Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 274 Ling Pengyun destroys the battle flag (4600 words, please subscribe)

As soon as these words came out, the foundation-building monks from the three families all fell into deep thought.

Liu Daozhou, the patriarch of the Huxiao Liu clan, would rather see Ling Yunhong, the clan leader of the Ling clan, be beheaded.

After all, Ling's current foundation-building combat power is too much.

If the Ling family and the Luo family were in a dog-eat-dog fight and both sides would suffer losses, he could definitely profit from it.

The confidence comes from his own mid-stage foundation building and the clan's mid-stage foundation-building spiritual beast Yan Yunhu.

The combined combat power of the two of them makes neither the Ling family nor the Luo family dare to underestimate them.

However, Wen Xianyun, the patriarch of the Wen clan, and Wang Changming, the patriarch of the Wang clan, are not as confident as Liu Daozhou, the patriarch of the Liu clan. Both of them only have one foundation builder, and they are only in the early stages of foundation building.

Once the leader of the Luo clan breaks the rules set by the five families and kills Ling Yunhong, the leader of the Ling clan, Luo Minghui may not stop doing anything and take advantage of this opportunity to attack the two of them.

Then, seize the share of the two mineral veins.

What's more, they killed both of them and seized the territory of the Wang family and the Wen family.

Wen Xianyun and Wang Changming thought for a while, and immediately made up their minds. They took out the magic weapon and fired it. They knocked back the red fire sword shot by Luo Minghui in the distance and saved Ling Yunhong's life.

"Fellow Taoist Luo Minghui, don't go too far. Fellow Taoist Ling Yunhong has surrendered." Wen Xianyun, the leader of the Wen clan who is related to the Ling clan, said coldly.

"Not bad." Wang Changming, the head of the Wang clan, also spoke at this moment, supporting the Ling clan.

Luo Minghui, who was in the distance, looked at the situation and realized that he had missed the opportunity to kill Ling Yunhong.

Although Wang Changming and Wen Xianyun are weak, they can't stand it. Next to them, there is a tiger-roaring Liu family who fights with snipe and clam, and the fisherman wins.

Huxiao Liu's relationship with his Luo family has risen to the level of enemies due to the sand ore veins.

If Huxiao Liu hadn't spread the word about the sand vein here, he, Luo, would have monopolized this sand vein.

If the Ling family, who is full of potential, is the Luo family's first choice for destruction, then the Liu family is the second choice.

In desperation, Luo Minghui had no choice but to wave the red fire sword and the natal formation flag back to the side, and slightly arched his hands towards Ling Yunhong.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I just missed. I hope you don't have any intentions."

"How dare you." Ling Yunhong, who was almost beheaded, was furious. He snorted coldly and left the place quickly.

In Luo's team, Li Xia and Luo Qiuming saw Luo Minghui stop, and they also took back their magic weapons.

After Ling Yunhong returned to the team of monks watching the battle in embarrassment, he thanked the patriarchs of the Wang, Wen and Liu families respectively before returning to his team of monks.

"Third Grandfather, are there any serious consequences from taking the Explosive Spiritual Pill and destroying the sacrificial refining weapon?" Ling Pengyun saw that Ling Yunhong had returned safely, and his hanging heart finally dropped.

However, when he saw that Ling Yunhong's face was extremely pale, and his aura was weakened by the explosive spirit pill he had just taken in battle, a look of worry suddenly appeared on his face, and he asked.

"I broke through the foundation building alone, and my meridians are much stronger than those of ordinary monks. The sequelae of the second-level mid-grade explosive spirit pill are nothing to me."

"The damage to the consciousness caused by the sacrificial magic weapon is not big. After all, the magic shield is not my natural magic weapon. With the help of the rejuvenation pill, I can recover within half a year."

"It's just a pity that second-order low-grade magic shield."

As soon as he mentioned the magic shield, Ling Yunhong suddenly became angry.

That second-level low-grade defensive shield is worth at least 1,800 or 900 spiritual stones on the market. This amount of spiritual stones is considered a large sum of money for Ling Yunhong and even the entire Ling family.

Furthermore, with his level of weapon refining, it would be difficult for him to refine a second-level defensive magic weapon by himself in a short period of time.

Under such circumstances, Ling Yunhong would be without a defensive weapon for at least a few years.

