Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 530: The third-level middle-grade Swift Wind Talisman appears again and is being hunted down

A few hours later.

Ling Pengyun and others had just left the vast Poison Dragon Pond boundary in the Bailing Flying Boat and entered the Qingxin Gymnasium area adjacent to this area, when they noticed a red gold bear demon in the late Golden Core stage and two mid-Jindan stage chasing behind them thousands of miles away.

Moreover, the three bear demons were extremely fast and were getting closer to the Bailing Feizhou at all times.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

The Bailing Flying Boat they were riding in was not slow. This flying boat could travel more than 800,000 miles per day. Only monsters at the sixth level of the Golden Core could barely achieve such speed.

They can understand that the red gold bear in the late stage of the Golden Core can catch up.

After all, this bear escape technique is enough to travel more than 900,000 miles per day, which is faster than the Bailing Flying Boat.

But the two bear demons, whose cultivation level is no more than the fourth or fifth level of the Golden Core, can only fly at a speed of about six or seven hundred thousand miles per day according to common sense.

Under such circumstances, it was strange that the two bear demons, whose cultivation level was no more than the fourth or fifth level of the Golden Core, could catch up with the third-level mid-level Bailing Feizhou.

However, when everyone took a closer look, they discovered that there was something strange about the two bear monsters with fourth and fifth levels of Golden Core.

The two golden elixir fourth- and fifth-level bear demons each had a treasure talisman with a flash of spiritual light and a third-level aura attached to their bodies.

Relying on the effect of these treasure talismans, the two bear demons of the fourth and fifth levels of the golden elixir were propelled forward by countless strong winds, making their escape skills faster by two or three points, enough to reach eight or ninety in a day. Thousands of miles or so.

As a result, their speed is faster than that of the Bailing Flying Boat.

The wind talisman is a spiritual talisman that enhances speed. The lowest grade is the third level. When attached to the body, it can increase the speed of the attack.

Master Bai Ling, who was driving Bai Ling Feizhou, frowned when he saw this situation.

In order to prevent the three bear demons behind him from catching up, which would delay his escape and allow the other golden elixir demon kings to catch up, he did not hesitate to consume his spiritual power and directly activated the "Bailing Escape Technique" that came with the flying boat.

In an instant, the flying boat flashed with light and turned into a line of light and shadow sliding across the sky, its speed nearly doubled.

Within a few breaths, the Bailing Feizhou left the three bear demons behind. It was impossible to see the three bear demons with the naked eye.

But for this reason, the spiritual power in Master Bailing's body is also constantly being consumed.

In addition, Master Bailing fought with the Jindan Demon King for half a day while in Poison Dragon City.

This also makes it so that the spiritual power in his golden elixir will be exhausted after only half a stick of incense time has passed for Master Bailing to activate the Flying Boat Escape Technique.

Although after that, Master Bailing used three "Spiritual Power Restoration Talismans" drawn by the spiritual talisman ancestor of Bailingmen, a third-level low-level talisman maker, and pasted them on his body, restoring nearly half of his spiritual power.

But considering that he had already distanced himself from the bear demon behind him, and his meridians were already a little sore from the continuous use of recovery talismans, it would be difficult to use other items to restore spiritual power in a short period of time. To be on the safe side, he did not Just like before, he continued to use his spiritual power to activate the Flying Boat Escape Technique.

The speed of the Bailing Flying Boat also slowed down and returned to its normal flying speed.

But what surprised Ling Pengyun and others was that within an hour or two, the three bear monsters that had previously been chasing them caught up with them again.

Moreover, their speed was 30% faster than before.

Everyone took another look and realized that the level of the blast talisman attached to the three bear monsters was a little higher than before, reaching the third-level mid-level realm.

"Third-level mid-grade blast talisman!"

"Why do the red gold bear clan have so many third-level treasure talismans? Now we are in trouble!"

Ling Pengyun, who was riding the Bailing Flying Boat, muttered to himself.

Then, he looked around, and when he saw that this place was the Qiuyangyan territory occupied by Qingxin Taoist Temple, his eyes lit up, and he immediately asked Qingxin Laodao, the master of Qingxin Taoist Temple, who was also riding the flying boat.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxin, how far is this place from Qingping Mountain where your Qingxin Taoist Temple has set up a third-level formation in this area?"

When the old Taoist Qingxin heard this, he frowned and even cursed Ling Pengyun secretly in his heart.

