Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2840: Pull into the water!

Chang He's words are very spicy.

Indeed, if he forcibly kills Chu Yan, even if he is seriously injured, it will take a few hundred years for him to fully recover after swallowing Chu Yan's ancient ancestral blood.

Chu Yan smiled faintly: "There are two demi-gods outside who are chasing me. With my status in the immortal world, they will never let the fourth person know about this. If you take action, the worst is possible. I am here among the stars. There is a triple formation outside. Once activated, the two demi-gods will immediately notice it. Do you think you are an opponent? "

Two and a half statues...

Chang He's eyes changed drastically. The difference between the cultivators of the Wen Dao stage and the Tong Xuan stage could not be described in words. Even a half-immortal could torture and kill the Dzogchen cultivators of the Wen Dao stage. In this way, even a half-immortal Chang He would definitely die. Don't say two.

Chang He was silent.

Chu Yan smiled lightly: "You think I'm lying, give it a try!"

With Chang He's mind and knowledge, he could be sure that what Chu Yan said was probably true. First, Chu Yan was seriously injured, and second, if no one was chasing him, he would not run into the star for no reason.

But what if what Chu Yan said was false?

Chu Yan naturally saw the doubts of Sword Emperor Chang He, and immediately waved his hand, and the scene of Jiu Nian and Jintongzi confronting him appeared in the starry sky.

Chu Yan immediately recorded this scene on a jade slip in order to use it as evidence to eradicate the Mu family after escaping from the trap and returning to the fairy world. Unexpectedly, it would come in handy now.

The authenticity of this scene can naturally be determined by Chang He's cultivation. He was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I follow what you said, but you must make an oath of Taoism. Once you complete the ancient formula, you must take me out!"

"I, Chu Yan, swear by my Taoist heart. If I don't take Chang He away after completing the ancient art, my soul will explode and die!"

Chu Yan said.

Chang He frowned and said, "Also, although there are hundreds of stars in this starry sky, it is not too big for two demi-gods. If they find this place, how will you deal with it?"

"It's not me, it's us, Senior Sword Emperor. Now you and I are like grasshoppers tied to a rope. If I die, you won't survive! So, you'd better think of a countermeasure!"

Chu Yan smiled.

This is exactly Chu Yan's plan. The Sword Emperor Changhe's cultivation level is infinitely close to that of the half-master, which is also a big help to him, and now he has to help himself.

Sword Emperor Changhe's expression became increasingly grim, and he cursed in his heart that he had been tricked by a junior cultivator, and now he had to deal with his enemies.

"I can help you deal with it together, but the strength of the two demi-gods is beyond our imagination. Even if you master the ancient art, how can we escape if we go out alone?"

The Sword Emperor spoke again.

"How to escape, naturally we need to think about it together! Now there is a glimmer of hope for you and me to cooperate. If we don't cooperate, I will call the two demi-gods and we will perish together!"

Chu Yan finally spoke, then ignored Chang He and focused his gaze on the golden bead.

On the golden beads, there are fine words engraved on them. These words form a projection within the entire golden light shield, and these projections turn into a piece of practice.

This technique is exactly the "Ancient Jue"!

"This "Ancient Jue" is so miraculous. According to what it says, once it is completed, the eight ancient qi can transform into each other!"

Chu Yan's eyes showed a sparkle.

Originally, before he became an ancient demon, Chu Yan was a fellow cultivator of the Seven Meridians, with demonic energy as his main body, and the other six veins could transform into each other. But after becoming an ancient demon, Chu Yan only has the ancient demon energy. Now, once he has mastered the "Ancient Jue", the eight ancient energy can be transformed at will. From now on, the eight channels of martial arts and secrets can be practiced, and even transformed into corresponding ones. The power of the Ancient Cultivation Treasure corresponding to the Ancient Qi is also more powerful.

The Sword Emperor Chang He looked extremely sad, but he couldn't think of any way to break this situation. He was already depressed enough when he was trapped, but now he was dragged into the water by Chu Yan.

But the matter has come to this, Chang He has no choice but to practice on the side.

Let’s talk about this mysterious star.

Jiu Nian and Jin Tongzi are still looking for Chu Yan everywhere, leaving marks wherever they go, and Chu Yan's clones are constantly being destroyed.

The two of them are not in a hurry. As half-level cultivators, if they don't have such patience, their practice for so long will be in vain.

Time keeps slipping away.

One year has passed!

Ten years have passed!

One hundred years have passed!

For a full one hundred and thirty years, during this period, Jiu Nian and Jin Tongzi searched the starry sky almost over and over again, but they still couldn't find any trace of Chu Yan.

Even though the two of them have half a level of cultivation and a calm mind, after more than a hundred years, they are now almost on the verge of collapse.

"Could this kid still be able to fly with wings?"

The anger in Jiu Nian's eyes had reached its extreme. At this moment, he extremely regretted why he didn't kill Chu Yan quickly, otherwise he wouldn't have such a headache now.

"He can't get out of this starry sky at all. There must be places we haven't explored yet!"

The golden boy also frowned and spoke.

"Nothing found? How many times have we checked here? Are there any places we haven't found yet?"

As Jiu Nian said, the phantom of the Nine Sea Black Snake reappeared and struck all around.

"Look! There is no change in that void!"

Suddenly, the golden boy pointed at a place.

Just now he discovered that there was a piece of void that did not even tremble at all under the violent impact of the Nine Seas Mysterious Snake's shadow.

"There is something strange here!"

Jiu Nian also locked his eyes.

The two of them crossed several stars and immediately arrived at the place where the void was. They immediately swept their souls.

"There is a formation here, not a natural formation, but a human formation. We finally found this kid. He must be hiding in this star!"

Jiu Nian's eyes showed great excitement.

"This kid must be here. Let's not rush to enter it. First, use the magic power to seal the outer side of this star as a whole. In this way, even if this kid wants to escape, he can't escape!"

The golden boy's eyes flashed and he spoke.

"Fellow Daoist, have an idea!"

Jiu Nian's eyes also lit up.

Then, the two of them showed the seal pattern in their hands and began to arrange it.

Soon, the outer part of this black star was sealed as a whole. Such a seal would be very difficult to break out of unless you have the cultivation of a half-venerable.

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