Ling Yunhong's combat power will also be reduced by at least 20% as a result.

"Damn it, Luo Minghui, he probably killed me because he thought my Ling family was powerful."

"According to the current situation that the family has four foundation-building combatants, I, the Ling family, are not afraid of the Luo family at all."

"This situation must be recovered."

"Now that Wang Changming of the Wang family and Wen Xianyun of the Wen family are here to uphold justice, Luo Minghui probably wouldn't dare to break the rules in the fight between the two of you and the other two foundation-building monks of the Luo family."

"If there is, the Fairy Crane King and I will definitely support you and others in time."

"Peng Yun, Peng Xing, when you two fight against Luo Shi's Li Xia and Luo Qiu Ming, be ruthless and destroy their magic weapons as much as possible while ensuring your own invincibility." Ling Yunhong said angrily.

"I understand, Third Patriarch, to go against you is to go against our entire Ling family." Ling Pengyun said with a solemn expression.

The family is one body, and when one is prosperous, one suffers, one suffers.

If it hadn't been for the timely action of the foundation-building monks from the Wang family and the Wen family just now, Ling Yunhong would have almost died.

If Ling Yunhong, the pillar of the family, fell here, not only would the overall strength of the Ling family be reduced by several percent.

From now on, Ling Pengyun would lose the six second-level low-grade spirit-gathering pills he received from his family every year as offerings.

By then, Ling Pengyun's cultivation speed will also be reduced by several percent.

"That's right." Ling Pengxing on the side also knew this truth and agreed firmly.

Ling Yunhong, who was furious, felt warm in his heart when he received such replies from the other two Jijis in the family.

"He is my good man from the Ling family."

"Pengyun, you go first and find the remaining two members of the Luo family who have not participated in the foundation building battle. The strongest one is Luo Minghui's son Luo Qiuming who has the natal formation flag."

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly after hearing this, walked out of the team, and looked at Luo Qiuming in the Luo family team.

"Fellow Daoist Luo, do you dare to fight?"

Luo Qiuming in the Luo family team frowned after hearing this, and turned to look at his father Luo Minghui.

Seeing this, Luo Minghui nodded slightly, a hint of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and sent a message to Luo Qiuming.

"We have a grudge against the Ling family. The Ling family's Ling Pengyun has extraordinary talent and is probably not weaker than Ling Yunhong. If we let him live, he will be a great enemy of our Luo family. Take good care of that spiritual object."

"Dad, I understand." Luo Qiuming nodded after hearing this. After replying with a voice transmission, he walked out of his own cultivator team and flew to the top of the mountain where the sand and soil vein was located with Ling Pengyun.

The battle between the two officially began.

"Daoyou Luo, my magic weapon is blind. If I hurt you, please don't be surprised." Ling Pengyun sneered.

Luo Qiuming's face darkened, and he quickly summoned the twelve natal formation flags, the yellow sand erosion formation, and attacked Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun had already seen the power of Luo Qiuming's yellow sand erosion formation. Once trapped by this formation, even if he had the cultivation of the middle stage of foundation building, he would have to suffer some hardships before he could break the formation.

He did not dare to waste time, and immediately conjured up eighteen first-grade superior Qingling swords, forming a sword formation with his fingers.

The eighteen Qingling swords flashed with spiritual light, and a three-meter-long sword light burst out from the tip of the sword, and dozens or twenty inches of sword light condensed around the sword body.


Under Ling Pengyun's control, the Qingling swords carried a torrent of sword light and quickly met the twelve flags of the yellow sand erosion formation.

Just as the Qingling swords were about to approach the flags, the twelve flags suddenly flashed and formed a formation, conjuring a large piece of erosion yellow and colliding with the sword formation.

Countless gravel bombarded the sword light, making crisp sounds.

Although the Qingling swords that formed the sword formation were all first-grade superior magic weapons, in the hands of Ling Pengyun, a cultivator in the middle stage of foundation building, with the help of the sword formation, this set of flying swords was no weaker than ordinary second-grade inferior magic weapons.

But in the end, the yellow sand erosion formation was a second-level lower-grade life-long magic weapon, which was three points stronger than the general second-level lower-grade magic weapon.

