Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1053: Gathering 72 thunderbolts, the formation is complete (please subscribe)

As he went deeper, he soon reached the end.

In the deepest part of the cave, there was a space of more than ten feet. In the center of this place was a pool of water with a lot of spiritual water in it. One could even see fish transformed from thunder swimming in it.

"I didn't expect that this formation could even resist the three thunders that the four dragons had triggered at the end."

"In the past, I still underestimated the dominance of this formation."

Ling Pengyun looked at this scene and muttered to himself.

Just now, the three thunders that the four golden dragons had triggered at the end were at least comparable to the full force of a seventh-level Jindan cultivator, and the last thunder was close to the power of a perfect Jindan cultivator.

Originally, Ling Pengyun was ready to let Ling Lihu, the master of the Treading Cloud Valley, activate another third-level middle-grade defense formation in the Treading Cloud Valley to protect the four golden dragons.

However, he did not expect that the lightning-inducing destruction formation in the valley was so powerful that it actually absorbed all the last three thunders that the four dragons had attracted.

Then, he began to count the number of fish transformed by the thunder in the spiritual pond in front of him.


"According to the records of the sect, the third-grade upper-grade lightning-inducing destruction formation can only store this many Jindan thunders at most with the help of the formation eye."

"However, with these seventy-two thunders, this lightning-inducing destruction formation here has finally reached its strongest time."

"These thunders are extraordinary. If they are released together, it is estimated that there is a high probability that a cultivator or monster in the perfect Jindan realm will be killed."

Ling Pengyun looked at the thunder in the Leiyuan Spirit Pond that was like seventy-two fish swimming in the spiritual water, his eyes full of brilliance.

The third-grade upper-grade lightning-inducing destruction formation can only store seventy-two thunders at most with the help of the thunder attribute formation eye, and at this time, it is also the strongest period of the lightning-inducing destruction formation.

In the past, because the formation only absorbed thunderbolts and the Ling family had few golden elixirs, the formation had never been able to store enough thunderbolts for golden elixirs.

As for the thunderbolts in the spirit pond today, they were saved by the family cultivators who attacked the golden elixir after the last monster beast rebellion ended nearly a hundred years ago.

The eight people, including the great elder Ling Chengyuan, the family spiritual plant husband Ling Wanchuan, the beastmaster Lin Fan, the silkworm master Ling Penglin, the eight people with the moral golden holy spirit body Ling Pengcheng, Ling Wanduo, Ling Wanxu, and Ling Xiaoshun, absorbed three thunderbolts when they entered the golden elixir realm, and the remaining six thunderbolts were absorbed by the formation.

Ling Pengyun's third natal spiritual plant "Wanyu Blood Fei Fruit Tree" has a strong physique. When he entered the golden elixir realm, he triggered six thunderbolts to forge his body and could not bear it. The remaining three thunderbolts for golden elixir were also contributed to the thunder-inducing and overcoming-disaster formation. This formation is also the last natal spiritual plant in Ling Pengyun's hands that entered the golden elixir realm.

More than 30 years ago, the beastmaster Lin Fan's natal spirit beast, the fairy crane, also condensed a lower-level golden elixir with the help of various golden elixir spiritual objects given by the family, and entered the golden elixir realm.

In addition to using six tribulation thunders to forge the body with the help of the Thunder-inducing and Destroying Formation, his fairy crane also contributed the remaining three tribulation thunders to the formation.

The spirit plant husband Ling Wanchuan's Qingshui Lingzhu, the natal spirit plant, also entered the golden elixir realm 20 or 30 years ago. The bamboo was weaker and only withstood three tribulation thunders to forge the body, and the remaining six were contributed to the formation.

It is also worth mentioning that Lin Fan and Ling Wanchuan had already comprehended the Hundred Arts they mastered to the third level. When their natal spirit beasts and natal spirits were implanted in the golden elixir realm, the Hundred Arts they mastered also successfully entered the third level.

In addition, the four remaining tribulation thunders after the four dragons tempered their bodies with tribulation thunders.

