Ling tripod

Main text Chapter 436: The lioness fakes her death! (Fourth update)

Chu Yan's voice suddenly sounded in the hearts of Zhu Feng and Hou Shanyue. They were startled and looked around.

"Idiot, stop shaking your head, I'm not far away and will explain the situation here!"

Chu Yan's voice sounded again in the hearts of Zhu Feng and Hou Shanyue.

"Yes, it's Young Master Chu. That's right. When we arrived, we already saw the scene in front of us. According to what they said, Jian Wuxin and other five young masters of the golden elixir stage in Jingzhou and Liu Feiming, as well as your Lei Tianyou from Yizhou... He struck out and severely injured Baiyin Tianshi, and then the others left!"

Zhu Fufa's voice sounded in Chu Yan's heart.

"Oh? Lei Tianyou also participated in the battle among the masters of the Golden Core stage. Could this guy have broken through to the Golden Core stage?"

Chu Yan couldn't help but wonder. Although Lei Tianyou's strength was comparable to that of a second-level cultivator at the Golden Core stage even if he hadn't broken through to the Golden Core stage, he was a cautious person. Just like this, he would not easily participate in the battle at the Golden Core stage. among.

Lei Tianyou, although he is also from Yizhou, is now on the same side as Chu Yan, but Chu Yan killed his eldest brother Lei Tianshang after all. Now that the trial has reached the final moment, if Lei Tianyou has a chance, Chu Yan will not He suspected that he would kill him.

"After they left, when these people arrived, the silver celestial lion was already seriously injured. Unexpectedly, the silver celestial lion had been pregnant for a long time and had just given birth to two cubs. Now everyone is afraid of this The silver celestial lion fights back before it is dead, and only waits for it to die before going up to seize the cub!"

Hou Shanyue's voice sounded in Chu Yan's heart.

"You two just stayed there without my instructions!"

"Yes, sir!"

They both responded at the same time.

"Severely injure the pregnant lioness and then seize the cub!"

Chu Yan sighed in his heart that he couldn't do such a thing. In order to seize the flying sword, Chu Yan could fight with the silver celestial lion. If the lioness blocked the way, Chu Yan could also kill it, along with the two cubs she was carrying. Kill together.

This is a matter of stance. If Baiyin Tianshi doesn't block the way, Chu Yan will not attack him without any trouble, but he will kill them all if he does. Killing a lioness and letting her cubs become his spiritual beasts was something Chu Yan would never do.

This is like, you can kill an evil woman who is pregnant and wants your life, but you cannot kill the evil woman, raise her child, and let her son work for you. If the child knows all this, what will he do? how! This kind of approach goes against Chu Yan's Taoist conscience, and he will never do it.

"If you think too much, let's take a look at the situation in front of you first!"

Chu Yan's thoughts were flowing and he looked at the five parties confronting him.

At this moment, the gate is in front of you, but these guys with the gold qualification tokens just don't leave. It has to be said that the temptation of the silver celestial lion cub is too great.

If this was raised up, it would be like a steel beast. Its skills can help it withstand attacks, and its combat power is invincible. If it can protect its weak point, then this monster will basically be invincible mode among the same level. .

There will always be people who can't help but listen to the shirtless Jingzhou cultivator with a very muscular figure saying: "Those of you who have gold tokens, hurry up and go to the next domain, and those who don't have tokens, get out of here." I’m going to decide between these two cubs today, and anyone who stands in my way will die!”

This person's name is Tieshan, and his strength has reached the first level of the Golden Core stage, ranking sixth among the younger generation in Jingzhou. The reason why he did not go directly to the next state with Jian Wuxin and others was because of this Silver Heavenly Lion cub. He knew that his strength was not as good as taking a few guys, and he might not be able to get the innate essence, but with the blessing of his powerful body and his strength comparable to the second level of the Golden Core Stage, this cub must be his!

Tieshan dared to speak like this not only because of his own strength. He was flanked by more than forty Jingzhou sword cultivators, and their numerical strength far exceeded those of the other four states.

"Hmph, that's such a big statement. Do you think I, Xuzhou, am a vegetarian?"

Yuan Ruidang snorted coldly. Although his strength was only in the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Stage, he was as strong as a first-level cultivator in the Golden Core Stage. Although there were only more than twenty Xuzhou cultivators around him, he was comparable to Tieshan. There is a lot of difference on one side, but there is no shrinking back. If you get one of these spiritual beasts, your future career as an immortal will be smooth.

"Sister Yuan, what do you think about this? I, Yanzhou, will join forces with you. In the end, I won't take any of the cubs, but I will give you the body of this silver celestial lion. How about that?"

Dan Feiling was so ingenious that she stood up immediately. There were only a dozen or so people from Yanzhou who arrived here this time, let alone not getting the silver celestial lion cub. Even if they got it, they would definitely not be able to keep it.

