Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 512: Another magical power appears (2600 words, please subscribe)

At this time, the poisonous blood demon who was hiding in the poisonous blood cover thousands of feet away saw that his poisonous blood flying sword was trapped by the Longyang furnace, but his face was dark.

The poisonous blood flying sword was the result of his spending a lot of effort to sacrifice millions of mortals, and a piece of third-level middle-grade treasure crystal obtained by the "chance" more than ten years ago, and a third-level formation obtained by the opportunity to resist the magic weapon thunder tribulation, which raised the grade of the flying sword to this level.

Once the poisonous blood flying sword was refined by the Longyang furnace, even if he successfully escaped this time, there was a high probability that he would not be able to replicate the process of refining this magic treasure in the future.

For example, the third-level middle-grade treasure crystals and millions of mortals required to forge this sword, it would be difficult to obtain them.

The price of the third-level middle-grade treasure crystals is extremely expensive and extremely rare. They are rarely seen in the entire Northern Wilderness Xiuxian world. Generally, they will be snapped up by the major Jindan forces in the world, and only some third-level low-grade treasure crystals will flow into the market.

There is no need to think about millions of mortals. The millions of mortals that the Poison Blood Demon obtained by sacrificing blood to this sword more than ten years ago can be said to be a great opportunity.

Coincidentally, more than ten years ago, Bailing Sect was developing the Baiyun Mountains, and the main force was not in the Bailing Sect territory, so the Poison Blood Demon stole the home.

Then he took advantage of the conflict between the Wanshou Sect and the monsters in the Purple Scorpion Mountain territory and took the opportunity to kill a wave of mortals.

Under such an opportunity, this third-level middle-grade Poison Blood Flying Sword was created.

What's more, the third-level middle-grade formation he obtained by that opportunity more than ten years ago had been destroyed by the thunder tribulation. Even if he collected the materials for refining the Poison Blood Flying Sword, he still had no formation to resist the magic treasure thunder tribulation.

The thunder tribulation caused by this kind of magic treasure entering the third level can be extremely vast, nearly 50% or even twice as strong as the magic weapon thunder tribulation.

Without the help of a formation of the third-level middle grade or above, the magic treasure itself would be smashed to pieces by the thunder unless it was integrated with materials of the third-level upper grade or above.

Moreover, even if the poisonous blood flying sword was destroyed, he would also be attacked by the magic treasure.

Under such circumstances, how could the old poisonous blood demon watch his magic treasure being destroyed?

Considering that the poisonous blood flying sword was trapped, his combat power dropped sharply, and it was difficult for him to rescue the poisonous blood flying sword at present.

He was also decisive and directly performed the desperate method "Poison Spirit Burning Blood Technique" recorded in the poisonous blood magic skill.

This technique can increase combat power by nearly double in a short time by burning the essence and blood in the body.

In an instant, the little essence and blood in his body began to boil.

Then, his breath continued to rise, and in just half a breath, he rose to the fourth level of the golden elixir, and soon entered the fifth level of the golden elixir.

However, since then, his cultivation has no longer improved.

He snorted angrily and passed a huge amount of magic power into the body of the poisonous blood flying sword trapped in the "Longyang furnace".

The poisonous blood flying sword received a large amount of magic power as support, and its sword body flashed a dazzling dark green magic light, and countless poisonous gases gushed out of it, turning into a poisonous gas barrier, barely blocking the Longyang true fire attacking from the furnace.

The sword light of more than 80 feet on the tip of the sword also surged again, reaching nearly 100 feet long.

Then, the sword kept shaking, and with its sharp blade, it bombarded the nine Longyang fire chains that were tied to its body, causing a series of piercing sounds of iron and steel.

After all, the power of the nine Longyang fire chains was limited. The power of the poisonous blood flying sword was really strong at this moment, enough to be comparable to the power of a third-level upper-grade magic weapon.

In just a moment, three of the nine Longyang fire chains were cut off.

Seeing this, Ling Yunhong, who was condensing the Longyang Fire Furnace, looked up at the sky. Seeing that the scorching sun was at a high altitude, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"God help me!"

"Longyang Secret Method!"

"Absorb the sun!"

I saw that the Longyang Fire Furnace, which was as big as fifty feet, flashed with spiritual light, like a vortex, and began to absorb the countless scorching sun forces emitted by the scorching sun hanging in the sky.

With the integration of those scorching sun forces, the Longyang Fire Furnace transformed by the "Pure Yang True Fire" became three times more powerful, and its size gradually increased from fifty feet to sixty-five feet.

The number and power of the Longyang True Fire in the furnace increased by more than 30%.

The thick poisonous gas barrier transformed by the poisonous blood flying sword was just a thicker wall in front of the powerful Longyang True Fire.

Under the continuous burning, the poisonous gas barriers became thinner and thinner.

