Ling tripod

Text Chapter 660: Old Bai wakes up!

The jade bone soldier was directly shot away by the huge light palm as black as ink.

And at this moment, Qingyi Tianmu Sword Formation was completed.

Seventy-seven forty-nine flying swords transformed into a giant celestial wood cage. At the same time, under the gathering of flying sword formations, a long-lasting aura escaped, and a tree with a height of one hundred feet was released. The shadow of the ancient Tianmu suppressed the Tianmu cage.

Huan Mingfeng was trapped in it.

"Gudong, gudong!"

Chu Yan didn't hesitate at all. He stuffed a few healing pills into his mouth and drank two bottles of spiritual liquid. The vortex of Ji Nian opened again, urging the Broken Cang Sword to transform into a demonic sword!

This time, Chu Yan was seriously injured that he had never suffered before. His chest collapsed. Although his skin and flesh were not broken, several bones were broken and his internal organs were seriously injured. It can be said that without the immortal golden body, what happened just now would have happened. The palm can kill Chu Yan.

In a short battle, the Baxia Divine Monument, the Dragon Feather Boat, the Trapped Dragon Rope, and Dao Xuansi's huge treasures were destroyed in an instant. He was seriously injured, but he only left a blood mark on the opponent due to Dao Xuansi's surprise. For the first time, Chu Yan felt the terror of a Nascent Soul cultivator!

However, Chu Yan did not think of escaping at this time. Even if he used Nine Flashes of True Spirit and Wings of Sword Qi, Chu Yan would never be as fast as his opponent. The Qingyi Tianmu Sword Formation could only trap the opponent for a few breaths. This Running away is asking for death.

what to do?

Chu Yan holds the Broken Cang Sword in his hand. This is the only treasure that can compete with the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of him. Unfortunately, he cannot transform into a purple demon at will, and it is difficult to maximize the power of the Broken Cang Sword.

Although the Broken Cang Sword is a middle-grade spiritual treasure, without the help of the weapon spirit, how can it be a match for the opponent's spiritual treasure!

At this moment, a long-lost voice sounded in Chu Yan’s heart:

"Boy, that's good. You can be so calm when facing Nascent Soul cultivators!"

"Old Bai! You finally woke up!"

Chu Yan's body shook violently, and a feeling of ecstasy came to his heart.

After the trial in Tianshan Sword Pool, Lingding began to sleep. Without Lingding, Chu Yan had nothing to rely on and could only rely on himself. In such a difficult situation, the first thing Chu Yan thought of was Lingding. Ding, but didn't want him to really wake up.

"Okay, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, we must kill the Nascent Soul cultivator in front of us!"

After several years of cultivation and the nourishment of Chu Yan's improvement in cultivation, Lingding was on the verge of awakening. Today, he suddenly felt a terrifying aura and woke up.

"Boss, I want to kill him too, but I also have to have the ability. The opponent is a Nascent Soul cultivator, not a cabbage. I'm just a spiritual treasure, and I can't use it at will. How can I kill him?"

When Chu Yan heard this, he felt anxious and said sadly.

"Who said you only have one spiritual treasure?"


Just as Lingding finished speaking, a huge vibrating sound came from the Qingyi Tianmu Sword Formation.

In an instant, forty-nine flying swords and fragments of the flying swords broken in half burst out!


Chu Yan's blood spurted out wildly, and the black gold flying sword was broken by the opponent. The strength of the Nascent Soul cultivator was so terrifying.

"Kid, you will definitely die today!"

Huan Mingfeng roared with a ferocious expression. He was a Nascent Soul cultivator, but he was trapped by the sword formation of a Golden Core cultivator. If word got out, he would probably be laughed out of his mouth.

"Chu Yan, if you pester him for a while now, I will help you achieve Lingyi Lingbao!"

The voice of Lingding rang in Chu Yan's heart.

Chu Yan was suddenly startled and ordered a spirit treasure? When did I get another spiritual treasure?

However, Chu Yan had no time to think too much at this time. Lingding would not lie to him. He had to hold off his opponent at this time.

"Hmph, you are an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage. I am not your opponent anyway. If you die, you will die, but you will lose a big opportunity!"

Chu Yan said coldly as if he was looking forward to death.

"Opportunity? Boy, don't think that just a few words will make me let you go. Do you think that I am a three-year-old boy?"

Huan Mingfeng was slightly startled, then sneered.

"I lied to you? Just wait and see!"

Chu Yan snorted coldly, and seventy-six strands of divine thoughts roared out, turning into thousands of tiny swords of divine thoughts.

"The method of dividing spiritual thoughts, how could you..."

Huan Mingfeng was surprised and saw the color on Chu Yan's face change.

Chu Yan sneered, this method really works.

At this time, in Chu Yan's Dantian, the mini stick transformed into the Immortal Killing Stick was as calm as ever!

