Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 555 Corpse Hall, Dark Hall, Beast Hall (3000 words, please subscribe)

Spring Festival.


Deep in Lingyun Island, in a quaint hall with the words "Meeting Hall" hanging on it, all the senior officials of the Ling family gathered here.

Two Jindan masters, Ling Pengyun and Ling Yunhong, sat side by side at the head of a long table in the hall.

The eleven foundation-building elders of the Ling family were sitting on both sides of the long table.

Ling Pengyun, who was sitting at the head of the family, saw that all the family's senior officials had arrived, so he asked Ling Chengyuan, the eldest elder in charge of the family's affairs, what he was thinking.

"Cheng Yuan, how has the family's income been in the past five years?"

This question is also what the clan leader Ling Yunhong and the other elders are curious about, and they also look at the great elder Ling Chengyuan.

Ling Chengyuan was already prepared, a smile appeared on his face, and he spoke.

"In the past five years, the majority of the family's income in spiritual stones has been digesting the materials from the more than 200,000 monster beasts killed by the swamp giant clan in the early years."

"Relying on the family's Baiyi practitioners and Baiyi guests to refine those materials into spiritual objects and sell them, regardless of the cost, the family can earn at least a net income of more than 50,000 spiritual stones every year by relying on this method."

"And our clan's main business is planting spiritual plants, refining elixirs, refining weapons, etc. All in all, it can also bring about 20,000 spiritual stones in net income every year."

"Combining the two, minus the annual stipends distributed to the eight hundred members of the clan and the tilted cultivation of clan members' resources, the family can have around forty-one to two thousand spiritual stones left every year. ”

"The total number of remaining spirit stones in the past five years is about 210,000 spirit stones."

When Ling Pengyun heard this, his face suddenly lit up and he asked Ling Chengyuan again.

"Yes, how many spiritual stones are available in the clan's treasury now?"

Ling Chengyuan replied. "There are currently more than 586,000 spiritual stones in the family treasury. If we are safe, we can use about 400,000 spiritual stones for three years of clan salary!"

The joy on Ling Pengyun's face became even more intense. He nodded and then gave instructions. "Although the quantity of this batch of spiritual stones is good, it is still a little short."

"Three years later, the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect of the Nascent Soul Cultivation World in the Boundless Sea will hold a medium-sized auction once every thirty years in Mu Yuanfang City. There will be many spiritual objects in it. In the next three years, more spiritual stones will be saved. At that time, I will go and buy a batch of spiritual objects to bring back to my family.”

Except for a few insiders, the rest of the family's foundation-building elders looked shocked.

They had all heard Ling Pengyun say that the scale of the auction held every three years by the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect in the Boundless Sea was comparable to the scale of the auction held by Bailingmen, the old Jindan power in the Yan Kingdom, only once in a century.

Under such circumstances, they could probably guess how grand the auction that Mu Yuan Immortal Sect would hold only for thirty years would be.

"Okay!" Ling Cheng Yuandang nodded and agreed to the matter.

"Would you like to follow me and talk about the changes in the family's Baiyi Hall, War Hall, Merchant Hall, Beast Hall, Corpse Hall, and Dark Hall in the past five years?"

"If any young people with outstanding talents have emerged from these six halls in the past five years, you can also mention their names, and we will also have an influence."

Ling Pengyun asked verbally.


"The family's Baiyi Hall currently has a population of one hundred and fifteen, of which seventy-eight are family's Baiyi practitioners, and the remaining 47 Baiyi practitioners are all guests invited by the family."

"In the past five years, among these tribesmen, there have been no tribesmen with outstanding talents in various arts."

"The war hall, the current number of members has been maintained at fifty according to the rules set by Uncle Peng Yun in the early years. The strong will enter and the weak will leave."

"After such selection, coupled with the family's various secret techniques, high-quality magic weapons and other resources provided, each of these fifty war hall members has stronger strength than the same level."

"However, in the past five years, no young people have been able to enter the war hall. The only good talents in this hall are Wan Duo and Wanxu."

"There are a lot of people in the business hall, and the clan members who run shops outside have joined in, the number is one hundred and fifty-nine."

"Among them, a child with excellent financial acumen has appeared in the past five years. That child belongs to the 98th Ranking of the Ten Thousand Characters Generation and is named Ling Wanbo."

"He was originally a member of the War Hall, but because of his poor qualifications and even with enough spiritual aid, his cultivation still could not keep up with the requirements of the War Hall, so he was squeezed out by the rest of the clan."

"Afterwards, in order to obtain more profits, this child took on the job of taking care of a family store in Lingxiaofang City. He wanted to act as a manager and rely on selling spiritual objects to earn a share of the sales of spiritual objects, so as to obtain cultivation resources. Feed back your cultivation.”

"At the beginning, the business of the shop run by this child was not good, and the net income was only more than 500 spiritual stones per year at most."

"But after several years of hard work, this kid has become more experienced, and he already has a talent in this area."

"In the past two years, this kid also had a sudden idea and actually hired some good-looking brothel girls, wearing tulle to act as maids in the store."

"These maids are not shy at all, and they are not afraid of customers getting stuck on gas. They even have right prices and...ahem...special services."

"This business model has brought a huge flow of people, and the spiritual objects in the shop run by Wan Bo are also driven to be sold."

