Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 1264 The Crimson Crab Clan (Subscription Request)

In addition, the old formation master Xing Qing was supervising the battle, so the main battlefield here basically did not cause any trouble.

On the other side.

Although most of the demon kings of the sea dragon clan drove a group of flying boats and took some demon beasts away from the main battlefield first.

But their flying boats were large in size and slow in speed.

For this reason, it didn't take long for Ling Pengyun and other cultivators from the Xinghai Pavilion to vaguely catch up with them.

However, those demon kings and demon beasts fled with the tactic of breaking up into pieces, so they all fled separately and scattered everywhere.

Therefore, Ling Pengyun, who was on the fourth-level flying boat of the Yunqian lineage, immediately said to Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang beside him.

"Brother, it's a waste of combat power for us to work together to control this fourth-level flying boat to chase the enemy."

"I plan to take my group of private soldiers away from this flying boat and fight alone."

"But my group of private soldiers are all relatively weak, and now they are in the sea, their speed of controlling water is relatively slow. Do you have a spare high-level large flying boat? Can you lend it to me?"

Brother Wang Qiuyang was not surprised when he heard this. Under such circumstances, it is indeed possible to maximize the benefits by going after the enemy individually.

But at the same time, this move is also prone to danger.

And Ling Pengyun is the only Yuanying perfect seedling of Yun Qian's lineage.

In addition, Wang Qiuyang's master, the old lineage master Yun Qian, is now short of life.

If Ling Pengyun gets into trouble at that time, I am afraid that the entire Yun Qian lineage will be affected.

It is even possible to fall from the ranks of the nine major lines of Xinghai Pavilion.

For this reason, he attached some importance to this matter. After thinking about it carefully, he took out the only fourth-level flying boat of Yun Qian's lineage.

"Junior Brother Pengyun, this is Yunqian No. 2 from my Yunqian lineage. Although it is only a medium-sized flying boat that can only accommodate about 30,000 people and its grade is only the lower level of the fourth grade, it has a special weapon pattern. As long as it is activated, it can activate the three thousand cloud sword formation of my Yunqian lineage's superior magical power to suppress the meridians without using spiritual power."

"And it is powerful enough to hurt a cultivator in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul. Even if the timing is right, it is no problem to kill such a powerful enemy with this move."

"But after this move, the spiritual power stored in the weapon pattern will It will be completely consumed. If you plan to use this move later, you can only transfer your spiritual power into the weapon pattern to perform this move. "

"In addition, this flying boat also has a defensive magic weapon pattern. The defensive light curtain it creates can at least withstand the power of three attacks from the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, and can even withstand the full-strength attack of a strong man in the late stage of the Nascent Soul."

"As for its speed, it is barely okay. It can travel about 50 million miles a day, which is equivalent to the flying speed of an ordinary middle stage of the Nascent Soul."

Ling Pengyun saw this and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"I didn't expect that my Yun Qian lineage actually has such a treasure boat."

He rarely participated in the affairs of the Yun Qian lineage, so he didn't know much about the background of the Yun Qian lineage.

And since this Yun Qian No. 2 flying boat is named Yun Qian and has never appeared before and has always been in Wang Qiuyang's hands, it is obviously not related to the sect. It is privately owned by the Yun Qian lineage.

As for the thousand flying boats that the sect had sent out before, they were only the foundation of the sect's main lineage, and had nothing to do with the other branches and factions of the sect.

At this time, Wang Qiuyang gave another instruction.

"Junior brother, this time you lead your troops away from my Yun Qian lineage to chase the enemy, remember to be careful."

"If you encounter trouble, you must crush the token of my Yun Qian lineage elder position as soon as possible to ask for help. At that time, I and the other Yun Qian lineage Yuanying will definitely come as soon as possible."

The other Yun Qian lineage Yuanying elders on the fourth-level flying boat that this sect temporarily lent to the Yun Qian lineage also expressed their concerns and their intention to provide immediate support.

As for Wang Qiuyang giving the powerful Yun Qian No. 2 medium-sized flying boat to Ling Pengyun, they had no objection.

After all, they all understood the importance of Ling Pengyun to the Yun Qian lineage.

When Ling Pengyun saw this, he couldn't help but feel a little moved.

He has been in Taoism for hundreds of years, how could he not see whether these Yuanying elders of Yun Qian's lineage were sincere or not.

And after careful consideration, he did not have a very good relationship with most people here.

Under such circumstances, the Yuanying here all expressed their willingness to support, which was extremely rare.

For this reason, he immediately bowed to everyone.

