Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 445 The prototype of the magic weapon Lingxiao Flying Boat (3000 words, please subscribe)

On the top of Yunxiao Mountain, in a quiet room in a cave.

Ling Pengyun sat cross-legged here, and after regulating his breath for half a day, he opened his eyes.

He waved his hand and patted the storage bag on his waist, and took out the body of the third-level black wind wolf demon that he and Bai Yuan Zhenren of the fake elixir realm had killed together.

He used a sharp flying sword of the second-grade superior grade to carefully cut off the useful materials from the black wind wolf demon.

The useful materials on this wolf demon can be divided into four categories.

The first one is naturally the most valuable golden elixir on this wolf. This inner elixir is attached with the black evil wind spirit pattern mastered by the mutant wolf demon.

If this golden elixir is used as a material, it is possible to forge a black evil wind banner.

In addition, there are several other powerful natal spirit patterns on the golden elixir.

The second one is wolf skin and wolf claws.

The wolf skin of this wolf is a good material for refining Taoist robes and magic tools.

Its claws are sharp and very strong, only slightly weaker than magic weapons of the same level, and are good materials for refining magic weapons of the Breaking Gang type.

Third, it is the whole skeleton of this wolf. This wolf skeleton is very large and has some spiritual patterns of wind attributes, which is a good material for refining wind attribute magic tools and magic treasures.

Fourth, it is the flesh and blood of this wolf that contains a lot of spiritual energy.

These flesh and blood are of great use even to Ling Pengyun, a Jindan cultivator.

As for the internal organs of this wolf, they contain less spiritual energy, so Ling Pengyun doesn't like them, so he throws them to his black-armored turtle, which has reached the seventh level of foundation building.

Then, Ling Pengyun took back the wolf's skin, claws, and flesh and blood into the storage bag, leaving only the Jindan and whole skeleton of the wolf demon.

He also took out a palm-sized green flying boat and a red refining furnace from the storage bag.

The blue flying boat was the Ling family's second-grade middle-grade Fengyun flying boat, and the refining furnace was a second-grade lower-grade Yanhuo refining furnace.

Ling Pengyun looked at the spiritual objects in front of him, took a deep breath, and gradually showed a solemn look on his face.

After a while, Ling Pengyun took action. He raised his hand and waved it, hitting the palm-sized Yanhuo refining furnace in the air.

Then a spiritual power was transferred into the refining furnace, and the refining furnace flashed with spiritual light and quickly expanded to the size of a normal refining furnace.

Ling Pengyun waved his hand to summon a ball of dark blue sea true fire from the golden elixir and hit it under the Yanhuo refining furnace.

The temperature of the sea true fire is extremely high, and under its burning, the temperature in the furnace also rises rapidly.

When the temperature in the refining furnace reaches a certain level, Ling Pengyun throws the many wolf bones beside him into it, and refines those wolf bones at high temperature to purify their impurities.

This step is not difficult, but it takes a very long time.

It took Ling Pengyun a full month to refine the wolf bones, and the wolf bones were turned into liquid.

Although the wolf demon's golden elixir was small, it was relatively strong enough to be comparable to magic weapons of the same level.

This also made Ling Pengyun spend a full month and a half to refine it and turn it into liquid.

At this time, Ling Pengyun also threw the second-level medium-grade Fengyun flying boat that had been prepared long ago into the refining furnace.

Then he used his spiritual consciousness to control the liquid transformed from the wolf demon's golden elixir and the wolf bone liquid, and slowly merged them into the fist-sized flying boat.

Although there were many liquids, it was also magical. After the golden elixir liquid and the wolf bone liquid were merged into the flying boat, the flying boat did not grow larger, but remained the size of a palm.

However, the color of the surface of this Fengyun flying boat changed due to the integration of the golden elixir liquid and the wolf bone liquid.

Originally, the whole body of this flying boat was green, but now it was green with black.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun's eyes narrowed, and he pinched his hands to perform the sixth level of "Spiritual Manifestation" in the family's second-level refining inheritance, condensing a transparent seal and hitting the body of the green and black flying boat.


"Black Wind Escape Technique Spiritual Pattern!"


The green and black flying boat flashed with spiritual light, and gradually appeared on the surface of the special black spiritual patterns.

After a while, 30% of the position on the flying boat was covered with those special black spiritual patterns.

These black spiritual patterns were the "Black Wind Escape Technique Spiritual Patterns" among the several natal spiritual patterns engraved on the golden elixir of the black wind wolf demon.

This escape technique was originally an ordinary wind escape technique, but because of the mutation of this wolf, this escape technique also underwent some changes, and it was several times or even twice as strong as the ordinary wind escape technique.

With the cultivation level of the third-level golden elixir wolf demon, the black wind escape technique was enough to reach a daily distance of 700,000 miles.

This speed is a bit faster than the speed of some Jindan middle stage monsters.

The speed of ordinary Jindan early stage monsters is about 300,000 miles a day, and the speed of Jindan middle stage monsters is about 600,000 miles.

If Ling Pengyun hadn't been quick-witted and used the Five Elements Return to Origin Formation to trap the wolf monster and restrict its movement, it would have been difficult for the wolf to exert its speed.

Otherwise, it would have been difficult for Ling Pengyun to cooperate with Bai Yuan Zhenren to kill it.

Ling Pengyun's eyes were fixed on the flying boat, and 30% of the area was covered by the black wind spirit pattern restriction. His brows slightly frowned.