He naturally knew what Ling Pengyun was thinking.

The battlefield was moved to the "Qingping Mountain" in Qiuyangyan's territory that he occupied. It would be good if he finally repelled the chasing demon king.

But if the demon king was not repelled, but they were repelled by the demon beast like they were in Poison Dragon City, causing them to escape in embarrassment, the mortals under the command of the Qingxin Taoist Hall in Qiuyangyan Realm, as well as the monks of the Taoist Hall, would not be spared. .

When everyone on the flying boat heard this, they also set their sights on Qingxin Lao Dao.

The old Taoist Qingxin who was originally unwilling to answer to avoid bringing danger to the territory occupied by his sect had to answer under the gaze of everyone.

"About... about thirty thousand miles!"

When the master of the flying boat, Master Bailing, heard this, his eyes lit up with joy. "Thirty thousand miles is not far away. Anyway, I will be overtaken soon. Instead of continuing to escape, it is better to go to Qingxin Taoist Sect and take shelter in Qingping Mountain in the Qiuyangyan realm."

"In this way, we have the third-level formation in Qingping Mountain as our base. Even if we cannot kill the three golden elixir demon kings chasing behind us in a short time, they will delay the time for other demon kings. With support coming, we won’t be too passive.”

After saying this, Master Bailing looked at the displeased old Taoist Qingxin and said meaningfully.

"Fellow Taoist Qingxin, if you are not willing to lend Qingping Mountain to us as a base, then leave my flying boat!"

"Without my flying boat, your Qingxin Taoist Hall's low-grade third-level flying boat would have been caught up by the demon king. You might have been killed by now."

"Don't be an ungrateful person."

The displeased Qingxin Taoist listened to the threat of Bailing Zhenren, and looked at the three extremely fast red-gold bear monsters behind him, who were higher in cultivation than him. His body trembled slightly, and a trace of fear appeared on his face.

"Brother Bailing, you are joking. How could I not be willing to lend you Qingping Mountain, which is arranged with a third-level formation, as a temporary residence!"

After hearing this, Bailing Zhenren snorted at Qingxin Taoist, and then headed towards the "Qingping Mountain" in the Qiuyangyan territory occupied by Qingxin Taoist Hall.


In less than half an hour.

The crowd relied on the Bailing flying boat to cross 30,000 miles and entered the top of Qingping Mountain, which was arranged with a third-level formation.

Many high-ranking members of the Qingxin Taoist Temple in the mountain were puzzled when they saw their master coming with so many Jindan Zhenren. They all came forward to ask their master, the Taoist Qingxin.

The Taoist Qingxin was a little unhappy that Ling Pengyun and others came to Qingping Mountain, so he was too lazy to explain. He just ordered the people in the Taoist temple to open the third-level formation in the mountain.

In an instant, a huge yellow light curtain appeared, covering the entire Qingping Mountain.

Within a hundred breaths, the late Jindan and two middle Jindan red gold bear monsters that had chased Ling Pengyun and others arrived within a few thousand feet of Qingping Mountain.

"I will stop the seventh-level Jindan and the fifth-level Jindan red-gold bear monster on the left."

"The other fourth-level Jindan bear monster will be stopped by the four of you. Go all out and don't save your spiritual power."

"If we can't kill any of the three demon kings before the other demon kings come to support us, our situation will be bad!"

Among the five Jindan cultivators present, Bai Ling Zhenren, who has the highest cultivation, raised his hand and pointed at the late Jindan and the fifth-level Jindan red-gold bear monster on the left, and said solemnly to Ling Pengyun, Ling Yunhong, Bao Yuan Zhenren, and Qing Xin Laodao, four early-stage Jindan cultivators beside him.

After speaking, Bai Ling Zhenren directly summoned the sect's third-level top-grade magic weapon "Black Flame True Fire Gourd", and summoned a large amount of black flame true fire from it, sweeping away the seventh-level and fifth-level Jindan red-gold bears outside Qingping Mountain.

The temperature of the black flame true fire spewed out by the black flame true fire gourd is extremely high, and because of the high quality of this magic weapon, the power of this black flame true fire is several times stronger than the ordinary true fire of the same level.

The red gold bears of the seventh and fifth levels of the golden elixir had seen the powerful power of this true fire when they attacked the Poison Dragon City before, so they naturally did not dare to be careless.

