Ling tripod

Main text Side story 2: Misty rain!

The drizzle is like smoke, falling mist...

The past love affairs couldn't help but come to mind.

In Bingyue Academy, beside the Cangsuo Bridge, stood a beautiful woman. She was looking at the sky in the drizzle. She would come like this every day. Everyone knew who she was waiting for!

It's misty and rainy, it's misty and rainy!

From the day Yan Yumeng had memories, her master told her that all men in the world are only greedy for beauty, and no one will treat you sincerely, so don't love anyone and don't believe what any man says.

Yan Yumeng always kept her master's words in mind, and she would never become emotional because of any man, until that man appeared...

His appearance suddenly illuminated the dark world in her heart, and she was willing to give everything for her.

However, he never fulfilled the promise he made back then.

"Chu Yan, you are a heartless person. You have become an ancient demon and an ancient emperor. Now the whole world is in your hands. Have you forgotten me like this? Have you forgotten our original agreement? "

Tears flowed from Yan Yumeng's eyes. She didn't know how long she had been waiting, but she still hadn't seen that person return...

Has he forgotten himself?

But why can't I forget him?

"You heartless person, don't you care about our flesh and blood?"

"I said, girl, please let go of your hands. Do you have a fetish for legs?"

"Sir, for the sake of our flesh and blood, you have to make the decision for me, wuwu!"

"I said, witch, can you be more careful? When fighting, just fight. When it's hot, blow the air. If it's okay, why don't you take off your armor? I'll wipe it off, but you still take off your clothes. Don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate..."


"Well, I have to say, you take good care of your figure!"

"Chu Yan, is that you?"

"Yan Yumeng? Why are you here?"

"Chu Yan, you, what's wrong with you, wuwu..."

"Yumeng, don't cry!"

"Chu Yan, you bastard, I won't allow you to die, I won't allow you to die, wuwu..."

"Haha, why not die? It's a pity that my death will disappoint many people's expectations!"

"I'm sorry, Teacher Nian, you got the wrong person. I'm really not Chu Yan!"

"Okay, you are not Chu Yan, but Zi Xiao, but why did you save me that day?"

"It's not you, it's other women. I can save them just as well!"

"Haha, is that right? Zi Xiao, you are so selfless. Why did you say to me, 'I owe you'? Since we have never met, what do you owe me?"

"You heard wrong, I said I will save you!"

"Haha, okay, in that case, you saved my life. Since you are not Chu Yan, I will give it back to you now!"

"Chu Yan, if you don't love me, please don't hurt me!"



"I'm sorry, don't blame me!"

"I don't blame you, and you haven't sorry for me. This is all done willingly by me, and I will not give up. I am willing to wait for you, and wait for the day when you are strong enough. I hope you will not reject me!"


"Being able to love you and knowing that you love me too is already my greatest happiness. I'm willing to wait. You can't deprive me of my right to love you!"

"Is it worth it?"


The first encounter on the streets of Shannan City, the second encounter outside the Second Outer City of Shannan City, the tears outside the Phantom Lake, the sincerity shown by the Cangsuo Bridge at Bingyue College...

Everything seeped into Yan Yumeng's bone marrow...

She is not a heartless person!

She can't be forgotten!

She envied Hua Mengqi and Chu Yan's companionship since childhood, she envied Ruo Xiwen for getting Chu Yan to reveal his sincerity, she envied Liu Yueying and Chu Yan for sharing life and death together, and she envied Yu Tong for giving up her life for Chu Yan!

She also thought, she also wanted to do something for Chu Yan, even a little bit, even if there was a certain intersection, even if there was a chance to see Chu Yan again...

This is all worth it!

There is a kind of love called constant cutting!

There is a kind of love that cannot be forgotten!

There is a kind of yearning that haunts you!

There is a kind of sadness that is heartbreaking!

Everything, everything, everything, Yan Yumeng has experienced...

At the end, now, misty and rainy, tired!

And no matter how tired she was, she still chose to wait!

She was reluctant to leave Cangsuo Bridge, so she simply stood here and waited...

Time passed, and tens of thousands of years passed.

Yan Yumeng's flesh and blood solidified, his life completely disappeared, and he slowly turned into a stone statue!

Thinking like!

It has become a unique scenery of Bingyue College. This scenery is full of sadness. Everyone knows the greatness of the ancient emperor Chu Yan, but the ancient emperor has failed someone, this person is Yan Yumeng!

On this day, another drizzle fell like smoke, and the void above the Cangsuo Bridge suddenly shattered, and a young man in purple walked out of it!

At the first glance, the young man in purple saw Yan Yumeng turned into a stone statue!

"Yumeng, I failed you..."

Chu Yan shed tears. Now that he has become the Ancient Emperor, everything has been on the right track. He cannot do something easily because it can easily change history and the future.

But he has to make up for his past and repay his love debt!

In this clone, only the memory of himself and Yan Yumeng was preserved, and there was no other woman. This clone traveled through time to repay Yan Yumeng's love!

"Yumeng, wake up!"

Chu Yan waved his hand, and cracks appeared on the stone statue in front of him. Soon the cracks spread and finally collapsed and dissipated!

One of the women opened her eyes. When she saw the person in front of her, her body shook instantly, and tears accumulated for thousands of years flowed from her eyes...

"Chu Yan, is it you?"

Yan Yumeng spoke, and at this moment, joy turned into tears!

Chu Yan felt a pain in his heart and said, "It's me, Yumeng, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

"Am I not dreaming? You come back, you come back for me, can you not leave so quickly, I want to see you more!"

Yan Yumeng threw herself into Chu Yan's arms and hugged Chu Yan tightly. She was afraid that if she let go, she would never see the person in front of her again!

"Yumeng, I won't leave. I will never leave you again. In this life, the next life, and countless reincarnations, I will still be with you..."


ps: The second part of the side story should make up for the regrets of many readers. If you want Xiaoqian to write a side story about something else, please leave a message. Lingding is finished, but Huaxian is still here. I hope all my friends will support Xiaoqian's new book Huaxian. Thank you...

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