Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2867: Who is sad!

The moment this wronged soul appeared, Taoist Aunt Lan's body shook violently.

"Zhao Lang..."

The sword in Taoist Aunt Lan's hand fell, and her eyes were filled with tears. Looking at the wronged soul in front of her, her eyes were full of complexity and guilt.

"Why did you kill me?"

The handsome and innocent soul spoke.

Aunt Lan felt a burst of heartbreak. This was her childhood sweetheart, her elder brother. This was the man who gave everything to her. This was the man who was still thinking about her at the critical moment of life and death. This was his husband and his child. husband……

However, Aunt Lan killed him and the child in her belly with her own hands!


Aunt Lan spat out three words.

At that time, she didn't know what love was, she only knew how to ask for her senior brother's meticulous and unreserved love for her. She believes that as long as she is willing, senior brother can give everything and her own cultivation is enough. Even if she does not love senior brother, he will always love her.

That time, in order to have the opportunity to cultivate Wen Dao, she killed her senior brother with her own hands.

Before his death, the senior brother still held the birthday gift prepared for her. At the moment before his death, there was no blame in his eyes, but only distress.

Aunt Lan still remembers what her senior brother said before he died.

"Lan'er, I feel sorry for you so much. For you, my life is nothing. But, I feel sorry for you so much. After I die, who will take care of you? Thinking of your loneliness, my heart feels so good. It hurts, live well..."

These were the last words of the senior brother.

At that time, Taoist Aunt Lan was already crazy for practicing cultivation, and she didn't care at all about what her senior brother said.

However, after her senior brother left and she successfully reached the stage of hearing the Tao, she slowly realized that she had ruined her life.

She found that no one cared about her anymore.

She discovered that no one would stay awake to protect her while she was practicing.

She found that no one could give up everything for her.

Never again!

Some are all false, those are for her beauty, for her cultivation, for her...

There is no picture, no more!

Gradually, Taoist Aunt Lan began to miss her senior brother. Every night, she lived in the residence belonging to a strong man who heard the Tao, and she missed her senior brother.

Just one month after her senior brother left, one night with tears streaming down her face because of longing and guilt, she discovered that she had the flesh and blood of her senior brother.

Taoist Aunt Lan could not accept that she had killed her husband and her child's husband with her own hands. She was afraid that her children would hate her for the rest of their lives when they knew the truth.

Taoist Aunt Lan was a selfish person. Even though she felt guilty, she continued to be selfish. She stabbed her sword into her belly and killed her child with her own hands.

Since then, the beautiful Fairy Lan of the Immortal Sea has disappeared, leaving only a murderous Aunt Lan.

Everyone has a past, but few have a past as tragic and desolate as Aunt Lan...

"Don't cry. I never made you cry when I was alive. Now that I'm dead, I don't want you to cry either!"

The handsome man smiled and tried to wipe away the tears on Taoist Aunt Lan's old face with his palms, but was unable to do so.

He is not an innocent soul.

He only felt deep reluctance and longing for Taoist Aunt Lan.

Aunt Lan is not afraid of wronged souls, but she is most afraid of facing her senior brother.


A milky baby voice came.

In the void, a ball-shaped soul floated in, with life flowing in it.

This is the child that Taoist Aunt Lan killed with her own hands.

He doesn't have the slightest resentment towards Taoist Aunt Lan, but only attachment, which is the attachment of a child to his mother. He was never born and has never been cared for. He wants...

"My son..."

Taoist Aunt Lan held the remnant soul in her arms, tears flowing from her eyes like never before.

Seeing this scene, everyone present sighed.

However, sigh, sigh, the enemy is always just an enemy, and the five people can show mercy.

At this moment, the war is coming to an end. Except for Taoist Aunt Lan, all the other cultivators from Starry Sky Immortal Sea and Ancient Relics have been killed.

Taoist Aunt Lan looked at Chu Yan, and then made an unimaginable move. She knelt in front of Chu Yan and said, "Your Majesty, before I die, can you agree to my request?"

"You killed hundreds of people in my immortal world, and now you want me to fulfill your request?"

Chu Yan said coldly, Taoist Aunt Lan was indeed a pitiful person, but what she did to the immortal world would definitely lead to her death.

"If the Emperor can agree to this request, I will inform the Emperor of some of the secret skills of the Starry Sky Immortal Sea and the location of its core. I believe that the Emperor must already know that the cultivators of our clan all have amnesia Gu. If you search Soul, nothing found!"

Aunt Lan said.

"Why did you do this? Give me a reason!"

Chu Yan spoke.

Taoist Aunt Lan said: "I am ashamed of my husband and children. I know that the emperor cultivates regular memory. Can you let me have a dream of reunion? I wish to die in my dream!"

"Hand over the secrets you know, I promise you this!"

Chu Yan thought for a moment and then spoke.

"Thank you!"

Taoist Aunt Lan's eyes showed sincere gratitude, and she quickly imprinted what she knew on a jade slip with the power of her soul.

Chu Yan took the jade slip, glanced at it, and said no more.

He looked at Aunt Lan, who had a handsome soul and a baby soul, and said: "Open your heart!"

All three obeyed!


Chu Yan spoke.

The memories of the three were rewritten in an instant.

Chu Yan rewrote the memories of Nun Lan and her senior brother from the point when Nun Lan was about to kill her senior brother.

The memory world of Nun Lan and her senior brother:

At this moment, Nun Lan was still young and beautiful. In front of her was her senior brother Zhao. She held a sword in her hand and had a resolute killing intent in her eyes.

When Nun Lan was about to stab her senior brother to death with a sword, a feeling of sadness came to her heart. She felt that if she killed the man in front of her, she would never be happy. Gradually, the killing intent in her eyes turned into tenderness.

This was the first time Zhao Lang saw his junior sister smile so gently at him. He said: "Junior sister, no matter what your reason is, if you want my life, take it!"

Nun Lan's sword fell to the ground.

"Brother, I can't bear to kill you! Let's live in seclusion in the mountains!"

"Sister, as long as you are willing, everything is up to you..."

A month later, Nun Lan found out that she was pregnant.

The baby's memory was also rewritten, and from then on, his memory was only full of deep maternal love...


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