Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 402: Smart Chess Piece Han Feng (3500 words, please subscribe)

"Fellow Daoist Ling, have you fallen in love with this thing?" Master Jiamu saw a trace of joy on Ling Pengyun's face as he flipped through the book "Saint Demon Art", and asked.

Master Jiamu spent several days with Ling Pengyun, and naturally he also knew each other's name.

"Indeed, on top of this sect's holy and demonic skills, there are more than a dozen demonic methods recorded, among which there are quite a few profound secrets." Ling Pengyun did not hide it and nodded.

Hearing this, Master Jiamu was a little curious. He took the Holy Demonic Art from Ling Pengyun and looked through it.

When he saw that there were indeed dozens of secrets of magic recorded in this book, he was slightly surprised.

The holy and demonic skills circulating on the market do not record so many secret methods of demonic cultivation.

However, when he thought that the old demon's cultivation level was as high as the fake elixir level, that he was not weak in holding the magic treasure, and that his strength was comparable to the third level of the golden elixir, Master Jiamu also guessed that the old demon was sent here by the Holy Demon Sect. A first-level status as a "missionary elder" in Muyuanfang City.

It is normal for these missionary elders to master the source of the holy and demonic skills and record dozens of demonic secrets.

After all, the missionary elders also need to release some bait if they want to attract those monks who have entered the demonic path into the Holy Demonic Sect.

"Fellow Daoist Ling, I'm also interested in this technique. How about we make rubbings on each other?" Jiamu Zhenren said.

"That's natural. Fellow Daoist Jiamu, I want that ten kilogram piece of third-grade low-grade explosive iron. I can share less of the more than 30,000 spiritual stones. Is that okay?"

"The rest of the demon cultivators' belongings will be divided equally." Ling Pengyun asked.

"Okay." Master Jiamu was not interested in any fire-based spiritual objects. The piece of spiritual iron he wanted was also for sale, so he agreed.

Ten pounds of third-grade low-grade explosive iron is worth five thousand spiritual stones on the market.

One kilogram is worth five hundred spiritual stones.

Ling Pengyun also received only 11,700 spiritual stones because he wanted this piece of explosive iron.

After the interests were divided, Ling Pengyun and Master Jiamu left a communication talisman for each other, which was regarded as making some friendship. He resigned from Master Jiamu and left with Xiao Qianfei, who had been sitting cross-legged outside the door, carefully reading some classics in the world of immortality. Enter this teleportation hall.

I went to the Muyuan Jubao Pavilion in the market again, and spent the 11,700 spirit stones I just got to buy 3,100 kilograms of first-level gold at a 95% discount. The product contains water and spiritual iron.

At the same time, he also thanked the steward of the Jubao Pavilion and told the Master of the Teleportation Hall, Jiamu Zhenren, that a demonic cultivator was eyeing him.

The manager of the Jubao Pavilion was an outstanding person and did not take this matter seriously. He just asked Ling Pengyun to come to his Jubao Pavilion if he wanted to buy water-based spiritual iron in the future.

Regarding this matter, Ling Pengyun naturally agreed.

After all, the Jubao Pavilion's water-type spiritual iron is cheap and safe. If it is targeted, the Jubao Pavilion will take the initiative to inform the visitors to avoid accidents.

After handling the matter, Ling Pengyun also took a small amount of money to buy a few more travel notes and classics she liked in Fangshi, and then returned to Muyuanfang City's teleportation array, waiting for the teleportation array to open.

Because I am still on the road, it is not suitable for Qi training monks to practice.

Moreover, Ling Pengyun also had skills suitable for Xiao Qianfei's practice.

Although there are some in the market, they are mostly popular goods and are not as good as Ling's technique.

Xiao Qianfei has never practiced cultivation, and her curiosity about the world of immortality can only be clarified from those classics.

Ling Pengyun planned to choose a suitable technique for Xiao Qianfei to start practicing after returning to his family.

Muyuan Sea Area, Guiling Island, Hanfeng Village.

This is the day of the beginning of spring.

Dozens of Qian mortals from Hanfeng Village who were anonymously named Han were waiting here.

After a while, a young man with a simple appearance and a fish bone flying instrument gradually appeared in the distance, flying from a distance.

When these dozens of Qian mortals saw this man appearing, they all looked happy.

After a hundred breaths, the honest-looking monk also used the fish bone flying magic weapon to land in front of the dozens of Qian mortals, and greeted the dozens of Qian mortals one by one.