The Lei Yuan Lingtan had accumulated 72 Tribulation Thunders.

This incident also gave Ling Pengyun an unexpected surprise.

Then, Ling Pengyun thought of another thing.

"There are still a few Jindan seedlings in the family who are about to impact the Jindan or have already impacted the Jindan and spent a long time to recover from the injuries in their bodies. I am afraid that they will come here to impact the Jindan soon."

"By then, if someone can enter the Jindan stage to trigger the Tribulation Thunder, this formation will not be able to store the Tribulation Thunder, which would be a waste of those Tribulation Thunders."

The Tribulation Thunders are powerful, and the Ling family has a way to use the Tribulation Thunders. Naturally, he does not intend to waste every Tribulation Thunder triggered by the clan members.

Under such circumstances, there are only two solutions: to upgrade the grade of the Thunder-inducing Destruction Formation in this valley, and to find a thunder vein to set up a new Thunder-inducing Destruction Formation.

But the grade of the formation in the valley is as high as the third-grade upper grade, and it is difficult to upgrade. Ling Penglin, whose formation grade is only the third-grade middle grade, cannot do it at all.

The third-grade top-grade formation master of Canglan Bihai Sect, Lei Yun Lao Zhenren, entered the formation when Bishui Zhenjun was attacking the Nascent Soul, and died. At present, this sect has no third-grade top-grade formation master to take over.

It is estimated that only the sect master Canglan Zhenjun, who is in the Nascent Soul stage, has the ability to improve the third-grade top-grade lightning-inducing destruction formation in the Treading Cloud Valley.

But how can Ling Pengyun invite such a big Buddha to travel thousands of miles to improve the formation here for the Ling family?

Therefore, the only choice left for the Ling family is to find a high-level spiritual vein to set up a lightning-inducing destruction formation.

Moreover, the lightning-inducing destruction formation is extremely powerful. The more of this formation, the better it is for the Ling family. After all, the Black Dragon Lake will appear in the world, and the Northern Wilderness Immortal Cultivation World will also be in chaos.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun slowly left the cave where the Thunder Yuan Lingtan was located.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in an underground cave.

This cave is extremely long, with a large space and very smooth walls, which are obviously polished.

Moreover, the spiritual energy here is rich, and it is a single thunder attribute spiritual energy.

In the deepest part of the cave, where the thunder spiritual energy is the richest, there are more than ten acres of spiritual fields, in which all the thunder attribute spiritual plants are planted.

There is even a third-level thunder attribute spiritual plant, which is a purple bamboo that is three feet tall and has thunder surging around it.

This plant is called Thunder Purple Bamboo, which is a good material for forging flying sword magic weapons. Once refined, the speed of the flying sword will far exceed that of ordinary flying swords of the same level, and the power of the flying sword when fighting against the demon cultivators can also be increased.

Speaking of which, this bamboo was transplanted here by Ling Pengyun in the past. He found this bamboo in the demon clan territory, killed the original owner of this bamboo, and then transplanted it here.

Therefore, the Thunder Purple Bamboo, which had entered the Golden Core and had some spiritual intelligence, also recognized Ling Pengyun. When it saw Ling Pengyun, it shook its body and bent its upright main stem towards Ling Pengyun to show respect.

It had seen Ling Pengyun's tremendous strength in the past.

And its movement also alarmed the monks stationed here.

There was a large cave on the cliff beside these spiritual fields. Through the darkness, it could be seen that there was a monk wearing Ling's Taoist robes and in the middle stage of foundation building sitting cross-legged in the cave to absorb the surrounding thunder attribute spiritual energy for cultivation.

At this time, the middle-aged man heard the movement and immediately stood up and walked out of the cave.

When he saw Ling Pengyun appear here, his face was immediately full of shock, and he even rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had seen it wrong.

When he saw that it was really Ling Pengyun, his face suddenly rose with excitement, and he hurried forward and bowed to Ling Pengyun respectfully.

"Junior Ling Lifeng, I am honored to meet you, ancestor."

"Ancestor, what is the matter with you coming here this time?" (End of this chapter)

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