Ling tripod

Text Chapter 852: Complete Suppression! (Monthly Vote Request!)


Wang Yue'e spat out a mouthful of blood, with an incredible look on her face. Is the other kid a man? Could it be a woman dressed as a man? Otherwise, how could she deal with her two stunning weapon spirits so calmly? And that trick, releasing so many flying swords at the same time, performing two sword formations, is really terrifying.

Chu Yan's Taoism is so stable that when he was attacking the Nascent Soul, he almost went crazy, but he was able to pull himself back. Beauty is not just about appearance, but about the heart. Only the heart is eternal. Otherwise, no matter how beautiful you are, you will end up being a skeleton. This confusing technique has no effect on Chu Yan at all.

"Wang Yue'e, what do you think this is?"

Chu Yan spit out the Ten Thousand Demons Banner from his mouth, and waved it casually. A ghost demon flew out of the Ten Thousand Demons Banner. This ghost demon had a human face, and his face was full of hideous unwillingness and extreme pain.

"Fang Yuan, my nephew, you, Chu Yan, I will kill you!"

At this moment, Wang Yue'e went berserk, and the Yellow Yin Sword and the Pink Desire Sword rushed towards Chu Yan at a high speed. Even without relying on the spirit of the weapon, the power of the two flying swords of the top-grade spiritual treasure level was extremely terrifying, and they rushed towards Chu Yan with a monstrous mist.

"Liang Yi Yin Yang Sword Formation, transform!"

Chu Yan said lightly, and another purple gold flying sword flew out of his mouth and transformed into a Yin Yang Tai Chi ball and directly blasted towards the two flying swords.


Wang Yue'e saw the situation and flashed a smug sneer on her face, and shouted in a low voice.

The giant sword condensed by the yellow and pink mist in the sky instantly disintegrated, turning into endless mist and directly surrounding Chu Yan.

The Yellow Yin Sword and the Pink Desire Sword flew back and floated above Wang Yue'e's head. Wang Yue'e sneered at the scene in front of her.

Her plan succeeded. The Yin Qi Sword and the Lust Qi Sword were originally a trick. She didn't expect them to attack at all. She let Chu Yan inhale the two gases. Once the two gases were inhaled by the cultivator, the whole person would instantly be aroused by lust and burn his body. His cultivation would burn rapidly. At that time, it would be easy to kill him.

This was one of Wang Yue'e's ultimate means. On weekdays, she could kill her opponents with the charm of the two spirits. Today, Chu Yan's strength was far beyond her expectations, so she used this trump card.

Just when she was wondering why Chu Yan didn't let out a lustful and burning howl, a faint voice came from the two-color mist.

"Whore, how dare you use such a despicable method?"

Then Wang Yue'e saw a figure flashing in front of her, and the next moment, a tearing pain came from her face!



The blow was so powerful that Wang Yue'e flew out, and blood mixed with broken teeth spurted out of her mouth!

If Chu Yan wanted to kill Wang Yue'e, he only needed to use some means, but he didn't. First, he didn't want to let Wang Yue'e die so easily. Second, if Xiwen was still in his hands and Qing Bujing was not seen in this battle, Chu Yan had a bad feeling in his heart. It was very likely that Qing Bujing would fall. In this case, he would have to rely on Wang Yue'e as a bargaining chip, so he didn't kill him immediately.

As for the Yin Qi and Lust Qi just now, Chu Yan had the water shield of the Green Water Gourd to protect his body, and any dust and mist spirits could not get close to him, so naturally they would not cause any harm to him.

", Chu Yan, I'm going to skin you alive!"

Although Wang Yue'e is an evil woman, she is not ugly. On the contrary, she is very beautiful because of her years of practicing the evil skill of collecting yang and replenishing yin. What she values ​​most is her beauty. Now Chu Yan smashed the bones on her right face with a palm, and the whole right face was an inch high, which was completely disfigured. She was furious immediately.

"If you have this ability, hand over Xiwen and Qingshu now, and I can spare your life. Otherwise, I will destroy you today and make it difficult for you to enter the cycle of reincarnation!"

Chu Yan looked at Wang Yue'e and said in an extremely cold voice.

"Haha, as expected, it is indeed that little goblin who stole the wild man. She wants me to hand him over. Dreaming! Yin desire is strong, suck!"

After Wang Yue'e sneered, she roared wildly, and the aura around her body surged wildly. When she opened her mouth, it instantly expanded five times, and a huge attraction force was generated in her mouth.


The yellow and pink mists around Chu Yan quickly gathered towards Wang Yue'e's mouth, and suddenly there was a strong wind in the sky.

"Oh? I'll give you a gift!"

The sky was full of strong winds, and with the two-color mist, visibility was very poor. Chu Yan pointed his finger, and a black shadow flew out of the Ten Thousand Demons Banner at a high speed.

"Haha, Chu Yan, die... choke, what is that?"

