Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 306: The situation of the family spirit beast garden (4000 words, please subscribe)

A few hours later.

The Fairy Crane King carried Ling Pengyun and the clan leader Ling Yunhong for thousands of miles, returned to Lingxiao Mountain, and landed directly outside the General Affairs Hall halfway up Lingxiao Mountain.

Ling Pengliang, the eldest elder of the Ling family who was counting the books in the General Affairs Hall, saw Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong returning together riding the family's guardian spirit beast, the Fairy Crane King, and immediately walked out of the General Affairs Hall to greet the two.

"Third Grandfather, Eighth Brother, and the rest of the Luo clan have returned from the expedition. Why did you just come back now? Did you encounter any trouble along the way?"

"It's not that I'm in trouble, it's just that I helped Peng Xing refine a second-level magic weapon."

"Just now, Peng Yun and I visited the Yunwu Wen Sect to arrange a marriage for you. The woman is the newly promoted great elder of the Wen Sect, Wen Nianling, the talented weapon refiner of the Wen Sect."

"I know that you don't want to consider marriage before you establish a foundation, but this Wen Nian Ling's weapon refining talent is really good. If this person can enter the realm of foundation building, he will definitely become a second-level weapon refiner."

"You know the value of a second-level weapon refiner. In order for Wen Nianling to marry into our clan, I have to pull you out. I hope you won't be angry."

"I hope you can agree to the marriage."

Ling Yunhong did not give Ling Pengliang the opportunity to disagree with the marriage.

And Ling Pengliang inexplicably learned that he had an extra marriage, and his brows suddenly furrowed.

However, what Ling Yunhong said is indeed true. Wen Nianling is a golden mountain. With his own marriage, marrying a female cultivator who has a great chance of becoming a second-level weapon refiner and joining the clan is a great thing no matter how you say it.

He is the elder of the family, not an ordinary member of the clan, and he needs to consider the family.

Without too much hesitation, Ling Pengliang's frown fell and he spoke.

"I am really lucky to have such a Taoist companion."

"Since you agree to this matter, if it happens in the future and Wen Nianling marries into our clan, you should treat him well and don't treat him badly."

Seeing that Ling Pengliang agreed, Ling Yunhong had already expected it and gave him an instruction.

Afterwards, Ling Pengliang, Ling Yunhong, and Ling Pengyun chatted for a few more words. Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong also said goodbye to Ling Pengliang and left the place together.

On the way, the clan leader Ling Yunhong asked Ling Pengyun.

"Peng Yun, you have been stationed outside for a long time. It has been nearly two months since you left the Rock Scale Snake Cave. You are not afraid of being delayed for a few days. Do you want to stay in the clan for one or two days?"

"In this case, you and I can have a chat."

Ling Pengyun, who had planned to ride the Immortal Crane King directly to leave the Clan Mountain and return to Yuanzhou Rock Scale Snake Cave, heard this, his expression moved slightly, and then he nodded.


When Ling Yunhong saw Ling Pengyun's answer, a smile appeared on his face, and then he invited Ling Pengyun to go up to the top of the mountain and enter the "Lucky Cave" to chat together.

The Fairy Crane King, who was in the early stage of foundation building, flew to the Fairy Crane's nest on the cliff behind Lingxiao Mountain and gathered with the Fairy Crane in the Qi-training stage in the nest.

In the Hongyun Cave.

Ling Pengyun chatted with the clan leader for nearly half a day before it ended.

He also said goodbye to the clan leader, left the Hongyun Cave, and entered the high-level spiritual field area on the top of the mountain.

There are many spiritual fields in this high-level spiritual field area, and the lowest-grade spiritual fields have also reached the first-level mid-grade realm. Among them, there are many types of spiritual plants planted.

Even the rare spiritual fruit trees in the outside world, there are more than twenty first-order spiritual fruit trees here.

These spiritual fruit trees are also the accumulation of the Ling family's establishment of the clan for more than two hundred years.

The Ling family also has these spiritual fruit trees, and can obtain a large number of first-level spiritual fruits every year.

Even in years when the spiritual fruit harvest is good, there will be excess spiritual fruits that can be sold to earn spiritual stones.

In addition to these first-level spiritual fruit trees, there is also a fruit tree in the center of this spiritual field area that is "five feet" tall, covered with nearly a hundred small green walnuts, and has a second-level low-grade aura.

Looking at this tree, Ling Pengyun sighed happily.

"Now the family is getting more and more prosperous. After more than forty years, when this tree once again breeds the second-grade low-grade stone spirit walnuts that are fifty years old, I am afraid that no one will dare to ask me, Ling, for the second-grade stone spirit walnuts. "

"This tree can now be said to be unique to my Ling clan."