"The sixth level of the spirit-revealing technique is still too weak. With my powerful consciousness of the third level of Jindan, only 30% of the positions on the flying boat showed the black wind spirit pattern."

"If there is the seventh level of the spirit-revealing technique recorded in the third-level refining inheritance, it is not impossible for me to show the black wind spirit pattern restriction on the entire flying boat and help this flying boat directly enter the third level."

"It's a pity that the black wind spiritual pattern restriction on this flying boat is only 30% of the complete one. This treasure can only reach the level of a magic weapon cone at most. I can only upgrade this treasure in the future."

"I still have to hurry up to find the inheritance of the third-level refining weapon, otherwise it will really hinder my development in refining weapons."

Ling Pengyun thought to himself.

Just when he was distracted for a short time, the black wind spiritual pattern appeared on the wind and cloud flying boat, and also caused the second-level "wind and cloud escape technique spiritual pattern", "wind control spiritual pattern", first-level light body spiritual pattern, and solid spiritual pattern of this flying boat to collectively reject.

After all, the black wind spiritual pattern restriction that appeared on the flying boat was not completely victorious, but just incomplete.

This also made it impossible for this black wind spiritual pattern to suppress the rejection of the four spiritual pattern restrictions.

The flying boat also gradually dimmed due to the mutual repulsion of the five spiritual patterns in its body.

If it drags on for a long time, this flying boat will even be blown up by the spiritual pattern restrictions engraved in its body.

Seeing this, Ling Pengyun immediately used the "Soul-suppressing Technique" of the weapon refining technique to suppress the five rioting spiritual pattern restrictions in the flying boat.

Although he only comprehended the sixth level of the Soul-suppressing Technique.

But his spiritual consciousness was strong enough to be comparable to that of a third-level Jindan cultivator.

Relying on this powerful spiritual consciousness, the power of the sixth-level Soul-suppressing Technique he used was several times stronger than that of ordinary foundation-building cultivators.

In addition, the rioting spiritual pattern restrictions were not strong, and the third-level black wind spiritual pattern restriction was even more incomplete.

Ling Pengyun spent some time, but he successfully suppressed all the five rioting spiritual pattern restrictions on the flying boat.

And took this opportunity to slowly use his spiritual consciousness to control them to establish connections with each other.

Once this step was completed, Ling Pengyun quickly used the "forming method".

However, in just three breaths, a powerful aura that far exceeded the second-level magic weapon and entered the magic weapon cone level came out from the refining furnace.

"It is indeed only the magic weapon cone level, but judging from this aura, the quality of this flying boat should be considered average among the magic weapon cone level."

"I just don't know how fast and how much it can carry."

Ling Pengyun's eyes were accompanied by a hint of expectation. He waved his hand and sent out a spiritual power to lift the lid of the refining furnace, and took out a palm-sized flying boat with a little black in the green.

There is no third-level inheritance method, so it is difficult for Ling Pengyun to directly refine a third-level magic weapon, but with the help of the third-level life spirit patterns on the demon king's golden elixir, he can refine a magic weapon at the level of the prototype of a magic weapon.

It can also be regarded as taking advantage of the opportunity.

"This flying boat is green with black. The original core spiritual pattern of this flying boat is the spiritual pattern of the wind and cloud escape technique, which has now become an auxiliary. The main spiritual pattern of the escape technique has also been changed to the third-level black wind spiritual pattern."

"Under such circumstances, it is no longer appropriate to use the two words "wind and cloud" as the name of this flying boat."

"In addition, the Yang family of Pingyun also has this wind and cloud flying boat."

"It is better to change the name, so that it can also support the uniqueness of this treasure boat of my Ling family."

"In the future, as long as I can obtain the third-level refining inheritance, this treasure will be recast by me into the third-level magic weapon level. This level is enough to serve as the treasure of my Ling family's inheritance."

"This flying boat will be named after my clan... Lingxiao Flying Boat."

Ling Pengyun's mouth slightly raised the palm-sized flying boat in his hand, muttering to himself.

Then, Ling Pengyun took this flying boat out of the quiet room of the cave and came to the outside world.

He waved his hand and summoned the dark blue "Lingxiao Flying Boat", and passed a stream of spiritual power into it, and the flying boat immediately began to grow.

In just a moment, the flying boat, which was originally only the size of a palm, grew to a size of forty feet.

"The size of this flying boat is ten times larger than before, and the number of people it can carry is estimated to have increased tenfold."

Ling Pengyun's mouth corners slightly raised, and he jumped on the flying boat, and controlled the flying boat, turning it into a beam of light, and flew away.

But before flying out of "Yunxiao Mountain" for a long time, he saw Ling Penglin jumping up and down in the "Yellow Earth Mountain" full of yellow earth, and occasionally drawing on a piece of white paper in his hand.

This matter aroused Ling Pengyun's curiosity, and then he controlled the Lingxiao Flying Boat under his feet and landed on the Yellow Earth Mountain.

"Myna, is this magical cone-shaped flying boat recast from our family's second-level mid-grade Fengyun flying boat?"

A huge flying boat fell from the sky with great noise, and Ling Penglin was also attracted. She looked up and felt that the aura of the flying boat was somewhat familiar. When Ling Pengyun also stood on it, her eyes suddenly lit up.

After Ling Pengyun drove the flying boat of 40 meters and landed on the Yellow Earth Mountain, she quickly walked up to it and asked with a bit of expectation.

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