This move is Wang Yue'e's ultimate trump card. After absorbing the Yin and Desire Qi, her strength can be doubled instantly. This is also a killing move that she will not use until the moment of life and death, because every time this move is used, the Yin Desire Qi collected for decades will be consumed, and at the same time, ten years of cultivation will be reduced. However, she was forced to this point by Chu Yan, and she had no choice.

But when she was absorbing the two Qis, she suddenly found something entering her mouth, and she roared immediately.

Chu Yan looked at Wang Yue'e, whose breath had doubled, without any panic on her face. Instead, he smiled and said, "Nothing, since you like to inhale so much, I just added some food to your meal. It must feel good to eat your own nephew!"

"What? Fang Yuan, my nephew, ugh..."

When Wang Yue'e heard this, her face turned green instantly. She actually swallowed Fang Yuan's soul into her mouth. She immediately felt her stomach churning and wanted to vomit.

"Evil woman, I will give you one last chance. Hand over Xiwen and Uncle Qing, otherwise, die!"

Chu Yan snorted coldly, and all the purple gold flying swords in his dantian flew out, changing rapidly in the air, and quickly turned into a huge purple tornado hurricane, floating above Chu Yan, with a terrifying momentum.

"Damn it!"

Wang Yue'e felt the horror of that breath, and she had no doubt that if she dared to say "no", the purple tornado hurricane would immediately kill her.

"Meet that little goblin, follow me!"

After a few short fights, Wang Yue'e already knew that she was no match for the little devil in front of her. If the other party didn't care about Xiwen's life, he would have killed her long ago.

Wang Yue'e was filled with hatred. Today, Qing Bu Jing rebelled. The master of this little ghost came to help. Although he was suppressed by the nun Xu Ling of Xu Ling Temple in the end, he still injured his father Wang Lingtian in a fight. Now his father is in seclusion to recover. If not, as long as his father comes out, this little ghost will not only die.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue'e was ready to delay time. Her father said that he would recover in three hours. Now it has been two and a half hours. As long as she delays for a while and takes him to the place where her father is recovering, she can kill him immediately as soon as her father comes out.

Wang Yue'e did not say anything more, and directly drove the siege to fly towards the depths of Qingyu Sect at a moderate speed!

Chu Yan could naturally guess that Wang Yue'e would have some conspiracy, but with Chu Yan's current strength to kill the half-step god, all conspiracies seemed a bit ridiculous. He did not think too much and followed directly.

The battle outside Qingyu Sect has entered a white-hot stage. Chu Yan's party is a combination of three states, one sea and the four major sects of Yongzhou, as well as Kong Jingu and other four great masters and Shui Da Sanlao, who are comparable to the great masters. Under such a lineup, the cultivators of Qingyu Sect were completely suppressed and showed signs of defeat.

"Die for me!"

Kong Jingu transformed into a golden-haired giant ape, and with one punch, he blasted a black-robed cultivator who was already seriously injured into pieces.

Elsewhere, Shui Da Sanlao was also in a fierce battle.




The three elders joined forces with great power, and at the same time pushed the power of the treasure to the extreme, and the flame seal, the purple bell phantom, and the blue light blade blasted out!


A black-robed cultivator's body collapsed under the joint bombardment of the three elders, leaving only the Nascent Soul to escape.

Elsewhere, Ran Chengren was in high spirits.

"Scorching Sun Golden Wheel, Immortal Bell, Blue Rock Flying Sword, Kill!"

Ran Chengren was not panicked at all when facing the two black-robed cultivators. He shouted loudly, and the huge golden wheel, the bronze bell as big as a water tank, and the blue giant sword more than ten meters long all killed them together.

"Boom boom!"

After all, the two black-robed cultivators had not reached the Great Perfection. Their combined strength was still a step behind Ran Chengren. After this attack, one of the black-robed cultivators knew that he was no match for them, and immediately used the Blood Escape Technique to escape, while the other was directly killed on the spot.

Elsewhere, Ling Xiaoyao faced two black-robed cultivators alone and completely suppressed his opponents.

"Dragon Blood Fire Seal! Fight!"

Driven by Ling Xiaoyao's divine thoughts, a dragon head emerged from the flame jade seal, and dozens of fire pillars spewed out of its mouth. These fire pillars combined to form a huge fire disk. This fire disk was extremely powerful, and fire circles flew out of it, killing the two black-robed cultivators.

"Boom boom!"

The two black-robed cultivators were seriously injured and had no power to escape. They were killed on the spot, and their two Nascent Souls escaped at high speed.

Elsewhere, Wanghai Cape was also in a fierce battle.

"Boom boom!"

The situation at Wanghai Cape was not very good. Not only was it surrounded and killed by two black-robed cultivators, but it was also assisted by two Nascent Soul Stage 11 cultivators. The treasures of the cultivators kept hitting the water curtain sword formation around it, and it was already somewhat defeated.

And at this moment.

"Dragon Blood Fire Seal! Fire Dragon, kill!"

Ling Xiaoyao arrived at the right time, and the Fire Dragon Jade Seal turned into a huge fire dragon and killed it directly!

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