This five-foot-tall giant tree is the second-grade low-grade Shiling walnut tree that was jointly acquired by the "four major families" of Huaishui County more than ten years ago when they followed the Bailing Gate to capture Jiaozhou territory.

In the past, other families had a share of the second-grade Stone Spirit Walnuts produced by this tree. A few years ago, the second-grade Stone Spirit Walnuts produced by this tree were distributed to the other four families in Huaishui County.

Now that the Luo family has been wiped out, there are only four families left in Huaishui County: the Lingxiao Ling family, the Huxiao Liu family, the Qingzhu Wang family, and the Yunwu Wen family.

Ling Pengyun's eyes moved and turned to look at the Shiling walnut tree. There was a large round honeycomb nearly eight feet high hanging on the largest branch.

This hive is the fruit flower hive that Ling Pengyun placed here more than ten years ago.

Now that winter has just entered, the fruit bees in this hive are spending this cold season sleeping in their hives.

At the same time, you can also take advantage of the long slumber in winter to practice hard for a period of time and improve your cultivation.

At this moment, the queen bee, who was the largest in the hive and was half the size of a human head, felt the arrival of Ling Pengyun, woke up from her deep sleep, and opened her eyes.

It quickly flapped its wings on its back, flew out of the hive, and came to Ling Pengyun.

Ling Pengyun looked slightly happy when he saw that the bee's exposed aura had reached the ninth level of Qi training.

"Not bad for the pound of second-grade low-grade spiritual honey I gave to this bee two months ago."

Two months ago, before Ling Pengyun went to Bailing Gate to seek talismans, he came here to pick up some first-grade middle-grade fruit flower honey produced by the fruit flower bee group.

He gave the bee a pound of second-level low-grade spiritual honey that he bought from Physical Cultivator Qin Shi half a year ago.

Help Queen Bee, who was only at the eighth level of Qi training, to improve her cultivation.

The Queen Bee chirped a few words to Ling Pengyun with a hint of gratitude.

Ling Pengyun was bound by the restriction of recognizing the owner of this bee, and he also understood the meaning of this bee's words.

His consciousness scanned the huge hive behind the queen bee, and he found that there were as many as five thousand ordinary fruit bees in the hive.

When the number of fruit flower worker bees reached forty-one, thirty-three, and seven in the early, middle, and late stages of Qi training respectively, he spoke.

"No need to thank you. The number of fruit bees in the late stage of Qi training in the bee colony is already good. In the next period of time, you can rely on the spiritual honey produced by the bee colony to achieve the perfection of Qi training."

After hearing this, the Fruit Flower Bee nodded solemnly.

Its spiritual intelligence, blessed by the primordial energy of Yin and Yang, is much stronger than that of monsters of the same level. It understands that if it does not enter the realm of foundation building for a long time, it will probably be abandoned by Ling Pengyun.

This can be seen from the fact that Ling Pengyun has been visiting this place for longer and longer in the past ten years.

It also understands that only by following its master Ling Pengyun can it have meat to eat and can it go further.

Ling Pengyun stopped paying attention to the bee and waved it away.

Then, it turned into a breeze and went down to the spirit beast garden in the back mountain, and found Ling Yunhan, the beast master who managed the spirit beast garden.

"Second Grandma." Ling Pengyun said hello to Ling Yunhan.

"Peng Yun, why did you return to your clan? I heard from the clan that you opened up the spiritual field in Luoxia Mountain of the Luo family, but the spiritual field has been developed?" Ling Yunhong said with some confusion when he saw Ling Pengyun arriving.

"Exactly, after Luo Shi's business is finished, I also have some free time, so I came here to take a look. Grandma, I wonder how the spirit beasts in this spirit beast garden are doing?"

After Ling Pengyun gave a simple reply, he asked.

Two months ago, he went back to his family.

However, because he had important matters at that time, he hurriedly left the family after taking the fruit and flower honey.

Now that he has time, he naturally wants to come here to take a look.

After all, this spirit beast garden is also one of his efforts.

The monsters inside, except for the family's original cattle herd and Tongluo pig herd, were all carefully selected by him from countless monsters during the Monster Beast Rebellion and captured one by one.

"Today, there are nine kinds of spirit beasts in the Spirit Beast Garden."

"The family's original herd of pioneer cattle has gained two more calves in the past four years. Now, the number of the family's pioneer cattle has reached just twenty."

"The number of Tongluo pigs has not changed much. After all, the pigs will be slaughtered when they reach a certain number."

"Four years ago, during the Monster Rebellion, the five Baishan sheep you captured gave birth to a lamb every year for the past four years."

"Except for the little lamb that was just born this year, the other eight white fir sheep can shave off several kilograms of white fir wool every year, which is a good material for refining Taoist robes and instruments."