"In this case, I will trouble you all, but you can rest assured that if you encounter trouble after separation, I will definitely support you as soon as possible."

Seeing this, Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang and other Yuanying elders of Yun Qian's lineage all showed satisfaction on their faces.

"We are from the same lineage, no need to be so polite."

"We came together, so we must return together. If anyone has an accident, it will be the loss of my Yun Qian lineage."

Afterwards, Ling Pengyun chatted with the group of Yuanying elders for a few more words, and then drove the Yun Qian No. 2 fourth-level medium-sized flying boat given by Senior Brother Wang Qiuyang, and left the flying boat with the nearly 10,000 private soldiers assigned by the sect, and turned to chase after a small group of flying boats.

It was composed of a large fourth-level demon flying boat and five quasi-fourth-level flying boats.

All of them were red crabs covered with a thick layer of red shells.

This tribe has increased strength and is good at physical training.

And they are obviously from the same race.

In addition, their number is not bad, as many as 30,000 or 40,000, and there is also a red crab demon king in the middle stage of Yuanying.

But it was precisely because of this that Ling Pengyun became suspicious.

If the red crab demon was entangled at this time, it would be tantamount to falling into danger.

And although this demon king is good at physical fitness, this clan is very good at escape skills. As long as he is willing, he is afraid that he can explode at a speed far exceeding that of the fourth-level flying boat. Why not escape by himself and let the low-level red crabs under his command achieve their goal? Really break it down?

Do you have to use the flying boat to leave with the 30,000 to 40,000 red crabs?

Because they come from the same clan? That demon king doesn't want his fellow tribesmen to be in danger?

It is still possible if this happens to a monk.

The demon tribe is very wild by nature, and for these demon kings who have entered the realm of the Nascent Soul, they have a relatively light regard for ordinary tribesmen, except for their direct relatives.

And even if those ordinary clan members die, it won't take long for the clan to make up for it in a short time by virtue of its strong reproductive ability.

For this reason, under the current situation, it is undoubtedly proved that the Crimson Crab Demon Lord has a reason to bring those low-level Crimson Crabs with him.

"Those red crabs must also have that kind of special formation in their hands."

Ling Pengyun secretly guessed.

It was precisely because of this that when the extremely fast water-bending Yun Qian No. 2 flying boat at his feet caught up with the group of crimson crab flying boats, he directly sacrificed the special fourth-level high-grade dragon given by the sect. The array of the sea-controlling formation was aligned with the group of private soldiers on the flying boat.

"Everyone, follow me to set up the formation!"

When the nearly ten thousand monks heard this, they felt a little nervous and thought to themselves.

"I don't know if this battle will go smoothly. If an accident occurs, it will be troublesome. There are no other sects near where we are now. Even if we ask for help, it is estimated that not many sects will be able to arrive in time."


However, they did not dare to delay the fight. For this reason, they immediately transferred their spiritual power into the special array.

After the spiritual power reaches a certain amount, the array plate suddenly flashes with inspiration and transforms into countless special array patterns.

In the end, they intersected together and turned into a huge dragon shadow that was eight hundred feet in length.

The scales on its body are particularly thick and it looks extremely domineering.

However, his eyes were a little immature, even a little dull, as if he had not experienced anything, which was too simple.

This dragon is the formation spirit of this dragon sea-control formation. It is said that its original body is the soul of a Jiao Lord in the late Nascent Soul, but that soul was particularly uncooperative at the time.

For this reason, the high-level formation mage who refined this formation ruthlessly destroyed his consciousness, and then Anping was able to refine his soul into this formation.

But afterwards, the high-level formation master considered that the soulless formation spirit would affect the power of the formation to some extent, so he gave the formation spirit a new consciousness in a special way.

As a result, the reaction of the formation spirit suddenly became much faster, but after all, this mind is a catalyst, so the reaction of the formation spirit will be slower under some special circumstances.

For this reason, when the formation spirit is facing the enemy, it is best to control it with spiritual consciousness, which is what Ling Pengyun is doing now.

"Stop them!"

As his spiritual thoughts moved, the 800-foot-long dragon phantom suddenly burst out of the defensive light curtain of the Yun Qian-2 flying boat with a hint of murderous intent, and stepped into the sea water.

However, as soon as it entered the sea water, it felt like returning home, its speed increased by several percent, and it covered nearly several miles with just a swing of its body.

For this reason, within a few dozen breaths, he caught up with the group of small flying boats of the red crab family, and controlled the surrounding seawater to turn into waves and beat the group of flying boats to slow down their speed.

