Ling tripod

Text Chapter 2943: A word of love!

There was admiration in the eyes of the ancient scholar. The most powerful magical power of the Four Arts was naturally created by him back then. Seeing Chu Yan so easily display the nine-color qin with the best sound in the world, he couldn't help but admire it.

Hua Mengqi didn't speak at this moment. She knew the master's character. Even if she asked for help at this moment, the master would never agree. At this moment, she could only choose to believe Chu Yan.

The phantom of the nine-color guqin floats in the void.

Chu Yan looked at Hua Mengqi and said: "Qier, you sang "Long Love", which made me feel guilty for being a husband, so I will compose a song "Long Time Together" today. From now on, you and I will always be together and never be separated! "


Hua Mengqi nodded and shed tears.


Chu Yan's ancient art was running, turning the ancient demon's energy into the guru's energy. He pressed the strings with both hands, and the sound of the piano immediately flowed out.

"A song of longing for lovesickness touches my heartstrings. I would like to be with you always and be there for you every day..."

While playing, Chu Yan felt something and sang softly.

This song in this life has fascinated countless people. The sound reminds everyone of the person they miss the most and the happiest days when the two were together.

Deep affection is not as good as long-term companionship, true love needs no words!

A long-lasting song that touches everyone's heart, and everyone is immersed in it.

The music test stone also vibrated crazily.

Ten rings!

Twenty rings!

In almost a breath, he surpassed fifty rings.

Soon, it surpassed the seventy rings!

Then, it reached the eighty ring!

Hua Mengqi's seventy-two rings have been surpassed, but no one is surprised. In everyone's eyes, this is reasonable.

In the end, the music test stone broke through the ninety rings.

At the end of the song, it actually reached one hundred rings.

The limit of this music test stone is one hundred rings. The hundred rings still want to rise, but they can no longer rise.


Chu Yan pressed the guqin with both hands, and the nine-color guqin disappeared in the void.

Tears were already shed on his face.


At the same time, the music test exploded.

This kind of music has exceeded the endurance limit of the music test stone.

Countless people present shed tears, and Hua Mengqi had already turned into tears.

"Challenge, success!"

The old referee couldn't help but speak, with tears streaming down his face. He thought of his lost Taoist companion, the love of his life.

Surpass one hundred rings and explode the music test stone.

This matter is really unprecedented, even the dead Qin Emperor has only reached the ninety-sixth ring.

"I have long said that there is no limit to happiness. From now on, there is no need to use this music test stone anymore! Haha..."

The guru was very happy and immediately laughed and said.

Chu Yan said nothing, stepped into the void, and the next moment he was on the Hua Lei.

On the painting ring, the scroll had already been laid out. The seven-character pen appeared in Chu Yan's hand and he closed his eyes again.

It was also seven breaths. After seven breaths, he opened his eyes and looked at Hua Mengqi: "Qier, my husband, everything is for you today, and this painting is also for you. This is the first time for my husband to paint, and I can only paint you. , draw us!”

As the words fell, the ancient Confucian spirit in Chu Yan's body reached its peak, and countless memories emerged in his mind.

"If there are memories in the painting, then there is meaning in the painting. If there are no memories in the painting, how can there be meaning?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but mutter, and the next moment, the pen in his hand began to flow.

However, these words shocked countless cultivators present.

If there are memories in the painting, then there is meaning in the painting. If there are no memories in the painting, how can there be meaning?

Yes, if there is no memory in the painting, how can there be artistic conception...

Many people have a constant roar in their minds and feel a sense of enlightenment.

The brush in Chu Yan's hand has begun to flow. He has never painted before, but he has memories, memories that ordinary people have never had before Hua Mengqi. Under the influence of a guru, the brush keeps moving...

On the scroll, a little boy and a little girl appeared.

The little boy looked seven or eight years old, and the little girl looked eleven or twelve years old. The two children were playing and running on the grass.

Based on what Chu Yan said just now, everyone can guess at this moment that these two children were Chu Yan and Hua Mengqi when they were children.

Soon, Chu Yan's painting was completed.

In the picture, a little boy is flying a kite on the grass, and the little girl is chasing behind him, with innocent smiles on their faces.

Chu Yan has not opened up such childhood memories for a long time, but today, they were opened again.

The eye of painting fell directly on the painting.

Immediately, the painting bloomed with unprecedented light, and all the scenery in the painting floated out, the little boy, the little girl, the lawn, the sky...

Everything turned into a shadow floating in the air!

Even, the little boy and the little girl started running in the sky, and everyone watched them running and flying kites...

All this is so real!

100% painting!

The meaning of the painting is 100%, and the painting becomes reality!

This painting has become a small world and a treasure. When you enter the painting, you can see the little boy and the little girl.

"Challenge, success!"

The old referee spoke now.

100% of the painting's meaning was unprecedented, and everyone present was shocked.

You know, the painting emperor can only achieve 90% of the painting's meaning!

"Qier, this painting is yours!"

Chu Yan spoke, and the scroll rolled up and flew towards Hua Mengqi.

Hua Mengqi took the painting and couldn't stop crying. She just felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

"Good, good, you have fully realized the painting idea and turned the painting into reality. You are very good!"

The ancient scholar looked at Chu Yan and praised him without hiding it.

Chu Yan clasped his fists and took another step. The next moment, he came to the book platform.

The blank paper was already in front of him.

Chu Yan closed his eyes again. The whole scene was silent. No one spoke. Everyone's eyes were full of expectation.

Finally, Chu Yan opened his eyes.

He looked at Hua Mengqi and said, "My husband is not a scholar. I can't write poems and don't understand too many words. Today, thousands of words will only turn into this word!"

After these words fell, countless images of being with Hua Mengqi appeared in Chu Yan's mind.

Finally, the seven-character pen in his hand suddenly wrote on the white paper.

One stroke!

Just one stroke, without stopping, wrote a big word under the flow.


One word of love is better than thousands! Mobile users please visit

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