Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 518: Saving Wife with Dominance (3200 words, please subscribe)

After Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong left the Demon Valley where the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect was located, they returned to Yushanfang City, which was previously besieged by the Purple Scorpion Ridge and the Demon Sect's cultivators.

Originally, there were tens of thousands of monks stationed in Yushanfang City. Most of them were casual cultivators or monks from various families of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Only a few were disciples of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect.

But now there are not many monks stationed here.

By asking the monks who stayed here, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong learned that the tens of thousands of monks who were originally stationed here were all killed by the real Wanshou who returned here first, and the two golden elixirs who powerfully killed the Purple Scorpion Ridge. The demon king's late-stage golden elixir realm "Bailing Zhenren" were taken to kill the tens of thousands of demon sect remnants who had previously besieged this city.

Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong had already anticipated this matter.

The Bailing Sect and the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect were both seriously harmed by the poisonous old demon. A few years ago, the old demon led the prototype demon sect of the Demon Sect to cause trouble in the Bailing Sect for a year or two, and beheaded the Bailing Sect. Millions of mortals in the realm have destroyed more than ten foundation-building families, causing the prestige of Bailing Sect within their own realm to be greatly reduced.

In particular, the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has suffered numerous casualties in recent decades.

If the Bailing Sect and the Ling Family had not intervened this time, I am afraid that this sect would have been jointly attacked by the Poisonous Blood Demon Sect and the Purple Scorpion Ridge earthly monsters before long.

With such a great hatred, how could the Bailing Sect and the Ten Thousand Beast Sect easily let go of the remnants of the Demon Sect.

What's more, everyone in the Demon Sect masters a certain magic skill, and those demon cultivators do not have the same restrictions as the righteous monks. They can teach the magic skill to whomever they want.

If these remnants of the demon sect are not eliminated, it won't be long before the poisonous blood demon sect will rise again and cause trouble to the Yan Kingdom.

Maybe they will take revenge on Bailing Sect and Ten Thousand Beasts Sect afterwards.

All in all, leaving those remnants of the Demon Sect behind is a scourge, and naturally needs to be eradicated.

After returning to his thoughts, Ling Pengyun, standing on the city wall of Yushanfang City, looked into the distance and said in a deep voice.

"Senior Bai Ling really killed the two golden elixir demon kings."

"In this way, when the beast tide is over in a few decades, Bailing Sect will also have four third-level spiritual veins, which is more than the third-level spiritual veins controlled by the Xuanyang Sect, the number one golden elixir sect in the Yan Kingdom. Quantity is not that bad either.”

"The number of first- and second-level spiritual veins mastered by his disciples reaches nearly ten thousand. With the number of spiritual veins of this size, I am afraid that there is some hope of supporting a golden elixir monk to break through to the Nascent Soul realm."

"This Bailing Sect should not be underestimated in the future. It may be beneficial for me, Ling, to have good relations with this Bailing Sect in a short period of time."

"But if my Ling clan can continue to reproduce, I'm afraid my Ling clan's situation will not be good when the thousand-year covenant between us and the Bailing Sect ends."

When the Ling family first became the Jindan family, Ling Pengyun made a good deal with Bailingmen for a thousand years.

When Ling Yunhong heard this, his eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't care too much about what would happen a thousand years later.

"How can Bailingmen's enemy, Xuanyangmen, watch Bailingmen grow stronger?"

"Ten thousand steps back, how can the realm of Nascent Soul be so easily attainable?"

"After the decline of Canglan Bihai Sect, the long-established Nascent Soul Sect that lasted for tens of thousands of years, it took more than two hundred years for the contemporary True Lord Canglan to emerge in the past hundred years."

"We don't need to worry too much about things that will happen in a thousand years. At present, what we really need to worry about is the beast tide in a few decades."

"In the past, our country of Yan showed weakness and was not strong. The monsters in the boundless vast swamp did not pay much attention to our country of Yan. However, in the past hundred years, all the major Jindan forces in our country of Yan have captured a golden elixir. power, and even a gathering place for several golden elixir monsters.”

"Such a situation must have attracted the attention of those Nascent Soul demons in the Boundless Vast Ze."