On one side of the Immortal Killing Stick is a small green cauldron, which is the Ling Cauldron. A small white rabbit crawled out of the Spirit Cauldron. When Lao Bai looked at the Immortal Killing Stick, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and his body turned into a white light. Dive into it.

In a void of space, a monster beast with the head of a dragon and the body of a tiger and a python tail lay on the ground. Its body was covered in blood and flesh, one of its thighs was missing, and wounds could be seen everywhere on its body.

If Chu Yan saw it, he would definitely miss him. This was the Nascent Soul Stage monster beast that Chu Yan rescued when he made a big fuss at White Bone Cliff. In the end, it had to use the disintegration method in the battle with Bai Qi. Dafa, Nascent Soul was damaged and got into the Immortal Killing Stick. Later, due to the appearance of Zhuo Lao, he escaped.

The dragon-headed tiger python beast was seriously injured at the time, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as it entered the Immortal Killing Stick. To this day, the injury has not healed.

Lao Bai walked up to the dragon-headed tiger-python beast and kicked its huge dragon head fiercely.

"Ho! It hurts me to death!"

The dragon-headed, tiger-python beast was originally in a deep sleep, but was suddenly kicked by Lao Bai to the wound. It immediately woke up with a grimace of pain.

"Where did you come from, little guy, you dare to disturb me from sleeping, I will eat you!"

When the dragon-headed tiger python saw a little white rabbit coming out of nowhere, he immediately said angrily, opened his big mouth and bit it.

"You little bug, when I traveled across the three realms, your grandma wasn't even born yet!"

The old words came from Lao Bai's mouth, and the white paws that looked so furry and cute were waved gently, and a white halo spread out. The dragon-headed tiger python beast was shocked to find that his body was imprisoned. For a moment Hard to move an inch.

"You, who are you?"

The dragon-headed tiger-python beast was shocked and said.

"My name is 'Roar'!"

Lao Bai said lightly, and his eyes directly met the dragon-headed, tiger-python beast.

Immediately, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood appeared in the eyes of the dragon-headed, tiger-python beast. A giant beast with monstrous flames killed countless powerful men with every move of its hands!

"Roar, one of the top ten demons in ancient times! You..."

The dragon-headed, tiger-python beast has lived for thousands of years, so he has seen a lot. He also knows the legends about the ten ancient demons.

According to legend, among the countless monsters in the ancient times, ten most powerful monsters were born, and the fourth ranked monster among them was named ‘Roar’!

In the ancient times, there were countless races and countless strong men. In such an environment, the top ten monsters were all fierce and fierce. At this moment, the dragon-headed, tiger-python beast was really scared.

"You little insect has some knowledge, and you even know the names of my ancestors!"

Lao Bai smiled lightly, with a bit of pride. Over the years, except for Chu Yan, Liu Yueying and Li Daoyuan, he had never been in contact with anyone. At this moment, he saw a monster looking at him with such a look. , I couldn’t help but feel a little relieved.

At this moment, Chu Yan's voice sounded in the ears of the two beasts:

"Boss, hurry up, I can't hold it anymore!"

Old Bai's face turned red, and then he remembered that he still had to do something, so he went straight to the point: "I mean, little insect, my master saved you from fire and water back then. You have lived here for so long in vain. Shouldn't you do the same now?" Make some contribution!”

"Master? Who is the master of senior? Could it be said that this little human race guy is your master?"

The dragon-headed tiger python beast was stunned for a moment, and then regained its composure the next moment, but there was still a look of disbelief in its eyes. Although this human kid was very powerful, it was absolutely impossible for him to become the master of the descendants of such ancient giants. What the hell is going on?

"Hmph, are you the one who called me kid? Chu Yan Tianzong's posture is the master I have been searching for for a hundred thousand years to find. If you dare to be disrespectful again, I will kill you now!"

Lao Bai's face condensed and he said coldly.

"No, I don't dare. Senior, it was this little... adult who saved my life. How dare I be disrespectful!"

The dragon-headed tiger python was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. It was not easy for him to practice for thousands of years. Once he offended this ten-thousand-year-old monster, he would definitely lose all his training skills.

"You must have noticed the difference when you chose this stick as a place to live. Now my master is in trouble and I can't help him. Can you become the spirit of this stick, become a spiritual treasure, and help my master fight!"

Lao Bai stopped talking nonsense and got straight to the point.

"This, senior, I..."

The dragon-headed tiger python beast hesitated. If he becomes someone else's weapon spirit, then he will have no freedom in this life. It is not easy to practice for thousands of years. Is he going to spend the rest of his life like this?

"You are seriously injured now. I can help you regain your strength. You should know your own situation now. Without my help, your Nascent Soul will collapse in less than ten years!"


After hearing what Ling Ding said, the dragon-headed tiger python beast hesitated. Ling Ding was right, but would he really lose his future freedom because of this?

"As long as you are willing to become this stick weapon spirit, I can promise you on behalf of my master that once my master achieves the Immortal Realm, I can help you stay and be reborn! This is my final bottom line!"

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