And this honest monk is one of the dozens of mortals directly descended from the Qian family, the "Han Feng" whose spiritual roots were detected by the monks of the Zhao family on Turtle Island more than ten years ago and brought into the Zhao family's practice.

His original name was Qian Feng.

The group gathered together for a while, then entered a large courtyard in the village and had a reunion banquet.

Afterwards, after everyone dispersed, Xiao Qianfei's parents also took the opportunity to find "Han Feng" and brought him into a room.

He told Han Feng that Xiao Qian Fei was accepted as a disciple by Ling Pengyun, a good friend of the Qian clan leader "Qian Yuan Lao Dao" and was taken to a distant place to practice.

He also handed over the storage bag left by Ling Pengyun to Han Feng honestly, without violating Ling Pengyun's arrangement back then.

After Xiao Qianfei's parents finished the matter, they said goodbye and left the room.

Qian Feng, who was left alone in this room, looked full of curiosity. He put his spiritual consciousness into the storage bag in his hand that did not have a spiritual imprint on it, and found out what was inside.

"It's actually a thousand spiritual stones." Han Feng was shocked.

He immediately channeled his spiritual power into the storage bag and summoned all the spiritual objects in it.

Suddenly, a large number of spiritual stones appeared in front of him.

As a Qi-training monk, Han Feng also knows how valuable a thousand spiritual stones are.

He didn't believe it for a moment that he could obtain a thousand spiritual stones so easily, so he deliberately used his spiritual consciousness to scan the spiritual stones and calculated them several times. Only then did he believe that the thousand spiritual stones in front of him were real.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I, Han Feng, would have such an opportunity."

"With these thousand spirit stones, I have the resources to break through from the fifth level of Qi training to the late stage of Qi training."

"If I use them sparingly, maybe this batch of spirit stones can support me to practice to the ninth level of Qi training."

"In this way, I have great hope to break through to the perfection of Qi training before the best foundation-building age of 60 years old."

Han Feng laughed out loud.

Just as Han Feng was delighted, he also glanced and saw that there was a letter in the pile of spirit stones.

"Left by the senior who took Xiao Fei'er away?"

Han Feng waved his hand to take the letter in his hand and read it carefully.

There was a lot of content written in the envelope.

"I'm a good friend of your clan leader Qian Qiuyuan. Make good use of the thousand spiritual stones."

"Your ancestors are all dead. You have no relatives to support you in your cultivation. But with your aptitude, it's not impossible to build a foundation. If you want to build a foundation, think of ways above the Zhao family."

"It's not impossible to marry into the Zhao family, but if you do, you'd better find the daughters of those senior members of the Zhao family. In this way, your Taoist partner and father can help you find spiritual objects for building a foundation."

"Marrying into the Zhao family is basically your only opportunity to build a foundation. If you don't want to, you are a cultivator of another surname and you will not be valued by the Zhao family at all."

"And if you can break through the foundation, when I come to Guiling Island in the future, I can help you destroy the Zhao family and rebuild the Qian family."

Just when Han Feng finished reading the letter and was curious about the cultivation level of the senior who left the letter.

The letter suddenly ignited, and then a huge breath came out from the burning letter.

This breath was quite powerful, and Han Feng, who was only at the fifth level of Qi training, was directly pressed to the ground.

Fortunately, this huge breath only lasted for a breath.

Han Feng also got up from the ground in a mess, and recalled the huge breath just now, with a gleam in his eyes.

"This breath is stronger than the pseudo-dan realm ancestor of the Zhao family. Could it be that the senior who took Fei'er away is at the fake dan realm, or the golden dan realm?"

"If so, with the help of this senior, it is indeed feasible to destroy the Zhao family and rebuild my Qian family."

"With this senior here, it is not impossible to marry the daughter of the enemy and marry into the enemy family."

"However, if this senior really wanted to help me rebuild the Qian family, he would have helped a long time ago. According to his cultivation, it would not be difficult to help me break through the foundation."

"Could it be that this senior has a plan for me?"

"I am just a cultivator in the Qi training stage, and I have no money."

"In this case, ... the only thing left is the vast territory occupied by the Zhao family on Guiling Island."

"Thinking about it this way, the senior asked me to break through the foundation building stage. First, he was probably unwilling to invest a lot of spiritual objects in me to help me break through the foundation building stage."

