Ling tripod

Text Chapter 686: Four major islands, the power of the great formation!

The sea water in front of Arakami Island was dyed red with blood, and the bodies of more than ten islanders of Arakami Island were floating on the pool of blood.

There were four large ships on the sea, and densely packed cultivators were driving the treasures in the sky. It was not a bloody battle but a massacre.

Under the instructions of Chu Yan, the islanders searched the sea for savings bags and treasures left by the cultivators of Juyuan Island. After searching for a while, most of the treasures had been found, but there were still islanders who felt that they could still be found. More, keep searching.

At this moment, four large ships roared in, and a group of cultivators carried out ruthless killings. The islanders immediately fled to the island, and more than ten islanders who had no time to escape were brutally killed!

This group of people are the people from the four nearby second-rate islands, namely Huoyuan Island, Wuxie Island, Feiyu Island, and Luoyun Island. This time, the cultivators from Juyuan Island came to attack Huangshen Island and have been monitoring the four islands. Among them, Chu Yan's weird secret technique turned out to be the same as the legendary mysterious technique. When the spies reported back, the four island owners rushed over immediately!

The inheritance of the Aragami! This was a great temptation. When the four island owners learned that Chu Yan could kill Li Changqing, a barbarian with the strength of a mere barbarian, they became even more determined to attack the Desert God Island.

In their opinion, there must be many secrets on the Desert God Island. If they get two treasures left by Master Huang God, it will be a huge challenge. Their other main purpose is to capture Chu Yan and get the Desert God. The secret technique of inheritance.

Just killing these islanders was just a deterrent.

At this time, the islanders of Huangshen Island gathered on the beach, and each of them looked extremely pale. Huangshen Island was just a low-class island. Although Chu Yan killed the third-class island by himself, it only proved that Chu Yan was strong, but It does not mean that the Desert God Island has the strength to fight against the third-rate islands, let alone the strong men gathered on the four second-rate islands in front of them.

"Don't worry, everyone, this formation is left by Aragami-sama, and it can keep everyone safe!"

The island owner Gong Yangnan knew that he had to stand up at this time, and he comforted the islanders.

"Master Island Master, where did Master Chu go?"

"Master Chu, has he not abandoned us?"

"He caused trouble and then walked away. How can we bear the anger!"

The Aragami Islanders roared in fear.

Gong Yangnan immediately said solemnly: "Don't worry, everyone, Mr. Chu is already on his way back! He will come to rescue us soon!"

"Will you really come back?"

A thin young man said with a trembling voice in the crowd.

"So what if he comes back? How could he be the opponent of the Four Big Islands? Hey, I didn't expect that after living on the Desert Island for most of my life, I would die here today!"

An old man took a puff of cigarette and said in a very sad voice.

At that moment, everyone had sunk to the bottom. Although they had confidence in the great formation left by Master Aragami, their scalps felt numb when they saw the densely packed tens of thousands of cultivators in the sky.

At this time, the four island owners were driving the treasure at the forefront. Among the four islands, Fire Source Island was the strongest. The island owner, Fire Tyrant, wearing a red robe, looked at the frightened islanders in the cyan light curtain and said: "Hand over Chu Yan, I’ll give you the treasure of the God of Desolation and I’ll keep you alive!”

Fire Tyrant was also slightly uneasy at this time. The large formation in front of him gave him a terrifying feeling, and it was rumored that this was the formation left by the god of waste. This was why he had not ordered an attack on the island. If he could intimidate everyone, It would be fine if he handed over the things obediently, but if he didn't, he didn't believe that the tens of thousands of cultivators he brought with him wouldn't be able to conquer even a small island.

"Master Chu has left long ago. As for the treasure, I have never heard of it!"

Gongyang Nan straightened his back. He originally planned to live the rest of his life in confusion, but he didn't expect Chu Yan to give him a second chance. At this moment, life and death were no longer a concern.

"Very good, old man. If you don't hand over people or things, it seems you are forcing me to wait for the killer!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Huo Ba's mouth, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Lao Huo, why bother talking nonsense to them? Isn't it just a formation? Such a long time has passed, and it must not have much power anymore. My subordinates can easily break it!"

There was a bit of disdain in Luo Laoer's eyes, and he no longer waited for Fire Ba to speak, but ordered: "Xiao Linzi, take your brothers and smash that broken formation for me!"

Xiao Linzi's name was Luo Lin, and he was the nephew of the island owner Luo Lao'er. After listening to Luo Lao'er's words, Luo Lin knew that his uncle was giving him an opportunity to make a contribution, so he immediately agreed.

Luo Lin has the cultivation level of a barbarian at the peak, which is equivalent to the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment Stage. With a wave of his hand, a group of cultivators from Luo Yun Island flew out behind him.

