

Bing Xiaorou also tried it, and the same thing happened.

"This should have nothing to do with the palm!"

Chu Yan stared at the stone platform, and the power of his soul kept sweeping over it, and the True Demon Eye was running to the extreme.

"This is..."

When the True Demon Eye was running to the extreme, Chu Yan saw that there were faint veins on the stone platform...



Long Xiaoyou and Bing Xiaorou were also constantly guessing at this moment, but there was still no result.

"It's blood, it needs dragon blood, Xiaorou, you go first!"

Chu Yan's eyes suddenly lit up. If there are veins, blood must be supplemented. [Fast update, clean website pages, few ads, I like this kind of website the most, I must give it a good review]

Bing Xiaorou heard that there was no Without hesitation, he walked to the stone platform, then cut his fingertips, and a drop of blood fell into the claw mark.

This drop of blood fell into the claw mark and immediately spread, and then emitted an ice-blue halo.

I saw that on the stone platform, an ice-blue vein shadow lit up.

Chu Yan saw the situation and analyzed: "So, that's right, but Xiaorou's blood only has ice attribute, which is not enough. It seems that it needs dragon blood of multiple attributes to open it!"

"Ghost brother, I'll do it. I have seven veins of dragon blood in my ancestral blood, so it must be possible!"

Long Xiaoyou walked to the stone platform with a confident look and immediately dripped a drop of blood.

This blood emitted a colorful halo, and it immediately spread into the claw mark and turned into a colorful halo.

At this time, the stone On the platform, in addition to the ice-blue veins that were just lit up, golden veins, green veins, red veins, black veins, silver veins and blood veins appeared!

"Why hasn't this stone platform been opened yet!"

Long Xiaoyou was a little confused. She had the blood of the ancestral dragon, which contained seven blood vessels, but she didn't open the stone platform.

Bing Xiaorou looked at Chu Yan.

"Let me try!"

Chu Yan had a guess in his mind. He walked to the claw mark and a drop of blood merged into it.


At this moment, the claw mark shook violently, and purple and black halos appeared again.

The next moment, on the stone platform, a purple vein with an imperial aura and a black vein with a monstrous demonic aura appeared.

As soon as the black veins of this demonic energy appeared, the black veins belonging to the black dragon were immediately suppressed by it, and finally transformed into earthy yellow veins.

Blue, gold, green, red, yellow, silver, blood, purple, black!

At this moment, the nine-color veins flashed!

"Ghost brother, you..."

Long Xiaoyou's eyes were full of shock. She would never dream that Chu Yan actually had two dragon bloodlines that she didn't have. How could this be possible? She was the bloodline of the ancestor dragon...

Chu Yan was also confused about all this.

The purple dragon was created by the purple demon, which means that the purple dragon bloodline was not something that the dragon clan should have.

As for the demon dragon bloodline, it was created by Chu Yan by combining the dragon energy he obtained with the way of the emperor demon. The demon dragon bloodline was not something that the dragon clan should have.

But Shitai seemed to be waiting for the nine-vein dragon blood, which included his own purple dragon and demon dragon bloodlines.

Chu Yan even thought of the hill at the beginning. The hill had not been blasted apart. Perhaps it was not because Long Xiaoyou and Bing Xiaorou were not strong enough, but because they lacked the two dragon bloodlines of Purple Dragon and Demon Dragon.

This matter was simply too weird.

"These two bloodlines did not originally belong to the dragon clan, but were condensed by me!"

Chu Yan looked at Long Xiaoyou and spoke.

Long Xiaoyou nodded, she knew that Chu Yan would not lie to her.

"Ka Ka..."

At this moment, the sound of stones crossing came from the stone platform with nine-color light flashing.

I saw that the stone platform cracked and an entrance appeared in it.

Before entering this entrance, a strong ancient aura gushed out from the entrance. This ancient aura was very pure, and it also contained dragon aura.

After inhaling this aura, Chu Yan, Long Xiaoyou, and Bing Xiaorou all felt that their bloodlines had become a little more noble.

The ancient energy in Chu Yan's demon spirit split apart, transforming into a giant phantom behind Chu Yan again. The ancient energy gathered madly behind Chu Yan.


Looking at this entrance, the three of them all had an excited look in their eyes.

Chu Yan said calmly, and the three of them walked in without hesitation.

In front of them was a passage, which was very long and led to nowhere.

However, as the three of them walked further, they felt their dragon blood and became more and more excited.

Finally, they came out of the passage and a huge space appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

"This is..."

Even though Chu Yan was calm, his eyes changed at this moment.

Here, there were dragon corpses everywhere, yes, dragon corpses.

There were golden dragons, blue dragons, blood dragons...

There were corpses of various real dragons from the seven veins of the dragon domain.

At a glance, there were probably hundreds of dragon corpses, and they all contained ancient aura. Obviously, they were not dragons of this era, but from ancient times.

Tears flowed from Long Xiaoyou's eyes, and his legs knelt on the ground: "This is the disaster of my dragon clan!"

Bing Xiaorou couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes. Looking at the corpses of many of her ancestors in front of her, her heart was also touched.

Although Chu Yan was crying, his eyes also revealed a sad look. He said, "This place doesn't look like a battlefield. These ancient true dragons died in battle before they came here!"


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