Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2815: The mystery is solved!

In the end, Demon Lord and Dao Yixian each made a Taoist oath.

The Demon Lord has given up the mark of heaven, and at this point, he will no longer be Dao Yixian's opponent.

And Dao Yixian, who received the mark of heaven, made an oath to give up Shu Ya and would never let the two cultivators of the Tao and Demon factions fight again.

The Demon Lord returns and lets Shuya leave.

Although Shu Ya was reluctant to give up, the person she loved in her heart was still Dao Yixian, and she immediately returned to the Dao realm. However, what faced her was the cold face of Dao Yixian.

Dao Yixian resolutely said that he no longer loved Shuya and asked Shuya to leave.

Shu Ya was heartbroken. The man she loved wholeheartedly would treat her like this. Shu Ya left quietly. She did not go to the Demon Lord. She felt that she no longer believed in feelings.

And her sister Shu Qing didn't know all this.

After that, the Demon Lord searched for ten years and finally found Shu Ya. He treated her sincerely for a hundred years and finally won Shu Ya's heart.

Dao Yixian spent one hundred and ten years to finally completely integrate the Demon Lord's mark of heaven.

In this way, he achieved the throne.

Led by the four races of immortals, demons, gods, and demons to suppress all other races, Dao Yixian created the Heavenly Palace, became the Immortal Emperor, and named the highest realm the Immortal Realm.

The fairy world is also divided into eight domains.

At that time, the God Clan had not yet perished. There was a realm called the God Realm!

On the day when Dao Yixian became emperor, the Demon Lord took Shuya back to the Demon Lord Hall in the Demon Realm and got married.

Shu Ya became the Demon Lord’s first wife!

Shu Qing naturally didn't know all this. She didn't even know that Shu Ya had come back to see Dao Yixian. She just thought that Shu Ya was the kind of person who betrayed his feelings. She hated Shu Ya so much that she changed her appearance.

Later, Dao Yixian, who achieved the throne of emperor, found that he was lonely, but Shuya had left him forever.

Later, the Demon Lord told Shu Ya about his search for Dao Yixian. Shu Ya did not blame the Demon Lord, but was moved by him for giving up the mark of heaven, and the two became even more affectionate.

After listening to Shu Ya's story, Chu Yan finally understood everything.

It turns out that these things happened back then, and the misunderstanding was really too deep.

"Master's Wife, what happened that year? Why was Master surrounded and killed?"

Chu Yan simply answered all his questions today.

"Back then, your master..."

Then the master's wife continued to talk.

After the Demon Lord had his master's wife, his cultivation had reached the Great Perfection of Tongxuan and could not progress, so he took his master's wife to travel around. During this period, he also had enlightenment, and he kept meeting close women, and he started a harem. Great cause, and in the immortal world, it is very common for cultivators to have multiple Taoist companions. The master's wife knows the Demon Lord's feelings for her, so naturally she will not stop it.

This was great, as more and more Taoist companions were accepted. Seven of the eight realms of the Immortal Realm accepted outstanding women as Taoist companions, until the Divine Realm.

"That woman from the Divine Realm is the last Taoist companion your master accepted among our sisters from the Eight Realms. You should be called the Eighth Master Niang. It is precisely because of this woman that..."

The master's wife continued to talk.

Back then, the Demon Lord had won the heart of the Saint from the Divine Realm, and had even had a private affair, just as he was preparing to formally propose marriage.

The God-Destroying War broke out.

The Demon Realm basically didn't know about the battle to destroy the gods. It was the other six realms that united to attack the God Realm.

This battle progressed very quickly, and when the Divine Realm was in danger, the Demon Lord received the news and immediately rushed to the Divine Realm to save his beloved woman.

However, he didn't know that all of this was Dao Yixian's plan to get his wife back.

The demon king was surrounded and killed.

In the end, Shu Ya felt that by threatening her life, the Demon Lord's spiritual thoughts were suppressed in the starry sky, but Shu Ya didn't know whether the Demon Lord could survive after that.

For this reason, Shuya destroyed her body, sealed herself in the galaxy, and said that if the demon king dies, she will not be alone.

At the same time that the Demon Lord was being besieged and killed, the Demon Lord Palace was besieged and killed by many masters sent by the Immortal Emperor. All the men in the Demon Lord Palace and the demon generals who had been following the Demon Lord for a long time were all killed, leaving only a group of demon kings. Female dependents.

Even at that time, the only daughter of Demon Lord and Shu Ya also disappeared in that battle. Before Shu Ya destroyed her body and sealed her spiritual thoughts, she gave the hosta to Yue Shuqing!

And it wasn't until just now that Shu Ya knew that her daughter was hidden by Dao Yixian.

"The Evil Lake of Desolate Abyss Star... and the Demonic Ice Whirlpool!"

Chu Yan spoke.

"Dao Yixian is an evil cultivator!"

The master's wife spoke.

This statement was not unexpected by Chu Yan. After seeing the evil cultivator Fei Qingyang, Chu Yan had guesses about the evil lake back then.

"He used the body of an evil cultivator to sneak attack on your master, and he also gathered many strong casual cultivators to surround the Demon Lord's Palace. In this despicable way, he was not bound by the oaths he made back then. As for the Demonic Ice Spin, he is part of the god of evil cultivators. He was kidnapped by a wisp of evil thoughts and trapped in the Desolate Abyss Star, and suppressed by the Immortal Pillar so that he could never leave, just to make the Demon Lord feel heartbroken when he knew about his spiritual thoughts, and become the Demon Lord's wife. "

Shu Ya spoke again, with incomparable hatred in her eyes.

"I know that Dao Yixian doesn't really love me. I am the pain in his heart and the dream in his memory. He is afraid that the pain will disappear and he will have no feelings anymore. He is afraid that this dream will be broken and he will have no more dreams. Remember! Haha, it’s ridiculous. He always thinks he has feelings for me. He is a ruthless person. He only loves power! "

Shu Ya finally finished everything, with a sad look in her eyes.

Thinking of the trapped Demon Lord, Shu Ya's eyes shed tears again.

"Master's Wife, how could your tears..."

At this moment, Chu Yan only felt Shu Ya's tears, which were very familiar.

Wait, this feeling... is...

Yes, it's Yao Lingshuang!

At this moment, Chu Yan suddenly realized that when he was in the ancient god assessment, he saw Yao Lingshuang and guessed that it was a demon transformed from water, but he didn't know what kind of water it was!

Now that I think about it, it should be the Master's Wife's tears that turned into a demon!

Yes, it's the Master's Wife's tears!

It's easy to understand that Yao Lingshuang felt familiar with me back then. It was transformed from the Master's Wife's tears and should have maintained the Master's Wife's instinctive memory. And I am the descendant of the Demon Lord and have the breath of the Demon Lord, so it feels familiar with me.

Everything, it turns out to be like this!

"Master's Wife, your tears turned into a demon. I have seen it in the Seventh Mysterious Star River!"

Chu Yan's eyes flashed with brilliance.

"You have seen it. I have been searching for countless years. That tear seals the origin of my cultivation..."

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