Luo Yun Island brought more than 2,000 people this time, including more than a thousand barbarians and more than 200 barbarians. The most important ones were the five early-stage barbarian masters, and the island owner Luo Lao'er, a strong mid-term barbarian master. Or, the combat power of Luo Yun Island alone is almost five times that of the previous giant island, and this time the strength of the four islands is almost the same.

Although Luo Lin thought that breaking the formation would not be very laborious, he still brought five hundred barbarians and thirty barbarians with him out of caution. Looking at the frightened people on the beach, Luo Lin knew that the time had come for him to show off his power, and said arrogantly: "Since you don't drink the wine as a penalty, don't blame me for being ruthless, kill him!"

Luo Lin himself admired how he could come up with such powerful words. With a wave of his hand, five hundred barbarians and thirty barbarians behind him did not hesitate at all. They all offered their treasures and moved towards the outside of the beach. The cyan light curtain that enveloped the entire island smashed away.

There are generally two ways to break the formation. The first is to be familiar with the secrets of the formation and find the formation's eyes to break it easily. The second is very simple, just use brute force to break it.

There are very few cultivators who know the formation in the Bone Waste Sea, so of course Luo Lin and others chose to use brute force to break it!

On the Desert God Island, the faces of all the islanders changed. Five hundred barbarians and thirty barbarians attacked at the same time. Can the large formation really defend them?

The four second-rate island owners focused their attention on the Desert God Island. At this moment, the result was revealed.

"Hmph, if you don't take action, I, Luo Yun Dao, will take the big hit this time!"

Luo Laoer had a smile on his face and was very confident in his heart. In his opinion, if the Desert God Island was really that powerful, it would not have been controlled by the third-rate island of Juyuan Island for so long. When he thought about his decision to become famous, Luo Laoer The second child looked forward with a stronger smile, but the next moment, his smile suddenly solidified.

"Boom boom boom..."

Five hundred barbarians, thirty barbarians, and a total of five hundred and thirty treasures bombarded the cyan light curtain and roared, but the cyan light curtain was strangely not damaged at all.

Not only Luo Laoer was dumbfounded, but Fire Ba and the other three island owners were also dumbfounded. What formation was this that was so powerful?

"Lord Aragami has appeared!"

"Lord Aragami has indeed not abandoned us!"

"Master Chu did not lie. When he comes back, he will definitely kill these gangsters!"

All the islanders were overjoyed and roared one after another.

Luo Lin's face turned red and he was extremely angry. He immediately shouted again: "Kill me!"

All Luoyun Island cultivators did not dare to hesitate and offered their treasures again. At this moment:


A huge roar of beasts came from above the blue light curtain, and the entire sea was shaken, and the waves rolled!

The four island owners were shocked. This roar sent chills down their spines even as middle-stage barbarian masters.


The next moment, the sound of the beast's roar became louder, and countless formations appeared strangely on the blue light curtain in front of the beach. The combination of formations formed a blue light pillar that was as thin as a water tank. One of the light pillars was The hand bones appeared, and the next moment, a blue-light beast head as big as a small mountain appeared from it. There were three sharp horns on the top of its head. As soon as it came out, it opened its bloody mouth and faced Luo Lin and others who were stunned. The cultivator from Luo Yun Island bit him.


"Run away!"

"Sir, save me!"

A group of cultivators from Luoyun Island were swallowed up by the huge green-light beast head while screaming.

Luo Lin reacted the fastest and had the highest strength among everyone. At the critical moment, he controlled the treasure and escaped from the bite range of the beast head. However, he saw two cyan light threads shooting out of the two eyes of the beast head. The light threads shot out with lightning speed. It pierced into Luo Lin's body quickly. The next moment, Luo Lin's voice shriveled up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into a white bone and fell from the sky.

A stream of cyan light containing the origin of life was transmitted into the beast's head. The beast's head bit it with a big mouth, and a crunching sound was heard. The more than five hundred Luoyun Island cultivators were bitten into pieces, and finally they all turned into pieces. For the origin of life, it merged into the animal bones inside the huge green light animal head.

There was a violent spiritual power fluctuation above the cyan light curtain. The next moment, a cyan light rain poured down from the cyan light curtain on the beach. The light rain contained strong spiritual power fluctuations and the breath of life!

"Lord Aragami has appeared!"

"Who can bully me, Desert God Island, now?"

"Quickly absorb the source of life in this rain of light, which is spiritual power!"

The islanders were all extremely excited and yelled one after another.

"With this formation, no one can hurt us Aragami Islanders!"

Gongyang Nan said loudly and energetically.

At this time, the faces of the island owners of the four major islands were extremely pale. The scene just now deeply shocked their hearts. They thought for a moment that even if they were themselves, they would probably be devoured.

Huo Ba struggled for a moment in his eyes and said, "Let's go!"

The other three island owners showed unwillingness in their eyes, but they did not dare to stay.

At this moment, an extremely cold voice sounded in everyone's ears:

"Anyone who offends our desert island will die!"

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