And now by joining forces with Yuan Rui, not only do they have more allies to take care of in the subsequent trials, but they can also obtain a corpse of the Silver Heavenly Lion. This corpse is more valuable than the cub in Yanzhou, where alchemy cultivators are everywhere. Even higher.

"Sister Fei Ling really knows the general situation. Just as you said, this cub belongs to me, Xuzhou, and the body belongs to you, Yanzhou!"

Yuan Rui nodded. Several people had already discussed in private that they were already half allies in planning to jointly attack Chu Yan in the fourth domain. It was naturally good to join forces at this time.

"Hmph, are you just making up the numbers? No matter how many chickens and dogs you have, what will happen?"

Tieshan smiled coldly, with no fear on his face. Although the number of the two parties was similar to his own, the quality was vastly different. The younger generation of cultivators in Jingzhou were so powerful, otherwise there would be no Jingzhou owns half of the qualification tokens.

"You two Fang people, get out of here quickly, I will kill you now if you dare to stay any longer!"

Yuan Rui's side has some qualifications, while Tieshan points the finger at the Qingzhou and Yizhou people. He doesn't want someone to fish in troubled waters after he works hard.

"Brother Snake, I, Yizhou, are willing to unite with you, Qingzhou. If you are lucky enough to get the cub, it will be yours. We, Yizhou, only need to obtain the body of the lioness!"

Ouyang Yuan immediately said that he knew that his side was the weakest now. If they did not unite, everyone in Yizhou might be wiped out as soon as they started fighting for it.

"Okay, Brother Ouyang is happy, but it's a pity that Brother Chu doesn't know where he is, otherwise how could these guys be so arrogant!"

She Yunfei immediately responded. Not to mention that the situation was urgent at this time, because of Chu Yan's relationship, he would also join forces with Yizhou. In She Yunfei's heart, Chu Yan was already an incomparable existence!

"Haha, it's really interesting, Snake Yunfei, Chu Yan defeated Jin Yu'er and Bi Lintian in the qualifying battle, which made you Qingzhou lose face. Now you have joined forces with Yizhou, your brain must be burned out!"

Qing Wenwu hated Chu Yan so much that he thought it was sarcastic.

"How can those two guys with eyes on their heads, Bi Lintian and Jin Yu'er, represent our Qingzhou? The five major sects of our eight major sects in Qingzhou are better with Daoist Friend Chu. Naturally, we should side with them. But you, Qingzhou?" Wen Wu was slapped in the face by Chu Yan in public, and he didn't have the nerve to surround the murderer. Finally, his arm was cut off by fellow Daoist Chu. This is a good feeling, isn't it? "

Snake Yunfei retorted with a cold smile.


Qing Wenwu was immediately silenced. The most embarrassing thing for him was mentioned in public, and his face turned the color of pig liver.

"Haha, okay, since you don't know how to write the word "death", I will play with you today!"

Tieshan smiled coldly and said to the two of them.


At this moment, the dying silver celestial lion let out an unwilling cry, and the next moment its huge head tilted over, making no sound at all!

"The cub belongs to me!"

Tieshan roared and pounced towards the two cubs like a tiger descending a mountain.

"You think too highly of yourself!"

Yuan Rui and Qing Wenwu also rushed out immediately.

Dan Feiling rushed out without hesitation.

Several masters from the three states rushed out, followed by the remaining disciples from the three states.

Only Zhu Feng, Hou Shanyue, and the cultivators from Qingzhou and Yizhou did not move. The reason why they did not move was because a voice transmission just sounded in everyone's hearts, and they were sure that the voice was Chu Yan.

Chu Yan only said three words, 'Don't move', but no one in the two states actually moved!

Chu Yan looked at the people rushing toward the body of the Silver Heavenly Lion from a distance with a slight arc on his lips.

"Ho ho ho!"

Just when everyone rushed in front of Baiyin Tianshi, the eyes of the already 'dead' Baiyin Tianshi suddenly opened, and immediately roared, and the substantial sound waves spread out, immediately shaking everyone's heads. There was a buzz.

"not good!"

Tieshan, Yuan Rui, Qing Wenwu, and Dan Feiling were shocked at the same time.

But it was too late.


The silver celestial lion's two claws, which were like sharp spikes, slammed out.


The bones of the four young masters were smashed to pieces, and they all flew out with blood vomiting from the mouth.

The silver Tianshi sacrificed his life to strike, so terrifying!


The Silver Heavenly Lion roared again, and two white wings that were ten meters wide suddenly spread out, and the next moment they flapped suddenly!


Countless white feathers were seen shooting out at extremely high speed like an arrow that was separated from the string, leaving the sound of cracks wherever it passed, and the momentum was extremely frightening.


The talented young people from Jingzhou, Xuzhou, and Yanzhou who followed up and prepared to seize the cubs were immediately penetrated by the secret numb white feather, and countless blood mist burst out, killing and injuring all the disciples in the three states.


The Silver Heavenly Lion roared wildly, as if releasing the killing intent in his heart...

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