"Second, he was probably unwilling to show up. He wanted me, who has the foundation building cultivation, to help him earn spiritual objects in the future after helping me destroy the Qian family."

"That makes sense. Why did this nameless senior help me?"

After thinking it through, Han Feng still planned to build the foundation as much as possible according to what the nameless senior said, so as to use the senior to destroy the Zhao family and rebuild the Qian family.

This is an opportunity for him, an opportunity to rebuild the Qian family.

If he missed this opportunity, he would never be able to avenge his relatives in this life.

Although he was not born when the Qian family was destroyed, his parents had instilled a desire for revenge in him since he was a child, and he was therefore extremely hostile to the Zhao family.

Over the years, he relied on the Zhao family to practice, just to make further progress in cultivation.

Three months later.

Yan State, Bailingmen territory, Jingzhou Huaishui County Luoxia Mountain a few miles away.

Ling Pengyun, who was on Feng Yingpeng's back, looked at this long-lost sacred mountain, and a touch of joy appeared on his face.

"I have been away from home for six years, but Luoxia Mountain has not changed, and the scenery remains the same."

"I don't know how Madam, Xiaoxia, and my parents have been doing in the past six years."

"Xiao Chengping has probably grown into a big girl."

"Uncle Xiaoyan, I don't know if she has gotten fatter."

"Grandpa Yan Cang..."

Ling Pengyun couldn't help but think of Yan Cang, who had begun to decline in cultivation and had little time left when he left home, and sighed softly.

Xiao Qianfei, who was sitting on Feng Yingpeng, listened to Ling Pengyun's sigh and asked curiously.

"Master, are Master's wife and Senior Brother Cheng Xia in this mountain?"

"Yes." Ling Pengyun nodded lightly, replied, and then could not wait to rely on the strong spiritual power, put away Feng Yingpeng, grabbed Xiao Qianfei's hand, turned into a blue stream of light, and quickly fled to Luoxia Mountain.

This escape technique is called "Bishui Escape Technique", which is recorded in the Bishui Sutra.

This escape technique is most suitable for sneaking in the water, but it is also not slow for flying, enough to reach 300,000 miles a day.

However, using this escape technique to travel consumes more spiritual power.

Ling Pengyun had been using Feng Yingpeng to travel before.

At the same time.

Yan Siyi, Ling Chengxia, Yang Qiuyun, Ling Xiaoshun, Ling Xiaoping, Ling Xiaoyan, who lived in Luoxia Mountain, were all attracted by the stream of light coming from a few miles away.

Everyone is a cultivator, and they all know that only Jindan cultivators can perform extremely fast streamer escape.

"Why does this aura resemble my husband's?"

Yan Siyi, still with a little baby fat and a great figure, looked at the escaping light several miles away, and a figure she had been thinking about day and night appeared in her mind, muttering to herself.

The rest of the people around were all shocked when they heard this.

Yan Siyi's husband is Ling Pengyun. Six years ago, Ling Pengyun left home to seek the opportunity of the golden elixir. They all knew about it.

For a moment, everyone used the Qi-sighting technique and looked at the light coming again.

They also saw the figure that turned into a light clearly.

"It's Dad, it's Dad, it's really Dad."

"Mom, Dad really entered the golden elixir."


On the side, a six-foot-tall young man who looked similar to Yan Siyi and had a graceful demeanor was excited. He took Yan Siyi's hand and laughed.

This young man was Ling Chengxia, the only son born to Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi fourteen years ago.

"It's really my husband."

"Let's go, follow me out of the mountain and welcome my husband back."

Yan Siyi's eyes were filled with longing, and she immediately relied on her strong spiritual power to fly out of Luoxia Mountain.

The rest of the people followed closely behind.

Thanks: 100 points of reward from the future Wupan

Thanks: 100 points of reward from the heart Mingjing

Thanks: Minran Zhongren, Langqun OP, Shubuku, Huahua Yulong, Huoye De Yian, whh Honghong, Book Friend 20220501095221421, Wang Zong Yang Yang, Book Friend 2021051012912272, Greedy Kunpeng, Wuxin, Fat Brother Teasing You, Jiujiu Tong, Don't Understand Books, Book Friend 20210805230428254gyuqt

Jixiang Ruyi 6699, Heibing 135 monthly tickets

Currently owe four chapters, two chapters of monthly tickets are added.

One chapter of crowdfunding reward is added

One chapter of future Wupan reward is added.

I will try to pay off these four chapters during the May Day holiday, thank you for your support

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