Immediately, they directly supported their life defense spell "Red Gold Mysterious Yuan Cover".

The defense power of this red gold mysterious yuan cover is good, and it is much stronger than the power of ordinary defense magic weapons of the same level. Even the black flame true fire is difficult to break in a short time.

But at this moment, three blazing flying swords carrying more than 80 feet of sword light and the grade of the third-level middle grade suddenly rushed out, slid across the sky, and fiercely bombarded the defense light curtain on the two bear monsters, directly stopping their stealth escape technique.

Then, another strange black wind came.

This black wind was quite powerful and had an erosive effect, like a deadly poison. The two bears that were corroding the light curtain kept making sizzling sounds.

In fact, this wind helped the fire of the black flame true fire, making it even more powerful.

In Qingping Mountain, Bai Ling Zhenren, who had summoned a black banner from nowhere and a black flame true fire gourd on his head, put his hands together and muttered a sentence.

"Black flame true fire tornado!"


The black banner and the black flame true fire gourd flashed at the same time.

Outside the mountain, the countless black flame true fires that swept over the defensive light curtain around the golden elixir seventh-level and golden elixir fifth-level bear monsters quickly merged into the strange black wind, forming a black flame true fire tornado that was a hundred feet high, with a strong aura, strong wind, and great power.

This tornado only rolled once, and it rolled the red-gold bear monsters of the seventh and fifth levels of the golden elixir into the center of the tornado.

Countless suction forces also swept over the bodies of the two bears at this moment, making it difficult for the two bears to stabilize their bodies, and they kept swaying from side to side.

The black flame true fire in the tornado and the three blazing flying swords also took this opportunity to continuously bombard the defensive light curtains around the two bears, causing waves.

The red-gold bear monsters of the seventh and fifth levels of the golden elixir were thus blocked by Bai Ling Zhenren of the seventh level of the golden elixir.

In fact, the two bear monsters were suppressed by Bai Ling Zhenren.

On the top of Qingping Mountain.

Ling Pengyun, who was standing not far from Bai Ling Zhenren, was slightly surprised when he saw Bai Ling Zhenren's method.

If two different magic weapons want to cooperate with each other, and complement each other and increase their power, it requires extremely strong spiritual awareness, and after trying countless magic weapon combination attacks to become proficient, it can be done.

Previously, when he was stationed in Poison Dragon City, Master Bailing did not use such a powerful method.

Ling Pengyun's eyes turned and fixed on the black long banner that exuded the aura of a third-level mid-grade magic weapon tightly held in Master Bailing's hand.

This long banner was the black evil long banner that he obtained when he killed the black wind wolf monster, a third-level Jindan mutant monster that the Thunder Leopard Clan invited to help him when he accompanied the Bailing Sect to destroy the Thunder Leopard Clan. He sold it to Master Bailing.

However, when Ling Pengyun sold it, the grade of this long banner was only the prototype of a magic weapon.

And now, the grade of this long banner has reached the high level of the third-grade middle grade.

"I think that Daoist Fellow Bailing has integrated a lot of third-grade precious wood and silk into the long banner in recent years!"

"If we can safely survive this crisis, I can ask Daoist Fellow Bailing about the third-grade soul-gathering wood and the third-grade Yinhun silk."

"If I can find these two items, after I get the third-grade lower-grade refining equipment inheritance of Bailing Sect, I can also use these two items to recast the magic weapon-level ghost-controlling long banner and try to upgrade its grade to the third-grade realm."

Thinking back, Ling Pengyun sacrificed his life magic weapon, the Bi Hai Chong Yuan Treasure Pearl, and other magic weapons, followed by Ling Yunhong, the first-level Jindan, Bao Yuan Zhenren, and Qing Xin Lao Daoist, the third-level Jindan, and attacked the fourth-level Jindan Red Gold Bear Monster outside the mountain, which was still escaping to Qingping Mountain and was unstoppable.

Thanks: Dreaming of Chang'an 12, Looking Far Away, Little Elephant is Handsome, Crying, Wei Feng Qing Liang, Dao Ming, Lonely-Ea, Book Friend 2021123094621406, Book Friend 201910008201807910, Book Friend 20200504041838003, soulTOme, Book Friend 20190205022822909, Kaguya, Iron Blooded Army Soul 21 for their monthly tickets.

Thanks to Future Wupan for his 700-point reward

Thanks to everyone for your support

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