Naturally, the red crabs in the flying boat group would not sit still and wait for death. Just as Ling Pengyun thought, they also mastered special formations.

As a special array disk lifted into the sky, it not only held up a light curtain, but also transformed into an array device.

It was a flying sword.

Moreover, there is a golden dragon pattern engraved on the sword body, which looks particularly extraordinary.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that he actually possesses the aura of Jin Gang that is good at destroying Gang.

Even, with the subsequent influx of the power of the formation, the golden sword energy gradually condensed and turned into a huge sword light attached to the flying sword.

Finally, a three-foot golden flying sword was formed.

Although it is a bit inconspicuous compared to Ling Pengyun's dragon phantom, its speed is actually three points faster than that dragon phantom.

Without even waiting for its reaction, the flying sword directly spanned dozens of miles and directly bombarded the dragon's phantom body, breaking its scales and penetrating into its body by as much as ten feet.

The dragon phantom suddenly felt pain and screamed.


When Ling Pengyun saw this, he was a little surprised.

You must know that although this dragon phantom is condensed with the power of the formation, its body is particularly powerful.

In addition, the level of the Dragon Sea Control Formation is as high as the fourth-level high-level realm, so even ordinary fourth-level high-level flying swords can hardly hurt it.

Not to mention, that golden flying sword is just a fourth-level mid-level array weapon of a special fourth-level mid-level formation.

"There must be something weird about this golden flying sword."

Ling Pengyun secretly guessed.

Later, in order to prevent the dragon's phantom from being injured again by the flying swords, he directly sacrificed his own natal spiritual treasure, the Five Elements Hundred Treasures River.

Because it was recast to the fourth-level high-grade realm with the help of Xinghai Ancestor some time ago, and because it has the foundation to transform into gods, its power is extremely powerful.

As soon as it appeared in the world, it directly transformed into a five-element river that was 1,300 to 400 feet long.

As it moved quickly, the surrounding seawater was directly split apart, and the scene was particularly magnificent.

!!! !

"Why is the aura of this treasure so strong?"

The Red Crab Demon King in the distance saw this and immediately had a bad premonition and planned to call back the golden flying sword array device, but who would have thought that the phantom of the dragon injured by the flying sword tried its best to stop it, so that the flying sword immediately lost the best opportunity to escape.

Finally, when the Five Elements Long River arrived, it just rolled it lightly and rolled the golden flying sword into its body.

And no matter how the flying sword mobilized its broken aura, it was difficult to smash the long river to get out of the predicament, and even had a tendency to be crushed by the long river.

But strangely, the long river only trapped it and did not use its powerful force to bombard this treasure.

"The Broken Gold Spirit Dragon Flying Sword is a fourth-level mid-grade flying sword, and as a formation weapon, it is also blessed by the formation, which is completely comparable to ordinary fourth-level upper-grade spiritual treasures."

"With such strength, it has no power to resist the strange fourth-level upper-grade Five Elements Long River?"

The Red Crab Demon King in the distance trembled, and immediately had a guess.

"Could it be that the Five Elements Long River is a rare treasure with a foundation of incarnation."

Then it looked at Ling Pengyun, who was leading the troops to chase him. Ling Pengyun, who had a cultivation level as high as the late Nascent Soul, had a bit more fear and greed in his brows.

"With my strength, I am definitely not its opponent. There is even a high probability that I will be left here."

"But fortunately, the value of the Changhe spiritual treasure is really high. As long as the news of it is spread, there will definitely be many fellow demons who will come to support it. It will be fun then."

It raised a bit of teasing in its eyebrows. Immediately, it used some special communication methods, and summoned its own life spiritual treasure, the red treasure Kai, to wear it on its body, and also used its own family's only attack life spiritual treasure, the red giant tongs, to attack it, hoping to use it to delay the Five Elements Long River that trapped the Broken Gold Spirit Dragon Flying Sword.

But the power of this treasure is really strong. It trapped the red giant tongs with another roll, and even a strong breath of true meaning suddenly emerged from its body

Then its body suddenly increased by nearly 80%, directly reaching more than 2,000 feet.

In contrast, the power contained in it is also a bit stronger, and it actually carries some power to break the barrier. With just a wash, a crack appeared on the light curtain supported by the special formation of the Red Blood Clan.

"The true meaning of the Great Accomplishment Level!"

"This treasure is considered to be excellent even among the treasures of the God Transformation Foundation!"

"How could a cultivator in the late Nascent Soul stage possess this treasure?"

The Red Demon King was puzzled.

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