"The nineteen Gale Wolf Pack gave birth to eight wolf cubs in the past four years. These eight wolf cubs were born with innate cultivation levels and pretty good qualifications, so they were all purchased by the tribe with their contribution points. , set up the restriction of recognizing the master, and went to act as a spiritual beast. "

"Half a year ago, the seven black-armored turtle eggs you sent back to the clan have now hatched. The cultivation of the seven little black-armored turtles when they were broken open has reached at least the seventh or eighth level of the innate. According to the From my experience, they all have the qualifications to at least reach the middle stage of Qi training.”

"The two white-feathered horses also gave birth to a little white-feathered horse last year. However, the white-feathered horse family is not naturally talented. The innate realm of the little white-feathered horse has barely reached the innate level. This pony will probably only be able to reach the innate level in this life. I was wandering in the early stages of Qi training.”

"However, this horse is not slow whether it is running on the ground or flying with the wings on its back. Some tribesmen have tamed it and trained it into a spiritual beast."

"Those three golden-scaled birds, under my continuous aphrodisiac skills for the past four years, half a year ago, one male and one female finally united together after seeing each other correctly."

"Half a month ago, this pair of birds also laid a clutch of four golden-scaled eggs, but those four eggs have not hatched yet."

"After they hatch, I plan to disperse these golden-scaled birds to various parts of the family to patrol the family territory or serve as messengers. After all, this golden-scaled bird is not very strong. Only the golden scales with good speed and good defense can be considered. "

"Those four clay-armored pigs have given birth to more than ten piglets in recent years. However, these pigs have weak qualifications. It is good to be able to practice to the third level of Qi training, so no one in the tribe values ​​them."

"However, the pigskin on this mud-armored pig is quite strong and is a good material for refining inner-armor magic weapons."

"Therefore, in addition to maintaining the number of pigs that can be counted on both hands every year, the rest of the mud-armored pigs will be slaughtered and skinned when they reach adulthood."

"The five burrowing rats you captured earlier gave birth to two litters of mice in the past two years, and the number of the group expanded to fifteen."

"Now, those fifteen burrowing rats have been taken away by special personnel from the clan, and arranged to search for spirits or mineral veins deep under the family boundary."

"Although this territory of the family has been occupied by the family for more than 20 years, there are still some obscure places, or there are spiritual places deep underground that are difficult to be discovered."

"Now, only four years have passed, and the family has relied on the help of the group of moles that can be as flat as the ground underground, and has discovered two micro spiritual veins deep underground."

"The two micro spiritual veins have now been developed by the family, and spiritual fields have been opened up on them, and clan members have been sent to guard them."

When Ling Yunhan talked about the situation of the spiritual beast garden, a smile rose on his face.

"Make the best use of everything. The spiritual beasts in this spiritual beast garden are not eating for free. It matches my idea."

"Second Grandma, you have worked hard in recent years."

Ling Pengyun said with a smile.

"It's not hard at all. After all, I can get rewards for training these spirit beasts."

"By the way, there is another good news. Half a year ago, among the five generations of the family, Ru, Yun, Xiao, Peng, and Cheng, the youngest Cheng, Cheng Yue, who was ranked seventeenth and had just been tested for spiritual roots in the mortal world, had a talent for taming beasts, and her talent was higher than mine."

"Two years ago, the family relied on sand and soil ore to exchange for a complete set of first-level beast taming inheritance from Bailingmen. With this inheritance, little Cheng Yue can at least reach the first-level middle grade in taming beasts, and there are many opportunities for even the first-level upper grade."

"As long as little Cheng Yue grows up, the spirit beasts in this spirit beast garden will definitely become stronger."

Ling Yunhan said with a little joy on his face.

"Congratulations to the second ancestor, there is someone to succeed you."

Ling Pengyun heard this, and his face became even happier. He congratulated and then asked.

"Where is Cheng Yue? I've been away from home for many years and have never seen this little girl."

He knew how worried Ling Yunhan, the only beastmaster in the family, was about the lack of successors in the family's beast taming since the establishment of the spirit beast garden.

"This girl was born in the mortal world and knows nothing about the world of immortal cultivation. Your aunt Xiaoying was pregnant three months ago and her belly is big now."

"I didn't let her come here to help, so that she could rest assured to take care of the baby at home. My son-in-law Zhu Wen also needs to refine spirit talismans for the family and it is difficult for him to spare any energy."

"I am older and have to take care of the spirit beasts in the spirit beast garden, so I am unable to teach this girl the knowledge of the world of immortal cultivation."

"I let this girl go to the clan school to study like other young people with spiritual roots in the clan."

"She will come back at noon every day, and then I will teach this child to learn the way of beast taming."

"In this way, I can also relax a little." Ling Yunhan said.

Thanks to: Danield, Meng Hui Chang'an 12, Shi Wen Duan Zi Jun, Jia Ji Xiu Xian My Cuisine, Shu You 20171022224047650 for their monthly tickets.

Thank you all

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