"The next beast wave may be very dangerous."

"If when the beast tide comes, no one between you and me reaches the middle stage of the Golden Core, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hold the boundary of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake occupied by our family in the Baiyun Mountains."

Ling Pengyun nodded slightly, agreeing with what Ling Yunhong said, but he said helplessly.

"This matter is indeed a trouble, but it is really difficult to improve the cultivation level of Jindan. It is even more difficult to break through to the middle stage of Jindan."

"I have been in Jindan for seven or eight years, but my cultivation has not improved much. Even if I have enough spiritual energy to help me practice, I am afraid it will still take another twenty or thirty years."

Ling Yunhong smiled. "Although this has been the case in the past, I am confident that I will be able to upgrade my alchemy to the third level within three years."

"In this way, with me refining the third-level elixir for you, I think you can improve your cultivation a little faster."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, most of the look of helplessness on his face dissipated, and instead he revealed a look of expectation.

"In this way, my grandson will wait for my grandfather to become a third-level alchemist."

Ling Yunhong laughed twice and said to Ling Pengyun.

"Haha, let's stop chatting. It will take a long time for us to capture the Demon Valley. If we delay it, the remnants of the demon cultivators who previously attacked Yushanfang City will probably run away!"

Speaking of this matter, Ling Pengyun couldn't help but have a look of worry on his face and muttered.

"I don't know how the madam and...Cheng Xia are doing."

Previously, when he and Ling Yunhong came to this area from Lingxiao Qianxing Lake to kill the poisonous old demon, they brought Yan Siyi, Ling Chengxia and other first members of the family war hall here with them, intending to practice their skills. Fan.

It was just that the battle situation was urgent at that time. Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong were anxious to chase the poisonous blood demon, so they didn't care about Yan Siyi and others. They just told them to be careful and let them chase the demon cultivators on their own.

"With Siyi's strength of the ninth level of foundation building, and the technique she practiced to restrain demon cultivators with fire, even if the demon cultivators have completed their foundation building, it would be difficult to hurt her."

"Cheng Xia has Siyi's protection, so there shouldn't be much danger."

Ling Yunhong comforted.

"Grandpa, although that's what you said, things in this world of immortal cultivation are unpredictable. I'll go find my wife and others first!"

Ling Pengyun's worries became more intense, and he immediately turned into a blue escape light and flew away from the Yushan Market.

"This kid!"

Ling Yunhong laughed and scolded, and then asked about the escape of the remnants of the demon cultivators of the Wanshou Sect who were stationed in the Yushan Market.

Then, he also left the market and went to chase the remnants of the demon cultivators.


On the other side

Dozens of miles away from Yushan Market, there is a deserted place.

A female cultivator with a curvy figure, six feet tall, shoulder-length black hair, wearing Ling's Taoist robes, exuding the aura of the ninth level of foundation building, and a green-haired Peng bird in the late stage of foundation building, and a dozen young men also wearing Ling's Taoist robes, but with cultivation bases of only the early and middle stages of Qi training, are being besieged by a hundred Qi training demon cultivators, five early and middle stages of foundation building, and one demon cultivator in the perfect stage of foundation building.

If not for the ninth-level female cultivator of the foundation building led by the dozen Ling clan members, holding a hot pot magic weapon that is about to enter the embryonic stage of magic weapon and can summon countless flames, she would have been able to resist the demon cultivator in the perfect stage of foundation building and the other two demon cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building.

In addition, the blue-haired Peng bird was also extraordinary. It blocked two foundation-building demon cultivators and still had enough strength to use defensive means to protect the more than ten Ling family Qi-training cultivators. Otherwise, the more than ten Ling family Qi-training cultivators would have been killed by the hundreds of demon cultivators.

And this female cultivator of the ninth level of foundation-building with a powerful magic weapon was Yan Siyi, the wife of Ling Pengyun. The magic hot pot in her hand was called "Yuanyang Fire Cloud Pot", which was her life-long magic weapon.

In the early years, Ling Pengyun integrated a piece of third-level low-grade fire-type precious iron into this pot. Over the years, Yan Siyi has also integrated a lot of first-level and second-level fire-type spiritual iron into it, greatly improving the quality of this pot.