Previously, the three dragon yang fire chains that were cut off by the poisonous blood flying sword also recovered with the help of countless dragon yang true fires, and even became thicker. They also wrapped around the poisonous blood flying sword again, binding it tightly.

The other six intact fire chains also became much thicker.

In this way, the situation was stabilized again.

Ling Yunhong also laughed out loud.

"Pengyun, fellow Taoist Wanshou, fellow Taoist Baoyuan, give me the powerful poisonous blood flying sword, and you quickly break the poisonous blood cover of the poisonous blood demon and kill it!"

Ling Pengyun and others around heard the call and agreed. They also controlled their own magic weapons and attacked the poisonous blood demon thousands of feet away.

Seeing this, the poisonous blood demon's eyes were full of unwillingness.

"You can only use the poisonous blood cover to attack."

The poisonous blood cover is a more versatile magic treasure that can both defend and attack.

He raised his hand and waved it, first casting his innate magic "Poisonous Blood Demon Cloud Cover", which created a defensive light curtain around him.

Then, he removed the third-level middle-grade poisonous blood cover around him for defense, and instead directly sent out this poisonous blood cover.

This poisonous blood shield, which was only a few feet in size, swelled in the wind and quickly expanded to nearly a hundred feet.

This shield was not afraid of the many attacks that came, and it met them with its own strength. After resisting the attacks of those magic weapons, there were only some waves on the shield, and there was no major damage.

But the shield suddenly changed, and it directly swept all the surrounding attacks into the shield.

Then, countless powerful poisonous gases with corrosive effects emerged in the poisonous blood shield, sweeping over the magic weapons or spells such as the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Bao Zhu in the shield.

The Bi Hai Chong Yuan Bao Zhu and the Yan Yuan Hammer are heavy magic weapons with good quality. The materials they are made of are even more extraordinary. They can barely withstand the invasion of poisonous gases.

But they also lost their combat power.

Previously, the thirty-foot-long water snake that Ling Yunhong transformed through the third-level water snake spell, and the mountain-moving evil ghost that Ling Pengyun transformed through the long banner of controlling ghosts, were all eroded by the poisonous gas contained in the cover in a short time.

Seeing that his attack was successful, the old demon of poisonous blood quickly made a seal with both hands, consuming 70% of his spiritual power from the fifth level of Jindan cultivation, and condensed a pure black seal with countless wolf-shaped patterns and a terrifying aura.

"The magic wolf swallowing the moon."


The pure black seal flashed with black light, and in a moment, it transformed into a black-haired demon wolf that was nearly a hundred feet long, with a strong aura of the eighth level of Jindan, a layer of black hair on its body, and eyes containing a trace of the "spiritual energy" of a righteous cultivator, and possessed an extraordinary temperament far beyond the spiritual creatures transformed by the same level of magic.

The demon wolf just opened its mouth slightly, and a strong wind suddenly emerged. The white clouds around it immediately felt a strong suction force and were sucked into its mouth.

Obviously, the name of this wolf, like its ability, contains the effect of swallowing.

"Swallow that Longyang furnace for me!"

The poisonous blood old demon raised his hand and waved, pointing to the Longyang furnace in the distance that was absorbing the power of the scorching sun of heaven and earth to smelt the poisonous blood flying sword, and called out to the demon wolf.

The demon wolf's body was surrounded by black light, and it quickly moved its four legs, stepped into the air, and rushed out quickly.

Thousands of feet away.

Ling Yunhong, who mastered the magic power treasure technique, saw that the demon wolf had an extraordinary breath, and there was a trace of spiritual energy in his eyes that only righteous monks had, which did not seem to be transformed by ordinary spells. His eyes trembled and revealed a touch of surprise.

"Is this a magical skill of the righteous path? How did this demon cultivator get it?"

"If the demon cultivator is given some time, this magical skill will probably be truly transformed into a magical skill by the old Poison Blood Demon, and he can truly exert the power of this magical skill."

The magical skill is extremely powerful, and is regarded as a treasure by all major forces, and will not be easily leaked.

As a demon cultivator at the third level of the Golden Core Realm, it is impossible for the old Poison Blood Demon to obtain the magical skill of the righteous path according to common sense. If he has a magical skill of the demon path, it makes sense.

This phenomenon is no different from Ling Yunhong, a righteous cultivator, getting a magical skill of the demon path.

It's too weird.

Ling Yunhong didn't dare to be distracted too much, because he mastered the magical skill himself, and he also knew the power of the magical skill.

If he allowed the demon wolf, which was nearly 100 feet long and had the ability to devour, to approach the Longyang furnace, the Longyang furnace would be destroyed.

And the poisonous blood flying sword that was being smelted in the furnace would also be freed.

The series of consequences that would be triggered at that time were simply beyond his ability to bear.

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