Lingxiao Immortal Clan

Chapter 564: The Double Dragon Sea-Covering Formation, the Familiar Spiritual Formation Ancestor (3,

Therefore, the Mu Yuan Immortal Sect prepared more than 50,000 spiritual objects for this auction, and the auction lasted for nine days. To this day, there are still some higher-quality second-level spiritual objects that have not been auctioned.

Among them, there were even some rare things that could increase longevity. Ling Pengyun was very moved by this, so he bid out the prices and bought them one by one, intending to give them to his relatives.

After auctioning a few more Zhongyi spiritual objects, he stopped.

Soon, it was time for the grand finale auction.

Standing on the round platform in the center of the hall on the first floor of the auction house, a monk from the Muyuan Immortal Sect of the Golden Elixir Perfection Realm, who was presiding over the auction, took out a piece of armor with bright aura and countless runes from his personal storage bag. of talismans.

"Everyone, there are three hundred items in this grand finale."

"The first final auction item is the third-level low-grade defensive talisman Wu Tu Xuanjia Talisman. Once this talisman is used, it can transform into an armor whose defensive power is comparable to the power of the third-level low-grade defensive magic weapon. It is enough to withstand three full blows from the early Golden Core monks. ”

"The base price of this talisman is one thousand spiritual stones. The one with the highest price will get it. Each increase in price cannot be less than one hundred spiritual stones."

As soon as these words were spoken, calls for prices came from the private rooms on the second floor and even the private rooms on the third floor.

"Two thousand spiritual stones!"

"Two thousand one hundred spiritual stones!"


After a while, the Wutu Xuanjia Talisman was bought by a Jindan monk in the private room on the third floor for a high price of 4,900 spiritual stones.

The quality of the final lot that appeared later was better than the last, and even the two golden elixir monks Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi were excited.

However, through the auction brochure, both of them already had something they valued. In addition to purchasing three third-level low-grade monster golden elixirs with 30,000 and 40,000 spiritual stones respectively, they planned to bring them back to the family for Ling Yunhong to refine. Apart from Ju Yuan Dan, the two of them did not dare to spend spiritual stones at will.

Master Jiamu, who had previously shown off that he could earn spiritual stones by auctioning some elixirs, made bold moves several times and purchased a lot of third-level elixirs that could be used to refine elixirs. The spiritual stones he earned this time were basically All was spent.

This also made Ling Pengyun make fun of Master Jiamu.

Master Jiamu was also angry and counterattacked with the excuse that I was selling elixirs to make more money.

However, Ling Pengyun didn't care to take this opportunity to give him a good scolding.

During this period, the auction has sold more than 200 grand finale lots, and the quality of these lots is getting better and better.

And the prices of those auction items are getting higher and higher.

After the Muyuan Immortal Sect monk who was standing on the round table in the hall auctioned three bottles of third-level middle-grade Yuan Judan, the man also took out eighteen blue formation flags, a disk, and a Long blue flag.

"The two hundred and eighty-first lot, the third-order low-grade Double Dragon Sea-Crushing Formation."

"This formation is an attack formation. When paired with the formation's double dragon sea-covering flags, it can transform into two spiritual water dragons with early stages of golden elixir cultivation to fight against the enemy."

"If this formation absorbs enough water vapor and accumulates it for nine years, the two spiritual water dragons can even unleash a powerful blow comparable to that of a fourth-level golden elixir monster."

"It can be said that this formation is extremely powerful. The starting price of this formation is 100,000 spiritual stones, and each increase in price cannot be less than 1,000 spiritual stones."

Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, and their eyes lit up when they heard the introduction of the twin dragons covering the sea formation.

This formation is what captures their hearts.

The Ling family currently only has a third-order formation, the Five Elements Returning Formation, and this formation was borrowed from Bailingmen.

Calculating the time, this formation was originally borrowed for fifty years, and now nearly half of it has passed.

Even if the next monster chaos is not delayed, the Five Elements Returning Formation will be returned to Bailingmen.

As a result, the Ling clan lacked the formation of the Ichigo clan.

During the auction of the grand finale of this auction, several third-order formations had already been auctioned.

However, those third-level formations did not have array weapons and were of ordinary power, so Ling Pengyun and Yan Siyi did not purchase them.

On the other hand, the Double Dragon Sea-Crushing Formation that will be auctioned now has a third-level low-grade magical weapon. It is extremely powerful and belongs to water. It can be matched with the water potential of Lingxiao Qianxing Lake. It is actually a clan-protecting formation. A good match.

Immediately, Ling Pengyun tried to shout a high price.

"Five million spiritual stones."

Although the bidding price was high, the extremely powerful Double Dragon Sea-Crushing Formation was extremely popular, and soon, Ling Pengyun's bidding was drowned out.

And the price of the Double Dragon Sea-Covering Formation has also risen to 700,000 spiritual stones.

At this price, there are only two golden elixir monks on the third floor left to fight for it.

The price increase of the sea-turning array also slowed down, and it basically increased by one thousand, one thousand.

When Ling Pengyun and his wife saw this, they both frowned.

Over the years, even if the family has been frugal and frugal, they have only been able to scrape together 600,000 spiritual stones to purchase spiritual objects for the family.

In addition, the two of them have saved up over the years, and they only have about 780,000 spiritual stones.

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to lose everything, and the wallet I finally built up will be deflated again."

Ling Pengyun muttered helplessly to himself.

Then, he gritted his teeth and directly increased the price by 50,000 pieces of spiritual stones.

"I'll give you 750,000 spiritual stones."

Suddenly, there was no more bidding in the auction house that was full of bids.

Although the Double Dragon Sea-Crushing Formation is extremely powerful because it contains a low-grade third-grade weapon, the formation's grade is only low-grade third grade after all.