As long as there are thousands of kilograms of fire-type spiritual iron to help, her hot pot will truly enter the prototype level of magic weapon.

The blue-haired Peng bird that blocked the two foundation-building demon cultivators was Ling Pengyun's Fengying Peng of the seventh level of foundation-building.

The remaining dozen or so young men of the Ling family were members of the Ling family's battle hall. The other half of the battle hall was taken by Ling Pengqiu of the Ling family to chase another group of demon cultivators.

The reason why Yan Siyi and others were in such a situation was because they were ambushed when they were chasing dozens of Qi training demon cultivators.

Yan Siyi was also regretting at this moment. Even if it was her, she was not sure that she could escape at this time.

The demon cultivators who besieged them were all very powerful. They were all powerful corpse demon cultivators, and they all controlled several demon corpses of the same level.

Especially the demon cultivator who had completed the foundation building. This demon cultivator was originally the leader of a demon sect called "Corpse Driving Sect" in the territory of Yan State Xuanyang Sect. He was recruited into the demon sect by the poisonous blood old demon in recent years. Because of his high foundation building perfection, he was also ordered by the old demon to be the second elder of the demon sect.

He controlled two iron corpses in the foundation building perfection realm and a foundation building perfection realm underworld fire corpse that could actually produce corpse fire.

Although the two iron corpses were invulnerable to swords and spears, they were somewhat afraid of Yan Siyi's Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot.

But the Nether Fire Corpse, which had completed its foundation, was not afraid at all, and even the corpse fire it produced could compete with the Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot.

This also made Yan Siyi, a cultivator who practiced fire-based techniques, lose her advantage. She was entangled in the fight and could only rely on the "Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot" to delay the enemy for a while.

However, this made the powerful corpse Taoist who had completed his foundation extremely anxious. He knew Yan Siyi's background. If it was delayed for too long, Yan Siyi's Taoist partner in the Golden Core Realm might come to support him, and he also had some thoughts of retreating.

However, when he saw Yan Siyi's Mandarin Duck Fire Cloud Pot, which was about to enter the prototype stage of a magic weapon, his thoughts of retreating suddenly disappeared, and his eyes flashed with brilliance.

If he could kill Yan Siyi and get the powerful hot pot, and give it to his natal demon corpse, the Nether Fire Corpse, for sacrifice, the strength of the Nether Fire Corpse would be multiplied.

At that time, as long as the golden elixir does not come out, he will not be afraid of even the pseudo-elixir realm strongman who has mastered one or two magic weapons.

As for the golden elixir Taoist partner behind Yan Siyi, to be honest, he is not afraid in the face of interests. At worst, he will just flee from Yan State.

Anyway, if you have strength, anywhere is home.

If he was timid, he would not have fallen into the devil's way in his early years and become a demon cultivator that everyone wanted to beat.

As for the Poison Blood Demon Sect he joined now, it was nothing. He thought joining this demon sect was a good opportunity.

But who would have thought that the old demon of poison blood established this demon sect just to recruit thugs. All the good things obtained by the sect were hidden by the old demon and would not be taken out at all.

If he had not had a glimmer of hope for the demon sect in the past, he would have left the sect long ago.

But just when this powerful corpse cultivator who had completed the foundation building was distracted, a loud shout suddenly came from the sky.

"How dare you, a mere cultivator of the foundation building stage, have evil thoughts towards my wife, children, and my Ling family members!"

The next moment, a blue gemstone that was 48 feet in size suddenly fell from the distant sky.

When the powerful corpse cultivator who had completed the foundation building saw the shape of the gemstone, a look of horror suddenly appeared on his face.

This orb is very famous in the whole Yan State, because it is one of the most commonly used prototypes of the orb by Ling Pengyun, the ancestor of the Ling family.

And the only one who can use this orb is Ling Pengyun, the ancestor of the Ling family.

At the moment when he was stunned, the huge Bi Hai Zhong Yuan orb fell from the sky and hit him hard.

The other demon cultivators around were not spared.

Either they were killed by the orb, or they were directly crushed by the gravity magnetic field of the orb.

Only the two strong iron corpses and the fire corpse under the command of the corpse master still had a faint breath.

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