The sword formation was also at a disadvantage, and the sword light torrent it transformed into gradually became dim under the bombardment of countless eroding yellow sand.

Ling Pengyun frowned, changed his finger gestures with both hands, and condensed a blue seal.

This seal turned around and quickly turned into a five-meter-long snake.

The long snake rushed into the eroding yellow sand, rolled up its body, and blocked most of the eroding yellow sand.

The amount of yellow sand bombarding the sword formation was greatly reduced. Ling Pengyun seized this opportunity and controlled the sword formation to directly break the yellow sand and directly bombarded the twelve formation flags that formed the yellow sand erosion formation and transformed into countless yellow sand.

"If I allow this set of flying swords to bombard my twelve natal flags, they will definitely be damaged."

Seeing this, Luo Qiuming, who was far away, took a deep breath and changed his fingering.

The twelve flags, which were already shining with spiritual light, became even more shining.

Array patterns emerged from the twelve flags, turning into twelve small light curtains, covering the flags and resisting the attacking flying swords.

At the same time, the erosion yellow sand transformed by the twelve flags also increased by 30%.

In just three breaths, the five-meter water snake in the large piece of erosion yellow sand was completely eroded by the yellow sand.

"The sword formation formed by the natal flag is indeed extraordinary."

Ling Pengyun's eyes condensed, and his face became more solemn.

He raised his hand and pinched the formula again, and sent out two five-meter water snakes in a row, rushing into the formation, blocking the large piece of yellow sand, and helping the sword formation bombard the twelve flags.

Then, he took out the set of mother-and-child green steel swords from the storage bag, and like the sword formation, they all blasted towards the twelve formation flags that formed the formation.

At this moment, Luo Qiuming saw Ling Pengyun launch four attacks in succession, including the sword formation, two water snakes, and the green steel mother-and-child flying swords, and his eyes were slightly happy.

"This person's attack magic weapon has finally been taken out."

The next moment, Luo Qiuming's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he used his fingers to make a gesture, and the twelve yellow sand erosion formation flags rolled up, covering the sword formation launched by Ling Pengyun, as well as the green steel mother-and-child flying swords. He used the countless yellow sands created by the formation to temporarily control them.

Then, he raised his hand and sacrificed a purple gold long cone.

The long cone turned into a purple gold light and blasted towards Ling Pengyun.

Under the high mountain.

Ling Yunhong, one of the onlookers, saw the long cone attacking his clan grandson Ling Pengyun, and his pupils suddenly enlarged several times, and he shouted.

"A second-grade, top-grade purple star long cone."

The purple star long cone is a very famous magic weapon of Bailing Sect. This magic weapon is best at breaking defenses and is extremely fast. It is the best magic weapon among the second-grade top-grade magic weapons, and is 20% to 30% stronger than the same-grade magic weapons.

This purple star long cone is also a hidden trump card of the Luo family. If Ling Pengyun had not entered the middle stage of foundation building so quickly from the early stage of foundation building, this purple star long cone would have been used on the flame cloud tiger, the guardian spirit beast of the Huxiao Liu family.

This time, the Luo family participated in the martial arts fight, and wanted to take away a few lives from the beginning to the end, weaken the number of foundation building cultivators of other foundation building families in Huaishui County, and consolidate the position of their own Luo family in Huaishui County.

"What a vicious Luo Minghui, if Pengyun gets into trouble this time, I will definitely find you Luo family when I enter the late stage of foundation building."

Ling Yunhong stared at Luo Minghui, the patriarch of the Luo family, who was in the Luo family monk team not far away, and swore secretly.

The purple star cone was extremely fast. He was some distance away from the top of the mountain and could not support Ling Pengyun who was in danger in time.

He did not think that Luo Qiuming, who was just in the early stage of foundation building, could get the purple star cone, a precious second-level upper-grade magic weapon.

The top of the mountain where the sand and soil veins were located.

Although the purple star cone that Luo Qiuming shot was extremely fast, Ling Pengyun's spiritual power was enough to be comparable to the sixth level of foundation building.

With a strong spiritual power, Ling Pengyun also reacted quickly.

He quickly pinched the formula and cast the second-level defensive spell Yuanshui.

In an instant, a blue light curtain was propped up from Ling Pengyun's body, covering him.