"Now the shop run by Wan Bo is known as the most popular shop in Lingxiaofang City. There is no other shop. Even the shops opened by the old people in the family who are good at business cannot compare to the shop run by this child."

"And this shop can also bring a net income of three thousand spiritual stones to the family every year."

"With such income, I have recently been thinking about whether to promote Wan Bo's practice of hiring brothel girls as maids, but I am also afraid that the world will say that I, the Ling family, are shameless."

"The number of spirit beasts on the Spirit Beast Island where the Beast Hall is stationed has now reached 2,138, of which 1,469 are in the early stage of Qi training... In times of crisis, as long as there is an order, The spiritual beasts in this beast hall are enough to form an army.”

"By the way, Lin Fan, the beast master who is in charge of Spirit Beast Island, has promoted his beast control to the second-level low-level realm last year. Now he has become a second-level low-level beast master. With his help , the reproduction rate of these spiritual beasts in the Beast Hall is estimated to increase by 30 to 40% in the future.”

"There are currently thirty clansmen in the Corpse Hall who are practicing corpse refining. These clansmen are all those with fourth or fifth spiritual roots. Their cultivation speed is slow, so they practice this way more diligently."

"Relying on the Blood Demon Beast Refining Technique created by Peng Yun Boqian, which can retain most of the combat consciousness of the monster beasts after they are refined into demon corpses, they have now refined more than 750 Qi Cultivation Realm Demon Corpses. "

"Because there are currently no tribesmen in the corpse-walking realm who have entered the foundation-building realm, there are no tribesmen who can sacrifice the demon corpses in the foundation-building realm."

"And there is a talent in this Corpse Path. That talent is called Ling Li Bing. He is from an ordinary family. He is ranked fifth in the Li generation and has five spiritual roots."

"This child created a corpse refining method called Xuan Bing half a year ago. Through this method, a kind of demon corpse can be made that can spit Xuan Bing to attack or use Xuan Bing as armor. But that The Xuanbing method of refining corpses has not yet been perfected, and there is a high probability of failure in refining this corpse. Only one of ten attempts will succeed."

"And this corpse is only strong enough to fight."

"I have asked for advice on this kind of black ice corpse. It is stronger than the ordinary black iron demon corpse of the same level. However, because it is not perfect yet, it can only be regarded as an inferior demon refining method at best."

"And because the Dark Hall is secretive about what it wants to do, I have always kept the number of members at around ten."

"I have arranged these ten tribesmen to the realms of the five golden elixir powers of Xuanyang Gate, Bailing Sect, Qingxin Taoist Temple, Yaowang Valley, and Ten Thousand Beasts Sect. Through their status as casual cultivators, they are all related to the core of these five golden elixir powers. The disciples met."

"Through some exchanges of interests, the ten clan members also found out a lot of information that is beneficial to the family from the core disciples of the five golden elixir forces."

"Among them, the biggest piece of news is that our Antan clan members learned it from an elder of the Ten Thousand Beast Sect who manages some of the sect's finances."

"According to the elder of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, in recent years, there have been at least tens of thousands of spiritual stones on the books of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect every year."

"The only person with such power in the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect is the master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, the Master of the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect, who has the cultivation of golden elixir."

"In addition, Liu Nian, the direct disciple of Wanshou Zhenren who once tried to break through the golden elixir and failed but survived, is now 145 years old and is 150 years away from the best age to break through the golden elixir. The year is not far away, and the people in the secret hall and I have guessed that the Master of Ten Thousand Beasts is most likely planning to assist his disciple Liu Nian in trying to break through the golden elixir again. "

Ling Cheng Yuandao.

"It's interesting to have a brothel girl as a maid, but Wanbo's kid is quite clever!"


"This kind of business method is fully promoted. Even if the family does not promote it, I am afraid that other forces will eagerly follow suit. Rather than doing this, it is better for us, the Ling family, to seize the opportunity."

"As long as the products sold in my Ling's shop are of good quality, not fake, and do not affect the family's reputation, then everything will be fine."

"As for the soldier who created his own magic corpse refining method, he is really talented, so he will be entrusted to me to take him with me to cultivate his way to improve the secret method of corpse path."

"And the thing about the Ten Thousand Beasts Sect does make sense."

"The next beast tide is about to come. The Purple Scorpion Ridge area adjacent to the Ten Thousand Beast Sect has been occupied by a group of ice and snow lions with eight Golden Core Demon Kings. The sect's protective spiritual beast, the Golden Feather Dapeng, has already died tragically. According to the Ice and Snow Lions, the only one left in the Wanshou Sect is the Wanshou Zhenren."

"If we don't train more golden elixirs, this sect will be in a very difficult situation during the chaos of monsters."

"However, if this sect can really cultivate a golden elixir combat power, our strength in the Immortal Cultivation World of Yan State can also be a little stronger. During the next monster chaos, we will face the Nascent Soul Monster Clan and the Red Gold Bear Clan to take revenge on those who survived. The probability may be greater.”

Ling Pengyun murmured after hearing the news from An Tang.

"Speaking of this monster beast chaos, the family still needs to develop as quickly as possible, especially the spiritual beasts in the Beast Hall and the demon corpses in the Corpse Hall need to be cultivated at a faster pace."

The clan leader Ling Yunhong on the side frowned after listening to Ling Pengyun's words and added.


Ling Cheng Yuandao.

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