The price of this kind of formation at major auctions is only worth 700,000 spiritual stones.

Nowadays, an extra fifty thousand spiritual stones is tantamount to a premium.

Fifty thousand spiritual stones is not a small amount of money for a Jindan monk.

This also indirectly caused one of the two golden elixirs who had previously competed for this formation to retreat, leaving only one golden elixir to bid again.

"I will give you 751,000 spiritual stones."

Ling Pengyun's already furrowed brows became even more furrowed.

"Seven hundred and eighty thousand spiritual stones!"

The elixir that the other party was bidding on had some insufficient funds. Otherwise, he would not have increased the price by one thousand thousand before.

After hesitating for a while, the man gave up the bidding.

The third-level low-grade Double Dragon Sea-Crushing Formation was also successfully auctioned by Ling Pengyun.

"Brother Ling is very wealthy. The 80,000 pieces of spiritual stones you bought from that formation this time are higher than the price I paid for the dozens of third-level elixirs I sold at the auction."

"Seriously, you have money but no brains."

Master Jiamu, who was scolded by Ling Pengyun earlier, laughed loudly.

"Brother Mu, you are not active in refining elixirs for Mu Yuan Immortal Sect and have not earned enough contribution points. It is difficult to redeem a third-level low-grade formation from Mu Yuan Immortal Sect. Otherwise, I would have found Brother Mu long ago. You purchased a third-level low-grade formation from Muyuan Immortal Sect."

"And the 80,000 pieces of spiritual stones I paid for at a high price this time will not be earned by others, but will go into Brother Mu's wallet."

Ling Pengyun, who had been depleted of spiritual stones and felt extremely painful in his heart, his face darkened when he heard this, and he directly said a murderous and heart-wrenching sentence.

When the always greedy Master Jiamu realized that he had lost 80,000 spiritual stones, the smile on his face suddenly froze and turned into a bitter look.

Master Jiamu even let out a long sigh.

"I really missed it!"

Ling Pengyun, who had a dark face, felt much better when he saw this.

Afterwards, several more items were auctioned, and the Muyuan Immortal Sect monk who presided over the auction also took out a green spiritual fruit with rich spiritual energy from the storage bag.

"The 298th lot, the 300-year-old golden elixir spiritual object Mu Yuanling Fruit, can help monks increase their probability of breaking through the golden elixir by 10%."

"The starting price for this object is 100,000 spiritual stones..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the auction venue went crazy.

Previously, those foundation-building monks who had some wealth and were in the private room on the second floor took a tolerant approach when they saw the Golden Pill monks snatching the things they longed for.

But now, they are arguing with reason, and it is not false at all.

In the private room on the third floor, some golden elixir monks who had never opened their mouths also started bidding.

Under such circumstances, the price of the golden elixir spiritual object Muyuan Spirit Fruit quickly rose to 310,000 spiritual stones.

"I'll give you 330,000 spiritual stones."

An old voice came from a private room on the third floor.

When Ling Pengyun, Yan Siyi, who were both in the private room on the third floor, heard this sound, their expressions changed.

The two looked at each other and said at the same time.

"Ancestor of the spiritual formation!"

Ling Pengyun then smiled and said. “I didn’t expect that the traitorous Spirit Formation Patriarch of the Bailing Sect didn’t succeed in planning the golden elixir spiritual object of the Bailing Sect. Instead, he was driven away by the golden elixir Taoist friends of the Bailing Sect, and then he actually came to this boundless sea to cultivate immortality. "

"Looking at how many spiritual stones this person can produce, I'm afraid this person is doing well."

Yan Siyi echoed from the side. "How can I put it this way, the ancestor of the spiritual formation is also a veteran third-level low-grade formation mage, and he is quite popular wherever he goes."

The Master Jiamu on the side seemed to have heard the monk who was asking for 330,000 spiritual stones to buy the Muyuan Spirit Fruit. He had a rare serious look on his face and said doubtfully.

"Two of you, isn't that Taoist Fellow of the Xuan Zhen? How come he has become the ancestor of the Spiritual Zhen?"

"Fellow Daoist Xuanzhen? Has the route number been changed?" Ling Pengyun muttered to himself curiously, and then explained to Master Jiamu.

"The fellow Daoist of the Xuanzhen you are talking about was originally a Supreme Elder of the Bailing Sect in the Yan Kingdom of my Northern Wilderness Cultivation Realm."

"However, because this person was greedy for a golden elixir from Bailing Sect, he actually killed a fellow sect member. This also aroused the hostility of the other golden elixirs from Bailing Sect. The ancestor of the Spirit Formation was also kicked out of Bailing Sect because of this."

Master Jiamu said with a smile.

"I didn't expect that in recent years, my fellow Daoist Daoist Xuanzhen, who was famous at the junction of our human sea area and the monster sea area, would still have such past events."

"Brother Mu, tell me what the reputation of the ancestor of the spiritual formation is in your mouth?" Ling Pengyun said.

"When it comes to this mysterious formation... no, what is most worth mentioning about the reputation of the Taoist friend of the spiritual formation is that this person, with the early stage of the Golden Core cultivation, used the power of the natal formation to kill a mid-stage Golden Core monster. ”

"By the way, this person has been killing monsters in the Raging Whale Sea area under our sect for these years. He is also employed by our Muyuan Immortal Sect. It is said that some time ago, this person has raised a sum of contribution points. My sect, the Wrathful Whale Sea Territory, exchanged a third-level low-grade spiritual vein and established a Jindan family called the Mo family."

"It is estimated that the spiritual formation fellow Daoist purchased the Mu Yuan Spirit Fruit this time to plan the golden elixir path for his descendants."

Master Jiamu said carefully.

"So, this spiritual formation veteran does have some evil intentions." Ling Pengyun said with a smile.


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