The purple star cone also bombarded the Yuanshui light curtain at the next moment, causing a huge wave.

Under the powerful bombardment of this cone, cracks gradually appeared on the light curtain.

Just when this Daoyuan Water Light Curtain was about to be shattered, Ling Pengyun finally performed his innate magic, the Blue Sea Sky Sword.

A ten-zhang long brilliant blue sword light was born and quickly collided with the purple star cone.

It aroused countless blue sword shadows and purple starlight.

Although Luo Qiuming, who shot the purple star cone, had only reached the third level of foundation building, he could barely exert 50% to 60% of the power of the purple star cone, which was enough to be comparable to the full force of the seventh-level foundation building cultivator.

And the ten-zhang long sword light shot by Ling Pengyun was only equivalent to the full force of the sixth-level foundation building cultivator.

It was very clear who was stronger and who was weaker.

Ling Pengyun knew this very well. He quickly blessed a wind control technique on his body and stayed away from the bombardment of the sword light and the long cone.

He patted the storage bag on his waist again, took out the only second-level low-grade defensive magic weapon, the Mixed Rock Shield, and floated it beside him, supporting a thick magic shield light curtain covering his body.

The next moment, the purple star long cone also shattered the ten-zhang long Azure Sea Sky Sword.

In the blink of an eye, it bombarded the magic shield light curtain around Ling Pengyun.

But this purple star long cone had consumed a lot of spare power to shatter the Azure Sea Sky Sword before, and the remaining spare power of the long cone could only barely shatter Ling Pengyun's magic shield light curtain, and then the remaining power was exhausted.

Ling Pengyun also took the opportunity to pinch his fingers to condense a five-zhang water snake, and blasted the purple star long cone with exhausted spare power hundreds of feet away.

Hundreds of feet away, it was out of the coverage of Luo Qiuming's consciousness, and the purple star long cone lost its effect.

"This Ling Pengyun's consciousness is so strong."

Luo Qiuming saw that the purple star long cone did not work, and he, who had always been confident, gradually became a little scared.

He never expected that Ling Pengyun had spare energy to cast a Yuanshui spell and his life spell, the Blue Sea Sky Sword, while casting two second-level spells, driving the sword formation that consumed a lot of spiritual consciousness, and the Qinggang mother-and-child flying sword. In the end, Ling Pengyun even activated a second-level magic shield.

When a cultivator enters the foundation building stage, his spiritual consciousness will be greatly enhanced, but the strength of the spiritual consciousness of a foundation building cultivator is also limited.

Generally, a cultivator at the fourth level of foundation building can drive five second-level means to attack at the same time, which is already good.

While Luo Qiuming was stunned, Ling Pengyun also controlled the five-meter-long snake that knocked away the purple star cone and broke into the yellow sand erosion formation.

If it weren't for the fact that his spiritual consciousness was comparable to the spiritual consciousness of a sixth-level cultivator due to the yin and yang primordial energy, and he had a lot of spare energy to defend when he used means to attack Luo Qiuming, he would probably have died tragically under the purple star cone just now.

Thinking of this, Ling Pengyun was scared.

He did not hold back any more, and with both hands he made a seal to control the three-headed five-zhang water snakes in the yellow sand erosion formation, blocking all the yellow sand in the formation.

Then, he performed the secret technique of the Earthly Evil Sword Formation, the "Rongzi Sword Technique".

He controlled the sword formation trapped in the formation, quickly merged into one, and transformed into a six-zhang long sword beam.

Combined with the set of mother-and-child flying swords, a total of three huge sword beams, bombarded the formation flag that formed the yellow sand formation.

In the bombardment of these three powerful sword beams, in just three breaths, the small light curtain supported by the formation flag was shattered, and the formation flag was also smashed to pieces by the Earthly Evil Sword and the Green Steel Mother-and-Child Flying Sword.

At the same time, Luo Qiuming's blood and qi surged in his body because his natal formation flag was destroyed, and his sea of ​​consciousness was in great pain.

A mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth.

His breath also quickly weakened at this moment.

Although the yellow sand erosion formation did not fall apart due to the destruction of the formation flag, the power of the formation was reduced by about 10%.

Thanks to: Daohen Daoming Daogu, Junmohei, Zhugan Mandou, Furuonianhua for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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